NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

Some stuff you already knew:

Playable teams are Tennesse, Kentucky, 1979 North Carolina and 1982 Michigan State.

You play one half, which is locked at 8 minutes.

Pratice gym from Live is a half court blacktop on campus grounds.

Lots of half court traps and full court presses.

One dude I passed to was completely out of bounds. Only happened once though.

If you liked Live, you should like this as well.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 HustlinOwl @ 11/12/08 12:14 AM
Did you try the overhead cam?
# 222 zpq12 @ 11/12/08 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
Did you try the overhead cam?
No. But I will.
# 223 NoleFan @ 11/12/08 07:58 PM
I just downloaded the demo. First game was Kentucky (me) @ Michigan State. Won the game 20-9. It was fun. I really missed the seperate shoot and dunk/lay-up buttons. Really gives better control over what type of shot I attempt. I'm a button shooter anyways. Feel like the shot animation is a bit too fast as I generally base my release on how it looks. I guess I'll get used to that.

I'm currently trying to figure out to properly execute the plays that I call but I'll get there.
# 224 cincinnati @ 11/12/08 08:41 PM
something ive noticed and it may be just because i havnet played it enough (just once since downloading and what ive seen in videos posted) that the dunks are kind of week. i have not seen a dunk where the players hangs on the rim. i want to see nasty, power, hang on the rim dunks. not every time but a good mix.
# 225 pistonpete @ 11/13/08 01:50 AM
does anyone know if player lock is included as an option?

# 226 crques @ 11/13/08 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by cincinnati
something ive noticed and it may be just because i havnet played it enough (just once since downloading and what ive seen in videos posted) that the dunks are kind of week. i have not seen a dunk where the players hangs on the rim. i want to see nasty, power, hang on the rim dunks. not every time but a good mix.
I had a nasty one with Patterson from UK. He went baseline and threw down a two-handed monster dunk and hung for a second but that's about it. That's the best one of I've seen so far in about 10 games of the demo. Maybe those kind only occur once every few games or something. That's not a problem for me though. I don't see too many guys hanging on the rim in college because of technical fouls anyway.
# 227 sportdan30 @ 11/13/08 10:23 AM
Well, I played the demo again last night. I had been a bit iffy about this game after my initial play through. The game is definitely growing on me again and in a very good way. I don't think you can really compare it to 2K8 as they really are two completely different games. The 2K series without a doubt it more sim, and this game is faster paced and reminds me of the old March Madness games back on the old Playstation 1. Back when the message boards weren't littered with criticism, I played the game and loved it.

I'm really enjoying the looseness (if that's a way to describe this demo) of the game and what it allows me the gamer to do. It's a bit more arcadey, but I'm finding that I prefer this type of pace than what I've been accustomed to with 2K. So, I guess I'll be one of the few guinea pigs to pick up this game on release day and give you my impressions of the retail version.

It also helps that Kansas will be well represented with four of their classic teams.
# 228 Jasong7777 @ 11/13/08 01:40 PM
I am really on the fence about this game. I don't know if I should get this or not. The demo is ok. Not great, but not bad.
# 229 DrUrsus @ 11/13/08 02:10 PM
Darnit guys, I wasn't planning on buying this game this year. I was planning on just using new rosters for CHoops 2k8. But, after hearing the positive vibes here, I will have to at least try the demo. Now, I still have to pick up a hockey game, and NBA game this year. I was waiting since I am finishing some NCAA Football and MLB 08 the Show seasons, not to mention I have hardly played Madden 09 yet (from what I hear that may be a good thing).
# 230 PikeJR23 @ 11/13/08 02:22 PM
I like the demo. It has a real wide open feel and it looks far better than College Hoops that at times felt a bit scripted and graphics weren't great. No basketball will ever be perfect but I see the potential in this game to be great. I think after player ratings are fixed completely and some slider adjustments that this game has the potential to at least match College Hoops. I dont know about yall but I can't play College Hoops after NBA 2K9 because of the overwhelming graphic drop off of CH. Thats just my opinion though.
# 231 duke776 @ 11/13/08 08:59 PM
Got to play 3 games today, and I really loved itt. I do have one pretty big complaint, when there is a loose ball only the CPU team goes after if, my team has never been near it and that will irk me. I'm hoping that it was just because it was a small sample size of games. Otherwise, I'm having a blast with it, and will probably pick it up first or second day.
# 232 bigeastbumrush @ 11/13/08 09:18 PM
I'm in the minority here, but I don't like the demo.

