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NCAA Football 09 Videos
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This is the tough thing with commentary. We have all these lines for things that will not happen very often. However, we also have lines for things you will do every game. Those are the ones that are repetitive and give commentary that "same ol same ol" feel.
One thing we did this year was go through the script and identify the most common situations. Then we removed any lines that were memorable and recorded a bunch of extra lines to give it more variety.
My main focus this year was on play by play... the Brad Nessler stuff. This guy is a real pro and is great in the recording booth.
I have plans for improving the Kirk and Lee stuff on 2010.
Just finished playing two games on the demo, here's some comments
First game I was OSU, I couldnt get any pressure on the qb and he shredded me, next game I was LSU and I was able to get good pressure just with the front 4. I pressured the QB into several off throws and was able to get a user sack. To be honest, it was alot of fun playing D line in the second game.
In two games no cpu ints, although I threw two. I've been playing ncaa since ps1, on AA, but for some reason I didnt get in the endzone in either game....I must suck, lol.
I thought the demo looked and played great, yeah, theres some bugs, but so far nothing that would make me not want to buy the game and play the hell out of it. I think so far its a huge step over last years, don't really understand how some people can say its only a minor upgrade.
One thing that still dumbfounds me tho is the "QB mask" that the OSU qb has. Where did EA come up with the QB mask that no quarterback in college or the NFL ever has worn? Maybe I'm wrong, but I've never seen this mask. Not really a big deal, I just thing it's kind of funny.
First game I was OSU, I couldnt get any pressure on the qb and he shredded me, next game I was LSU and I was able to get good pressure just with the front 4. I pressured the QB into several off throws and was able to get a user sack. To be honest, it was alot of fun playing D line in the second game.
In two games no cpu ints, although I threw two. I've been playing ncaa since ps1, on AA, but for some reason I didnt get in the endzone in either game....I must suck, lol.
I thought the demo looked and played great, yeah, theres some bugs, but so far nothing that would make me not want to buy the game and play the hell out of it. I think so far its a huge step over last years, don't really understand how some people can say its only a minor upgrade.
One thing that still dumbfounds me tho is the "QB mask" that the OSU qb has. Where did EA come up with the QB mask that no quarterback in college or the NFL ever has worn? Maybe I'm wrong, but I've never seen this mask. Not really a big deal, I just thing it's kind of funny.
Before I worked at EA, I was a Madden guy through and through. I wouldn't touch NCAA because I read there weren't real names in there. The demo would have turned me. Well.. actually, no. Playing as UCF without the names is what turned me. It didn't matter once I got into game with them! In college football, the saying "It is the name on the front of the jersey, not the back" is for real. And we are many decades from an NCAA demo featuring UCF!
# 1024
Jmustang1968 @ 06/22/08 02:17 AM
Yes I have, would always hop on to get the latest news for NCAA/Madden, but I guess never felt the need to post until now.
Online dynasty and/or franchise is a feature I have been hoping would be implemented for years. I havent been this pumped for an NCAA release in a few years.
1. is the QB lining up slightly off the center
2. in replay no rotation while ball is in the air and footsliding (not in 360 demo)
if those two things have been fix from the ps3 demo for the retail version. appreciate your hard work. (i'm asking because i don't know which version to get)
# 1026
Jmustang1968 @ 06/22/08 02:23 AM
Demo plays solid and fun for me. Gameplay seems a bit smoother and more realistic looking. Though I also need to get down the new ball carrier moves a bit better.
I only have a few problems with it... The qb getting stuck and feet moving bug that has already been mentioned is one. I think it happens about 3-4 times a demo game for me. I also notice the ball carrier hesitates a bit when they first get the ball. Be it when they catch a punt, pass, or recieve a handoff. There seems a delay in when they get it and when you can control them. Don't know if this was deliberate or not, but I guess it will be something to get used to. Just sort of makes game play a little less fluid at those times.
I only have a few problems with it... The qb getting stuck and feet moving bug that has already been mentioned is one. I think it happens about 3-4 times a demo game for me. I also notice the ball carrier hesitates a bit when they first get the ball. Be it when they catch a punt, pass, or recieve a handoff. There seems a delay in when they get it and when you can control them. Don't know if this was deliberate or not, but I guess it will be something to get used to. Just sort of makes game play a little less fluid at those times.
Adding team entrances was a big job back then. On next gen it is a bigger job. Look... we really DO want it. It is just a VERY expensive feature. We could have put it in 09 and people would button through and then post on OS that we should have online dynasty by now. But we couldn't get both in one year. We went with online dynasty.
