Madden 2010 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 361 oldskoolmaddenfanz27 @ 04/24/09 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by Derrville
Echo!!!! Dont get banned man
thats what ive been saying. were all frustrated and disappointed since the Madden 10 trailer hit and smashed all of our expectations to pieces, but lets not get too crazy on each other. its only a game, and theres always next year
# 362 Brandon_c993 @ 04/24/09 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by Derrville
Echo!!!! Dont get banned man
lol Idk I actually thought his game idea was good....no joke...at least it would be entertaining....
# 363 oChaos_Nine @ 04/24/09 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
If he's the bunny, then you're the battery... Just sayin'
# 364 adembroski @ 04/24/09 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by burne
Hm are you implying that those two shots look similar? Because there's a lot that is very different between them.

I feel like we can agree the throw animations (disclaimer: in the trailer) don't look right, somehow. I've been thinking for a while about what it is specifically that is wrong with the throwing animations. It is my opinion that the biggest issue is the lower body and the way they bend their knees and sink so low while they throw. It's like they squat then rotate their knees. Very unnatural.

Man, it's difficult to find shots of a QB's knees while throwing.
I was implying the arm motion is right... I said in a later post that the knee bending thing still needs work.

I pitched in HS and I was a QB coach for a while. What I see when I watch that leg work is a pitcher... drop the back knee. It seems like the person who mo-capped the lower body animation (unless it was hand animated, possible) was probably a pitcher at one point. A quarterback doing this... yeah, you're supposed to keep your knees bent, but not like that.

Plus the timing between the lower and upper body is a bit off. Rather than a 7-point throw, it looks more like the torso is kinda pivoting on a base independent of what the lower body is doing.

But my point remains... the arm motion is good.
# 365 Bgamer90 @ 04/24/09 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by oChaos_Nine
If he's the bunny, then you're the battery... Just sayin'
Good analogy lol.

but yeah... I guess I should just ignore him. It's just that I don't get people like that who come in and offer nothing to the thread.
# 366 adembroski @ 04/24/09 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by icomb1ne
Thanks for the response Adembroski! Very reassuring!
For you, maybe. I don't know if this trailer was made before or after community day.

Not to say they'd purposefully take out what was good about it, just saying I hope they didn't hit obstacles that'll make for a lesser product come August.
# 367 Brandon_c993 @ 04/24/09 04:29 AM
Originally Posted by Echopax
It would definitely be on my "to buy" list, just under "Mafia II".

lol Idk man it might be above Uncharted and Bioshock 2 in mine....
# 368 Brandon_c993 @ 04/24/09 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by Echopax
Come to think of it, the Wii version is starting to look quite tasty. How much are Wii games, $39.99?
lol I originally got a Wii then I saw what Madden was going to be like and I sold the Wii and ended up getting my PS3 and of course had to get a new TV for it...
# 369 burne @ 04/24/09 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by Echopax
Didn't you guys get the e-mail? Madden NFL 10 has been renamed to "Robot Crabs 10".

Every game will be played on a beach. The main objective will be to wiggle the right trigger enough to avoid giant enemy crabs from tackling you.
LOL!!! I know you're actually being very negative about the game, but that doesn't mean I don't find that post hilarious.
# 370 g2thecore @ 04/24/09 04:40 AM
Off topic.

Did anyone of you happen to catch the NCAA 10 trailer today? In my opinion, it looked better than the Madden trailer. The animations felt slightly more fluid. If you haven't seen it, check it out.
# 371 xxjgbxx @ 04/24/09 04:41 AM
to me it looks good except the players arms look weird and the fight for every yard feature could be a game breaker, from watching players like edge shouldnt be holding up 3 players he isnt jacobs or mcclain
# 372 Brandon_c993 @ 04/24/09 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by Echopax
Well, I kind of knew it would end up being like it is. I actually gave myself hope that Madden NFL 10 would actually turn out to be something that may be able to hold a candle to NFL 2k5.

As much of a fanboy as I probably look, I'm really not. If NFL Fever 2005 was the best football game, then I'd defend it. If Madden NFL 11 defies all the odds and really is the best Madden ever, then I'd be the first to commend it.

Madden NFL 10, in my opinion, isn't going to live up to expectations, and will therefore be another failure. I'm not trolling. I'm not trying to annoy people. I'm posting my opinion. If some of you can't handle the possibily of my opinion becoming a fact, then that's your problem.

I can understand how some of you still have hope for this game to be the best football game ever. Well, I did too... back in 2006. I'm done pretending, so I'm choosing not to buy this game. Hopefully more people take my path and make EA realize that they can't ship out whatever they want and make tons of profit out of it.