It plays too much like an NBA game IMO.

If I bought it, I could see it collecting dust after about a week.

I'm not getting this.
# 233 ehh @ 11/13/08 11:03 PM
Man I am just falling in love with this game. I love that you can 'fast break off a make', something you couldn't do in 2K8. I actually got a 10 second call against UK when I was pressing with Tenn too.

The classic camera is definitely where it's at. It lets you see up the floor enough to have a better transition game than the broadcast view but still gives you a great angle to see what's going on in the half court set. Since I switched to the classic cam my anticipation to another level.

The game isn't gonna be as realistic as some want it to be but this game is gonna be fun as hell to play all winter. Well, after we spend six weeks getting the rosters straightened out.
# 234 Flightwhite24 @ 11/14/08 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by ehh
Man I am just falling in love with this game. I love that you can 'fast break off a make', something you couldn't do in 2K8. I actually got a 10 second call against UK when I was pressing with Tenn too.

The classic camera is definitely where it's at. It lets you see up the floor enough to have a better transition game than the broadcast view but still gives you a great angle to see what's going on in the half court set. Since I switched to the classic cam my anticipation to another level.

The game isn't gonna be as realistic as some want it to be but this game is gonna be fun as hell to play all winter. Well, after we spend six weeks getting the rosters straightened out.
Getting the Rosters Straightened out is an understatement. The Demo is sweet. Peace!!!!
# 235 gillberg1111 @ 11/14/08 06:40 AM
I haven't picked up a NCAA game since I got March Madness 07. I know it wasn't great, but I actually like playing it. Especially for someone like me who isn't diehard about college basketball, but I like to root for my college. MM 07 was easy for me to pick up and play without problems. I downloaded the NCAA Basketball 09 demo and I can't figure out how to guard at all. I've looked at the controls, and I still can't figure it out. In 07, the right stick was what you used to guard. Can someone help me out here and tell me how to guard?

Outside my personal problem with being an idiot on the controls, I like the way it looks and plays. Hopefully the random seizures my active guy has, and the issue with my players not passing down low unless I choose via a specific button will both get worked out by the time the game comes out next week.

I think I may take back my Gears 2 before I open it and get this game instead. I think it will have more play time.
# 236 fishepa @ 11/14/08 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by ehh
Well, after we spend six weeks getting the rosters straightened out.
So true.
# 237 YankeeCpt @ 11/16/08 04:12 PM
There are way to many pages to read here. However, I did scan. I see how many of you said that rosters and ratings would be fixed. Does that mean some of the hokey ratings of the players will be fixed. For example: Jodie Meeks is far better than a player with ratings in the 70's. He easily should be in the 80's. He is a scoring machine!

So far this year Meeks has put up: 27, 23, and 39 (27 and 23 were exhibition- 39 was first game).
# 238 Behindshadows @ 11/16/08 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by YankeeCpt
There are way to many pages to read here. However, I did scan. I see how many of you said that rosters and ratings would be fixed. Does that mean some of the hokey ratings of the players will be fixed. For example: Jodie Meeks is far better than a player with ratings in the 70's. He easily should be in the 80's. He is a scoring machine!

So far this year Meeks has put up: 27, 23, and 39 (27 and 23 were exhibition- 39 was first game).
Last Season EA sports devs said ratings didn't matter as they were numbered a certain to balance out the game play.

This year they are using a different ratings system, in which it should matter a lot. Personally we all have opinions on who should be a 80 vs a 70. But unless you can say what really the 70 consist of as an overall. It might not really effect that players performance.

We will be editing the rosters, but first we need the game to see what exactly needs to be edited.

No one has the game yet, and even if we did change ratings. What says you will be accepting our ratings either.

Personally when you get the game, and want to crank up your team. I'm all for it, because they don't carry over online so it only effects your play and not others.

Until then, we are in the wait and see stages!!!
# 239 countryboy @ 11/16/08 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
LOL u r surprised?
I'm guessing that you didn't read where the game is using the NBA Live '09 engine.
# 240 Spanky @ 11/16/08 11:42 PM
I have mixed reactions to the demo.
The controls don't feel as responsive as in College Hoops and there's some choppiness at times, don't know if that's just the demo.
But being the graphics ho that I am, I love the look of the game. The player models look great, 3D-like,the uniforms and courts are fantastic. Mascots and areans look good.
Overall, looks to be a big improvement over past disastrous March Madness versions.
Still, I'll have to rent. And then probably won't buy until price goes down, if at all, because College Hoops 2k8 is great.

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