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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
NBA Live 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 281 23 @ 09/05/08 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2
I told everyone along time ago to bump the speed up to 75 and its a lot smoother. I think Tomba321 hit on that as well in an earlier post.

Ok! I got 3 videos coming each with individual style gameplay, one is just to show shots and animations and the overall run of the game.

2nd is to show off Ankle Breaker and the different post game moves and signature jumpers. And a few good screen plays.

3rd is the complete package, free-throws, playcalling, signature moves and better and smoother gameplay. Also video three will show you how to pace the game and get people open for good shots.

Video 1 is done and uploaded will post all three at once.

Video 2 is uploading now.

Video 3 I'm about to start playing and recording in one hour. Practicing more, to assure it comes out good enough.


Also out of every post in here, I haven't heard one person mention how great the foot planting is, and how there is 0 sliding.... this is one main reason the game seems slow to some people. They aren't sliding all over the place and moving crazy. Instead its actually animating foot movement and planting while in different motions.

I always knew it would take time for people to get used to the footplanting thing. Most of us are used to the sliding effect that has been in games for years.

BTW, where is vid #1 uploaded?
# 282 DakkoN @ 09/05/08 01:41 AM
Something that has happened a few times to me here in the last little bit and is starting to aggravate me is when Gasol and I jump at the exact same time, yet he is able to grab the ball, come down, and go back up for a dunk before my feet ever hit the ground from the first jump.
# 283 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 01:45 AM
Here, just made this video -- nothing special, I basically get owned by KG in the post. A nice pumpfake three by Fisher and some pretty moves from KG. I cranked up the foul sliders for that game, so that's the reason for all the calls.

Heh, BehindShadows videos will surely blow mine out of the water quality-wise, but I figured it's "the more the merrier" for you PS3/Live Silver people who can't get the demo yet..

# 284 rockchisler @ 09/05/08 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2


Also out of every post in here, I haven't heard one person mention how great the foot planting is, and how there is 0 sliding.... this is one main reason the game seems slow to some people. They aren't sliding all over the place and moving crazy. Instead its actually animating foot movement and planting while in different motions.
Yes exactly, thats why I posted the Lakers Spurs clip, to show people that the demo and real life are bout same speed...
# 285 Behindshadows @ 09/05/08 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by KDRE_OS
I always knew it would take time for people to get used to the footplanting thing. Most of us are used to the sliding effect that has been in games for years.

BTW, where is vid #1 uploaded?
Here's video 1 Mr. Impatient...lol

# 286 WorldWar3434 @ 09/05/08 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by funkysven
here is another video guys. the way the guys played it isnt the best but its just so people can get the idea of what the game is like. the kobe shot at 6:08 is pretty cool. never seen that before, but i am new to basketball games so may have been in last year. video quality isnt the best but still good to gauge where it is at for us ps3 users who dont have the demo!

Appreciate the vid. I guess I have to stop being cheap and pony up the money for a Gold account.
# 287 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 02:21 AM
Nice, just completed a nice normal-looking alley-oop to KG on the break and got a SportsCenter Top 10 Nominee. Looks like we're finally getting some real ESPN intergration in terms of the actual gameplay rather than the on-demand video stuff/stats that they have been providing. Hope it's a nightly SportsCenter Top 10 like normal with all the best plays from the games in each week of your dynasty.. that would be sweet.

And yeah, I agree with whoever complained about the offensive guys getting the board and getting back up WAY too quickly. Marcus Camby and a few other guys can pogo-stick like that, but certainly not Pau Gasol and Kendrick Perkins (especially considering most aren't tip-ins, but two-handed slams or gathered layups).
# 288 Jonesy @ 09/05/08 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
but I figured it's "the more the merrier" for you PS3/Live Silver people who can't get the demo yet..
Haha thanks man that is very much the case (ps3 owner here).
# 289 23 @ 09/05/08 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2
Thanks Stumble

BS2, give me a break, I dont have a an XboxRROD anymore.
# 290 RubenDouglas @ 09/05/08 02:31 AM
Just as I make some comments that Kobe never gets any looks, they run some nice back screens for him and just get that guy open.

