NBA 2K10 News Post

NBA 2K9 led the league in sales and critical acclaim last season while battling against inferior opponents, and has in general been leaps and bounds ahead of the competition for years now. In other words, it's tough being the king. But with the competition finally showing signs of life, NBA 2K10 is now looking to show that it has the goods to hold onto the crown.

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# 21 Pared @ 08/27/09 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
Sounds to me that 2K just has a different selection of things happening and cut to one or the other. No real difference in that vs. what Live is doing except that Live's might get old faster since it's just the one player they focus on. A "cut scene" in the past has generally meant something that's extremely cleaned-up and happens with enhanced models or otherwise outside of the controllable game environment. Both companies are using their game models for their cut scenes, which is good news for those of us that hated when you'd magically see a player teleport to the other side of the court where the cut scene was supposed to happen, etc.

Anyway, semantics.. I'm glad 2K is improving their presentation.
No, it's not really semantics. You wanted to point out the difference, so I'm clarifying.

Again, The Show uses cut scenes when showing players standing in the outfield throwing a blade of grass to check the wind, rounding the bases after a HR, grabbing a beach ball. They use in-game graphics as well, but it's still a cut scene. They have even said as much when I visited Sony.

2k's baseball game, while dreadful this year, does things in real-time. Players high five each other, celebrate a home run while rounding the bases, all in real-time.

When Live has a player celebrate after a made basket, that's real-time. Just like 2k's engine has had it all these years, Live finally has that as well.

In terms of the pre-game rituals, Live's are cut-scenes (but with in-game graphics). They use a screen cut to reset player location. That's part of the added bonus of doing things as a cut scene. It allows for the devs to easily manipulate where players are on the court. You also use smart camera angles to try and hide that sort of thing.

We still haven't seen 2k's, but if all media outlets are saying they are real time, I'm assuming we'll see D-Wade jumping up and grabbing the net (and the net actually moving) while his teammates are walking around the court getting ready for the tip. Camera angles typically focus on one guy during this, but it can allow for each player to do their own thing prior to tip. That's what happens when you're at the arena.
# 22 The 24th Letter @ 08/27/09 01:21 PM
i think so too pared...if you look at that one shaq screen lebron is kindve in the background while shaq is looking forward....makes me believe its real time..
# 23 Bornindamecca @ 08/27/09 01:24 PM

Stumble: LAWYERED!

Pared's right though. The term "cut scene" isn't about in-game graphics as much is it is about whether something is occurring in real time, vs. a pre-recorded sequence.
# 24 Pared @ 08/27/09 01:31 PM
I'm not saying it's an incorrect way to do it. Frankly, I don't care. I know developers care because it's quite the task to do what they do in real-time. Sony's developers said it would be a monumental thing to add the level of authenticity they do in real-time to The Show. I think honesty like that needs to be commended.

As well as the programming difficulties of such a feat like this. I'll wait until I see it, but to disregard the technical accomplishment of making everything real time is something I wouldn't do. We want real stuff for next-gen. Things occurring in real-time is the way all sports games need to be moving.

Madden just started added cut-scenes. Make the game feel more alive... but it's still a cut scene. That's so old school.

Ok, enough side-tracking the thread. My apologies everyone.
# 25 Goffs @ 08/27/09 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I'm not saying it's an incorrect way to do it. Frankly, I don't care. I know developers care because it's quite the task to do what they do in real-time. Sony's developers said it would be a monumental thing to add the level of authenticity they do in real-time to The Show. I think honesty like that needs to be commended.

As well as the programming difficulties of such a feat like this. I'll wait until I see it, but to disregard the technical accomplishment of making everything real time is something I wouldn't do. We want real stuff for next-gen. Things occurring in real-time is the way all sports games need to be moving.

Madden just started added cut-scenes. Make the game feel more alive... but it's still a cut scene. That's so old school.

