Madden 2010 News Post

Look at Maximum tackle and the suddenness in which the tackler arrives and the wealth of options in this system. The tackler comes to tackle not engage in a line dance. I know I don't know all the features to Pro Tak, when it comes to the actual tackle, but when you see this video, of ESPN NFL 2K5 tackle options you will understand why I critisize the grabbing for grabbing sake.

In 2k5 you could initiate the tackle with a wrap or a hit. I also like which wasn't mentioned in the video, you can choose whether or not you should wrap high or low by flicking the right stick up for high wrap tackle and flicking down for low wrap tackle and the next defender(s) attacks the ball carrier.

I'm not hating, I actually like the idea, I just want it to be aggressive and violent as it should be its a collision sport not contact and racing up to a ball carrier just to hold onto him just for looks, just doesn't look good.


Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 LBzrule @ 05/06/09 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by backbreaker
Look at Maximum tackle and the suddenness in which the tackler arrives and the wealth of options in this system. The tackler comes to tackle not engage in a line dance. I know I don't know all the features to Pro Tak, when it comes to the actual tackle, but when you see this video, of ESPN NFL 2K5 tackle options you will understand why I critisize the grabbing for grabbing sake.

In 2k5 you could initiate the tackle with a wrap or a hit. I also like which wasn't mentioned in the video, you can choose whether or not you should wrap high or low by flicking the right stick up for high wrap tackle and flicking down for low wrap tackle and the next defender(s) attacks the ball carrier.

I'm not hating, I actually like the idea, I just want it to be aggressive and violent as it should be its a collision sport not contact and racing up to a ball carrier just to hold onto him just for looks, just doesn't look good.

I actually think the latest backbreaker tackles looks the most violent and look like real collisions.
# 2 Brandon_c993 @ 05/06/09 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
I actually think the latest backbreaker tackles looks the most violent and look like real collisions.
Ya I think Backbreaker will be the only Football game right now that will be able to compete with Madden sales-wise...assuming the gameplay and controls will be done well, I am looking forward to getting both...I love the tackles in BB...
# 3 floridagatorfan @ 05/06/09 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Brandon_c993
Ya I think Backbreaker will be the only Football game right now that will be able to compete with Madden sales-wise...assuming the gameplay and controls will be done well, I am looking forward to getting both...I love the tackles in BB...
I doubt that it will compete with Madden for sales just like All Pro football couldn't compete with Madden for sales. I just think too many people are going to pick up Madden for the NFL and then maybe get BB secondary because it offers a different experience.

I hope backbreaker is good just like I hope Madden will be good this year but until I see more of it I can't say for sure how good it will be. Football is definately a tough sport to reproduce in a videogame and I think that in its first installment BB will offer something unique but will also have flaws being that it is their first attempt at a football game.

I would love to be wrong on this, and the tackles look amazing (idea of seeing uncanned hits would keep enjoyment up and prevent things from becoming stale), but I also am trying to hold back my excitement and not put too much hopes into it just yet.
# 4 Brandon_c993 @ 05/06/09 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by floridagatorfan
I doubt that it will compete with Madden for sales just like All Pro football couldn't compete with Madden for sales. I just think too many people are going to pick up Madden for the NFL and then maybe get BB secondary because it offers a different experience.

I hope backbreaker is good just like I hope Madden will be good this year but until I see more of it I can't say for sure how good it will be. Football is definately a tough sport to reproduce in a videogame and I think that in its first installment BB will offer something unique but will also have flaws being that it is their first attempt at a football game.

I would love to be wrong on this, and the tackles look amazing (idea of seeing uncanned hits would keep enjoyment up and prevent things from becoming stale), but I also am trying to hold back my excitement and not put too much hopes into it just yet.
I hate APF I bought if for $12 and that was too much APF didn't compete because APF was not any good and didn't have NFL teams, like Backbreaker won't either but BB also has the new engine, that IMO will revolutionize football games, just like I think Pro-Tak will revolutionize Madden in many aspects, but like you said it remains to be seen if BB will be good...
# 5 Brandon_c993 @ 05/06/09 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by salbowski
I'd like to see a video of the backbreaker tackling without the heavy metal music and loud gunshot every time someone tackles...

I think my niece tackling our cat would look violent if i recorded it with metallica playing in the backgroung and firing a 9mm upon impact.

Much like madden i'll judge entirely when i've seen live gameplay footage and not a moment sooner... screw all this trailer garbage.
,But if you played Gwar it would be that much more violent and creepy....almost as creepy as this pic:

# 6 jjdogjjdog5162 @ 05/06/09 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by salbowski
I'd like to see a video of the backbreaker tackling without the heavy metal music and loud gunshot every time someone tackles...

I think my niece tackling our cat would look violent if i recorded it with metallica playing in the backgroung and firing a 9mm upon impact.

Much like madden i'll judge entirely when i've seen live gameplay footage and not a moment sooner... screw all this trailer garbage.
# 7 CreatineKasey @ 05/06/09 08:31 PM
If Madden captures the greatness 2k8 had with tackles and makes it look somewhere in the ballpark of Backbreaker, I'll be whistlin' dixie!

