Madden 2010 News Post

Early surprise this Memorial Day! Check out the new Madden NFL 10 blog. This one covers blocking improvements in the running game.

"2 weeks back we took a look at some of the improvements we made to our pass blocking in order to make the game more realistic (and fun) overall. I encourage everyone to take a look at it here. This week I wanted to give everyone a deeper look at some of the improvements to run blocking as well. Run blocking is one of the trickiest areas to program and tune just because of the amount of variation that happens in the NFL. Pass blocking is definitely complicated as well, but at some level you’ve got some pretty common concepts that you can follow (i.e. the OL needs to stay between the defender and the QB, the defensive end needs to get up field if he’s not stunting, etc). With run blocking however, there are just so many variations of plays that it can take much more time to get every single concept down pat while still making it a) realistic, b) responsive, and c) fun. At the beginning of the year, when we sat down as a group and looked at some of the areas we wanted to address, we all unanimously agreed that there were a few major areas that we just hadn’t quite emulated as well as we would like to create an authentic NFL sim."

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Member Comments
# 21 adembroski @ 05/25/09 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by TJdaSportsGuy
Yeah, well, he must have covered, because he braces himself in the hit stick video. As I said, the responsibility is with the guy on the sticks.
# 22 TJdaSportsGuy @ 05/25/09 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Yeah, well, he must have covered, because he braces himself in the hit stick video. As I said, the responsibility is with the guy on the sticks.
Don't mean to clog up the thread with a useless argument but I'm sorry bro, there's no bracing there. Not that I can tell, anyway.
# 23 therizing02 @ 05/25/09 12:24 PM
Thanks again Ian! The game looks incredible! Great to see the new hit stick animations! The over abundance of WWF hits were quite annoying. Looking forward to the reports from E3.
# 24 TheWatcher @ 05/25/09 12:26 PM
In the second video at :22 seconds, you'll notice that Portis stops dead in his tracks mid-run allowing the defender to latch on for the hit. I saw a lot of that in 09. It's not the worst thing in the world, but once you notice that it kinda sticks out.
# 25 thaima1shu @ 05/25/09 12:30 PM
Awesome, awesome blog. I was hoping for some improvements to the running game, and this looks fantastic. Thanks Ian.
# 26 Cryolemon @ 05/25/09 12:30 PM
Certainlylooks better than 09. Good blog as ever, Ian.
# 27 rhombic21 @ 05/25/09 12:34 PM
This looks amazing. Really excited about these run blocking changes.
# 28 thudias @ 05/25/09 12:34 PM
Wow...who knew so many changes were possible in one iteration? I am looking forward to playing definsive line again. Thanks for not keeping line players suctioned to each other for another year.
# 29 TheWatcher @ 05/25/09 12:39 PM
I wonder what the verdict is on nameplates. In the video I see that Randy Thomas #77 Redskins, has his first name initial. I was playing 09 and noticed that Carson Palmer's says "C.Palmer". These are both wrong.

I'd just like to reiterate that it would probably be best to get rid of all name initials in Madden. I'm still not sure if initials were outlawed, but I could've sworn I heard this someplace. I just know that just about every player that gets shown wearing it in Madden doesn't wear it in real life. It's most glaring on marquee players because you know immediately from memory what their nameplate looks like.
# 30 Hassan Darkside @ 05/25/09 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Yeah, well, he must have covered, because he braces himself in the hit stick video. As I said, the responsibility is with the guy on the sticks.
I'm sure it only looks that way because of the way the animation was captured. It takes two people to mo-cap a tackle (obviously), so whoever the ballcarrier was, he dipped his shoulder a little before being hit. But there really isn't any "bracing" going on outside of the animation.

Anyway, nice blog. One thing I noticed wasn't touched on was lead blocks. Have those been tweaked at all? Sometimes in Madden 09, the FB or whoever was lead blocking would make the wrong decision in picking up the block. If there's a blitz and someone gets in the backfield, sometimes he'd ignore him and go on to assignment. Also, inferior lead blockers should get blown up in the hole, not just sidestepped like they do in 09. This would slow down people who love to run dual tailbacks in the I Formation.
# 31 TheWatcher @ 05/25/09 12:41 PM
Anyway, the blocking looks good. This is a very important enhancement. Running lanes didn't make an awful lot of sense in 09. That looks like it will be a lot better now.
# 32 Ian_Cummings @ 05/25/09 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
I wonder what the verdict is on nameplates. In the video I see that Randy Thomas #77 Redskins, has his first name initial. I was playing 09 and noticed that Carson Palmer's says "C.Palmer". These are both wrong.

