Feature Article
NBA 2K16: Biggest Pet Peeve?
A pet peeve in a video game is just a little thing that drives you crazy. It’s not really a “game killer” or anything like that to me, it’s just that one thing you wish was better. It can be something small like a player's signature shot being slightly off, or it can even be a bit bigger like an inability to import a draft class. 
The point is this pet peeve gnaws at you even though you actively try to ignore it. It’s that big brother who pokes you in that spot between your chest and shoulder (come on, you know the spot). He just keeps doing it over and over trying to get a rise out of you. You try to pretend it doesn’t bother you, but inside your own head you’re screaming. Finally, you snap and check him through the wall. From there, you have a moment of jubilation, only to then realize you’ve sealed your own fate and the pummeling of a lifetime. So you immediately sprint out of the house and plan to hide in the small wooded area until your mom gets home from work. Only you realize your mom is going to be pissed about the brother-sized hole in the living room wall, so you do the math on how long you need to stay out before she’s just happy you’re home and totally forgets about the wall. However, somewhere along the line you realize you’re a 10-year-old kid who's totally not cool with being in the woods when it gets dark. This realization ends with a sad slink home as you accept your doomed fate. 
...Oh, uh yeah sorry, got a bit off track there I guess.  
The point is we all have these pet peeves in our video games. I’m going to highlight just a couple of my own in NBA 2K16, and then maybe you all will have some to share as well. Let’s do it. 

The Awkward Slide

The defensive stance in this game can be funny to watch at times. Perhaps how it works has everything to do with what you set your  “defensive assist strength” to in the options menu. Maybe how the slide looks comes down to the the lateral quickness attribute of each player. Maybe I’m really bad at deciding when to use the left trigger to initiate the slide. Maybe I’m not always switching between defensive slide and turbo the right way.
There’s a lot of questions there and I don’t have all the answers. Either way, the general point is going from a defensive stance, then trying to sprint when you feel out of position, and then going back to defensive stance again leads to lots of awkward steps taken all over the court. 
Looking at the above GIF, Rashad Vaughn is a rookie who has a penchant for mentally checking in and out of games at times. That being said, Vaughn still looks like he’s in the midst of trying to play defense after a long night out in Vegas. I mean even Doug McDermott can watch that GIF and be like, “yeah, even I don’t look that silly trying to play defense.” 
And look, I totally accept that maybe it’s all me. I accept that maybe I’m doing something wrong here. But if I’m not doing anything wrong, then what is with that footwork? And even if I am doing something wrong, the foot planting I see on defense at times boggles my mind.
Oh, and before I move on, Dougie McBuckets you totally look that silly trying to play defense sometimes.

Know Your Personnel

Right off the bat, I readily admit I could choose a better GIF for this example. The GIF above just shows a jumbled mess of bodies -- even with me trying to pull Noel back to the corner and ignore the drive. Nevertheless, I like this GIF because it highlights the general point I want to make about both the personnel and the situation at hand.
In short, Nerlens Noel is a really good defensive player who wants to protect the basket. Be that as it may, he's leaving a three-point shooter wide open in the corner to slide over on a drive by a non-shooting big. On top of that, multiple people are already in the paint to ward off the drive. 
I mean it when I say I think it’s great that you can pause the game and tweak a wide variety of defensive settings and micro-manage the crap out of the game if you so choose. There’s a lot you can do now in terms of deciding how to defend the pick and roll, how to guard shooters off the ball and all that good stuff.
At the same time, I don’t want a person’s ability to “coach” his team on defense mean we ignore some fundamental principles at a basic level. You don't just vacate the open shooter in the corner on a drive when there's already help in the paint. In this particular case, I think the match-ups just get all wonky in general due to the mass of bodies in the paint, but the overall point stands.
What I’m talking about here goes beyond just the drive and kick game as well. I won’t highlight it in GIF form, but the idea of pre-rotating also matters in future versions of the game. If one defender has to recover and worry about two players, knowing who the threat is will be important. If a non-shooting big catches a swing pass behind the 3-point line on the wing and there’s also a wide open shooter in the corner, that single defender has to know he shouldn’t close out hard on the big. Instead, he should be ready to either head to the corner or sit way back in the paint so he only protects against the drive. 
What I’m describing there is some next-level stuff to a degree in terms of AI, but as these games continue to progress down the realism path, this is the sort of stuff we’ll have to start talking about in our NBA games. I'm excited about that proposition on some level, but it does mean knowing your personnel (KYP!) will matter more and more as well. 
But okay, those are just two of my NBA 2K16 pet peeves. I would love to hear about some of your own peeves of the pet variety, so let me know about them in the comments below!

