Madden 2010 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 341 adembroski @ 04/24/09 04:07 AM
Originally Posted by icomb1ne
Pretty much

Anyways, it could just be that video is compressed or something so that it makes seem as if the animations seem jerky/choppy. I know you and Adem have played it so can you guys possibly comment on the animations? Are they smoother than the video? Are there multiple QB animations?
I'll just be frank... this trailer sucks. It isn't the game I played. I didn't see players standing around like morons, I didn't see the entire team change directions at once, I didn't see cornerbacks morphing through their own backs to be facing the other way. That crap didn't happen in the game I played. I certainly didn't see two defenders having their own personal footrace while a receiver went off in another direction during a play.

This trailer was clearly not intended to be torn asunder by the community, but for crying out loud, a lot of momentum was lost here because of whoever put this video together. I have to believe it wasn't anyone on the actual development team, because I can't believe they would shoot themselves in the foot like this.

I'm actually angry. This makes me look the *** because I've been talking this game up since before I played it, and when I did play it, I wasn't disappointed at all. A few things were questionable, but it wasn't like this.

I'm glad they got Pro-Tak in the video, because pro-tak is awesome. They got a few new animations, and yes, unfortunately, we're getting the same poor basic running animation, and yes, quarterbacks still do that goofy knee bend when they throw, but overall, animation-wise...

Okay, look, I was the guy who sat there amongst 2 2k5 fans and I was the one who said Madden did not top 2k5 in terms of animations. The two guys... The Watcher and LBzrule... both looked at me like I was friggin' nuts. So take that for what it's worth.
# 342 oldskoolmaddenfanz27 @ 04/24/09 04:08 AM
its just foolish to take the word of anyone on the EA payroll/on the inside, playing advanced copies, getting invites to events, free games, who knows what else, because its been the same thing for the last two years. I realize it may not be the same people, but there were those "in the know", and whatever you want to call them defending the merits of Madden 08 and 09, I know this from memory. I hope everyone makes a responsible decision with their money that isnt based on their own observations and not the word of anyone else. they will work you until the end.
# 343 NFLHITMAN @ 04/24/09 04:10 AM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
Just wanted to drop in and say hello from my hotel in NYC. Long day today - up early and demo'ed Madden 10 to a TON of press people from 10 to 4. It was good to meet a lot of folks I hadn't really talked to much before like Brian Ekberg from Gamespot, PastaPadre, and Chris from NCAA Strategies (and many many more people that I will have to check back in my contact list to remember their names). The game showed pretty well (I believe) - we are holding a ton of stuff back until E3 so I felt really hamstrung with what we could show today, but just the PRO-TAK tech alone really wowed a ton of people...so that was encouraging. After an event like this it's a good reminder to all the tuning we still have to do as a few things were still 'cringe-worthy' (as I call them), but all in all I think the reactions were quite positive even we were showing what I believe was an extremely limited demo.

Speaking of PRO-TAK, it is going to be on display in the video on GTTV tonight, so I can't wait for you guys to see it. I am dead for tonight and have a ton of stuff booked tomorrow so I don't know if I'll be on after the video displays, but I look forward to you all picking apart everything as usual and finding the good and bad. You'll see some stuff that you don't like I'm sure (I know I did), but I really hope you get a bit of a surprise when you see PRO-TAK on full display. Looking forward to the impressions...

Peace out - see you in a few days.
So let me list what I thought was good and bad......

The good.......

  • Gang Tackling
  • OL/DL Interaction is good but not great
  • On field Refs
The Bad.........

  • It seems like the center for both teams was in no mans land every time.
  • That was either a poor trailer by GT or the graphics were not that great at all.
  • Throwing Motion was robotic
  • Player movement was robotic and stiff as a board.
  • Player movement was same as Madden 09 IMO
  • Defensive Backs like the double team on Fitz was not even looking at him.
  • There was no pocket formed at all from what I seen.
  • The same branching tackle animation in Madden 10 as was in 09. When you see a finesse back like Willie Parker move a pile and break out of 2 players doubling up on a tackle is pathetic. No wonder Ian got 300+ yards with Brandon Jacobs when he played.
  • Seemed like the refs was getting knocked down every play. You hardly ever see this in the NFL.
  • The towels were not animated to sway as the player moves.
  • The player models looked horrible with there arms, helmets, face mask, and more.
Think about what you just saw and ask yourself this question....

If I was going to make a game and put a trailer of that game on a national exclusive would I want the best my new game has to offer in that trailer? The answer for everyone would be yes.

No answer this.....

If that is the best that Madden 10 has to offer than how can you be happy with the product?

I will say this again in normal letters..... If this is what Madden 10 will be than.....

No Sell!
# 344 cowboysfan440 @ 04/24/09 04:10 AM
i think ppl are taking a bit more out of this than was intended honestly i think this was just to show case the new animations mainly the protak tech and we should honestly wait to see some in game footage before we go making huge judgements
# 345 oldskoolmaddenfanz27 @ 04/24/09 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by jp7588
I noticed the Warner release and pointed it out in a couple threads, I don't believe anyone commented on it. I thought that was awesome and I'm pumped to see some other qb's.
what does it matter if he looks like a crab from the waist down?
# 346 ghostlight85 @ 04/24/09 04:12 AM
Ok, so there are some legitimate concerns from this video. I am slightly less excited than I was 3 hours ago. I am thrilled to see 4 man gang tackling, and linemen pushing the pile and things of that sort, but one poster hit it right on when he said that it seems like the tacklers let go rather than the ball carrier breaking free. It's been a problem for a while.

