NCAA Football 10 News Post

If I told you Michael Myers and Halloween have a lot in common with EA Sports NCAA Football, you’d probably tell me I was crazy.

However, at a closer glance, they are more alike than you may realize. Both series have resorted to the same philosophy of not straying too far off of the formula which worked to originally elevate each franchise. Unfortunately, that philosophy of sticking close to an established formula tends to have a limited lifespan before a series becomes stale, and NCAA Football is dangerously close to that point.

The approach to the NCAA Football series has been relatively the same since NCAA Football 99, with only incremental improvements each year building on top of the previous package. However, just as with Halloween, the core tenets of the series have remained the same to solid financial success. But just as with Halloween, the same act seems to be getting tired.

NCAA Football 10 isn’t a bad game by any means, but the game represents only a marginal upgrade over last year's title overall, which leaves you wondering if we'll ever see a truly great NCAA Football anytime soon.

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Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 elprez98 @ 07/14/09 11:04 AM
I'm loving the improved running game and I have to agree that the game is better than '09 but just missing the college atmosphere a bit. Again, I do believe that this was intentionally downplayed so that '11 will have something to do. I now actually believe sports games should be bought every other year with roster updates on the off years. Gaming has become too "big business" for me.
# 62 asu666 @ 07/14/09 11:43 AM
I love that defense is back in the game and the new fast clock makes playing 15 minute quarters a lot more statistically accurate. The presentation stinks on ice and some of the bugs on the disc are just crazy. Didn't someone think to check the sliders after last year? We have our answer.
# 63 zanner @ 07/14/09 12:01 PM
I only got to play one game last night because of work today; however the Tech/UGA game, I must say that it seems as though it's going to be a totally different game with my Yellow Jackets last year given the playbook and HB blocking schemes. It's really quick to now playing the spread option compared to last year. So I'll know more once I play more after work, but that's just my first impression, it's an improved game in regards to Georgia Tech
# 64 jrod1981 @ 07/14/09 12:14 PM
Great review. I find myself agreeing with you on all points.
# 65 jordanagiles @ 07/14/09 12:41 PM
I Attend Georgia State University and i know we are getting a football team in 2010 could any one tell me if GSU in on NCAA '10
# 66 Happyvally74 @ 07/14/09 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by jordanagiles
I Attend Georgia State University and i know we are getting a football team in 2010 could any one tell me if GSU in on NCAA '10

# 67 jordanagiles @ 07/14/09 12:42 PM
I attend Georgia State University and i know we get a football team in 2010 could somebody tell me if we are on this years game...we will be 1aa
# 68 noles_acc @ 07/14/09 12:47 PM
Solid review. When I reviewed games, I always tried to measure not just "is this the best ENTER GAME ever" but scale it how quality the game was when it was released. By that, NCAA Football 2010 may be the best NCAA game ever, but in fact, NCAA 2004 was the best game, given the bar forexcellence, at the time.

But a smart review of the game. Especially with NCAA, which takes baby steps compared to innovative leaps, it's hard to break down the subtle--very subtle--nuanced differences.
# 69 fistofrage @ 07/14/09 12:50 PM
Solid review. Looks like you covered everything. I would say that the negatives to the game warranted more than a 2 point deduction. Based on the review, I would have expected it to be in the 6.5 to 7 range.
# 70 nxt @ 07/14/09 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by BORN4CORN
Yea, a bit of an exageration, but...

The gameplay tweaks for me that they have to focus on are RUNNING ANIMATION, MOMENTUM & BALL PHYSICS.

After that move on to adding enough presentation to make me sick.

Then its dynasty mode overhaul & equipment.

After that I don't care what they do.

