06:37 AM - August 5, 2008 by WallaceNails
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NCAA Football 09 Videos
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Is Monday the earliest chance or might it come out Saturday/Sunday?
I told them if that Sony finishes up over the weekend to give me a call and I would drive in to work, so we'll see what happens.
But SHAME ON SONY!! I think by the time Sony finishes its patch they might as well burn it to a DVD and stamp "NCAA 10" on it.
# 247
GoVols1985 @ 08/09/08 12:13 PM
# 249
CaptainZombie @ 08/09/08 01:31 PM
Any chance of the patch coming out this weekend or will we probably have to wait till Monday or Tuesday?
# 254
rcurtis1939 @ 08/09/08 09:04 PM
Ahhhh, the guy on the cover has the wrong team's jersey on. I would say there'll be plenty to patch.
# 255
countryboy @ 08/09/08 09:29 PM
Now this thread is getting off topic. Lets talk about NCAA and its patch. Not Madden.
Ugh... just stopped in at work on my way home from a party and no news to report. I probably won't be stopping in tomorrow, so unless I get a phonecall I won't know anything more until Monday morning.
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