NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

Some stuff you already knew:

Playable teams are Tennesse, Kentucky, 1979 North Carolina and 1982 Michigan State.

You play one half, which is locked at 8 minutes.

Pratice gym from Live is a half court blacktop on campus grounds.

Lots of half court traps and full court presses.

One dude I passed to was completely out of bounds. Only happened once though.

If you liked Live, you should like this as well.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 101 ehh @ 11/06/08 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by jvalverde88
Tell me about it, the demo has been downloading for me since 8:30 pm and it is only 90% complete right now.
I might as well just go to bed and play it tomorrow. Been going for nearly an hour and it's at 24%.
# 102 kfloamy @ 11/06/08 11:03 PM
This is completely insignificant but I REALLY like the way the when you press start in order to leave the practice court and go to a real game the campus background fades and then the arena fades in and suddenly you're on the arena floor shooting and the crowd is going crazy when you hit shots but you're still in your street clothes.

I guess I'm so excited about it that it makes me write extremely long sentences.

Anyway, cool feature.
# 103 ehh @ 11/06/08 11:32 PM
Blah, 37% in an hour and a half. Guess I'll have to try it out tomorrow.
# 104 sportdan30 @ 11/06/08 11:35 PM
The comments on the tempo could get a little old if they repeatedly make comments about it the entire game. But, it is true how you really need to play with specific teams.

I played one game with Kentucky and played a little too fast. TN played very up tempo which suits their style. I found out pretty quickly that I need to really work the ball around. I was also getting full court pressed like crazy. Just how TN plays defense.

The second game I played with TN. Kentucky methodically worked the ball around looking for the open shot. I hit a few shots early, but very soon Kentucky started to control the tempo and I started to struggle from the field.

The passing seems quicker. It's resembles the college game where you can really pass the ball around the perimeter, throw it down low and then back outside.

The jump button is without a doubt much more responsive in the demo than NBA Live '09. I know there's a reason for Live to have the jump button like that (momentum), but I much prefer how it is in this game.

I like how the coach throws his two cents in to what's happening on the court. I'd keep this feature on as it adds to the college atmosphere.

The TN band playing repeatedly was rather annoying. Hope that can be tuned.

The commentary is better than expected. There are lulls here and there in the broadcast, but I rather prefer that. Vitale sounds better than I would of thought. A little robotic, but it's not overkill.

The shot animations could use some improvement, but they're definitely passable.

I can't understand why I can't push the ball up the court after a made basket by the computer. Am I missing something, but isn't this also in Live? Any suggestions? I'm pressing the right trigger button to speed burst but it doesn't allow me to sprint.

I like the charge fouls and b.s. flop calls. There's some really nice foul animations.

You can tell this game has a ton more animations than Live but is very similar in game engine.

The arenas are bright and spacious as opposed to a more darker feel with Live.

Graphically, I think it looks great. The sweat on the players heads and face are done very nicely. The courts look great. I can't tell you if they're 100 percent accurate but this game looks a heck of a lot better than NBA 2K9 on the PS3.

Finally, the court spacing is very nice. The players don't stand around waiting for the ball. There's a lot of movement.
# 105 J-Unit40 @ 11/06/08 11:37 PM
The only thing missing from this demo is...

1. Corey Beck
2. Corliss Williamson
3. Scotty Thurman
4. Al Dillard
5. Dwight Stewart

1994 anyone? Those shorts are huge!
# 106 The 24th Letter @ 11/07/08 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Why do you guys come in here and always try to turn everything into a 2k vs EA war!

Enough is enough! If you love CH so much play it with updated rosters over and over again until it wears out.

Fact of the matter is, this game plays great, and for people who can respect the difference in gameplay and see that its a solid game. They are here posting constructive criticism without mentioning the other game.

This game is far from garbage, people are just mad because they did a great job! Now you have less to complain about, so you come in here with ignorant comments like what you just posted and want to flame everything especially while trying to throw CH into every damn thing.

#1 this game is not CH.
#2 its not trying to be CH.
#3 CH does not look better than this.
#4 NCAA does not need CH's outdated engine.
#5 The bias 2kfan crap is making me hate 2ksports right now!