Some of you will defend EA after I post this, and that's your choice, but I'm sticking to my guns and refuse to give them a get out of jail free card year after year.
ol I always buy it either way even if it is a glorified roster update...I can't go back to the graphics on my Xbox(NFL 2k5) and would rather have a slightly improved game in Madden 10...

that being said it is still early I honestly will not be able to say I am going to buy it or not until some presentation stuff and gameplay vids come out

...I honestly don't think you should either...mainly because it could turn out to be the best Madden in recent years...I never thought it could be the best football game ever...lol that is way too high of an expectation....especially after the abomanation that is Madden 09...
# 373 jp7588 @ 04/24/09 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by g2thecore
Off topic.

Did anyone of you happen to catch the NCAA 10 trailer today? In my opinion, it looked better than the Madden trailer. The animations felt slightly more fluid. If you haven't seen it, check it out.
I thought the NCAA trailer looked pretty good. I think it was put together way better than the Madden trailer.
# 374 Meast21Forever @ 04/24/09 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by Echopax
Well, I kind of knew it would end up being like it is. I actually gave myself hope that Madden NFL 10 would actually turn out to be something that may be able to hold a candle to NFL 2k5.

As much of a fanboy as I probably look, I'm really not. If NFL Fever 2005 was the best football game, then I'd defend it. If Madden NFL 11 defies all the odds and really is the best Madden ever, then I'd be the first to commend it.

Madden NFL 10, in my opinion, isn't going to live up to expectations, and will therefore be another failure. I'm not trolling. I'm not trying to annoy people. I'm posting my opinion. If some of you can't handle the possibily of my opinion becoming a fact, then that's your problem.

I can understand how some of you still have hope for this game to be the best football game ever. Well, I did too... back in 2006. I'm done pretending, so I'm choosing not to buy this game. Hopefully more people take my path and make EA realize that they can't ship out whatever they want and make tons of profit out of it.

Some of you will defend EA after I post this, and that's your choice, but I'm sticking to my guns and refuse to give them a get out of jail free card year after year.
you got all that from the GT video? it was like 15 seconds.

i do agree that it did look a lot like 09, but i didn't have a hard time playing 09. there were some obvious flaws but i don't think that short video really shows whether those have been fixed. there are some cool new animations, as usual, and all the things on the blog we've heard about seem great, it just isn't enough for me to judge on. i'm a madden freak so i'm going to get it regardless, but i don't know how you can have an opinion on whether or not madden will live up to expectations already. it's not a finished product yet. i'll wait a few months before i form my opinions. for now, just even more excitement and anticipation.
# 375 g2thecore @ 04/24/09 04:45 AM
Originally Posted by jp7588
I thought the NCAA trailer looked pretty good. I think it was put together way better than the Madden trailer.
Agreed. I think that the NCAA trailer had a better montage. And is it me or does the running animations look better in that trailer? Could it be the year where NCAA's animations are better than Madden's?
# 376 Megatron2k7 @ 04/24/09 04:49 AM
Damn....!!! I was a little late to the party, so I read through all the pages of this thread.

For me... the trailer was good enough to satisfy me for now. The positives were good enough to overcome the negatives because I expected negatives from what Ian said about the trailer before it was even shown. (damn that was a long sentence....lol)

Too many of you are in this thread bashing the entire game, based on one early trailer. This is nonsense. We have people in here like Adembroski and Kane who actually played an early version of the game and said the trailer doesn't do the game justice. Do you guys suddenly not trust them anymore, or what...????

The trailer was made for a TV audience and everything on it happened pretty fast. It's main purpose is to encite some early hype about the game. They wanted to show off some new features and improvements.... and from what I saw, the trailer did it's job.

We saw a D-Lineman rushing around the corner with the Tackle staying with him and pushing him to the ground. (O-Line / D-Line interaction)

We saw Warner get hit when he threw and he didn't go into the old "tuck" animation from last year.

We saw fighting for the fumble.

We saw better WR / DB interaction.

We saw the awesome gang tackling.

We saw new catching animations.

We saw Parker "fight for every yard." And team members trying to push the pile.

I know there is more that I'm missing, but the point is that you should watch the trailer trying to keep in mind of what they are trying to show when you see it. For all we know, they were playing on Rookie level just to get Parker to break those tackles to show on the trailer. It's meant to look like a highlight reel....not game footage. Looking at all the players in the backround when they are not the focus of what's being shown is being to critical at this point. Save that for when we get an actual video of gameplay footage in one of Ian's blogs.

Sorry for the long post. I've thought of so many things while reading through this entier thread that everything I just typed probably just came out as gibberish....lol. It's late.... I'm tired.
# 377 Bgamer90 @ 04/24/09 04:49 AM
Originally Posted by Echopax
Not just the video, but from just general information that we've seen from the latest blogs and posts from the developers.
FYI what has been said in the blogs so far have been considered to be "small features".