Ok, enough side-tracking the thread. My apologies everyone.
i wish Madden never went to cut-scenes...i cant even skip them >:[

dang i was hoping this review was going to go up later on so i got something to read later while im at "work"....
# 26 SageInfinite @ 08/27/09 02:06 PM
Yea Live's pre game rituals are cutscenes, as well as some timeout and I think some end game stuff. 2k's all real time. Gotta love that
# 27 sephjow @ 08/27/09 02:06 PM
good preview man!nice job
# 28 XenoZograscope @ 08/27/09 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mamba94
2K9 was amazing but too difficult for me even in rookie mode.
I hope 2K10 will be more accessible for casual basketball users.

# 29 AI3 @ 08/27/09 02:20 PM
Nice preview. But it said there was a large amount of shoes for each brand. In the DC there werent too many, maybe around 30-40 kicks
# 30 Parasight @ 08/27/09 02:21 PM
It's about time we get assistant coaches. I got real tired of looking at the nobodies that sat beside the coach. Means we'll see Marc Iavaroni and Mo Cheeks
# 31 notque @ 08/27/09 02:21 PM
Great Preview, I'm so stoked. Loving the combine as well.
# 32 ChaseB @ 08/27/09 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Yea Live's pre game rituals are cutscenes, as well as some timeout and I think some end game stuff. 2k's all real time. Gotta love that

Lawyer it up.

Ha, I actually am kind of enjoying this argument since it's actually respectful. I do know Live only is calling certain timeout animations and (I think) out of bounds scenes as cut scenes -- otherwise it's all real time. I'm not sure if the camera in Live is dynamic and will be focusing on certain player intros from different camera angles or whatever each time, but after scoring plays or whatever when the camera cuts to a player that is all real-time stuff. So while the camera zoom in on a player, that same action would still be taking place if the camera was pulled out.

But the point is, I don't really think it's wrong to call the pregame rituals in Live real-time. It's not like those cut scenes are using a different graphical engine for those particular scenes, the camera is just zoomed in and focused on one player. So simply put, I think what they should be called is real-time cut scenes.

In 2K, I'm not sure what you would call it. The camera is dynamic, but I didn't get to see any of the "unique" player intros because I used teams that didn't really have them. I did see some of the stadium intros, but that was using the same camera the game always has. Either way, they're still real-time cut scenes because the camera is cutting to something and you aren't in control at that specific time. Right?
# 33 Pared @ 08/27/09 02:51 PM

If anyone wants to get REALLY technical... 2k does this when a foul is called and players need to shoot their free throws.

Were players moving to their spots for the tip? Or was there a camera cut that, once was over, had players magically in a different spot?
# 34 SageInfinite @ 08/27/09 02:52 PM
Why did I get quoted. I basically said the same thing.
# 35 jr2424 @ 08/27/09 03:13 PM
I have seen that we can play each other online in association mode (1 player vs. 1 player). Does anyone know if you and a friend can play association games against the AI? Thanks.
# 36 hoodkid205 @ 08/27/09 03:13 PM
when they say intros for all teams do they mean they will call out the starting lineup like the old 2k's (2k1)?
# 37 gmac0322 @ 08/27/09 03:32 PM
i know this might be a stupid question but what does it mean that you can play against someone in association mode? Does someone just randomly jump into someone else's association and play against them kind of like jumping into someones campaign mode in gears of war?
# 38 hoodkid205 @ 08/27/09 03:34 PM
lol nah u can invite a friend to come play against u
# 39 ChaseB @ 08/27/09 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Why did I get quoted. I basically said the same thing.
Because I hate your face Sage, that's why.
# 40 ChaseB @ 08/27/09 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Pared

If anyone wants to get REALLY technical... 2k does this when a foul is called and players need to shoot their free throws.

Were players moving to their spots for the tip? Or was there a camera cut that, once was over, had players magically in a different spot?
I didn't really see any signature intros like I said, so it usually went from a stadium intro, then cut to a layup line, and then cut to the tip.

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