I can go on forever, this is why the 2k devs don't go into their threads anymore, because of how childish 2kfans have gotten about everything.
This post doesnt really help your case though, you essentially just did the exact same thing lol

anyway, I like this demo so far.....ive been meaning to give a college game the uh......college try....might check this out...
# 107 Shinyhubcaps @ 11/07/08 12:22 AM
I want to like this game... I know that there is only one officially licensed college basketball game this year, and I know that EA has worked hard on it... but I cannot bring myself to enjoy it for the on-court experience.

1.) Passes are slow and unresponsive to ball-swings.
2.) Pro-hops and hop steps are out from what I can tell. That's a real shame.
3.) You cannot control off-ball (offense) on inbounds plays from what I can tell.
4.) You cannot direct-switch (defense) on inbounds plays.
5.) The direct-switch icons stay up longer than they should. They should only be there when I hold the button, not a bit after. It gets messy if they stay up too long and I want to shoot and end up passing, or if they go away too soon and I want to pass and end up shooting.
6.) The animations are very jerky, and the player models seem to not have been improved.

It just seems that there are some basic basketball skills that are lacking or watered down. Many of the game mechanics seem fundamentally bad. In general, the players seem to lack a sense of control and maneuverability.

I like the classic teams, some of the presentation aspects, and definitely the main menu and load menu. I'm sure that there are many other things that I would like. However, when the core of the game is uncomfortable, then pretty much everything else is affected.

Those are my honest impressions. I am relatively new to college basketball and am excited for the upcoming season, but I cannot see myself buying this game. (For the record, none of my review is contingent on that "other game," the one that was All-Conference last year and benched for this season. The control would feel jerky regardless of what the competition has done. I expected better.)
# 108 spit_bubble @ 11/07/08 12:41 AM

That demo was uglier than Cherokee Parks. I had to delete that off my hard drive as fast as possible...

*shivers and goes back to playing FIFA 09*
# 109 bad_philanthropy @ 11/07/08 12:50 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed 2k's game over the years but put me in the group that is surprisingly impressed with the game. The gameplay isn't perfect, but it's fun. Day one purchase for me.
# 110 ExtremeGamer @ 11/07/08 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by ehh
Blah, 37% in an hour and a half. Guess I'll have to try it out tomorrow.
That's PSN, not DSL. I have DSL, got the demo off of XBL in 11 minutes.
# 111 Tomba @ 11/07/08 02:37 AM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
I totally agree. Live is really good but needs more sig stuff, 2k9, I wont touch that 1.
wait wait you don't like 2k9? sorry fort bein off topiv but i thought you supported it unless it's too much like 2k7/2k9 for your own liking?
# 112 Behindshadows @ 11/07/08 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Tomba
wait wait you don't like 2k9? sorry fort bein off topiv but i thought you supported it unless it's too much like 2k7/2k9 for your own liking?
It's poo! And I don't mean Mr. Hankey!

It's just not as good as the series has been before. I'll be trading my copy in tomorrow for Gears 2 and I never trade games...

But I'm not playing the trash anymore after tonight. I've tried every slider set and rosters file in the 2k threads and its just not working for me anymore. I'm tired of the outdated graphics engine, sliding, no defense, lazy roster updates (so called living rosters) And I'm tired of the CPU cheating you out of victories..I played 2 games tonight where I had big leads and the cpu actually took control of my players where they ran off players on defense and let them score freely. And then had me throwing up numerous air balls from short range. I even had layup that hit the bottom of the rim or the edge on fastbreaks...and they ran it back for a score....2k9 is broken.


I love this demo and the footplanting is done extremely well, and presentation is better but needs a few more touches. Classic Teams look classic now, even with the old Chuck Taylor's on....