Some real nice stuff went down in these few games:

hopefully both of those play in WMP in your browser

I hope people can see. quality is iffy at that.

- all SHOT sliders on both sides were toned down quite a bit.
- game speed slider raised from 1/2 way to almost 3/4 full
-all foul sliders raised to about 3/4 as well
-blocking sliders decreased considerably.

Game played on the highest difficulty.

more to come
# 291 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 02:33 AM
Woah, BShadow's first video had all kinds of crazy-speed happening... You sure you wanna jack the speed up that much? Looked like a Benny Hill scene featuring the Lakers when they were on the break. I like mine right about 65 -- seems to play well there. And laying off the turbo makes everything look so much nicer, especially bringing the ball up, because those transition animations aren't good when you switch between turbo and non-turbo. Made the game look mad funky -- it looks much better at a slower pace.
# 292 nowitzkiftw @ 09/05/08 02:45 AM
Everything is still kind of herkyjerky/seems to be on a slight delay. There's also just some extremely awkward moves (in bshadow's video - see Gasol's put back in the first quarter), and players seem to slide A LOT on pump fakes. Net animations I still utterly hate, everything seems so heavy and the physics are just kind of odd.
Commentary gets kind of quiet sometimes also - I dunno, it seems like the phrases they say (especially player-specific ones) - while great the first few times you hear them - would get boring pretty fast..because they say those same phrases every game pretty much.

That being said,

In my eyes it's leaps and bounds over previous installments. Just the awkward animations/physics are pissing me off, otherwise I think its pretty great. I actually do like the ballhandling system. Also turning up the speed is mandatory - it kind of removes some of the awkwardness.

Awkward areas - general player movement, shot animations, pump faking, net animations, lock-down D, blocks (Bynum's ********-looking warping block on Ray Allen), some others I can't think of atm.

Oh pick and roll passes are jacked up also. The ball floats.

*animations references are based on bshad's video.
# 293 Behindshadows @ 09/05/08 02:50 AM
if you read my previous post, I told you I was just testing things on the first two videos...I know they are all over the place.

Video three is the more complete one, you'll see.

I knew everyone was going to criticize it, that's why I didn't want to post it, till all of them were done.
# 294 23 @ 09/05/08 02:58 AM
couldve sent me a PM BS2 lol

dont get bent over a comment man, i enjoyed the video, and yours was very nice too Reuben.. keep it up guys
# 295 TequILLa @ 09/05/08 03:35 AM
Is there no shot release, I mean you can just hold the button and never let go and make shots. I'm really hating that
# 296 Monta8 @ 09/05/08 04:04 AM
everyone is so damn skinny

no cross overs and the ankle breaker **** is weak
# 297 k3yD @ 09/05/08 07:01 AM
I know this is just a demo, but, is there a Player Lock option/setting somewhere? Thanks!
# 298 mutumbo888 @ 09/05/08 07:07 AM
-what would you rate Nba Live 08's demo and what would you rate 09's demo?

-will this demo fit on a memory card?

# 299 Da_Czar @ 09/05/08 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows2

Also out of every post in here, I haven't heard one person mention how great the foot planting is, and how there is 0 sliding.... this is one main reason the game seems slow to some people. They aren't sliding all over the place and moving crazy. Instead its actually animating foot movement and planting while in different motions.
Actually there is sliding especially compared to live 08. that is what helps the game look smoother. 2K has much more sliding in 2k8 and the lone video for 2k9 though.

I was dissapointed a bit to see that. but it does feel good to feel some momentum in the game its just a bit inconsistent in the transition of some animations.
# 300 Da_Czar @ 09/05/08 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by mutumbo888
-what would you rate Nba Live 08's demo and what would you rate 09's demo?

-will this demo fit on a memory card?

I would rate live 08 demo a 3 and 08 like a 7. comparing them to each other that is what I would give.

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