NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 261 statum71 @ 08/08/09 03:40 PM
Very very impressive.

I'm like a guy who has a lady at home (2K), but this other girl (Live) keeps pushing up on me REAL strong.

I'm listening.
# 262 statum71 @ 08/08/09 03:44 PM
Looking good.


The rims and nets still like wayyy too stiff. Looks like the ball's hitting a trash can.
# 263 XxX syntax XxX @ 08/08/09 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by brownclown
2nd Quarter Score 2:00 remaining

2K Live
19 58

Its a wrap for 2K and i mean this
People still not happy..Nba live is looking GREAT this year and atleast they trying and doing a GREAT job at it..Like we really going to focus on the nets when we shoot..Enjoy the game because when the final comes out its going to amaze the world and the people that believe that nba live 10 couldnt change...From the vids we saw everything is looking up and it doesnt look robotic..
# 264 CallMeDrop @ 08/08/09 04:25 PM
Sage, Czar...you guys know I haven't been a Live fan for a long time. However, after watching these videos man...Mike's adding some nice features from his 2k days and the visuals look foolish (that means good, lol) This will definitely be the first year I buy both games. Only gripe is still those dunk/lay up animations still need work.

Sage, Czar...what's up with a track? 2K/EA

Holla at a fella!
# 265 theanswer34 @ 08/08/09 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by brownclown
2nd Quarter Score 2:00 remaining

2K Live
19 58

Its a wrap for 2K and i mean this
Yeah its a wrap cause 2k doesn't have any of this improvments , some of fanboys just sound dumb. Back to the video I liked what I saw glad there fixing issue that have been in the game for to long.
# 266 navyboy09 @ 08/08/09 05:23 PM
That reminds me dropseven, a couple of months ago the live team said when da czar do is comparison vids the outcome will be very different, and from what i been seeing every week in the pics and reading the blogs. live is looking real strong this year.

For all the people who wasn't excited about that vid must haven't played live last year and wouldn't know how excited we are about what they have done with the gameplay and the other little things that they added to the game. All they can say is im not impressed b/c the "other" game already has that, but hiding the fact that the "other" game had that but it wasn't as good as what we are seeing in this vid, and the other game had waaaaayyyyyy less control over the player.

So please get off the people's back who say they are sold on this game already and let them have their excitement cause we know its a HUGE step from last year in the right direction.
# 267 FlyRice @ 08/08/09 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Just so you guys know, the rim sound is recorded from actual NBA games. I know what you're saying, just making sure you know this.
Is there more than one rim sound though? I think that might be the problem since it should sound differently depending on the type of dunk and if the player was hanging on the rim. Either way, it's not that big of a deal to me.
# 268 ecworldwide @ 08/08/09 05:44 PM
Basketball should be the standard not last years video game. If the last years game is your standard then you can never acheive the true essence of the game of basketball. Now i am a nba fan first and am an nba live fan but, nba 2k8 is the greatest bball sim game on the market so far. Not to say its perfect because lock on d kill the game but all the other aspects of the gameplay are good. But you choose your own food not me.
# 269 hollshore @ 08/08/09 06:16 PM
Marcus & the other EA production members have done a great job on visuals. As a Magic fan, I have a problem with the Orlando throwback jersey numbers. The number "1" on the jerseys are wrong... they should be sans serif. Check old Penny Hardaway pics and you'll see the "1" should be streamlined. Besides that, the game looks great!
# 270 krazyboy225 @ 08/08/09 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by greekmen
some things i noticed:

the diving players never touch the ball, but the ball bounces off some invisible wall.

in the wilcox dive: the off-ball players don't interact with the hustle play. they are just standing around and don't even watch what is happening with the ball. so do the bench players and coaches.

must all been playoff-games. so many fans are standing and cheering.

that is derrick rose?!

the devin harris shot looks fluid.

foot-plant on dwades dunk isn't right. the left foot is planted at 3 several positions in the paint! looks like sliding.

manu with the isolation and the red rocket cutting in the paint?! he should be at the arc waiting for the dish.

lebron dunks the ball with great force, but when the ball is over the rim it just falls straight down.

david lees hair needs to be fixed.

rudy gay passes the ball to conley who could have never seen the ball coming.

i like the boxout animation.

marions expression after the made basket is good.
You my friend are a funny guy...Attachment 19441
# 271 rockchisler @ 08/08/09 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by FlyRice
Is there more than one rim sound though? I think that might be the problem since it should sound differently depending on the type of dunk and if the player was hanging on the rim. Either way, it's not that big of a deal to me.
I can live with the same sound with the rim but there are specs in the nba on how tight rims are to be, (College hoop rims are looser) For example the tightness of the rims need to be at lets say a spec between .50 and .80 thats why the rims in Dallas sound different then the rims in Detroit.
# 272 Da-Man @ 08/08/09 07:38 PM
im so glad that the player models aren't looking like stickmen anymore. Well done EA artists well done.
# 273 greekmen @ 08/08/09 07:50 PM
Thanks. Same to you.
# 274 krazyboy225 @ 08/08/09 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by greekmen
Thanks. Same to you.
Just saying man...Artest palm was on the ball and he hit it away from J.
# 275 23 @ 08/08/09 08:39 PM
lol good job krazyboy

anyhow, cant wait to see Mike Wangs first blog next week

That one should be the most anticipated one so far
# 276 navyboy09 @ 08/08/09 08:40 PM
krazyboy225 nice way to show that live ***** that he was wrong. Just like dat swag said " some people see what they want to see." It's funny how he said that knowing somebody was gonna prove him wrong even though in the video it wasn't that hard to see artest hand on the ball. dummy!!
# 277 mlstrckl @ 08/08/09 08:41 PM
maybe b/c that was devin harris...lol..Great game, im sure b/c live 09 wuz..never will touch a 2k game again

# 278 krazyboy225 @ 08/08/09 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by dat swag
nice job keeping the haters in check...and to add to the pic...the ball was out on Artest...it was clear in the video too...some people see what they want to see
i do what i can.....plus i just think he missed it...not dat he didnt want too see it. 2 more pics to show off player models.:PAttachment 19445
# 279 krazyboy225 @ 08/08/09 08:45 PM
# 280 cam21224 @ 08/08/09 08:45 PM
Its a wrap for 2K and i mean this
Are you serious with that comment?

Most of those enhancements shown have been in 2k for a while.

Your score has to be because Live has shown more then 2k, and it is looking good btw.

I have been following Live since the blogs and im loving seeing the game I grew up on get back into the mix and actually contending this year.

As of now it looks like it's going to be a heavy weight fight for the title this year(which is a good thing).

Who will win this year?

Neither company.

We the consumers win because there will be two great B-ball simulation games instead of one.

Consumers 60/ EA 25/2k 15

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