07:32 PM - May 26, 2009 by iamemmittsmith
Madden 2010 News Post
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i cant see how you can rate brady as the best. manning is better, no doubt. judging people on team accomplishments/failures and using them to compare is asinine imo.
# 203
cowboyscowboys @ 05/27/09 07:41 PM
94 speed is overrated he does deserve the 99 overall though
I'm not sure I can agree that Manning is declining. I'm not a fan of using numbers alone, but Manning put up his usual stats and the Colts went 12-4, despite having the 31st rank running game.
# 206
Sanchez_Mareno @ 05/27/09 07:44 PM
I'd be pretty happy with a RB that averaged over 4 YPC (as Westbrook has).
# 209
iAM-IncReDiBLe- @ 05/27/09 07:48 PM
# 210
Sanchez_Mareno @ 05/27/09 07:49 PM
Manning wast declining last year, he was recovering from injury.
This year however without all his coaches and marvin harrison....
This year however without all his coaches and marvin harrison....
# 211
iAM-IncReDiBLe- @ 05/27/09 07:50 PM
I would never suggest that Brady was declining simply because he was out for the entirety of last season.
# 213
droopizzle34 @ 05/27/09 08:42 PM
Being on forums I had come to realize that people are just haters of greatness. Tom Brady wasn't even projected to be a great QB. The guy put in th work and dedication to be a good QB,and he is one. This guy put up 3,000+ yards throwing to Reche Caldwell and Jabar Gafney. What did you think would happen when he got a monster to throw to?I'd expect Manning's numbers to be astronomical if he was throwing to Moss.
The proof is in the pudding.The guy was putting up numbers with average WRs,winning SuperBowls with game winning drives with average WRs. I can't stand the Pats,but I give them and Tom Brady especially RESPECT for being one of the elite.
You guys with these wild dumb comments should go to a corner. You really have no idea what you're talking about.People need to learn to respect the great talent you see instead of bombing them with dumb insults.It's not even criticsm,it's just dumb mindless opinions of a *****.
I guess me being an athlete myself,I can respect the talent and greatness of elite athletes.They are where they are through their hard work,study skills,and dedication to what they do. You can say system all you want,but you still have to make the reads,you still have to make the throws.And all those grocery baggers are bagging because they couldn't do it.
All that I'm caring about ratings wise is that J-Camp's close accuracy should be really good but his medium and deep accuracy should be considerably worse.
# 215
TexasBorn1 @ 05/27/09 08:55 PM
Brady obviously is the golden boy of the NFL. That's why he gets a second NFL rule (after the Tom Brady tuck rule) after he blows out his knee. Why didn't they make that rule for Carson Palmer? And I know the Steelers have rules named after them too (the Hines Ward rule for blocking and the Mel Blount rule that completely altered passing), but those rules hurt the Steelers.
Also, I don't have to deal with anything. My Steelers have won 2 Super Bowls since the Pats have last won one.
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