MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 1041 ehh @ 03/04/08 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by huggerorange73

This game pales in comparison.....
Elaborate. If there is nothing groundbreaking in terms of gameplay in this year's version of The Show (which, as far as I've read there isn't) then I strongly disagree that 2K8 pales in comparison.
# 1042 ehh @ 03/04/08 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by tswells
The fastball pitch gesture is just impossible for me to do right! I can do curves and sliders no problem yet I can't do the simple fastball.

What am I doing wrong? I always get 50-58% on the gesture. Slowing it down slightly got me near 70 once, but I still can't get much better than that.

Loving the game, btw.
I would say the biggest tip for pitching is do not rush the 2nd motion. Don't thing it's Tiger Woods (if you've ever played it) where you need to slam the joystick upwards. Just relax and go steady and you'll be good to go!
# 1043 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/04/08 07:16 PM
I'm sorry guys, I just played two more games, and I will say I really do not like 2K8 at all, this is coming from a gamer who used to love 2k back in the day, The pitching is cool but very boring IMO, the graphics are mediocre at best if you ask me, I own both games and the SHow is that much better in the graphics department the atmosphere is dead yes dead, I really haven't had that problem with the frame rate, but man HR's are there a lot, and yes I know how to pitch, I got the pitching down preety good after practicing in the tutorial, this game just seems like a big train wreck for me, it had good intentions but does not delivery much at all, I traded in two games for this and regret it, I can't stress how good it feels to have another choice. I will keep and maybe try and give another chance, but every time I have it playing I wanna play the show....
# 1044 Tarheelfan92 @ 03/04/08 07:16 PM
could someone please tell me how to get my playlist onto the game.
# 1045 bigfnjoe96 @ 03/04/08 07:17 PM
WOW, did I just shelled by the Tigers.. I'm really gonna have to get use to this NEW Total Control ANALOG Stuff. I can't pitch, I sux in the outfield & the funny part about it is I FREAKING LUV-IT....
# 1046 mogrod @ 03/04/08 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by lived
Really? don't have it yet but it sounds quite lethal. Are you using SD or HD
I'm in HD 720p. I played another game and again I barely noticed it at all. Again, not as smooth as it could be but I didn't see even close to an issue.

Again two games played and the only issue I have is the post game being wonky. Seriously, it's like a dirty DVD. Everything stutters between every replay and even pauses me trying to go through the menu. But, this is a minor gripe for me because I can just skip right through it.

I really like the game overall.

Just lost on a 2 out, 2 run HR in the bottom of the ninth by Melvin Mora playing in BAL. Valverde just served it up and bam.
# 1047 lived @ 03/04/08 07:20 PM
So how's the bat sounds
# 1048 bowlerguy92 @ 03/04/08 07:21 PM
WOOOOOO walkoff bomb for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I win against the Birds playing as the Redsox 6-5. Youk had 2 homers, Ortiz had 1, and Varitek had the game winning walkoff in the bottom of the 9th. They had 2 homers, both of which were just horrid pitches thrown by me. Overall a very fun and exciting game. There were a lot of bombs hit but none of them seemed "off". No one spun around and one hand swung at it and knocked the ball out like in 2K7. These were all pitches that could and should be hit out by major leaguers. So I don't feel as though they were much of an issue.
# 1049 Fatalah @ 03/04/08 07:22 PM
I'm cracking guys, I'm really cracking.

I'm sick of this game. I've tried my hardest to like it, but there are just too many flaws. I can't believe 2K is the only option for 360 owners, thanks a lot Take Two.

This is the third year I've had to deal with a sub-bar baseball game. Not having a good baseball game to play is the only reason I regret owning a 360. I can't believe this. The game's overall presentation is so discombobulated. I don't understand why there has to be a dive "button" rather than using the right analog stick. Batting is just plain unfair--is it possible to hit a ground ball or to pull or push a ball without aiming?

Just like NHL2K8, MLB2K8 turned into a mess of ideas executed with no precision at all. I feel like I'm playing a work-in-progress. I can't believe we're paying 60 bucks for audio from 2005.

As baseball fans, we NEED EA to buyout Take-Two. Brinkman has not done enough. Either that or Blue Castle should take-over.

I'm really frustrated guys. I'm not a *****, I've just had enough of being screwed out of good game.
# 1050 albsur2003 @ 03/04/08 07:22 PM
I understand people are tired of the comparison between 2k8 and The Show but this is not a malicious post towards either game. Just something I thought might be useful for anyone in my situation. I've played only the Show (except for 15 minutes of MLB 2k7s demo last year) for the past 2 years. I picked up 2K8 after work today (only have a 360) and i've been playing it for a couple hours.

