NCAA Football 10 News Post

If I told you Michael Myers and Halloween have a lot in common with EA Sports NCAA Football, you’d probably tell me I was crazy.

However, at a closer glance, they are more alike than you may realize. Both series have resorted to the same philosophy of not straying too far off of the formula which worked to originally elevate each franchise. Unfortunately, that philosophy of sticking close to an established formula tends to have a limited lifespan before a series becomes stale, and NCAA Football is dangerously close to that point.

The approach to the NCAA Football series has been relatively the same since NCAA Football 99, with only incremental improvements each year building on top of the previous package. However, just as with Halloween, the core tenets of the series have remained the same to solid financial success. But just as with Halloween, the same act seems to be getting tired.

NCAA Football 10 isn’t a bad game by any means, but the game represents only a marginal upgrade over last year's title overall, which leaves you wondering if we'll ever see a truly great NCAA Football anytime soon.

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Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 racerx @ 07/14/09 03:44 PM
I think this is what Chris is referring to about the Teambuilder endzone art... Look at the Y and A.

NCAA Football 10 Photo
# 82 Casino @ 07/14/09 03:45 PM
and still gets an 8? game seems like a 6
# 83 tril @ 07/14/09 03:48 PM
I think Ill pass on this title. Presentation is a deal breaker now a-days.
Sports gaming is at a point where lackluster presentation shouldn't exist. Come on EA, spend a few more dollars to get the game completely right.
if its about processing power and/or too much data, scale the dynasty mode down by a few years. im sure most of us wont mind, cause most of us rarely finish of an entire dynasty mode anyways.
# 84 huskerfan101 @ 07/14/09 04:32 PM
Im going to buy it but some things in this article are scaring me
# 85 ab2c4 @ 07/14/09 04:33 PM
Better yet, cut back on some of the online stuff in order to put more time into the presentation. They could do away with the online portion all together and I wouldn't mind as long as the presentation is great and the cpu AI is solid.
# 86 47straight @ 07/14/09 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by ab2c4
Better yet, cut back on some of the online stuff in order to put more time into the presentation. They could do away with the online portion all together and I wouldn't mind as long as the presentation is great and the cpu AI is solid.
agreed. still on the fence on whether to buy it, but leaning towards not
# 87 JayD @ 07/14/09 05:06 PM
Is it possible that you guys fix the cpu snap count? The cpu hikes the ball as soon as they step up to the line and for me that is pretty annoying, they never try to draw you offsides. I believe this was also a problem in previous years.
# 88 RaychelSnr @ 07/14/09 05:07 PM
Dave, You completely negated to say that I called the gameplay the best this series has seen this generation. I think you are just trying to be a misleading and a bit too confrontational with that post.
# 89 sportzbro @ 07/14/09 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Dave, You completely negated to say that I called the gameplay the best this series has seen this generation. I think you are just trying to be a misleading and a bit too confrontational with that post.
IMO, its not better than what the last gen titles had.. which means the gameplay is still well below the standards that titles such as NCAA 04, 05, 06 set.
# 90 nccomicfan @ 07/14/09 05:53 PM
I think what most are saying and I agree with, is that the tone of the review is not that of an "8" title.The review itself does not match the score,that's all
# 91 CharlieBlack @ 07/14/09 05:57 PM
Anyone go on to youtube and check out the breakdown from this dude named apexisfree. This game looks like the same garbage EA has been putting out for this generation of consoles. If your going to buy the exclusive rights you better be prepared to put the best quality on the field!!!!!
# 92 Sigma4Life @ 07/14/09 06:12 PM
Very good review. i agree with it 100%. The gameplay is really good and balanced. I usually don't care about presentation but even to me it stood out as being unusually bad.
# 93 DoubleDeuce @ 07/14/09 06:27 PM
I am also stunned at how bad the stadium chants are. They really do sound like something from a PS1 game published in 1996 before developers knew what they were doing with that new-fangled CD technology. Somebody should ask them what they were thinking, I would really like to know.
# 94 jwilphl @ 07/14/09 06:35 PM
To give the game an 8 or higher is, in my opinion, ludicrous. That's essentially grading the game as a "B" which would be above average.

I'm sorry, but after playing it, I would hardly rate this game as above average. It is SORELY pedestrian. While the gameplay may be the best we've seen on next-gen, that's hardly saying much. There are still an abundance of animation and gameplay flaws that can hardly be "forgiven" for the few tweaks they added this year. Graphically, the game is a step back (at least on the PS3). Which for the life of me I can't understand seeing as how they copied nearly everything from last year, they couldn't just copy the graphics? Or did they make them worse so they'll look that much better next year?

Teambuilder was something I was sorely missing for the past 3 years, but I would have rather waited longer for it and had EA actually make a decent game first. It just isn't worth using when the game itself is so trite.

If anyone is on the fence about buying, I highly recommend just renting and not buying. This game does not warrant $60, and certainly not given to a group that is clearly not interested in improving the game, but content to sit on gimmicks and watch the green roll in.
# 95 Whaaaazuuuuup @ 07/14/09 08:13 PM
i'm gonna pass this year. i may buy madden...thx fellas....
# 96 coogrfan @ 07/14/09 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by BORN4CORN
Yea, but its not.. the game is clearly mediocre, with the exception of gameplay.

Edit: bad typo
Isn't that kinda like saying a restaurant is mediocre, except for the food?
# 97 MCNABB51BOI @ 07/14/09 09:14 PM
an 8 cmon OS are yall gonna pi$$ in the air like that on us . outta all these sites i thought you guys would be honest , um um man thats coldblooded the game is broken and gets a 8 is OS working with EA cmon now
# 98 rudyjuly2 @ 07/14/09 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by DoubleDeuce
I am also stunned at how bad the stadium chants are. They really do sound like something from a PS1 game published in 1996 before developers knew what they were doing with that new-fangled CD technology. Somebody should ask them what they were thinking, I would really like to know.
Adam actually apologized in one thread. He said they had a bunch of high school kids out to a field to record it and only half the kids came out due to finals so they didn't sound good. Whatever the reason, they sounded terrible in the demo and they would have been better off not using them. Instead, they the defense chant is embarrassingly awful.
# 99 sportzbro @ 07/14/09 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by coogrfan
Isn't that kinda like saying a restaurant is mediocre, except for the food?

Yea except the restaurant now serves cooked burgers and we have to sit on chairs made of broken glass
# 100 Kelleye @ 07/15/09 01:02 AM
I think the review was written well, it was just undone by the final score. It comes across like a compromise--we're telling it like it is, but we're not gonna hammer it on the score that will show up on Metacritic or whatever because OS does kinda have a good relationship with EA types.

I'm not saying that's what happened--not really a conspiracy theorist--but it just is how it appears. Either the score is wrong or the review is--they don't jive.

I haven't played it and don't plan on buying it, but I will say this:

1. If it is the best gameplay on next gen, well, that ain't saying much.
2. To justify an 8 with all the other problems, it better have the best gameplay of all time, not just on this generation.
3. It isn't right just to compare this game to other NCAA games. If they've all been weak and this one is somewhat better, that doesn't mean it has a 9.5 gameplay or whatever. It should also be compared to the Madden series and APF/2K5.

Anyway, like I said, I did enjoy the review very much. Heck, after reading it I feel entitled to comment about it and a game I've never played. But if it is accurate, that 8 just looks fishy. After boning the sliders last year and a whole year later they still don't work? Heck, on a serious sim site like OS, that should have been worth the 2 points right there.

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