NBA Live 10 News Post

Check out the new NBA Live 10 blog.

"That’s right…I said it. And I mean it. NBA LIVE has an extremely rich tradition of creating some amazing basketball video games, but admittedly has had a tough couple of years recently and the product hasn’t lived up to expectations…both internally as well as externally.

Some of you may have read how we’ve changed the team making the game…moving some people around and bringing some people onboard to complement the existing team. We’ve also really honed in on where the game was deficient and addressed those areas. The direction this year has been about making LIVE a great playing basketball game again, while focusing on improving our in game presentation, visuals and atmosphere, getting to a never seen before level of authenticity with our players, providing you with a brand new way of playing OTP and taking Dynamic DNA to an entirely new level, both with how it impacts players and gameplay throughout the NBA season as well as how you as a connected user use it to change the way to play NBA LIVE."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 Jamin23 @ 06/18/09 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz
Also, just a note to the Live devs - I really want a simulation of the game - the strategy, player actions, depth, etc....
They're trying their best!!
# 102 thesniper321 @ 06/19/09 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
They're trying their best!!
I hope so , no 2k10 for me
# 103 thesniper321 @ 06/19/09 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Teebone21
apparently 2k10 is supposed to be "funner" than 2k9= more dunking in traffic , less defense. If they F*** this game up i will spend most my time on nba live if its any good this year
Less defense? how is that possible teebone you know there is NO D in 2k9 din't I say and prove that enough already? This game sucked I'm so glad I sold it, live and ncaa 09 are much more sim much more realistic the defense doesn't just stare at you when you perform 12 spin moves in row to finish with a fanstatic between the leg with 3 people's hands clipping trough the ball and you're body ..........AAAAAAAAAAh 2k9 is so great NOT
# 104 thmst30 @ 06/19/09 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by thesniper321
Less defense? how is that possible teebone you know there is NO D in 2k9 din't I say and prove that enough already? This game sucked I'm so glad I sold it, live and ncaa 09 are much more sim much more realistic the defense doesn't just stare at you when you perform 12 spin moves in row to finish with a fanstatic between the leg with 3 people's hands clipping trough the ball and you're body ..........AAAAAAAAAAh 2k9 is so great NOT
Live has absolutely no room to talk there. The clipping in this game is horrendous. Balls being passed through players heads/chests, and players literally running through each other when driving to the basket. I've played the past 2 years games at a friends house and I couldn't believe how often it happened. Also, NCAA Basketball is just a terrible terrible game IMO. Not a big fan of the past Live games, but even they destroyed the NCAA games.
# 105 thesniper321 @ 06/19/09 07:14 AM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Live has absolutely no room to talk there. The clipping in this game is horrendous. Balls being passed through players heads/chests, and players literally running through each other when driving to the basket. I've played the past 2 years games at a friends house and I couldn't believe how often it happened. Also, NCAA Basketball is just a terrible when it comes to CLIPPING, and ncaa 09 is a great game if you terrible game IMO. Not a big fan of the past Live games, but even they destroyed the NCAA games.
I play live 09 and ncaa 09 2k9 is like 10 years behind if you compare it to live 2009, btw when you talked about clipping trough players I hope you weren't REALLY speakig about live cuz my beloved teebone will gladly tell you how CLIPPING HAPPENS IN EACH ****ING DRIVE IN NBA2K9
# 106 Pared @ 06/19/09 10:11 AM
Calm down.
# 107 23 @ 06/19/09 11:24 AM
Please lets not turn this to an ea vs 2k thread guys
# 108 thmst30 @ 06/19/09 02:26 PM
That's not at all what I was doing. I hate that BS as much as anyone.
# 109 football5680 @ 06/19/09 02:31 PM
i think 2k is better but i will try both the 2k and EA demo and see which one is better. last time i bought live was 06 or 07.
# 110 Melman @ 06/19/09 03:07 PM
lol its funny to me how people in here talk about the 2 games EA's and 2k's. And believe me i dont want to start any wars but dont people realize that the developers who are making Live this year made 2k in the past years. Why do you think EA wanted take-two so bad....besides grand theft auto, it was for 2k (and money). So they made them (formerly known as 2k developers) an offer they couldnt refuse and now they are with EA. Now this year 2k9 suffered a bit because of that even though 2k is still a good game IMO, it has flaws and it had flaws before (even with the 2k now EA dev team). Now people will see Live transform into a winner, why cus now we have the 2k developers putting their prints on the game. And believe me this years Live 10 will have flaws too. Its a video game at the end of the day. Something will be wrong. Jus as long as the pros out weigh the cons by a LOT it shouldnt be that bad. No game is without its flaws.
# 111 thesniper321 @ 06/19/09 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Please lets not turn this to an ea vs 2k thread guys
lmaooo fight? No fight everybody here know the 2009 live engine is superior to the OOOOLD 2k engine, that's why we see so many BS in 2k9 that don't happen so much or not at all in live 2009, everybody here know 2k9 is a sad dunkfest I know what I'm talking about (10 years playing 2k) trying to say it's more sim than live 09 is not credible, try to posterize 5 people on a regular basis in live then dare to say 2k is sim again. I'm not bashing the game I'm stating FACTS 2k9 is for cheesers and little kids who love to sing I GOT THE POWA while they do WINDMILLS IN TRAFFIC LIKE IN A EMPTY PRACTICE COURT