Day 1 purchase and can't wait to begin the roster edits.
# 113 JohnDoe8865 @ 11/07/08 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Day 1 purchase and can't wait to begin the roster edits.
Cool, I was wondering/hoping that you'd be on the case for 360 rosters this year.
# 114 Behindshadows @ 11/07/08 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by JohnDoe8865
Cool, I was wondering/hoping that you'd be on the case for 360 rosters this year.
Yes already have my sites bookmarked and research done and I'm ready to begin...
# 115 SageInfinite @ 11/07/08 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Tomba
wait wait you don't like 2k9? sorry fort bein off topiv but i thought you supported it unless it's too much like 2k7/2k9 for your own liking?
After the Wow factor wore off I saw the garbage that is that game. It doesn't simulate the NBA well at all IMO. Looks great, love the animations and presentation, but the game play is garbage. People bashed Live for having to use sliders to make it more playable, but are willing to play doctor Frankenstein this year for 2k and its not a problem. Even with sliders the game is still not good.
# 116 Behindshadows @ 11/07/08 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Smokez4DAyz
I don't use and never have used any sliders in a game. I don't adjust what the game makers programmed. 2K series of basketball, as always exceeded expectations and had cutting edge graphics over LIVE Series. You guys still have two buttons to shoot those strange looking shots? lmao. Please never start an EA vs 2k war with basketball, Ea wins with Madden, slightly, but have been way over there head in basketball, please, to reply would prove you're an a hole. 2k basketball has been FOR YEARS better than LIVE, just because you few followers are just catching on, doesn't mean its only been great since you gotta copy, Its been great for years. Same ole LIVE engine, they say its new, they say this and say that, and you still have two buttons to shoot/dunk. still the biggest joke that they can't program shooting animations and get the right one to come out depending on the situation. Two whole buttons to shoot. stupid. Just give me a big ole break about any basketball from LIVE and eA Canada. lmao. lmao. lmao. People that come on forums and post that LIVE has better player models or animation or spacing or control or stats or anything, needs to get Peter Moore's fathead picture off their room wall. EA makes money off an inferior product with inferior people falling for the marketing tricks. made fresh everyday? great. 2K brand basketball just bettter. I'm not 12 or 21 either.
Let's begin where you are right and wrong!

Where you are right!!!

2k basketball over the years has been the superior basketball and has been kicking the Live series butt.

How do I know?

Because I've been one of the biggest 2kfans in history, even did free marketing for them 2 years in a row to boost their series when people were overlooking them.

Where you are wrong?

No one is on here trying to hype up Live and EA and all that blah blah! No one is starting a 2k vs EA war!

We (me, sage, dave, and a lot more) Are some of the biggest 2k guys on the planet that are officially frustrated with the series. Remember with that piece of **** Live 07 came out and the Live nation went into a up roar.

Well same scenario. 2k9 Great presentation, amazing animations (oh and by the way No one said Live 09 animated better than 2k9)(2k9 has more animations and are more fluid) But Live's graphics engine is better, the footplanting and movement of the players are more realistic.

For the first time in who knows how long 2k9 has a major sliding issue. And a extremely off balanced A.I.

Even on default everything Live 09 plays better, with less animations!

The separate shot buttons on the control scheme doesn't mean it's the same engine. If you know anything about programming you can give any engine the same control scheme. If it ain't broke why fix it. Nothing wrong with have a layup button and a shot button. More control for the user. Free style for the first time in history is controlled by us and not the CPU.

Where in 2k9. Isomotion is completely broken. Even Ch2k8 has better controls than NBA 2k9.

Where your wrong even more??? Or should I say Moore!!!!

You shouldn't be so disrespectful to Peter Moore, because if it wasn't for him, his money and vision. 2ksports series wouldn't exist. It's because of him that they made it as far as they did. He was the original publisher and marketer before Sega gave them to Take-Two! Who have done nothing but run them into the ground.

See how I love how people come in here and talk a bunch of crap, without knowing the original backgrounds of everything.

This is why Me, Sage, Tomba, Dave, and a lot more can be less bias and give the opinions. Because we are gamers and fans of series, without the ignorance of the fanboyism.

Peace and Hair grease...

Sorry mods for having to post this in reply in the impressions thread.

I love NCAA Basketball 09 ( again day 1 purchase)
# 117 SageInfinite @ 11/07/08 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Let's begin where you are right and wrong!

Where you are right!!!

2k basketball over the years has been the superior basketball and has been kicking the Live series butt.

How do I know?

Because I've been one of the biggest 2kfans in history, even did free marketing for them 2 years in a row to boost their series when people were overlooking them.

Where you are wrong?