I will say that for the first hour, I absolutely couldn't stand the game. IMO, the new controls for hitting and pitching are way too pretentious. There's a difference between, new and innovative, and just plain gimmicky. I think the swing stick and pitching are too gimmicky. I almost got pissed (hahaha). So luckily, 2k, being the user-friendly producer they are, included an option to switch to classic style hitting and pitching. And I must say for the last hour, I've been very impressed with this game. The hitting and pitching is great with classic, albeit, a little easy, so I'm going to configure the difficulty so it's tougher on me. The graphics are pretty cool (I don't really know how the retail version of last year's game looked). I really don't see a huge frame rate game killer that everyone else is seeing. I'm playing on 720P and I think the game plays well for the most part outside of some little infield hiccups here and there. But it's nothing to return the game over. I noticed a lot of homers when I was throwing meatballs with the new pitching but now that I've switched things have been a lot better. I know myself, and I would have never got used to that analog hitting and pitching, so I'm glad that the classic is in there. I kept the new fielding though because it's pretty cool. I almost died when I read that IGN review but I don't think that the presentation is that bad. If you've even been to a baseball game, it feels authentic. I do think that the crowd could be louder though. I wonder if they can fix that with a patch of some sort. I'm about to start franchise stuff so for anyone switching over from The Show; if you're frustrated with the controls change over to classic for a while so it doesn't sour your experience with the game. Learn the differences and later on maybe jump back into learning the new system. Personally, I probably will give pitching a try later on. The game is a solid 8 so far for me.
# 1051 Pared @ 03/04/08 07:22 PM
I'd like to hear what's so groundbreaking about the fielding controls in 2k8? Seems like most of it has been done before as well with NCAA MVP.

I like the call off in the outfield. Nice touch. Aside from that...
# 1052 lived @ 03/04/08 07:23 PM
Wow, really feeling jealous of these impressions. Dying till tomorrow morning. Good to hear all these realistic scores.
# 1053 RoyalBoyle78 @ 03/04/08 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I'd like to hear what's so groundbreaking about the fielding controls in 2k8? Seems like most of it has been done before as well with NCAA MVP.

I like the call off in the outfield. Nice touch. Aside from that...
I understand what you talking about, I just don't get, then fielding still feels herky jerky to me, Also I played a day at shea and the game just looked so dark, I didn't understand it.
# 1054 Heelfan71 @ 03/04/08 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
I understand what you talking about, I just don't get, then fielding still feels herky jerky to me, Also I played a day at shea and the game just looked so dark, I didn't understand it.
all the games look dark, even the day games. Looks like they are playing in the shade.
# 1055 Pared @ 03/04/08 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
I understand what you talking about, I just don't get, then fielding still feels herky jerky to me, Also I played a day at shea and the game just looked so dark, I didn't understand it.
Did it look worse than last year?
# 1056 merff11 @ 03/04/08 07:31 PM
Some real quick things for me that I saw:

Frame rate issue - same as it was in 2k7 (at least for me- not present in any other part of the game, other than long throws.)

Realistic fouls - battling the pitcher this year pretty cool

My brain is still trying to think how to throw in the field, which is cool. Just a matter of time before it is second nature but I like it.

Pitching is awesome! Didn't read the tutorial too much, but from what I saw, the meatball, not an issue. If the cpu recognizes the gesture, it will not be meatball, if you are horribly off on timing bad location is your punishment, but no meatball. Mess the gesture up with perfect timing, meatball.

Walked a cpu player completely by accident because i didn't get the timing of both rings and minor gesture problems. Was nice to just be off that at bat.

Played vs another human on all-star, and I have to admit-homerun fiesta! Left and right the ball couldn't get out fast enough. Of course the other player wasn't making very good pitches or trying to get me out per say, just testing the power level.

Flip side, played cpu on all star level, lowered batter power by about 7 clicks and I didn't get a hit of Beckett for the first 4 innings. Don't know how to explain that other than Beckett wanted me out, my buddy didn't.

Overall I am enjoying the game. Haven't paid much attention to the broadcasters, just used to drowning them out. Picking up pitches seems to be a touch easier. Low curves still tough for me to lay off.

Signature moves are sick! I love em. reactions on pop outs, movement after fouling a pitch off, all cool.

I am going to try and start a franchise tomorrow. Practice tonight a bit more and jump right in.
# 1057 dreh man @ 03/04/08 07:32 PM
I'm horribly disappointed in this game. I picked it up this morning and have tried for hours to enjoy it, but I can't. Animations are very rigid and not fluid at all. The player models look worse than last year and I can't get into the new pitching.

This should have been a rental.
# 1058 MNOFSTEEL34 @ 03/04/08 07:34 PM
just got the game...will try it out as soon as i found out who won the primary in ohio....
# 1059 ehh @ 03/04/08 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
I understand what you talking about, I just don't get, then fielding still feels herky jerky to me
Prolly because your used to the "manual" fielding in The Show. I don't think the fielding is jerky at all anymore. Again, if you don't think it's improved - put 2K7 back in and play a game. The difference is quite large, IMO.
# 1060 ehh @ 03/04/08 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Fatalah
Batting is just plain unfair--is it possible to hit a ground ball or to pull or push a ball without aiming?
I'm seeing very good hit variety, it feels almost as good as 2K3. I think I aimed once and I got a great variety.

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