I'd just like to reiterate that it would probably be best to get rid of all name initials in Madden. I'm still not sure if initials were outlawed, but I could've sworn I heard this someplace. I just know that just about every player that gets shown wearing it in Madden doesn't wear it in real life. It's most glaring on marquee players because you know immediately from memory what their nameplate looks like.
Josh actually just updated this on Saturday - as per KANE_DB he let us know that players aren't allowed to use first initials anymore. If you guys know of anyone that still uses an initial, please start a new thread and we'll make sure to keep them as the exception.
# 33 TheWatcher @ 05/25/09 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Josh actually just updated this on Saturday - as per KANE_DB he let us know that players aren't allowed to use first initials anymore. If you guys know of anyone that still uses an initial, please start a new thread and we'll make sure to keep them as the exception.
# 34 droopizzle34 @ 05/25/09 12:49 PM
great blog! balance is so important in madden,and the run blocking in 09 was horrible! LBs used to come in untouched and blow up your run everytime on a run blitz. the fb and center were the dumbest blockers I ever seen!I like the new animations,and as you can see as a defender you can still make a great swim or rip move and get to the ballcarrier,so like i said it seems to balance out. After seeing the blog today,and with the pile on tackles,it is going to be fun to pound the rock in '10. Great job Ian and co. !
# 35 SHO @ 05/25/09 12:49 PM
Will this be in NCAA 10?
# 36 cedwebb @ 05/25/09 12:51 PM
Good stuff!

The Goods:

1. Much better blocking animations, can see the O-lineman turn his defender and try to seal him off.

2. In second vid both guards pull and block the correct man, looks great.

3. Much better flow in the second vid than we have seen in past years. The line is spread out vs that clumping together look.

4. Beautiful defensive line moves. Really really good looking animations.

5. The hit stick vid- just amazing looking. The hit looks violent and realistic. Not overdone at all, hope they all look that good.

6. Hit stick vid- Santana Moss lined up looks awsome! Great looking WR stance.

The Bad:

1. The RB still looks a little robotic in the running motion to me, maybe to upright or something.

Great work guys!
# 37 J-Unit40 @ 05/25/09 12:51 PM
Outstanding. I love how the Madden team is really making improvements in the blocking and tackling department. Great work Ian!

Oh, and will this run blocking be in NCAA as well?

(I just had to ask. )

Edit: Look like NOBLE asked the same question.
# 38 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/25/09 12:54 PM
Ian great read my frined. I am so glad for the improvements on blocking. The blcking is looking more real this year then it has in the past. I can't wait till next year when ya'll build on this. Thanks alot Ian. Ian ya'll enjoy yourselves down at E3 next week also.
# 39 droopizzle34 @ 05/25/09 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by Ruff Ryder
I'm sure it only looks that way because of the way the animation was captured. It takes two people to mo-cap a tackle (obviously), so whoever the ballcarrier was, he dipped his shoulder a little before being hit. But there really isn't any "bracing" going on outside of the animation.

Anyway, nice blog. One thing I noticed wasn't touched on was lead blocks. Have those been tweaked at all? Sometimes in Madden 09, the FB or whoever was lead blocking would make the wrong decision in picking up the block. If there's a blitz and someone gets in the backfield, sometimes he'd ignore him and go on to assignment. Also, inferior lead blockers should get blown up in the hole, not just sidestepped like they do in 09. This would slow down people who love to run dual tailbacks in the I Formation.
Preach!!!! Man the FB was EXTRA DUMB last year. I used to look like this so many times in my league games ----> I hope this issue is also addressed.(the fb,not me bagging my head...lol already addressed that..LMAO)
# 40 Deegeezy @ 05/25/09 01:03 PM
Hopefully all the new animations = no more lazy animations to show a defeated blocker such as the defender simply knocking him on his backside at the snap of the ball.

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