No one is on here trying to hype up Live and EA and all that blah blah! No one is starting a 2k vs EA war!

We (me, sage, dave, and a lot more) Are some of the biggest 2k guys on the planet that are officially frustrated with the series. Remember with that piece of **** Live 07 came out and the Live nation went into a up roar.

Well same scenario. 2k9 Great presentation, amazing animations (oh and by the way No one said Live 09 animated better than 2k9)(2k9 has more animations and are more fluid) But Live's graphics engine is better, the footplanting and movement of the players are more realistic.

For the first time in who knows how long 2k9 has a major sliding issue. And a extremely off balanced A.I.

Even on default everything Live 09 plays better, with less animations!

The separate shot buttons on the control scheme doesn't mean it's the same engine. If you know anything about programming you can give any engine the same control scheme. If it ain't broke why fix it. Nothing wrong with have a layup button and a shot button. More control for the user. Free style for the first time in history is controlled by us and not the CPU.

Where in 2k9. Isomotion is completely broken. Even Ch2k8 has better controls than NBA 2k9.

Where your wrong even more??? Or should I say Moore!!!!

You shouldn't be so disrespectful to Peter Moore, because if it wasn't for him, his money and vision. 2ksports series wouldn't exist. It's because of him that they made it as far as they did. He was the original publisher and marketer before Sega gave them to Take-Two! Who have done nothing but run them into the ground.

See how I love how people come in here and talk a bunch of crap, without knowing the original backgrounds of everything.

This is why Me, Sage, Tomba, Dave, and a lot more can be less bias and give the opinions. Because we are gamers and fans of series, without the ignorance of the fanboyism.

Peace and Hair grease...

Sorry mods for having to post this in reply in the impressions thread.

I love NCAA Basketball 09 ( again day 1 purchase)
Great post, but I can't believe you even entertained his post
# 118 BrianFifaFan @ 11/07/08 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Smokez4DAyz
I don't use and never have used any sliders in a game. I don't adjust what the game makers programmed. 2K series of basketball, as always exceeded expectations and had cutting edge graphics over LIVE Series. You guys still have two buttons to shoot those strange looking shots? lmao. Please never start an EA vs 2k war with basketball, Ea wins with Madden, slightly, but have been way over there head in basketball, please, to reply would prove you're an a hole. 2k basketball has been FOR YEARS better than LIVE, just because you few followers are just catching on, doesn't mean its only been great since you gotta copy, Its been great for years. Same ole LIVE engine, they say its new, they say this and say that, and you still have two buttons to shoot/dunk. still the biggest joke that they can't program shooting animations and get the right one to come out depending on the situation. Two whole buttons to shoot. stupid. Just give me a big ole break about any basketball from LIVE and eA Canada. lmao. lmao. lmao. People that come on forums and post that LIVE has better player models or animation or spacing or control or stats or anything, needs to get Peter Moore's fathead picture off their room wall. EA makes money off an inferior product with inferior people falling for the marketing tricks. made fresh everyday? great. 2K brand basketball just bettter. I'm not 12 or 21 either.

Okay, no 2k vs. EA please. Thanks.
# 119 Behindshadows @ 11/07/08 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by dave374
I'm not really frustrated with the 2k series.
I just enjoy Live more this year.
Sorry! - Dave not frustrated but is Enjoying Live 09 more!

Updated lol

P.S. he likes the NCAA Basketball 09 too! (but don't tell no body!)
# 120 elicoleman @ 11/07/08 04:23 AM
Well I just played it and I have mixed feelings.

I won't lie, my heart is with CH2K8 and before today, planned on getting a roster update and being content. However, I figured I'd play this and give it a fair shake.

I haven't played the EA college basketball series in sometime.

Graphics are very nice. Some of the off the ball moves I saw were pretty sweet. I had an up and under that was a thing of beauty.

I wasn't a big fan of the controls. I felt better in my 2nd game than my first but something just didn't seem right to me. I felt like I couldn't do certain things.

At the end of the day, I'm glad I gave this demo a shot. I certainly have a more positive image of EA's product but I don't think it was enough to move me to a 1st day purchase or even a purchase period. However, with more in-depth impressions after release with perhaps a rental, I could end up getting it.

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