The thing with Hood, the corner on the cardinals, was a little disheartening. It felt like he should have been burned pretty bad, and he got a magic get out of jail free card.

But I am not going to have a conniption. Ian has been saying a lot of things about how the build being shown for media people was missing a lot of things being held back for E3. Hopefully, this trailer was made missing some of those same things. The game will undoubtedly be better than last years. But... maybe I've let Ian and Donny and the team get my hopes a little higher than I should have.

Then again, the guys who have played the game seem to be saying that this just doesn't do it justice. And that keeps me hopeful.
# 347 jp7588 @ 04/24/09 04:14 AM
Hitman, I don't think this trailer was put together by someone who is at all concerned with our opinions. It looked like the game was manipulated to create "wow" moments. There is some cause for concern, the video was pretty underwhelming, but I don't really think this is an accurate representation of what the final product will look like on my tv, on all-madden.
# 348 g2thecore @ 04/24/09 04:16 AM
Originally Posted by jp7588
Hitman, I don't think this trailer was put together by someone who is at all concerned with our opinions. It looked like the game was manipulated to create "wow" moments. There is some cause for concern, the video was pretty underwhelming, but I don't really think this is an accurate representation of what the final product will look like on my tv, on all-madden.
^^^ This!
# 349 jp7588 @ 04/24/09 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by oldskoolmaddenfanz27
what does it matter if he looks like a crab from the waist down?
It's still a neat addition and helps give us the authenticity we want. Although I would like to hear an explanation as to why they have to crouch when they throw. I can't imagine anyone thinking that was a good idea...
# 350 Bgamer90 @ 04/24/09 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by jp7588
Hitman, I don't think this trailer was put together by someone who is at all concerned with our opinions. It looked like the game was manipulated to create "wow" moments. There is some cause for concern, the video was pretty underwhelming, but I don't really think this is an accurate representation of what the final product will look like on my tv, on all-madden.

Good way of summing all of this up.
# 351 Glorious Arc @ 04/24/09 04:18 AM
I can understand people saying Hood turned on a dime.

I cant understand how they think that a 5 yard(at most) gap couldnt have been closed because Holmes had to look over his shoulder and then make a very awkward type of catch. I would have been upset if Holmes kept running at full speed while making that catch because it was thrown slightly behind where he ran to and its a hard catch to make while moving in stride.

BTW there is a clipping issue with that catch animation. Its very small but you can see Homles left arm as he reaches to catch the ball go inside his equipment.
# 352 oChaos_Nine @ 04/24/09 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by NYGmen56

Thats nice.. The problem i see here is why is all 4 defenders doing the same thing? Why isn't 1 grabbing the legs or 1 trying to jump on top?? They look like they are huddling for a play.. Actually it looks more like a Rugby game!!?? Football or Rugby?? Somthing just doesn't look right..
Wasn't there a discussion of how off Dockett looked in 09? Looks like 09's player models to me.

Edit: I think I've figured out what makes the players look so out of proportion... The feet.
# 353 oldskoolmaddenfanz27 @ 04/24/09 04:19 AM
Was the Madden 09 trailer reaction this bad?
# 354 Brandon_c993 @ 04/24/09 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by jp7588
It's still a neat addition and helps give us the authenticity we want. Although I would like to hear an explanation as to why they have to crouch when they throw. I can't imagine anyone thinking that was a good idea...
well....I mean... it seemed like it at the time.....it was going to revolutionize the way real QBs threw....
# 355 burne @ 04/24/09 04:20 AM

Originally Posted by adembroski

... just sayin'
Hm are you implying that those two shots look similar? Because there's a lot that is very different between them.

I feel like we can agree the throw animations (disclaimer: in the trailer) don't look right, somehow. I've been thinking for a while about what it is specifically that is wrong with the throwing animations. It is my opinion that the biggest issue is the lower body and the way they bend their knees and sink so low while they throw. It's like they squat then rotate their knees. Very unnatural.

Man, it's difficult to find shots of a QB's knees while throwing.
# 356 burne @ 04/24/09 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by adembroski
Yep... get rid of that crouch thing they do and it'll be good. Too much knee bend.
Oops didn't get to this post. My B.
# 357 icomb1ne @ 04/24/09 04:22 AM
Thanks for the response Adembroski! Very reassuring!
# 358 NFLHITMAN @ 04/24/09 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by burne

Hm are you implying that those two shots look similar? Because there's a lot that is very different between them.

I feel like we can agree the throw animations (disclaimer: in the trailer) don't look right, somehow. I've been thinking for a while about what it is specifically that is wrong with the throwing animations. It is my opinion that the biggest issue is the lower body and the way they bend their knees and sink so low while they throw. It's like they squat then rotate their knees. Very unnatural.

Man, it's difficult to find shots of a QB's knees while throwing.
I guess the phrase of standing tall in the pocket doesn't apply to Madden
# 359 Bgamer90 @ 04/24/09 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Echopax
Didn't you guys get the e-mail? Madden NFL 10 has been renamed to "Robot Crabs 10".

Every game will be played on a beach. The main objective will be to wiggle the right trigger enough to avoid giant enemy crabs from tackling you.
# 360 adembroski @ 04/24/09 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by jp7588
Hitman, I don't think this trailer was put together by someone who is at all concerned with our opinions. It looked like the game was manipulated to create "wow" moments. There is some cause for concern, the video was pretty underwhelming, but I don't really think this is an accurate representation of what the final product will look like on my tv, on all-madden.
I hate bringing up difficulty in this arguments because someone will always say "That's what people said last year!" and it's a valid response.

But, yes, this had to be made on rookie... pro at *best*.

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