Madden 2010 News Post

Early surprise this Memorial Day! Check out the new Madden NFL 10 blog. This one covers blocking improvements in the running game.

"2 weeks back we took a look at some of the improvements we made to our pass blocking in order to make the game more realistic (and fun) overall. I encourage everyone to take a look at it here. This week I wanted to give everyone a deeper look at some of the improvements to run blocking as well. Run blocking is one of the trickiest areas to program and tune just because of the amount of variation that happens in the NFL. Pass blocking is definitely complicated as well, but at some level you’ve got some pretty common concepts that you can follow (i.e. the OL needs to stay between the defender and the QB, the defensive end needs to get up field if he’s not stunting, etc). With run blocking however, there are just so many variations of plays that it can take much more time to get every single concept down pat while still making it a) realistic, b) responsive, and c) fun. At the beginning of the year, when we sat down as a group and looked at some of the areas we wanted to address, we all unanimously agreed that there were a few major areas that we just hadn’t quite emulated as well as we would like to create an authentic NFL sim."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 MrSkagTrendy @ 05/25/09 11:54 AM
Nice work Mr Romo, congrats on what promises to be a great game..all the way from the uk
# 2 BlackJack_Williams @ 05/25/09 11:55 AM
Thanks dude. Enjoy the rest of your day man
# 3 Da Bears @ 05/25/09 11:58 AM
Thanks my friend.
# 4 APBamaMan @ 05/25/09 12:00 PM
Good stuff

# 5 MrSkagTrendy @ 05/25/09 12:00 PM
This is some seriously good work.
# 6 -DaVe- @ 05/25/09 12:02 PM
Man, the running still looks weird to me . Doesn't look Natural at all.
On that outside run the the runningback didnt even brace himself for the hit.
# 7 adembroski @ 05/25/09 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by -DaVe-
Man, the running still looks weird to me . Doesn't look Natural at all.
On that outside run the the runningback didnt even brace himself for the hit.
That would be the responsibility of the person controlling the player. If you do nothing with the sticks, the player should do nothing on the field.

Watch the last video, the hit stick one, and you'll see Portis brace himself just before getting blasted. He drops his shoulder just before contact.
# 8 Smoke316 @ 05/25/09 12:04 PM
Good Job Ian..even on a holiday your still working
# 9 Ian_Cummings @ 05/25/09 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by -DaVe-
Man, the running still looks weird to me . Doesn't look Natural at all.
On that outside run the the runningback didnt even brace himself for the hit.
Yep, you're correct. Hence the reason why I haven't done a "running backs procedurally bracing themselves for the hit" blog...because that tech doesn't exist yet. Something high on my list for 11 though - all kinds of layered animation tricks for the ballcarrier would make everything look more natural. If the tackle animation doesn't have a "brace" baked into it, then you aren't going to see him do it unless you hit the cover ball button. I'd like for that eventually to be dynamic and you don't have to control it.
# 10 NoTiCe_O @ 05/25/09 12:06 PM
Wordd, thanks Ian, i wake up on this beautiful Memorial day to this..Yesss!
# 11 adembroski @ 05/25/09 12:08 PM

7 Technique "Predator" defensive end/WOLB.

Although, if that's DeMarcus Ware, dude could use a sammich.
# 12 Droopy03 @ 05/25/09 12:11 PM
Ian I didn't see anything about double teaming beast on the DL. For example on the Jay ratliff for the cowboys video where he made a great move off the center to get to the ball carrier. I think the guard would of touched ratliff than went to the 2nd level.
# 13 adembroski @ 05/25/09 12:12 PM
I take back the sammich comment, Ware's got surprisingly skinny legs.

# 14 knucklez @ 05/25/09 12:15 PM
Running animations should be high on the list for '11. They still look really rigid and clunky.
# 15 RGiles36 @ 05/25/09 12:18 PM
Good read.

Was hoping to see something about push-the-pile animations returning or any kind of interaction animations between RBs and his blockers. Perhaps not feasible for this year, but maybe just add some evasive or "squeeze through" animations that trigger automatically when the RB hits a wall of blockers/defenders a la the 2K games.
# 16 TJdaSportsGuy @ 05/25/09 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Watch the last video, the hit stick one, and you'll see Portis brace himself just before getting blasted. He drops his shoulder just before contact.
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Yep, you're correct. Hence the reason why I haven't done a "running backs procedurally bracing themselves for the hit" blog...because that tech doesn't exist yet. Something high on my list for 11 though -
# 17 Bgamer90 @ 05/25/09 12:18 PM
The right stick is going to get a lot of use in Madden 10

Can't wait for E3!!!
# 18 radatdude2 @ 05/25/09 12:18 PM
blog was really well put together, But that hit stick looks very realistic!!!! thanks ian
# 19 Rashad19 @ 05/25/09 12:19 PM
Great blog Ian...this game is really starting to shape up!
# 20 cowboysfan440 @ 05/25/09 12:20 PM
awesome blog one complaint i have is the cowboys players are all skinny i believe in one of the earlier vids this wasnt the case so kinda curious about whats going on there
demarcus shouldnt be that much bigger though he was a bit to big on 09

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