NCAA 11 is the defining year.
I like this plan... plus improve OL/DL interaction, DL pressure, add formation subs and in-game saves... and the correct updated rosters and working sliders out of the box.
# 71 Kelleye @ 07/14/09 01:22 PM
Also don't get the "8" from reading this review. After the slider debacle from last year EA's failure to once again get that right should have been devestating to its score. Couple that with the presentation and terrible launch rosters? How do you justify an 8? Is the gameplay *that* good? Come on.
# 72 ShaneTheMaster @ 07/14/09 01:31 PM
Well written review. But is your scale from 5 to 10 or from 1 to 10?
# 73 RaychelSnr @ 07/14/09 01:48 PM
I understand what you guys are saying about the score, but just keep this in mind: everyone rates games differently. Also, another very important thing to consider is that we typically put a lot more weight into gameplay than other sites do, while still giving presentation an important part of the game. I explained it pretty well earlier I think when I said the game would've been a 9 or 9.5 with excellent presentation and would've been in the 5 to 6 range if the gameplay was unbalanced and "broken" like last year. The mixture of very good gameplay, bad presentation, and stale (but functional features) would lead you to a conclusion that the game is anywhere from a 7 to 8 on our scale -- which is 1 to 10. You have to look at each game individually, but you also have to keep previous iterations and other games in mind when rating games to keep consistency on the scale, or it doesn't work. With all of the above in mind, the game is a solid 8 on OS's scale. Hope that clears a few things up
# 74 marcoyk @ 07/14/09 02:00 PM
Thanks for the review, 100x better than IGN's.
# 75 fistofrage @ 07/14/09 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
I understand what you guys are saying about the score, but just keep this in mind: everyone rates games differently. Also, another very important thing to consider is that we typically put a lot more weight into gameplay than other sites do, while still giving presentation an important part of the game. I explained it pretty well earlier I think when I said the game would've been a 9 or 9.5 with excellent presentation and would've been in the 5 to 6 range if the gameplay was unbalanced and "broken" like last year. The mixture of very good gameplay, bad presentation, and stale (but functional features) would lead you to a conclusion that the game is anywhere from a 7 to 8 on our scale -- which is 1 to 10. You have to look at each game individually, but you also have to keep previous iterations and other games in mind when rating games to keep consistency on the scale, or it doesn't work. With all of the above in mind, the game is a solid 8 on OS's scale. Hope that clears a few things up
I have felt that OS reviews of NCAA football have been inflated in the past, especially NCAA 2009. So given that NCAA 2009 was rated pretty high for what it was, you have painted yourself in the corner based on what you said about the last iterations.

Just from my perspective, I would really have to ding EA. You are reviewing an unpatched copy. Broken sliders, incorrect rosters, and non-existant presentation along with the other negatives, leaves me to believe that if the game got an 8, then the on-field gameplay must be nearly flawless. I hope you are right, I'll be picking it up this week.
# 76 ab2c4 @ 07/14/09 02:27 PM
Very good review. It is very detailed and honest. He gave compliments and complaints equally. I think I will buy this after all, now all I have to do is wait for the Sliders patch to be released to make sure it doesn't break anything else.
# 77 ckarlic @ 07/14/09 02:31 PM
I have only one thing to say about this game....PASS!! I am so glad i didnt cave and get the game last week. I held out last year and I most certainly will hold out this year
# 78 br_andrew @ 07/14/09 03:14 PM
It seemed like a good and fair review. The lack of presentation and problems with dynasty mode worry me but I'm sure I can over look them. Anyway, I haven't bought one in a couple years so I'll be looking forward to getting this game.
# 79 BroMontana82 @ 07/14/09 03:19 PM
yeah pass as well...just not enough improvement for me to get it. maybe if the sliders were working right away, not around when the madden demo will be out. first time i've been more excited for madden than ncaa. unless it drastically improves next year (especially physics / player control / suction animation), i'm done with ncaa for awhile.
# 80 Darkeus @ 07/14/09 03:37 PM
I cannot understand how EA keeps messing up on the presentation. How is it that NCAA 2006 on the XBox had better presentation that NCAA 2010 on the XBox 360? IT is either laziness or apathy. I am glad that the gameplay is up to an acceptable level again but I just sit around slack-jawed when I hear that simple things like presentation are still crapped on. This is the first year that I have not bought this game on release day. I think that is very sad. When EA finally has some competition again from 2K (If they are ever allowed to make college football games again!), then the quality of this game is not going to get any better. Competition breeds excellence and lack of it causes apathy. I actually thing I am going to pass on this

I am actually waiting for Madden and I think Madden is one of the most boring football games out there. Franchise Mode = cure for my insomnia.

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