ea vs 2k fight?? I was a 2k fan now I hate this game and you know why(dunkfest, no D, ugly no collision, nba jam was more sim)
live is 10000 times more sim than 2k, even if anklebreakers happen to many times if you play a tight D, at least you feel you're trying to play D when you get closer in 2k? a tap on R2 and the offense just SLIDE to beat you.

I can't even believe someone dare to convince a die hard 2k fan that its old engine could compete with the live one.
# 112 Pared @ 06/19/09 03:41 PM
How many times do you have to be asked to cut the EA vs. 2K thing?

Next one gets an infraction. Threads don't usually get a second warning and you're really toeing the line with your post, sniper.
# 113 thesniper321 @ 06/19/09 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
How many times do you have to be asked to cut the EA vs. 2K thing?

Next one gets an infraction. Threads don't usually get a second warning and you're really toeing the line with your post, sniper.
There is no ea vs 2k in my post only a guy saying how 2k dissapointed him after 10 years where is the EA vs 2k ?? I don't get it I can't say 2k deceived me ? If no ok I will erase my post asap I'm just here to get news on nba live 10 nothing more
# 114 23 @ 06/19/09 04:08 PM
I just wont allow this to turn into the 2k forums or the general basketball forums... and as Pared said, next thread people turn into another vs discussion will start getting infractions

that post was definitly against what was just asked of you
# 115 Pared @ 06/19/09 04:11 PM
Others have shown their discontent in a completely different manner. And in the appropriate forum.

The fact that you replied to a warning by a mod with a diatribe on EA vs. 2k is reason enough to give you an infraction.

If you want any further explanation, PM me.

# 116 thesniper321 @ 06/19/09 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Others have shown their discontent in a completely different manner. And in the appropriate forum.

The fact that you replied to a warning by a mod with a diatribe on EA vs. 2k is reason enough to give you an infraction.

If you want any further explanation, PM me.

I got it lol I'm not here to start anything I just want to follow live so excuse me for my behavior if I offend someone I'm sorry
# 117 RAZRr1275 @ 06/19/09 05:49 PM
I can't wait for this game. It looks great.
# 118 JohnDoe8865 @ 06/20/09 12:01 AM
I've bought every NBA 2k game 2k2-2K9 across multiple consoles. I bough NBA Live 2001 on PC, 2003 on Xbox, and Live 06 on Xbox. I haven't even been interested in Live since being so let down by 06.

This year seems different. Maybe I'm just getting tired of the 2K engine, or maybe Live10 will be a much improved game this year. We'll see, but either way I am excited to follow the progress of NBA Live this year for the first time since the 360/PS3 released.

I'll be watching both games very closely this year for the first time in a LOONG time. Good job of getting the word out early about Live10 guys. This is one area (media & community interaction) that 2K cannot compete with EA in at all.

The fact that Live 10 is on my radar means you guys are doing something right.
# 119 Moegames @ 06/20/09 04:40 AM
I dig the revamp of presentation elements...good move
# 120 Epiffani @ 06/20/09 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by 23
I just wont allow this to turn into the 2k forums or the general basketball forums... and as Pared said, next thread people turn into another vs discussion will start getting infractions

that post was definitly against what was just asked of you

WOW.... This is sig worthy . I always felt like this forum was "sheltered", and "protected" when you compared it to the NBA2K forums, its just funny to get a MODS confirmation of that fact. I just read the TOS and nowhere does it say that the three NBA video game forums have separate rules for people to obide by. So I ask this question DIRECTLY to you (since you said you wouldn't allow this forum to get like the 2K forums), what makes this basketball video game forum any different or better than the NBA 2K forum, and can you point me to a rule where it says that these basketball video game forums will be moderated differently? Things that you are handing out infractions for and complaining about in here, happens all the time in that "other" forum.

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