MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1061 dtigers63 @ 03/04/08 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by gotigers15
Just got it from my local Gamestop, played an Indians-Tigers game.

Fielding is improved, presentation and graphics are basically the same though.

I like the new pitching engine, I think it's harder to pinpoint pitches (which is a good thing for sim baseball).

The hitting seems a bit easier, and I noticed that homers seem to be down (granted, I only played 4 innings because I was getting worked over, but still).

I also noticed that you can control all CPU rosters in franchise mode (a definite thumbs up).

Just a normal gamer's quick thoughts.
Gotigers, does this mean you can call up and send down CPU players?
# 1062 chapmanosu1 @ 03/04/08 07:38 PM
XBOX 360

Only played two games.

Game does stutter some, but only during batter intros every once in awhile or after a throw in the field. DOES NOT KILL GAME. Never happened while swinging or pitching.

Graphics do seem somewhat bland. On par w/ last year's, possibly worse. Grass was the worst part IMO.

Did not use swing stick as I was playing with a friend and didn't want to fool with it.

The new pitching seems like it will be fun. Struggled with it though, but hadn't watch any tutorials.

Games were shootouts in the 16-17 per team range, but we were on pro and neither of us could pitch so a lot of pitches were meatballs. Loved fielding.

Feel free to PM with questions, I'll answer a few if I got an answer b/c I plan on cutting back on this particular forum until things calm down.

Seems like it will be a good game. Slightly better than last years.
# 1063 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 07:40 PM
Man, I want to play this game so freakin' bad!!!!

I don't know when my repaired 360 will arrive.

I got The Show for the PS3 though!Man, the game would be perfect if they added swing stick and worked on signature batting stances and pitcher windups/delivers.K-Rod's is WAY off!Even Ryan Howards stance is wrong!THE FREAKIN' COVER BOY!!!

Anways, keep up the impressions!
# 1064 A.M. Son @ 03/04/08 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Fatalah
I'm cracking guys, I'm really cracking.

I'm sick of this game. I've tried my hardest to like it, but there are just too many flaws. I can't believe 2K is the only option for 360 owners, thanks a lot Take Two.

This is the third year I've had to deal with a sub-bar baseball game. Not having a good baseball game to play is the only reason I regret owning a 360. I can't believe this. The game's overall presentation is so discombobulated. I don't understand why there has to be a dive "button" rather than using the right analog stick. Batting is just plain unfair--is it possible to hit a ground ball or to pull or push a ball without aiming?

Just like NHL2K8, MLB2K8 turned into a mess of ideas executed with no precision at all. I feel like I'm playing a work-in-progress. I can't believe we're paying 60 bucks for audio from 2005.

As baseball fans, we NEED EA to buyout Take-Two. Brinkman has not done enough. Either that or Blue Castle should take-over.

I'm really frustrated guys. I'm not a *****, I've just had enough of being screwed out of good game.
Couldn't agree more. I wish I didn't have the same sentiment, but this game just feels plain unfinished. I don't mind the trigger based dives, but on the whole I agree with all that you wrote.
The framerate problems with batter walkups and other moments just plain sap the life from this game, and the stuttery throwing of balls is just silly. I really wish I had a PS3 today... and that's the first time I've ever thought that...
# 1065 ehh @ 03/04/08 07:44 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
The pitching is cool but very boring IMO
Just curious, if 2K8's pitching is boring then how do you stay awake through The Show which still has the same meter for years or simply pressing a button and "let ratings do the work"?
# 1066 gamerk2 @ 03/04/08 07:44 PM
I am impressed. The new pitching mechanic works really well. Good hitters will crush mistakes, decent ones will hit line drives. Takes a good game to get used to, but works very well once you get used to it.

Pitches move more realistically, but still move to the plate quickly. If you are late on everything, try practiceing with pitch speed set to 40 instead of 50, it helps a bit at first.

The new throwing mechanic on the field works really well. Throw a high ball to Giambi and watch what happens. Bad fielders will get exposed this year.

Little things will get noticed as you play. If a go-ahead/tieing run crosses home, he might do a fist pump, for instance. I had Matsui hit a go-ahead 2-run HR in the 8th, and he promptly had a curtain call.

I already had a takeout slide knock a 2nd basemen sensless, and stop a few dp oppertunities.

To be sure, there are a few bugs. For instance, i once heard Morgan say "Rivera has only given up 40 HR balls dating back to the 2005 season." A lot of the commentary is recycled. Also, there is a stutter between batters/innings. Nothing game-breaking though.

Franchise is mostly the same, but with full minors, has an extra level of depth. The ability to track how players progress year by year is a nice touch too.


A few other points: there are many more foul balls this year, which really shows off how far the hitting engine has progressd. In a sample of 5 games, i also had routhly an even split between groundballs, linedrives, and flyballs.


Average score over my 5 sample games (on Pro difficulty for now) was 6-5; with one shootout (15-12 i believe) and a 1-0 game excluded.