Maximum tackling with reach tackles is just awesome! You can actually fill the A gap on an iso run, gain control of the blocker and ideally try for a reach tackle and single handedly stop the play in the gap... much like GREAT LB's will do. Big hits serve the correct purpose.
# 8 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/06/09 08:44 PM
The only way Backbreaker can compete with madden 10 is. IF it had a Franchise mode that is as good as it will be madden are better. Plus It would need a name and number system likw ncaa 09 has to be able to imput of the real nfl players into backbreakers teams. Besides that. BB has nothing really on madden10 aspect maybe graphics and motion engine. Thats bout all. But without the nfl rights BB will not last long. Unless NFL all of a sudden see Backbreaker out sale madden 10. Then nfl could pull EA rights to nfl and give BB a chance. But that is a big if. WE will see. But I don't see madden 10 ben out sold by BB.
# 9 Brandon_c993 @ 05/06/09 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by Pantherbeast
The only way Backbreaker can compete with madden 10 is. IF it had a Franchise mode that is as good as it will be madden are better. Plus It would need a name and number system likw ncaa 09 has to be able to imput of the real nfl players into backbreakers teams. Besides that. BB has nothing really on madden10 aspect maybe graphics and motion engine. Thats bout all. But without the nfl rights BB will not last long. Unless NFL all of a sudden see Backbreaker out sale madden 10. Then nfl could pull EA rights to nfl and give BB a chance. But that is a big if. WE will see. But I don't see madden 10 ben out sold by BB.
Well Blitz has done OK without the NFL licesne although Blitz 2 has not done well at all, but I enjoy it, its a nice change,(I loved the 1st one though) I never said BB with outsell Madden I said it will be the only one that will compete....quite a big difference...
# 10 Brandon_c993 @ 05/06/09 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by joejccva71
Another Backbreaker vs Madden thread.

3...2...1... Lock please.
Why??? It hasn't turned into anything bad...just friendly conversation about 2 different games...whats wrong with that?
# 11 JMD @ 05/06/09 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by salbowski
I'd like to see a video of the backbreaker tackling without the heavy metal music and loud gunshot every time someone tackles...

Turn the sound off.
# 12 Brandon_c993 @ 05/06/09 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by joejccva71
It's friendly for the mean time. Course it's only page 2 of the thread.
This is true..if it gets out of hand I agree it should be locked but for now it is fine
# 13 rckabillyRaider @ 05/06/09 09:43 PM
Is backbreaker even ever gonna come out?! Its like some mythical game right now and nothing more. If it ever comes out, I'll def purchase it but for now I just hope that EA finally produces a decent playing game of madden.
# 14 Valdarez @ 05/06/09 10:46 PM
In general Madden has no feel of momentum. Players don't feel like they have an impact when they hit (unless it's hitstick, then it's just weird, not accurate), they don't feel like they have momentum that lets them finish out runs, they don't have momentum when changing direction. Couple that with all of the missing transition animations and it makes the game feel unnecessarily akward.
# 15 c dizzy m baby @ 05/06/09 10:49 PM
Im not sure but I think I remember Ian or someone saying something like animations take the most memory, so Im guessing BB will use much less "canned" animations so does that mean they have more memory for other stuff? That seems to be the biggest limitation when talking with the Devs so Im curious if thats true what will they do with the extra space.
# 16 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 03:09 AM
Check this out, new bakebreaker video footage --> http://blog.us.playstation.com/2009/...-and-euphoria/

27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="437" height="265" id="viddler">

It's short, but you can catch a glimpse of a 4 person tackle if you watch closely.

EDIT: The three person tackle is at about 1:14 into the video.
# 17 apexbronx @ 05/08/09 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by backbreaker
Thanks for the heads up, those tackles do look like they are attacking the ball carrier. This is all I've been saying, I don't mean no harm or hate, just being a squeaky wheel. All my football life pee wee, jr. high school, high school and college, I've been told to hit'em, stick your head in their, not grab, because the grab comes after the hit.
100% Agreed
# 18 The Lob Mob @ 05/08/09 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by big_larry
pro tak is way more advanced than that 2k5 crap, which only allows 3 player gang tackles just like madden 09. pro tak is simulating real gang tackles when the running back is hard to take down and it takes alot of defenders to get them down. im sure madden will have some violent tackles when there are only like 2 or 3 players in on the tackle and you can come in and hit stick a player being held up.

so you need to stop hating and get out of here with that weak *** 2k5 crap which by the way they run like ******s. 2k football is done, so go play some 2k5 and get out of here.

LOL, 'weak'. . .LOL. . .
# 19 Valdarez @ 05/08/09 05:00 AM
Originally Posted by Entiel

LOL, 'weak'. . .LOL. . .
Nice video. Did you see the 4 person tackle in the back breaker link I posted? Looks very, very kewl, better than Madden or 2K IMHO.
# 20 icomb1ne @ 05/08/09 05:32 AM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Nice video. Did you see the 4 person tackle in the back breaker link I posted? Looks very, very kewl, better than Madden or 2K IMHO.
Given the brief glimpses we have seen it looks cool but not realistic. I think the problem is that they definitely look to much like ragdolls. At 1:03 the guy is falling to the ground head first and it doesn't seem like he trying very hard to break his fall. Talk about a broken back. Also, it seems there will be no dragging defenders and fighting for yards. The defenders will either make the huge hit or simply glance off, no runners overpowering the defenders and breaking from their grasps.

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