Madden 2010 News Post

Early surprise this Memorial Day! Check out the new Madden NFL 10 blog. This one covers blocking improvements in the running game.

"2 weeks back we took a look at some of the improvements we made to our pass blocking in order to make the game more realistic (and fun) overall. I encourage everyone to take a look at it here. This week I wanted to give everyone a deeper look at some of the improvements to run blocking as well. Run blocking is one of the trickiest areas to program and tune just because of the amount of variation that happens in the NFL. Pass blocking is definitely complicated as well, but at some level you’ve got some pretty common concepts that you can follow (i.e. the OL needs to stay between the defender and the QB, the defensive end needs to get up field if he’s not stunting, etc). With run blocking however, there are just so many variations of plays that it can take much more time to get every single concept down pat while still making it a) realistic, b) responsive, and c) fun. At the beginning of the year, when we sat down as a group and looked at some of the areas we wanted to address, we all unanimously agreed that there were a few major areas that we just hadn’t quite emulated as well as we would like to create an authentic NFL sim."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 CreatineKasey @ 05/25/09 10:38 PM
This was a wonderful read! The animations looked very sharp.. love the block shedding. This was a big sticking point for me, and it appears very much improved! The big hit was very nice also.

It was interesting reading about how everything relates to the R-stick as far as block evading moves. I like that idea... I think it will be very intuitive and allow us to play solid interior defense without having to decide in our minds to "rip" or "swim" past this guy.
# 142 K_GUN @ 05/25/09 10:48 PM
1 more thing....that last vid...the hit on portis...looked like an animation from 2k5...which for this dude...is just fine

# 143 jWILL253 @ 05/25/09 11:48 PM
I'm just glad the offensive line actually plants their feet. In Madden 09, the OLine just kinda slid all over the place...
# 144 Avii @ 05/25/09 11:57 PM
Do the helmets pop again? Just like they did in '06?
# 145 Valdarez @ 05/26/09 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Tito78
I loved 2k8, but I felt that I had less time to call plays than madden 09. You only had around 10 seconds, and with 2k8's system you had to call the play for the dline, than call the play for rest of the defense. I felt I had more time in madden, because there was only one step calling plays.

IMO, the best solution would allow users to call stunts at the line.
Depends on whether you are talking online/offline. If playing online, then your time was based on your opponents time, which could vary and take upwards of 20+ seconds. Not sure about offline, but there are only about 12 to 16 line calls to choose from, so you can cycle through them pretty fast. I'd much rather make them at the play call screen instead of on the field. On the field, you hardly have time to make any changes. I like the idea of having the ability to modify the DLine at the line of scrimmage, but I'd rather I'd hate to have to do it on a regular basis. I'd much rather call the DLine call at the Play screen where there's more time available.
# 146 Candyman5 @ 05/26/09 01:30 AM
I thought for sure you would show the Vikings in a run blocking blog, I mean its logical......
# 147 cedwebb @ 05/26/09 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by Candyman5
I thought for sure you would show the Vikings in a run blocking blog, I mean its logical......
I am with ya...We have the best RB in the league and on of the best O-lines as far as running goes. Thought we would see them by now. We have seen an awful lot of the cowboys and redskins for some reason
# 148 Joborule @ 05/26/09 01:46 AM
Great blog. All things were good stuff. The hit was sexy!
# 149 Candyman5 @ 05/26/09 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by cedwebb
I am with ya...We have the best RB in the league and on of the best O-lines as far as running goes. Thought we would see them by now. We have seen an awful lot of the cowboys and redskins for some reason
Yeah, I want to see vikings damnit! Lol....but the blog looked good.
# 150 SouthernBrick @ 05/26/09 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Candyman5
Yeah, I want to see vikings damnit! Lol....but the blog looked good.
I wouldn't be surprised to see them at e3 but, I also wouldn't be surprised if all we seen were the damn SB teams AGAIN!!!

Hoping they switch it up a bit but, they probably won't we'll see another SB atmosphere with the actual SB teams but, I get the idea of it just wish we could see other teams. It doesn't really matter who.
# 151 Nza @ 05/26/09 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by Vikes1
I'm very pleased with the time thats been spent to improve the play at the line of scrimmage this year.

The LOS is where a sim-like game begins. If the line play is a mess...well, it all roles down hill from there. It's good to feel that this team understands the importance of the LOS, to achieve a realistic playing football simulation.
With that in mind though, has certain DL demanding constant double teams been addressed as a M10 feature yet? If it has, I must have missed it.

Without it, trench play and its impact on every down simply won't come close to real life.
# 152 apexbronx @ 05/26/09 09:41 AM

Lets not forget about the quick burst juke

# 153 shep64 @ 05/26/09 10:33 AM
This still bothers me. It still doesn't look real to me.
Its close, and I'm not complaining. This team has done a lot on this game and me buying it is 100%. That said I do have a critque.

On an 'dive'
When the DT lines down on the outside shoulder of the G, then the LB will line up on his inside shoulder.

In madden the G would move instantly to the next level to get to the LB, the T would block down on the DT. making the Dive hole between the T and TE. Where as it should be between the G and C.

But in real life the DT would be doubled until the tackle had a chance to seal off the DT (he would be pushed back while this is going on*assuming he's losing the double team) once he's sealed off the G will peel off and go to the next level.
The same thing would happen on the other side with the Center. The Center would be the one peeling off and hunting on the next level.

These little double teams would make the game amazingly real.
# 154 bxgoods @ 05/26/09 12:15 PM
I dunno, is it just me, or do sometimes the blogs look like they are using the 09 models. In the pass blocking blog last week, Dallas's defenders looked bigger.

But anyways, the run blocking looked good, but what kills it for me for is the 09 RB running animation. That has to be changed in 10, running backs don't run upright through the hole. They have to run lower.
# 155 bxgoods @ 05/26/09 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by apexbronx

Lets not forget about the quick burst juke

****, I like when he says I hate that hugging animation crap, no hugging.
# 156 -DaVe- @ 05/26/09 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by bxgoods

But anyways, the run blocking looked good, but what kills it for me for is the 09 RB running animation. That has to be changed in 10, running backs don't run upright through the hole. They have to run lower.
IT's killing me too , man. It just baffles me how the designers can't get that aspect of the game right. It's been like what 5 years into next gen Madden?
It's the biggest issue I have with this game . It kills all immersion when you see a RB run like he has a stick up his fanny.
# 157 SageInfinite @ 05/26/09 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by -DaVe-
IT's killing me too , man. It just baffles me how the designers can't get that aspect of the game right. It's been like what 5 years into next gen Madden?
It's the biggest issue I have with this game . It kills all immersion when you see a RB run like he has a stick up his fanny.
You probably hated the 2k series then.
# 158 -DaVe- @ 05/26/09 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
You probably hated the 2k series then.
I didn't have a real problem with the running animations for APF. However , I had a problem with the running animations for 2k5.
To this date, last gen Madden has had the most realistic running animations....
# 159 SageInfinite @ 05/26/09 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by -DaVe-
I didn't have a real problem with the running animations for APF. However , I had a problem with the running animations for 2k5.
To this date, last gen Madden has had the most realistic running animations....
Totally agree
# 160 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/26/09 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by Avii
Do the helmets pop again? Just like they did in '06?
Far as we know right now the helmets will not come off. Ian has not told us anything yet. But the way Roger Goodell is turning the nfl into a non fun league. He is doing the same with madden. There are certain things he will never allow in madden. The helmets been knock off might be one of them.

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