I'd give the game an 8.0 for overall package, with commentary and presentation loweing the score. Based on gameplay alone, I'd give the game a solid 8.5. If you are willing to forgive the games faults, you will have a good time with it. If you don't, I can see why some people will call the game a refurbashed 2k7.
# 1067 tomahawk77 @ 03/04/08 07:47 PM
I played a game.

it is pretty much the same game as last year except they added quirky new pitching and fielding controls.

the graphics haven't been changed in 3 years.

hopefully it grows on me after some more games.
# 1068 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 07:49 PM
Can anyone tell me if Angels second baseman Howie Kendrick has his signature batting stance?PLEASE!
# 1069 Motown @ 03/04/08 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
Just curious, if 2K8's pitching is boring then how do you stay awake through The Show which still has the same meter for years or simply pressing a button and "let ratings do the work"?
Dude, why do you CONTINUOUSLY bash The Show??? especially when you've NEVER PLAYED THE GAME...PAL...fanboys...good lord
# 1070 Fatalah @ 03/04/08 07:59 PM
MLB2K8 makes me wonder what exactly they (Kush Games) spent 12 months working on. Honestly guys---does this game represent 12 months of work?

I'm upset because this costs us 60 bucks, and I'm not sure this game is worth it. I'm going to e-mail 2Ksports tomorrow.

NHL 07 to 08 shows clear progress. For people that bought MLB2K7, does anyone else feel scammed? If 2K8 achieved constant 60fps, I probably wouldn't be complaining. But this game is clunky in every department.

From the commentary, to crowd sound, to batting controls, definitely fielding control, to menus! I'm pissed, I'm sorry if I'm ripping into this game.

But we should be allowed to vent. This should not be a friendly message board to 2Ksports' baseball any longer. It's time we demand change. Don't look past the flaws.
# 1071 bowlerguy92 @ 03/04/08 07:59 PM
Whoa! I have the dome open in Toronto!
# 1072 Cubbies2166 @ 03/04/08 08:03 PM
Does anybody know if there are any downloadable stadiums yet?

Also can anybody tell me what Kosuke Fukudome's rating is, or at least the player that is supposed to be him?
# 1073 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/04/08 08:04 PM
I finally finished my 1st game. This title seems to be suffering from the same problem 2k6 had in reference to Choppiness & Studdering. If you really want to see it bad allow the game to replay @ the end & you'll see what I'm talking about.

I can't believe 2k allow this to happen AGAIN... This game is not caching correctly with the Hard Drives & this is why we are seeing the problems that we are seeing.

How do you not double check to make sure your game is caching correctly with the Hard Drives before you ship. I enjoyed getting my butt whoop due having to learn the NEW Total Control Analog Settings. I saw a lot of stuff that wasn't in 2k7, but this caching problem is really not cool..
# 1074 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by Motown
Dude, why do you CONTINUOUSLY bash The Show??? especially when you've NEVER PLAYED THE GAME...PAL...fanboys...good lord
The Show fan boys are the WORST.The 2k Foums prove that.They pretty much ruined the MLB section of those forums.They have a crazy hatred for 2k.
# 1075 ennepetal @ 03/04/08 08:06 PM
Holy moly!

50 new pages since I checked this this a.m.! How am I meant to sift through all that?

Lots of complaining, though. Looks like two years in a row with no baseball game for me.

That makes me a little sad.
# 1076 Str8_A @ 03/04/08 08:07 PM
Just completed 2 games (Oak 2 vs SF 0) and (Oak 3 vs LAA 0). I love the gameplay. The game keeps you on your toes every inning whether batting or pitching. I got the hang of the pitching in 15 mins of the tutorial. Getting a strikeout or the 3rd out w/ runners in scoring position is so satisfying. I never had that feeling in a baseball game in a long while.

The disadvantages is the graphics, and framerate. Although, personally it wasnt as bad as most here say it is. Graphics are a bit downgraded from last year, and the grass looks like the ivy out at Wrigley field. Also, has anyone experience the lag in the highlights @ the end of the game?

Overall, love the game. Gameplay is all I wanted, and 2k came through in that department.

Originally Posted by HK-47
Can anyone tell me if Angels second baseman Howie Kendrick has his signature batting stance?PLEASE!
He did have a signature batting stance. Although, I can't remember how he batted in real life, so I can't measure the accuracy.
# 1077 jerk @ 03/04/08 08:08 PM
damn this framerate is really starting to get to me. My tv is only able to do 1080i and not 720, so i'm getting ALOT of stuttering, EVEN on arial cam and in minor league stadiums.
# 1078 Heelfan71 @ 03/04/08 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by HK-47
The Show fan boys are the WORST.The 2k Foums prove that.They pretty much ruined the MLB section of those forums.They have a crazy hatred for 2k.
you don't care which game is better. all you care is which game has more of the Angles players correct stance.
# 1079 ehh @ 03/04/08 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Motown
Dude, why do you CONTINUOUSLY bash The Show??? especially when you've NEVER PLAYED THE GAME...PAL...fanboys...good lord
How am I bashing it?

Have they not had the same pitching interface for years now?

There are threads in the The Show forum talking about how annoying the "manual" fielding is for some people.

Doesn't seem like bashing to me, pal. Seem like realistic issues.
# 1080 CarryTheWeight @ 03/04/08 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by Fatalah
NHL 07 to 08 shows clear progress. For people that bought MLB2K7, does anyone else feel scammed? If 2K8 achieved constant 60fps, I probably wouldn't be complaining. But this game is clunky in every department.
I found the change from 2K6 to 2K7 much more significant and beneficial for this series. I liked 2K7 and never really found any major problems with it (yes, I haven't experienced frequent home runs and wall catches - I've had pretty low-scoring games most of the time). However, it seems the guys at 2K LA were asleep at the wheel while testing this game. I hope they come out with an effective patch soon.

2K9 will prove just how serious 2K Sports is about making a baseball simulation. I hope a new engine won't be out of the question. I'd be very happy if the guys at Blue Castle modified the Bigs engine to meet the standards of a sim baseball title.

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