NBA Live 10 News Post
NBA Live 10 Videos
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Honestly, nothing in that video made me more excited for this game. Sure those improvements are nice, but there are sooo many other things from last years game that need to be adressed. Hopefully, this isnt it. Plus the sizeup moves sound like a bad addition to me if Wang explained them right. He makes it sound like you hit one button and then a predetermined animation happens, wheres the player control in that??? I dont want pre-canned animations that happen when i hit one button. The other additions look nice, but this one seems poorly implemented
These are things that have been a "must-have" in this series for a while now. The hoopla over them isn't something I can relate to.
That said, what they've implemented at least looks to have been implemented well! If the control is there, it will be a lot of fun.
I always found it funny how guys last year were like "OMG THIS is the bestest game evar!!11!" and here they are, saying it again this year. Funny stuff.
That said, what they've implemented at least looks to have been implemented well! If the control is there, it will be a lot of fun.
I always found it funny how guys last year were like "OMG THIS is the bestest game evar!!11!" and here they are, saying it again this year. Funny stuff.

I know of a few sizeups that were put in 2k while he was there weren't things I would like to see so I'm wondering how that translates to Live.
# 224
rockchisler @ 08/08/09 02:06 PM
# 225
HeavenlyTouch @ 08/08/09 02:13 PM
The real question is, do the players have their own dribbling packages?
Take Ginobili, Wade, and Nash out of that video.
Does their dribbling style look entirely different to you?
2k's draft combine pics and previews stated they have exclusive ball handling for a variety of players. I want to see Wade dribble like Wade, Gino dribble like Gino, and so on.
Also, albeit premature, this looks like something which will make the game feel stagnant. Online, I can see people sitting there trying to pull off moves for the entire 24 second shot clock before ever hitting a teammate with a pass; not that this differs from 2k, in 2k one move gets you to the basket, unfortunately. The only thing that stops 2k once in a while is lock down D feature which bodies them.
Take Ginobili, Wade, and Nash out of that video.
Does their dribbling style look entirely different to you?
2k's draft combine pics and previews stated they have exclusive ball handling for a variety of players. I want to see Wade dribble like Wade, Gino dribble like Gino, and so on.
Also, albeit premature, this looks like something which will make the game feel stagnant. Online, I can see people sitting there trying to pull off moves for the entire 24 second shot clock before ever hitting a teammate with a pass; not that this differs from 2k, in 2k one move gets you to the basket, unfortunately. The only thing that stops 2k once in a while is lock down D feature which bodies them.
# 227
HeavenlyTouch @ 08/08/09 02:21 PM
You have a bunch of people going crazy over rebounds and other things.. this is basketball! those things should have been in a long time ago..
I think they did a phenomenal job with the video, I stated that in the latter part of my post; which the majority of Live fans here seem to be ignoring and only focusing on the first part.
There are other people here sharing the same view.
# 228
stephensonmc @ 08/08/09 02:21 PM
# 230
HeavenlyTouch @ 08/08/09 02:24 PM
From what? a few players who dribble the same? improved animations? players hustling?
I love how people completely ignore the positive parts but focus on the negatives.
I love the improvements, they did a solid job with boxouts and having the players tap the ball to themselves. KD and Harris's jumpers were bang on, the fluidity from dribbling to shot motion was also really well done.
The impartial people here were stating that these improvements are something which have been in "the other game" for a long time; and people were quick to say "I'M BUYING IT!" when you haven't even viewed a gameplay video yet?
ID like to know why you 2k only fans keep calling these things new features when noone said they were?
Not only that, these are things that was asked to be fixed when 09 released and they told us they would
I know its hard to believe but some people enjoyed some parts of Live 09. Not only that, but if it is a huge improvement they have plenty of reason to be happy.
Maybe EA hasnt sold you with feature hype yet and all of that, but some people DO look forward to some things in this series being fixed finally to enhance their enjoyment.
Please lets not make this a vs thread, because its about EA's improvements, nothing to do with 2k.
Not only that, these are things that was asked to be fixed when 09 released and they told us they would
I know its hard to believe but some people enjoyed some parts of Live 09. Not only that, but if it is a huge improvement they have plenty of reason to be happy.
Maybe EA hasnt sold you with feature hype yet and all of that, but some people DO look forward to some things in this series being fixed finally to enhance their enjoyment.
Please lets not make this a vs thread, because its about EA's improvements, nothing to do with 2k.

# 233
videobastard @ 08/08/09 02:28 PM
I like the direction that the live series is going under the new developers. The fundamentals of basketball are being added which will provide a more authentic experience.
# 234
rockchisler @ 08/08/09 02:28 PM
# 235
HeavenlyTouch @ 08/08/09 02:30 PM
Did you guys notice the new Live scoreboard behind Mike during the interview?

I dont give a piece of manure who had what first and who adds what?
If you're a fan of the game how can you not like it?
I didnt see people saying the draft combine wasnt exciting because Sony had the life already in their game.
Its a freaking joke to me to come in here and smash down on things and make up words to fit agendas....whoever it might be
Rebounding was needed, different dribble moves were needed, great,they added them, some people will enjoy that...I dont care if it was in Magic Johnson's fastbreak.. let them have their fun.
..and guys please, the people who are saying they are sold are the people who already wanted the game anyhow, just like the people who are paying 5 bucks for an in game mode for 2k will buy their game too.
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