There's much more news to come regarding much bigger things...
# 378 NFLHITMAN @ 04/24/09 04:52 AM

Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA

Just wanted to drop in and say hello from my hotel in NYC. Long day today - up early and demo'ed Madden 10 to a TON of press people from 10 to 4. It was good to meet a lot of folks I hadn't really talked to much before like Brian Ekberg from Gamespot, PastaPadre, and Chris from NCAA Strategies (and many many more people that I will have to check back in my contact list to remember their names). The game showed pretty well (I believe) - we are holding a ton of stuff back until E3 so I felt really hamstrung with what we could show today, but just the PRO-TAK tech alone really wowed a ton of people...so that was encouraging. After an event like this it's a good reminder to all the tuning we still have to do as a few things were still 'cringe-worthy' (as I call them), but all in all I think the reactions were quite positive even we were showing what I believe was an extremely limited demo.

Speaking of PRO-TAK, it is going to be on display in the video on GTTV tonight, so I can't wait for you guys to see it. I am dead for tonight and have a ton of stuff booked tomorrow so I don't know if I'll be on after the video displays, but I look forward to you all picking apart everything as usual and finding the good and bad. You'll see some stuff that you don't like I'm sure (I know I did), but I really hope you get a bit of a surprise when you see PRO-TAK on full display. Looking forward to the impressions...

Peace out - see you in a few days.

So let me list what I thought was good and bad......

The good.......

  • Gang Tackling
  • OL/DL Interaction is good but not great
  • On field Refs
The Bad.........

  • It seems like the center for both teams was in no mans land every time.
  • That was either a poor trailer by GT or the graphics were not that great at all.
  • Throwing Motion was robotic
  • Player movement was robotic and stiff as a board.
  • Player movement was same as Madden 09 IMO
  • Defensive Backs like the double team on Fitz was not even looking at him.
  • There was no pocket formed at all from what I seen.
  • The same branching tackle animation in Madden 10 as was in 09. When you see a finesse back like Willie Parker move a pile and break out of 2 players doubling up on a tackle is pathetic. No wonder Ian got 300+ yards with Brandon Jacobs when he played.
  • Seemed like the refs was getting knocked down every play. You hardly ever see this in the NFL.
  • The towels were not animated to sway as the player moves.
  • The player models looked horrible with there arms, helmets, face mask, and more.
Think about what you just saw and ask yourself this question....

If I was going to make a game and put a trailer of that game on a national exclusive would I want the best my new game has to offer in that trailer? The answer for everyone would be yes.

Now answer this.....

If that is the best that Madden 10 has to offer than how can you be happy with the product?

Please take the time to compare that video with a game who has already perfected it. I want Madden 10 to be GREAT so I can have fun again so please don't take this as a ***** post.

Do I like the video of Madden 10? No, But I would love to see a better game trailer soon!

Madden 10.........

Now lets compare to the APF videos I made for Ian to look at....

How a QB Drop can look in a Football Video game....

QB Droback, Run & Chuck in APF and how the Shoulders need to be square, Feet Planted, and when throwing deep how he must wind up to make the pass....

OL / DL Interaction the way it should be or better.....

# 379 oldskoolmaddenfanz27 @ 04/24/09 04:52 AM
I did not want Madden 09 with fixed issues and added gameplay threads. Madden 09 was terrible, it can only be improved upon so much in 1 year.
# 380 Brandon_c993 @ 04/24/09 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by Megatron2k7
Damn....!!! I was a little late to the party, so I read through all the pages of this thread.

For me... the trailer was good enough to satisfy me for now. The positives were good enough to overcome the negatives because I expected negatives from what Ian said about the trailer before it was even shown. (damn that was a long sentence....lol)

Too many of you are in this thread bashing the entire game, based on one early trailer. This is nonsense. We have people in here like Adembroski and Kane who actually played an early version of the game and said the trailer doesn't do the game justice. Do you guys suddenly not trust them anymore, or what...????

The trailer was made for a TV audience and everything on it happened pretty fast. It's main purpose is to encite some early hype about the game. They wanted to show off some new features and improvements.... and from what I saw, the trailer did it's job.

We saw a D-Lineman rushing around the corner with the Tackle staying with him and pushing him to the ground. (O-Line / D-Line interaction)

We saw Warner get hit when he threw and he didn't go into the old "tuck" animation from last year.

We saw fighting for the fumble.

We saw better WR / DB interaction.

We saw the awesome gang tackling.

We saw new catching animations.

We saw Parker "fight for every yard." And team members trying to push the pile.

I know there is more that I'm missing, but the point is that you should watch the trailer trying to keep in mind of what they are trying to show when you see it. For all we know, they were playing on Rookie level just to get Parker to break those tackles to show on the trailer. It's meant to look like a highlight reel....not game footage. Looking at all the players in the backround when they are not the focus of what's being shown is being to critical at this point. Save that for when we get an actual video of gameplay footage in one of Ian's blogs.

Sorry for the long post. I've thought of so many things while reading through this entier thread that everything I just typed probably just came out as gibberish....lol. It's late.... I'm tired.
Are you reading my mind?????

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