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NBA 2K9 Videos
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Know I'm incredibly late and everyone is on the newest video but that video was impressive. I saw an solid update in the graphics, the movement was smoother, and the handling of the ball was more solid. The crowd also looks better. I figure that since it was a bootleg, it'll still have some of the older things in it. I hope the crowd noise is more realistic. Live has captured the crowd sound so nicely. The alley looked better too. I'm looking forward to what is given.
By the way, what does everyone consider to be presentation? I see people talking about it but I don't think everyone is on the same page of what presentation is when comparing the two games. What does it include to those who see a problem with the presentation??
By the way, what does everyone consider to be presentation? I see people talking about it but I don't think everyone is on the same page of what presentation is when comparing the two games. What does it include to those who see a problem with the presentation??
# 185
ThaGenecyst @ 08/16/08 11:35 AM
# 186
SageInfinite @ 08/16/08 11:49 AM
From what it sounds, a few people don't incorporate all of that. I thought they were pretty solid or average in most of those things. Their crowd sounds were great when they were at the appropriate time but they were so far down the alphabet when they were out of place, it took me out of the element in playing a game.
Cut-scenes were okay but could have been better tweaked. They need to focus on setting up 3 types of cut-scenes that would create what the player wants to see. There could be the frequent cutscenes that show about every worthy play. Then there could be the occasional cut-scene where they show it about once every 3-4 plays if they are replay worthy. Then they could do the television-style cut-scenes where they show them during timeouts, stoppage plays, or "commercial" interruptions. Would be closer to once every 5 minutes if that. That way, they wouldn't have to worry about the commentary during replays as much. Just a thought.
Half-time shows, on-court cut-scenes, court sounds, and end of the game highlights are pretty solid. Could definitely still use the improvements every year.
The commentary and the crowd reaction is so flipping spotty. I think they get a C+ in their presentation. That commentary really brings them the heck down as well as the crowd inconsistency. Thanks for clearing that up. Hope they improved.......
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