NBA Live 10 News Post

Check out the new NBA Live 10 blog.

"That’s right…I said it. And I mean it. NBA LIVE has an extremely rich tradition of creating some amazing basketball video games, but admittedly has had a tough couple of years recently and the product hasn’t lived up to expectations…both internally as well as externally.

Some of you may have read how we’ve changed the team making the game…moving some people around and bringing some people onboard to complement the existing team. We’ve also really honed in on where the game was deficient and addressed those areas. The direction this year has been about making LIVE a great playing basketball game again, while focusing on improving our in game presentation, visuals and atmosphere, getting to a never seen before level of authenticity with our players, providing you with a brand new way of playing OTP and taking Dynamic DNA to an entirely new level, both with how it impacts players and gameplay throughout the NBA season as well as how you as a connected user use it to change the way to play NBA LIVE."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 bls @ 06/17/09 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
If you guys look really closely at the image, you can find 4 things that are completely different this year.....
I hope you guys did a number on the arenas this year. Each arena in 09 felt like you were in the same exact place. The lighting and over all realism of each arena needs to feel individual for each team.
# 82 Jamin23 @ 06/17/09 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by bls
I hope you guys did a number on the arenas this year. Each arena in 09 felt like you were in the same exact place. The lighting and over all realism of each arena needs to feel individual for each team.
That is so true. The only thing that differentiated each arena from each other was the floor.
# 83 NoTiCe_O @ 06/17/09 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
That is so true. The only thing that differentiated each arena from each other was the floor.
This looks like a hint: "From everything to the individual game atmosphere based on when and where the game is being played and who’s playing in it"

Also could it mean Dynamic attendance, I don't think the grizzlies are gonna have a full house Lol
# 84 marcoyk @ 06/17/09 11:34 PM
Ok, with what NCAA 10 is shaping up to be... ANYTHING you do will be better than what NCAA has done this year. ANYTHING.
# 85 DubTrey1 @ 06/17/09 11:54 PM
Hreat blog so far to start. One thing I will be most interested in is the AI and gameplay. If they are able to nail that, I think they will have a true challenger to 2K. I think the direction of details and other "little things" will go a long way as far as immersion goes.
# 86 eDotd @ 06/18/09 12:46 AM
Nice! I'm hoping there are a couple more than that. I assumed you guys would add more after I saw Sheed's last year. Is that a cut-scene or real-time? I understand if you can't say.

I will reserve judgment until I see gameplay but this year will be very interesting. I have not played Live continuously since my friend dropped 107 on me with Dirk in Live 05 (I literally turned the game off and sold it that very day), didn't play 06, 07, 08, and play 09 every once in a while at my friends house, but things are looking very, very interesting.
# 87 aholbert32 @ 06/18/09 12:51 AM
Heard this last year...show dont tell.
# 88 23 @ 06/18/09 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Court_vision
I've always imagined the SONY NBA team are somewhere in a dark room playing NBA Courtside and NBA Live 97 and the lead producer is saying "this is what we need to beat".

Hilarious man

Almost seemed like that was the plan in the past.
# 89 tabulaRasa @ 06/18/09 02:41 AM
"NBA LIVE has an extremely rich tradition of creating some amazing basketball video games"
Right there, you knew this article would be scewed.....
Extremly rich tradiotion of creating some amazing basketball video games!???!!! Are you kidding me....joke of the century. Not saying NBA live 10 sucks, but a rich history of "AMAZING basketball" .... Come on...
Stop the hypebole .....what a joke.
# 90 stephensonmc @ 06/18/09 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by MomentousCeltic
Nice! I'm hoping there are a couple more than that. I assumed you guys would add more after I saw Sheed's last year. Is that a cut-scene or real-time? I understand if you can't say.

I will reserve judgment until I see gameplay but this year will be very interesting. I have not played Live continuously since my friend dropped 107 on me with Dirk in Live 05 (I literally turned the game off and sold it that very day), didn't play 06, 07, 08, and play 09 every once in a while at my friends house, but things are looking very, very interesting.
It's his in-game model MC

Heard this last year...show dont tell.
We plan to my man!
# 91 stephensonmc @ 06/18/09 02:43 AM
Originally Posted by tabulaRasa
"NBA LIVE has an extremely rich tradition of creating some amazing basketball video games"
Right there, you knew this article would be scewed.....
Extremly rich tradiotion of creating some amazing basketball video games!???!!! Are you kidding me....joke of the century. Not saying NBA live 10 sucks, but a rich history of "AMAZING basketball" .... Come on...
Stop the hypebole .....what a joke.