You are entitled to disagree with our decisions. There is nothing wrong with it. Just please don't think this is a simple feature. It is an extremely complicated task. We CAN do it, we will just have to cut other stuff we want to do to make it happen.
Will it be in 2010? It could very well be! We are weighing the pros and cons of all the stuff we want, including entrances, right now. We'll put together our wish list, estimate how much work all of it will take, compare it to our budget, cut accordingly, and have a feature set ready for development in a couple months. Then we hit the ground running!
By no means, do I think this is a simple feature that you all could get done. Honestly, I appreciate the work you've been doing by coming on here and catching flack while answering a lot of our questions.
From my viewpoint a lot of people want the presentation (coaches, entrances, sideline interactions and whatnot) more than they want anything else at this moment (I say this because 09 has yet to drop) and I feel as if it'll surely feel like a college football game if such was seen.
I wouldn't mind seeing ESPN implemented like they were on the past gen consoles where the score tracker would run across the bottom.
And in sake of the demo, were my eyes playing with me when I saw the screen shake somewhat while playing in the swamp?

As far as which version to get... PS3 or 360... the games are identical. There may be some Six Axis support for PS3 but I don't know as my PS3 kit was jacked by Greg earlier in the project! Since I work with the art assets a lot, I need to be able to take screenshots which I can do on 360 by clicking both analog sticks at the same time. PS3 kits don't support screenshots for whatever reason. (no.. you can't click both sticks on 360 for a screenshot on the retail version... you need a dev kit to do that).
But to make a long story short, get the version your friends will be getting so you can play online dynasty with them. If you're like me and don't have any friends that play the game, get a PS3 version cause we need the PS3 sales boost

# 1030
bad_philanthropy @ 06/22/08 02:37 AM
Playing against LSU they came out in the pistol formation but playing as them I can't seem to find a way to use that formation. Anyone have any ideas?
Just downloaded it earlier today, and after playing maybe a half dozen games, I have to say it still feels like the same old game. Online dynasty is obviously a huge addition, but you don't see that obviously in the demo and the core on the field play seems like it's in need of an overhaul. I still see receivers running straight out of bounds, this has been happening for who knows how many years and there still hasn't been logic put in to have a receiver break off his route when he's nearing the sidelines? Overall it plays slightly smoother than last year, but it's little things like that which remain year after year that make it seem like it's still the same old game.
One other thing I'm noticing as the wide angle shots of the stadium play after the game, the shimmer of the textures is very noticeable, is that something everyone is getting or is it something with my television? You can really see it on the some of the shots of the flag pole from the far endzone, it's like there's a black wave running up and down it.
One other thing I'm noticing as the wide angle shots of the stadium play after the game, the shimmer of the textures is very noticeable, is that something everyone is getting or is it something with my television? You can really see it on the some of the shots of the flag pole from the far endzone, it's like there's a black wave running up and down it.
Everyone on NCAA this year did a hell of a job to get Online Dynasty in and at the same time, improve the look and feel of the game overall. It really was quite an accomplishment and NCAA 09 is a great game because of it. We knew when/if we did Online Dynasty the game would otherwise be feature light.... however, we'd get it out of the way and be able to add features for years to come as the online dynasty stuff was out of the way. We took that hit this year and the game turned out wonderful in spite of it!
# 1036
Memberz_09 @ 06/22/08 02:53 AM
For the Xbox 360 I think its (B) to do celebrations! I wish yall would add the Pig Sooie chant at Arkansas games that would be cool!
# 1037
Jmustang1968 @ 06/22/08 02:53 AM
I totally agree here and am very happy you guys chose online dynasty over the entrances or anything else in fact. It was my number one feature I have been waiting for. I dont see what all the fuss over entrances and pregame stuff is about. To me its all about gameplay and gameplay features. Like you said, I watch each entry once or twice, then button through to get to the real part of the game: the actual gameplay.
1. when your QB walks up to the line. he would get behind the center and all of a sudden slide slightly to the left or right of the center. so the animation shows the QB in a ready to rec'd the snap pose but in between the center and the guard. ( it's a little irritating).
2. during any auto replays, it looks like the replay is so compress that on passing plays, while the ball is in the air there is no rotation to the ball and it warps to the receiver's hands.
3. while in auto replays, when all the player run they look like string puppets with tangling legs moving back and forth.
i love the demo by the way i thought you guys did a great job this year. love all the new animation you guys put in.
and my last game i heard corso say even william wallace from brave heart can't motivate those guys. that was pretty funny
Have you checked the entire playbook for LSU for this? I'll remember to take a look on monday and if I don't see anything, I'll ask Anthony White. He'll be able to get to the bottom of this.
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