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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 Pared @ 09/04/08 11:15 PM
I just hope it isn't in the final... I brought it up at CD...

Nothing we can do but wait...
# 262 jewelz1132 @ 09/04/08 11:22 PM
yeah I was doing it with pierce in the gym the left jab is very easy to get to the basket
# 263 PaperLantern @ 09/04/08 11:45 PM
Coming from someone who loves NBA 2k...

I'm actually very impressed with this game overall. Sure, the animations are still a little choppy, but there are also some really cool animations in there that I've never seen in a video game. The whole NBA atmosphere is better than it is in 2k, and the graphics are excellent. I'll have to play it a little more to decide on the gameplay, but with how fun this is combined with Live 365, and this may be a surprise hit!
# 264 BTB @ 09/04/08 11:52 PM
Definitely give this game a thumbs up. The pick and roll control is my favorite, running the pick and roll with Pierce and KG was just like watching it on TV. I still think its a year away and needs a good deal of polish, but the core is there.
# 265 The 24th Letter @ 09/04/08 11:53 PM
mightve been touched on, but this jerking hopefully doesnt make the final
# 266 Mintsa @ 09/04/08 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I just hope it isn't in the final... I brought it up at CD...

Nothing we can do but wait...
# 267 Juice Malone @ 09/05/08 12:03 AM
What makes you guys so sure that this is not the final build?

Could an EA guy confirm this?
# 268 Tomba @ 09/05/08 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
I just hope it isn't in the final... I brought it up at CD...

Nothing we can do but wait...
That's the thing. I'm wondering when the cut off points are for certain aspects of the game that you can't go back and redo?
# 269 Tomba @ 09/05/08 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Juice Malone
What makes you guys so sure that this is not the final build?

Could an EA guy confirm this?
I'm guessing when they show/give a game to the media (Final madden 09 builds being literally in the hands of some critics a month or more before release) that it's pretty much a wrap albeit SOME minor tweaks to things that can be actually done and tested before that month of initial release....
# 270 jewelz1132 @ 09/05/08 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Horrible footage on Pasta's part. I didn't see him call one play. He played poor defense. The turnaround 3 by Allen.

He played it so poorly. Reminds me of the old IGN 2K footage.
calling about 2-3 plays would run the whole quarter out lol
# 271 HMcCoy @ 09/05/08 12:39 AM
After two games,

Live 365. Wow. It will be so AWESOME to watch a game, and then to go play it and have the CPU do what the real life team did...going on similar runs and whatnot. LOVE that feature.

really nice interactive animations, and some impressive contextual animations also. "little things" threads are usually built on these types of unique situational animations kicking in here and there, and the ones in Live are GREAT.

Player faces are hit and miss, but when the hit, it's impressive.

Like the new practice floor. PP was actually standing there dancing to the beat when I stopped playing for a minute.

Commentary and presentation are pretty both great.

Overall sound is excellent. Good atmosphere, great rim sounds and chatter.


Hate the crowd. The cardboard cutouts, and super low res floor seat fans look pretty bad IMO.

The ball looks way too big to me.

The ball physics are really, really bad. Floaty passes, floaty shots.

Freestyle moves are a little And-1ish

Everything still moves too quickly and jerky for my tastes, so I` slowed down the speed. Few minutes later on a break I couldn't get Kobe to run. I gave him the outlet, and was laying on the turbo, but it was like he was in quicksand.

It's Much easier to get around without 2K's clunky dribble moves kicking in at every direction change, but then the movement feels kinda blah to me. You don't get that "actually handling the ball" feel you get with 2k and I miss it.

Various AI issues.

I like it alot, especially the Live 365 ...but I can't see buying both yet...still not quite smooth enough.
# 272 Bornindamecca @ 09/05/08 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by HMcCoy

Freestyle moves are a little And-1ish

It's Much easier to get around without 2K's clunky dribble moves kicking in at every direction change, but then the movement feels kinda blah to me. You don't get that "actually handling the ball" feel you get with 2k and I miss it.
-Freestyle moves are VERY And1. They need more efficient change of direction based moves, and less fiddling around with the basketball

-You know that if you ride around circumference of the analog stick, the Isomotion never kicks in, right? You're an experience player, but I feel compelled to mention it, because isomotion never gets in the way of me moving around

-Totally agree on the point of handling the ball. When you turn the speed up, it's almost like hockey for the L analog, and basketball for the R analog
# 273 rockchisler @ 09/05/08 01:01 AM
people talk about the slow speed of the game, Please watch this Spurs vs Lakers game and compare speed, it is about the same. Now pop in 2k8 and compare, there is to much turning on a dime for me, not much momentum based movement for me ( weight shifting and then moving ) compared to Live. Just my opinion.

# 274 RubenDouglas @ 09/05/08 01:05 AM
A few bulletpoint random thoughts:

-graphically players have no hamstrings or thighs. when their shorts go up a bit, its funny to see how thin they are.

-I can leave kobe open 100% of the time, and only 50% of the time will the cpu recognize that and go to him. other times, he will remain open and the CPU goes through the motions of its offensive, aka BEYOND predictable. are they so in TUNE with tendencies and DNA settings that they go beyond whats logical??