NBA LIVE 95,96,97,98,99, 2003,2004,2005?
# 92 kwas676 @ 06/18/09 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc

NBA LIVE 95,96,97,98,99, 2003,2004,2005?
Steph honestly man don't waste your time man, the deeper the info the more the haters are gonna come out, just ignore it hopefully live 10 can sht them up will see. Just wondering are you guys gonna have community day any time soon.
# 93 MarvellousOne @ 06/18/09 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc

NBA LIVE 95,96,97,98,99, 2003,2004,2005?
What no 2001???? That was my all time favorite, well one of them, for some reason but I had the playstation version not ps2
# 94 pepp32 @ 06/18/09 04:06 AM
Well since your in a listening and responding mood EA...THIS IS WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN IN ORDER TO PUT 2K ON THEIR BACK POCKET!!!!!!!!
We need tip dunks and put backs back in the game!!!! PERIOD! I'm also hoping Mike Wang fixes those canned animations. (You said that would be your main focus Mike, don't let your boy down!) Also responsive gameplay and online franchise along with great presentation would put Live back on top! 2k was a good game it had the little things that made it pretty to look at but I hated the controls. Attention to detail EA!!....ATTENTION TO DETAIL!...You got to go hard to beat 2k. I know ya'll have it in you to make us believe...hell, we want to believe! At least most of us. So listen...the minor details, there important...think 2k then think beyond 2k. I dont give a damn about you biteing or copying what they already have...you got to do what you gots to do! From bumping into reffs to crowd animations. Diving for loose balls. Jump balls mid game when getting tied up with another player. Swiping at the ball when some goes up for a layup, maybe causing a turnover. Highlights for Pre-game halftime and post game got to be on point with some good commentary. Ya see, 2k has all of that. Then going beyond 2k...signiture stuff like Lebron claping powder on his hands pre-game,(by the way this is an old post that i wrote when you gave your press release so good to see the rosin being clapped by the king),any way.. rebounding battles with players tipping the ball in the air until someone ends up with it. Finally bring the arenas to life...their boring as hell...you know...cheerleaders, mascots, benches ect. To another blogers point you use your updates well and effectivley for the DNA, why not update the sneakers mid season. I mean really, how hard could it be to scan a sneaker and down load a patch for that? You got to inovate people, I'd be speaking for everyone when I say WE NEED THAT WOW MOMENT FROM LIVE! You know what I'm sayin...that HOLY SH*T MAN DID YOU JUST SEE THAT MOMENT! Madden has giving me my football jones back. Ian Cummings from the Madden Team is my new favorite person in the sports gaming world right now. Will Mike Wang and the NBA Live 10 team shock the world and reclaim the NBA video game crown or will this be another disapointing year...time will tell and so will the upcoming previews.....good luck people, here's to hoping this is our year! Time to man up and earn our money! I'm out.
Please comment and respond to this cause I'm curious as to what EA's people think..as well as my fellow bloggers.
# 95 TracerBullet @ 06/18/09 04:12 AM
I'm hoping Live is great this year. I haven't considered it since 05 sadly. Hopefully that changes this year cause I feel the exact same way as you do about 2k9 Teebone. to many animations limit the game. how often do you see charges at half court? Lebron and kobe can drop 50 every game if a person wants to. I liked 2k8 a lot but 2k9, while still a solid game, irritates me most of the time. hopefully there are 2 good games out there this year. I could care less about that other basketball game though lol.
# 96 Muzyk23 @ 06/18/09 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by BiggD
Awesome,Awesome,Awesome!!!!! the LBJ is my new wallpaper

looking forward to next week,the live team sure has everyone pumped!
mine too
# 97 GHUGHES @ 06/18/09 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Check out the new NBA Live 10 blog.
Ahhhh Sweet hopefully we can finish the online team play games this year games this year
# 98 23 @ 06/18/09 12:50 PM
Im going to ask you guys to lay off of one another and post on the topic at hand or lose your access to the NBA Live forums.. Consider that a warning
# 99 ZoneBlitz @ 06/18/09 07:11 PM
So, as a long-time NBA 2k person, I'm impressed with the NBA Live team is saying.

I do have one question - have they worked on the movement/animation. I've always found 2k sports player movement, animation, sounds, dunks, ball interaction with the rim and net, the hoop structure interaction with players dunking, etc... to be far more realistic than Live's movement, animation, etc... 2k's movement always seemed more fluid and realistic whereas Live seemed restrained and choppy.

At any rate, I would like to know if the team is working on that this year.

Finally, much respect to EA for doing a great job of reaching out to the fan base. I'm impressed.
# 100 ZoneBlitz @ 06/18/09 07:13 PM
Also, just a note to the Live devs - I really want a simulation of the game - the strategy, player actions, depth, etc....

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