Madden 2010 News Post

Early surprise this Memorial Day! Check out the new Madden NFL 10 blog. This one covers blocking improvements in the running game.

"2 weeks back we took a look at some of the improvements we made to our pass blocking in order to make the game more realistic (and fun) overall. I encourage everyone to take a look at it here. This week I wanted to give everyone a deeper look at some of the improvements to run blocking as well. Run blocking is one of the trickiest areas to program and tune just because of the amount of variation that happens in the NFL. Pass blocking is definitely complicated as well, but at some level you’ve got some pretty common concepts that you can follow (i.e. the OL needs to stay between the defender and the QB, the defensive end needs to get up field if he’s not stunting, etc). With run blocking however, there are just so many variations of plays that it can take much more time to get every single concept down pat while still making it a) realistic, b) responsive, and c) fun. At the beginning of the year, when we sat down as a group and looked at some of the areas we wanted to address, we all unanimously agreed that there were a few major areas that we just hadn’t quite emulated as well as we would like to create an authentic NFL sim."

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Valdarez @ 05/25/09 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
This was the last point I made in that other thread. Will the defensive line be able to have movement. So if I call crash left or right the Dline has its own movement and is not controlled by the Oline. If they don't have their own movement then we will not have anything that mimics a run fit and that will be highly troubling in my book.
The blog seems to primarily be from the perspective of the offensive side as well, so it's a little hard to understand how the defense can handle the run, or if the DLine calls (now that I know they can be made) have an effect on the gap that the running is running towards.
# 62 lgxjames @ 05/25/09 01:54 PM
Good blog overall, Wish I could complain but I can't
# 63 da bucs gm @ 05/25/09 01:55 PM
I didn't see any double team blocks
# 64 billyboy316 @ 05/25/09 01:57 PM
Oh thank you times a million. I have always been a run first type player but last year was based off chance. I loved the clip of #77 taking the Dallas defender right out of the hole it was lovely.

Now building a great line will actually mean something. I love it!!
# 65 rudyjuly2 @ 05/25/09 01:58 PM
I wish I could SEE the blog. I'm at work (Canadians had last Monday off) and I'll have to wait until I get home. I'd still like to know how this applies to NCAA 10 as well.
# 66 LBzrule @ 05/25/09 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
The blog seems to primarily be from the perspective of the offensive side as well, so it's a little hard to understand how the defense can handle the run, or if the DLine calls (now that I know they can be made) have an effect on the gap that the running is running towards.
This is true and they are running base line stunts. But even then, I would hope some guys would be able to stand the point of attack. But this is good for showcasing the offensive side. Now I want to know if in video 1 if I called a line crash towards where Portis is running, what will my Dline do and what will the Oline do? If they end up getting blocked the same way then we are gonna have a huge problem.
# 67 LBzrule @ 05/25/09 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by da bucs gm
I didn't see any double team blocks
They are in the game though. Might not be as pronounced as you'd like but they are in there.
# 68 adembroski @ 05/25/09 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by NOBLE
Will this be in NCAA 10?
Originally Posted by J-Unit40
Outstanding. I love how the Madden team is really making improvements in the blocking and tackling department. Great work Ian!

Oh, and will this run blocking be in NCAA as well?

(I just had to ask. )

Edit: Look like NOBLE asked the same question.
# 69 da bucs gm @ 05/25/09 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
They are in the game though. Might not be as pronounced as you'd like but they are in there.
ok cool as long as they're there I'm happy. Now it's a great blog for me
# 70 rckinAPhilliezhat @ 05/25/09 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by rgiles36
Good read.

Was hoping to see something about push-the-pile animations returning or any kind of interaction animations between RBs and his blockers. Perhaps not feasible for this year, but maybe just add some evasive or "squeeze through" animations that trigger automatically when the RB hits a wall of blockers/defenders a la the 2K games.
I was hoping for this too...also more leaning when players switch directions..The blocking looks great..but the running animations need some real help.
# 71 MrNFL_FanIQ @ 05/25/09 02:06 PM
Excellent stuff again. The game play looks (on paper at least) like it is going to be excellent.

Hopefully the game gets a good franchise mode so that playing these games can mean something.
# 72 LBzrule @ 05/25/09 02:08 PM
For the 3-4 OLB stance people, yes I pushed and was a nuisance about it. The stance is fixed. So there should not be anymore threads about it. And we can go ahead and give them props for fixing it. We notice things when they are wrong, but we are slow to pick up when things are right.

Also the ILB depth is right on the money. Good job AW. The play side ILB is showing blitz, but the backside guy has the correct depth and plays well coming across the formation.
# 73 rudyjuly2 @ 05/25/09 02:09 PM
For those that can't see the blog at work, this site has a recap (but not the whole blog or all the videos).

# 74 da bucs gm @ 05/25/09 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrNFL_FanIQ
Excellent stuff again. The game play looks (on paper at least) like it is going to be excellent.

Hopefully the game gets a good franchise mode so that playing these games can mean something.
That's the only thing I'm waiting to hear about so I can make my decision. How improved is franchise? And I know presentation is going to be awesome
# 75 lgxjames @ 05/25/09 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
For the 3-4 OLB stance people, yes I pushed and was a nuisance about it. The stance is fixed. So there should not be anymore threads about it. And we can go ahead and give them props for fixing it. We notice things when they are wrong, but we are slow to pick up when things are right.

Also the ILB depth is right on the money. Good job AW. The play side ILB is showing blitz, but the backside guy has the correct depth and plays well coming across the formation.
# 76 MattIntellect @ 05/25/09 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by da bucs gm
That's the only thing I'm waiting to hear about so I can make my decision. How improved is franchise? And I know presentation is going to be awesome
You'll find out at E3. We're also hoping to see some extra presentation info at E3.
# 77 Captain Obvious @ 05/25/09 02:19 PM
damn i guess next year we get double teams...
# 78 LBzrule @ 05/25/09 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Obvious
damn i guess next year we get double teams...
There was one in the 4th run blocking video actually at the 0:04 second mark. He just peeled off and picked up Brady James, which is what he should do.
# 79 MattIntellect @ 05/25/09 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Captain Obvious
damn i guess next year we get double teams...
You're not sure if it's in this year.
# 80 brza37 @ 05/25/09 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by NOBLE
Will this be in NCAA 10?

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