NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 341 youngfaze01 @ 08/09/09 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Gmoney2002
Krazyboy...you should really try and famiiarize yourself with the Shotstick. It can do wonders for your offense especially when try to finish a layup off penetration. It would be a nice addition if EA were to implement it.
I hope they do.
# 342 XxX syntax XxX @ 08/09/09 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gmoney2002
You took the words right out of my mouth TMagic. The tranistion between animations soley based on this video are the smoothest i've seen in a next gen LIVE so far. It seems the herky jerky player movement isn't there. These things wont be absolutely confirm of course until I get my hands on the demo. Even though the builds are noticeably old, as Dre already mentioned, I am already quite impressed with what I've seen. I cannot wait for that demo to drop.

Sage...I'm not quite up with you but I've watched it 5 times now haha. Nice to see Mike get some facetime though...
This is one of the best post so far...The way the players move is smooth and the curls and cuts actually better then 2k and reason being is because when you cut or curl in 2k you got to wait for the animation to stop and really its not as smooth as people thing..Only thing imo that sold 2k is how the game runs but as far as how the players is etc the whole game it needs work..Nba live 10 is showing its self out this year and it looks like its going to be close to real basketball as you going to get and some animations in 2k i would be fighting the controller to do a different animation
# 343 NoTiCe_O @ 08/09/09 05:39 PM
Man, just look at the foot planting in the video. There's no sliding it just looks like real life movement, just look at the Steve Nash crossover..Beautiful.
# 344 Shakedowncapo @ 08/09/09 05:42 PM
Watching this video over and over.. I really hope they captured D Will. His sizeup moves could be epic in this game w/ what was shown with other players. Pleaase don't be generic w/ him, lol.
# 345 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/09/09 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by pbz06
I love how 2k guys are now suddenly clinging to the "well 2k had this before, lolololol"

who cares? NBA Live now has it...I don't care if it was in Double Dribble for the NES, it's now in Live and we're happy for it.

No reason for you 2k guys to get all defensive, lol
I agree, and yeah 2k had it before but it wasn't that smooth. Usually there's only 1 player involve in this play. In live 10, it seems like there's multiple players involve.
# 346 blingballa333 @ 08/09/09 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
Man, just look at the foot planting in the video. There's no sliding it just looks like real life movement, just look at the Steve Nash crossover..Beautiful.
But watch Andre Miller guarding him, no foot planting to be seen. But aside from that this video shows off some good stuff.
# 347 23 @ 08/09/09 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Watching this video over and over.. I really hope they captured D Will. His sizeup moves could be epic in this game w/ what was shown with other players. Pleaase don't be generic w/ him, lol.
yeah man i would love to see D Will do his stuff and trying to keep up and guard him
# 348 SageInfinite @ 08/09/09 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by 23
yeah man i would love to see D Will do his stuff and trying to keep up and guard him
That would be sick.
# 349 jspann94 @ 08/09/09 07:16 PM
and no tayshaun prince didn't shoot right handed, matter of fact he didnt even shoot
# 350 cam21224 @ 08/09/09 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by pbz06
I love how 2k guys are now suddenly clinging to the "well 2k had this before, lolololol"

who cares? NBA Live now has it...I don't care if it was in Double Dribble for the NES, it's now in Live and we're happy for it.

No reason for you 2k guys to get all defensive, lol
How about we stop with all this 2k guys and EA guys bs!

I love how some people are already saying one game is better then the other(without even playing the damn game/even seeing the final build or playing the demo).

Like I stated before I grew up on Live and would love for it to be on par with 2k this year(years to come hopefully), somebody might buy the license.

How about we buy which ever game is better and stop the in the closet fanboy crap!!
# 351 ehh @ 08/10/09 12:03 AM
The rebounding improvements look DOPE. Very excited to see that as an area of focus, rebounding was pretty weak in '09.
# 352 23 @ 08/10/09 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Watch the HQ part instead of SD to eliminate the talking

quality is still youtube crap though




Man watching these again, I cant wait to see more players size up moves
# 353 krazyboy225 @ 08/10/09 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Man watching these again, I cant wait to see more players size up moves
i wana see iverson and kobe.... plus its not like everytime we hold the button we are going to be seeing the same animations repeatedly
# 354 youngfaze01 @ 08/10/09 01:20 AM
I like the Nash & 'Bron one.
# 355 23 @ 08/10/09 01:23 AM
That's LeBron's real move although he doesnt do it very often, and Nash loves to go between both legs like that although I think he stands a little bit more upright when he does it.
# 356 Wiffyjustus @ 08/10/09 01:55 AM
I'm just happy with the way they are approaching the game as a whole.

Not just "Hey let's update the rosters and throw in a new gimmick."

Rather approaching game creation as an artform. Putting all of the different components together to make something awesome. Making the controls feel just right without compromising the authenticity of the presentation.

Perhaps it is impossible to achieve these goals, but never the less, these are the ideals to aspire to.

I just like their philosophy and I think it will pay big dividends in 10 and in years to come. They saw how well it worked with FIFA...

"If you build it, they will come."

I know I'm romanticising, but bottom line... they make a good game, people will buy it, people will evangelize it, more people will buy it, EA will make more money. Everyone's happy. We get a great product, they get money in the coffers.

I mean no disrespect people who have worked on Live on the years before, I'm sure they worked their butts off. It is the design decisions further up I wish to applaud.

Of course we'll have to wait to see if this game fulfills it's promise, but at this stage it is looking very good.

# 357 BiggD @ 08/10/09 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Wiffyjustus
I'm just happy with the way they are approaching the game as a whole.

Not just "Hey let's update the rosters and throw in a new gimmick."

Rather approaching game creation as an artform. Putting all of the different components together to make something awesome. Making the controls feel just right without compromising the authenticity of the presentation.

Perhaps it is impossible to achieve these goals, but never the less, these are the ideals to aspire to.

I just like their philosophy and I think it will pay big dividends in 10 and in years to come. They saw how well it worked with FIFA...

"If you build it, they will come."

I know I'm romanticising, but bottom line... they make a good game, people will buy it, people will evangelize it, more people will buy it, EA will make more money. Everyone's happy. We get a great product, they get money in the coffers.

I mean no disrespect people who have worked on Live on the years before, I'm sure they worked their butts off. It is the design decisions further up I wish to applaud.

Of course we'll have to wait to see if this game fulfills it's promise, but at this stage it is looking very good.


nice post
# 358 cam21224 @ 08/10/09 02:56 AM
Originally Posted by 23
Man watching these again, I cant wait to see more players size up moves
Those size up moves are sweet, I like the rebounding clips better though especially the KG rebound/dunk that's saying something because I hate the Celtics lol.

I want to see Kobe/Melo/Hedo size up moves.
# 359 yungboss2011 @ 08/10/09 03:21 AM
Hope they show some Gilbert Arenas or any other wizard
# 360 Jano @ 08/10/09 03:54 AM
You can see Gil, Caron, and Jamison if you slow the trailer down at the hustle plays section

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