NBA Live 10 News Post

Check out the new NBA Live 10 blog.

"That’s right…I said it. And I mean it. NBA LIVE has an extremely rich tradition of creating some amazing basketball video games, but admittedly has had a tough couple of years recently and the product hasn’t lived up to expectations…both internally as well as externally.

Some of you may have read how we’ve changed the team making the game…moving some people around and bringing some people onboard to complement the existing team. We’ve also really honed in on where the game was deficient and addressed those areas. The direction this year has been about making LIVE a great playing basketball game again, while focusing on improving our in game presentation, visuals and atmosphere, getting to a never seen before level of authenticity with our players, providing you with a brand new way of playing OTP and taking Dynamic DNA to an entirely new level, both with how it impacts players and gameplay throughout the NBA season as well as how you as a connected user use it to change the way to play NBA LIVE."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 stephensonmc @ 06/17/09 05:45 PM
"EA's dumb for putting this (LeBron chalk) out. Competition may copy it."

We assumed that the comp will have it....
# 62 Mintsa @ 06/17/09 05:47 PM
I'm glad ratings are finally being put to rest. It's time to evolve from the basic "numbered" rating systems. Kobe shouldn't be a 93 overall.....Kobe should just play like Kobe and with DNA from what I played with last year (roster updates/rewind games) this could be the new way players/teams and their tendencies should be "rated" from here on out for all sports games.
# 63 stephensonmc @ 06/17/09 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Mintsa
I'm glad ratings are finally being put to rest. It's time to evolve from the basic "numbered" rating systems. Kobe shouldn't be a 93 overall.....Kobe should just play like Kobe and with DNA from what I played with last year (roster updates/rewind games) this could be the new way players/teams and their tendencies should be "rated" from here on out for all sports games.
Don't assume that bro. The WAY ratings are used / come up with this year is different. There's still numbers, but you'll see soon
# 64 GSW @ 06/17/09 05:54 PM
im going to read the blog again but i was expecting something more...although i understand the situation.
# 65 stephensonmc @ 06/17/09 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by GSW
im going to read the blog again but i was expecting something more...although i understand the situation.
lol, told you guys not to get overhyped, although I think LeBron's "chalk" ritual is pretty damn cool....
# 66 rockchisler @ 06/17/09 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
I like to think they walk around snapping their fingers at eachother.

I wonder how many heads this picture went over
# 67 mvb34 @ 06/17/09 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It can't just be 2 crews, what about Sony's team?

........ok, now that was just uncalled for.
Thats a cheap shot.. Too bad they make a great baseball game..
# 68 jrich730 @ 06/17/09 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
I wonder how many heads this picture went over
mine for 1 by about 1000 ft
# 69 Mintsa @ 06/17/09 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
Don't assume that bro. The WAY ratings are used / come up with this year is different. There's still numbers, but you'll see soon
Cool, I'll be waiting for "DNA" blog over the summer. The whole DNA system was my favorite thing added to any sports game last year. Roster updates will never be the same.
# 70 rockchisler @ 06/17/09 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by jrich730
mine for 1 by about 1000 ft
West side story
# 71 Da_Czar @ 06/17/09 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
I wonder how many heads this picture went over
A few I'm sure. I was crackin up !!! Loved the info in the blog. I like that they are acutely aware of where they are yet are very confident they have the crew and the tools to accomplish the task at hand.
# 72 Jamin23 @ 06/17/09 06:52 PM
I can't wait to see it in action. I am talking about the picture of course. So when are we getting a blog on the arena sounds added?
# 73 Kully @ 06/17/09 07:11 PM
You guys sound like you have all the confidence in the world.

I really hope Live brings it this year. 365 is just too awesome to waste.

And I'm hoping for some Dynasty stuff (since I'm a HUGE Dynasty guy).
# 74 TreyIM2 @ 06/17/09 07:11 PM
goh - You're not going to get screwed with the Madden demo, just a supposedly different demo and u may have to wait til it hits PSN/XBL, that's all. Sorr-a...

As for Live 10, I just can't wait to get the weekly updates. I thought it was starting this Friday but it's actually next Friday. I, for one, am rooting for EA to get on track with Live. Like I said on the blog earlier today, I think Live has actually "felt" more like a basketball game than 2K but 2K just about beat it in almost everything else...except pick and roll and DNA and graphics, imo. Didn't say the exceptions in the blog. Lol.
# 75 jrich730 @ 06/17/09 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by goh
Is the other new thing the light reflecting off Lebron?

Also since the demo was mentioned,I sure hope all of us that don't have a Gamestop don't get screwed over there like with Madden.
cant you reserve it online and get the code
# 76 chrome381 @ 06/17/09 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jai-O
You guys sound like you have all the confidence in the world.

I really hope Live brings it this year. 365 is just too awesome to waste.

And I'm hoping for some Dynasty stuff (since I'm a HUGE Dynasty guy).
You and me both dude.
# 77 marcoyk @ 06/17/09 07:56 PM
Wow you guys are really confident about this game. I hope it lives up to your hype. I was impressed by the player gear detail that Live had compared 2K9. A lot of players in 2K9 had wrong gear on and it was annoying to have to change it every time a new roster came out. I really, really hope Live is as good as you're making it sound.
# 78 LingeringRegime @ 06/17/09 07:56 PM
"Matt Lafreniere will be walking you through what was done with the in game presentation. From everything to the individual game atmosphere based on when and where the game is being played and who’s playing in it to the new broadcast graphics package and presentation. We’ve seen the two Czarisodes (http://www.operationsports.co/videoview.php?id=390 and http://www.operationsports.com/newspost.php?id=325692) that were posted on OS. This is another area where we knew we were really falling short in 09. NBA LIVE 10 has taken a huge leap forward in this area and I think the Czar’s scores will look much different when he does his NBA LIVE 10 vs NBA2K10 Czarisodes next year."

# 79 BiggD @ 06/17/09 08:23 PM
Awesome,Awesome,Awesome!!!!! the LBJ is my new wallpaper

looking forward to next week,the live team sure has everyone pumped!
# 80 frostbyte06 @ 06/17/09 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
"brand new way of playing OTP"


Seriously though, this is by far the most addictive and rewarding mode in sports games if done properly. That hasn't been done yet... I'm hopeful that the emphasis on OTP will pay off with Live, because I'm sure that would suck up 75% of my time in next year's crop of b-ball games.. so hooked on OTP.
I feel you 100%, there's sooo much potential in online team play compared to other sports (besides maybe hockey) because you're constantly switching back from offense to defense and having to react so quickly. If somebody could just get this right, I would seriously play Bball year round.

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