- more on kobe. when he gets the ball on those WIDE open unguarded attempts, He will shoot it straight up as an uncontested jumper 80% of the time. i guess this has some realism to it, but he got 5 attempts in the 1st quarter and shot long 2 pt jumpers each time, MAKING none of them. come 2nd qrt. he does the same thing, missing another. no driving in his DNA that game i guess although he was given the room. The other 20% of the time he will drive or post up and NEVER pass. maybe im looking too much into kobe but he's a blackhole in this game.

-I've had instances where either Turiaf or Fisher would back down my player for 5-6 seconds and just run out the clock. its like he lost his brain for a second. Ive seen that AI blunder about once every 4 minute game interval.

-I turned up all of the foul sliders almost to max and they definetly work. although the CPU has no awareness on many instances and will FOUL shooters. they play like my little 8 year old cousin sometimes. logic of a child

-I feel like I lack control in many animations. I dont feel any jerkiness infact its the opposite and i feel like im in quick sand.

-I keep on restarting the game, to continue with my same settings. One thing I notice is a total lack of play calling. Maybe 1 in 5 instances will the cpu call something. almost ALWAYS its just a quick shot by someone NOT kobe.

-Jumpshots either swish in or clank off the rim. Layups do seem to bounce a bit. I love some variety.

-many layups dont use the glass bringing memories back from a prior 2k game where layups basically just arched straight into the hoop for a swish. I had a perkins layup do just that as he was going full speed.

-way too many and1 MAKES. I turned up the foul sliders as mentioned above and ive seen 10 in about 40 minutes of play action. from jumpshots to layups, its maybe a 1 to 1 ratio between fouls on a shot that missed and fouls that had the and1 make.

-many instances of CPU getting offensive rebounds when my big man is obviously there and in position. frustrating as hell. sliders man fix that.

-first game i played gasol blocked my garnett human controlled plauer 3 times in a row. from then on, I turned down the blocking slider for both human and user and that basically solved that issue.

more impressions later on.

if I can master these controls (if thats my issue) and learn to adapt to the controls so that i dont feel so out of control, this game has some great potential
# 275 Bornindamecca @ 09/05/08 01:08 AM
I had no issues with blocks on either side of the ball. I don't doubt that it's happening for other people, but it's strange. Every block has been logical.
# 276 EWRMETS @ 09/05/08 01:13 AM
The animations are a little jerky in the demo but I really think that I'm going to buy this game and not NBA2k9. After 4 years of NBA2k, I'm kind of burned out on the series. Live plays a much more open style of play that I think better replicates the NBA. Once I can figure out the controls and playcalling, the game will only get better. If Live producers spend 2009 on drastically increasing animations, this will be an incredible game for next year.
# 277 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 01:14 AM
Okay, I definitely notice the hitch with the blocking. It's just a slight delay, and it seems like they basically gather themselves before they jump... Sometimes they'll take a kind of hop step forward before going for the block (to get extra elevation) or just bend their knees to jump. I guess that's sort of a good thing (momentum-based is good), but it makes it nearly impossible to challenge shots, especially quick hooks and whatnot in the post.

It seems to happen sometimes with steals too -- they take a second before swiping at it. Same with rebounds. I hope they tighten that up a bit and it's just a demo issue. Pared, did you notice that in the build you played at Community Day?
# 278 Brian_OS @ 09/05/08 01:22 AM
Once I bumped the gameplay speed slider all the way up it seemed to eliminate the hitching...
# 279 Behindshadows @ 09/05/08 01:31 AM
I told everyone along time ago to bump the speed up to 75 and its a lot smoother. I think Tomba321 hit on that as well in an earlier post.

Ok! I got 3 videos coming each with individual style gameplay, one is just to show shots and animations and the overall run of the game.

2nd is to show off Ankle Breaker and the different post game moves and signature jumpers. And a few good screen plays.

3rd is the complete package, free-throws, playcalling, signature moves and better and smoother gameplay. Also video three will show you how to pace the game and get people open for good shots.

Video 1 is done and uploaded will post all three at once.

Video 2 is uploading now.

Video 3 I'm about to start playing and recording in one hour. Practicing more, to assure it comes out good enough.


Also out of every post in here, I haven't heard one person mention how great the foot planting is, and how there is 0 sliding.... this is one main reason the game seems slow to some people. They aren't sliding all over the place and moving crazy. Instead its actually animating foot movement and planting while in different motions.
# 280 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 01:34 AM
There's still a delay between you pushing the button and your guy going for the block attempt though... that's the issue. And I noticed it on steals and rebounds also -- I think it's just a component of the momentum, but it makes it very difficult to ever contest quick shots.

My other gripe is that (at least in the demo), the guys don't actually go for blocks often enough, they always seem to back off to avoid the foul and it results in a shot that may as well be wide-open. So combine the late contest with the lowered hands and you get all these Ray Allen/Pierce swishes from deep... Think that's the main reason for all the shots falling, because whenever I get a real contest, it seems to work. Just have to anticipate the shot I guess... hope they make it a little more responsive. Constant pumpfakes, especially with quick release shooters online would be impossible to deal with.

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