NBA Live 10 News Post

Da_Czar recently had an opportunity to head out to EA Canada and played a ton of NBA Live 10. Check out his impressions, right here. Two Czarisodes will be available next week.

"Recently your man Da_Czar was invited to go up to EA Canada to have a look at NBA Live 10. While elated to have an opportunity lay my hands on the game early I also had a few demands of the LIVE team on my visit.

I wanted to be certain no one was spiking my kool-aid (berry blu), so I requested that outside of my tour I be locked away and allowed to play with no one telling me “hey this is cool look at this”. To my surprise they had the exact same thing in mind. I was shocked by how open they were with their product. As I always do I will give it too you straight... No chaser... But to the haters of the series that also includes things I enjoyed about the experience."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 23 @ 09/03/09 04:55 PM
# 2 KChow21 @ 09/03/09 04:56 PM
Good stuff DaCzar!
# 3 stephensonmc @ 09/03/09 04:57 PM
# 4 DirtyJerz32 @ 09/03/09 05:16 PM
Great stuff Czar! CAN NOT wait until next week when the demo drops.
# 5 Tha_Kid @ 09/03/09 05:19 PM
Very informative write-up. The points about defense have me quite intrigued and anticipating the demo on the 17th.

It's unfortunate that the frontcourt hasn't received the same sort of individualized attention that the guards got, as dribbling was overhauled and each player feels different there but the difference in posting up with Shaq vs Yao isn't as pronounced.
# 6 GSW @ 09/03/09 05:24 PM
can't wait.
# 7 RipCity71252 @ 09/03/09 05:24 PM
Awesome read Czar. Sounds like the game was tons of fun.

Can't wait to try it out on the 10th.
# 8 Bornindamecca @ 09/03/09 05:24 PM
Now that was the steak and the potatoes right there.
# 9 GSW @ 09/03/09 05:28 PM
"How come you didnt say anything negative Czar...what are you, on EA's pay roll?...you fanboy!!!"
# 10 bigeastbumrush @ 09/03/09 05:37 PM

I am probably not allowed to say this but I feel I must just to set the record straight. Synergy = axiom. PERIOD.
Axiom:a self-evident truth that requires no proof.
The data points from synergy can NOT be competed with. I wish I could tell you more !!!
You got me intrigued man...

Excellent write up. Glad to see EA brought some well-deserved knowledge to the studios and not just those cheese tournament clowns.
# 11 23 @ 09/03/09 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by GSW
"How come you didnt say anything negative Czar...what are you, on EA's pay roll?...you fanboy!!!"
Proclamation and a rule here, that anyone making this accusation purely from the heart needs to be banned
# 12 23 @ 09/03/09 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
You got me intrigued man...

Excellent write up. Glad to see EA brought some well-deserved knowledge to the studios and not just those cheese tournament clowns.

I think those days are over with man...

Great write up Czar. You put out the real goodness about the gameplay and not fluff... Although im sure people will have little questions here and there like presentation stuff, how the J's look, the dunks, etc... I think this one here pretty much gave you insight into if its for you or not.

Doesnt seem like cheese works on either side of the ball and one reason is thanks to the individual momentum
# 13 FlyBri @ 09/03/09 05:46 PM
Of course I will have to wait until the demo comes out before I truly say how the game plays, but I just have a feeling it's still going to be crap. Even looking at the gameplay videos, the ball still behaves unrealistically when coming off the rim, and the animations are still horrible (pretty choppy). They really need to revamp the entire game and start from scratch...
# 14 RipCity71252 @ 09/03/09 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by DOPESQUAD V3NOM
great but i cnt see myself buying LOVE...i just cnt...LIVE will be great but thats wat they said about madden...i love madden btw...theres flaws in madden dat ruin the experience...so there has to be in LIVE...but live looks good...i'll prob rent it...or buy Live 10 used wen ppl start bringing it back
Madden and Live have totally different development teams.
# 15 crm968 @ 09/03/09 05:54 PM
Nice impressions Czar...that def got me more excited for the release.
The most impressive visuals in a basketball game that he has ever played? that's awesome.
# 16 SageInfinite @ 09/03/09 05:58 PM
Great write up Czar. Loving everything I read. 23 please keep an eye on this thread.
# 17 wbranson1 @ 09/03/09 05:59 PM
Nice write up czar! Cant wait for the 10th! Just 1 week!
# 18 stephensonmc @ 09/03/09 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by DOPESQUAD V3NOM
no **** they have different development teams....they are still EA
That's terrible logic homie, seriously.

I get this distain for EA, I really do, but we're here talking with all of you. We aren't evil, we aren't a "machine." We're human beings making a basketball game. Nothing burns me more than guys instantly dismissing our work b/c of the company we work for. Again, it's your money, but I think you'll be missing out on a fun experience.
# 19 krazyboy225 @ 09/03/09 06:05 PM
Great Read Czar...thk u and i am awaiting those Czarisodes.
# 20 krazyboy225 @ 09/03/09 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
That's terrible logic homie, seriously.

I get this distain for EA, I really do, but we're here talking with all of you. We aren't evil, we aren't a "machine." We're human beings making a basketball game. Nothing burns me more than guys instantly dismissing our work b/c of the company we work for. Again, it's your money, but I think you'll be missing out on a fun experience.
Yea man...

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