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Member Comments
# 101 mrchiggs @ 02/26/16 02:46 PM
Mine are:

1. Speed, all around... Why do i feel I have a tractor beam on me when the break starts!? Myplayer is a pretty fast guy at 88 x 5 speed. But it takes him a moment to get some speed behind him meanwhile the D is at top speed be they guard or center, immediately. In Head to Head (Offline) how many trackdown block can happen in a single game!?

2. Last second shot defense.... The Cpu defender becomes 04 Ron Artest.

3. Bump D... Because contact isn't called much, opponents can collide with you to dislodge the ball. People I play do this all day and its frustrating to bring the ball up to an man colliding into me trying to free the ball.
# 102 NoLeafClover @ 02/26/16 08:14 PM
Success rate of contested stepback corner 3 pointers.
# 103 mb625 @ 02/26/16 10:47 PM
Since it's a pet peeve thread, mine is really small and kind of dumb, but, when I play in real life, I wear prescription goggles/rec specs. Despite the fact that there are a few players that have these (Hinrich, Otto Porter, etc), I don't get them as an option for my MyPlayer or created players. It's super dumb and nitpicky, but that's something that I think would be really cool to see for me personally.

Sent from my SM-G730V using Tapatalk
# 104 Arod2k9 @ 02/27/16 11:09 AM
Foot planting is the worst I have ever seen in a sports games, there's no feel to player movement in my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 105 SpeedyClaxton @ 02/27/16 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Arod2k9
Foot planting is the worst I have ever seen in a sports games, there's no feel to player movement in my opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
..and add to that no real sense of weight and strength, i don't see difference between Carter-Williams & Drummond for example plus big men hook shot rating is soooo flawed. If certain big man have low hook shot rating ex.D.Jordan he will miss mismatched hook shots against I.Thomas from 5-6 ft of basket just because he have low hook shot rating, nonsense ??
# 106 swac07 @ 02/29/16 01:51 AM
my 2k pet peeves are:

-Any attempt at a steal by the human player results in a reach in foul or triggers a foul animation(I'm not even talking about spamming the steal button, this happens after a single press of the button). They have to tune this in 17, there should be no reason the only way to get legit steals are by waiting for the cpu to bump the ball up against a player and it becoming a loose ball.

-Cpu double teams are OP yet double teams initiated by the user towards the cpu are ineffective.There needs to be balance.
# 107 SpeedyClaxton @ 03/02/16 10:26 AM
Biggest pet peeve ? How core gameplay went turbospeed downhill from 2k14 until now. I won't bother to single every thing but with next generation graphics came up big time and gameplay went south (defense, AI teammates, rebounding, isomotion, post-game)
# 108 LO6IX @ 03/02/16 04:10 PM
This. The roll man needs to stop running away from the pass.

# 109 Hustle Westbrook @ 03/02/16 05:14 PM
2K16 in a nutshell. Play good defense for 23 seconds and either the jackass CPU decides to bite on a stupid pump fake or your player randomly falls on the floor for no reason and gets called for a blocking foul.

# 110 JerzeyReign @ 03/02/16 07:25 PM
Player movement on defense and while running plays. Your guy will be wide open but the moment you initiate a pass he seems to run behind a defender despite you using icon passing and letting go of the left stick. That turnover along with players bumping into each other and throwing off entire plays for 3-5 seconds are such pet peeves to me I put down the game. I've been playing this game for over 10 years but those things made me give it a rest this year.
# 111 mb625 @ 03/02/16 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by Yesh2k
If you complete the Kareem connection in MC, then you get his goggles. I agree 100% with the point you're making, but this at least might provide you with an option to have some eyewear.
I actually found that out a couple days later. Thought about deleting that, but said "eh, maybe no one will notice." Thanks a lot. [emoji14] LOL.

Anyway, it'd be great to have more options in terms of eyewear (not to mention options that are available right away, and ones that are a bit more updated than from the 80s.)

Sent from my SM-G730V using Tapatalk
# 112 Hustle Westbrook @ 03/03/16 10:30 PM
How about when your opponent wins the tip and the first thing they do is throw a lead pass to their center for an easy bucket. I swear this **** happens EVERYTIME. How is it that as soon as you win the tip your center is already out of position?

I swear the first thing I do when I lose the tipoff is to run back on defense with my PF.
# 113 LO6IX @ 03/27/16 10:10 PM
# 114 Hustle Westbrook @ 03/28/16 12:49 AM
This crap...
# 115 jinntu @ 03/28/16 01:00 AM
I have three that are linked...player movement and/or physics, defensive AI, and lack of fouls being called.
# 116 TalenT @ 03/29/16 11:38 AM
The A.I. in general. Sometimes it's just bad basketball. It affects the stats if you pay attention. No fundamentals. Wide open, knock-down shooters cut to the paint where the defense is waiting, rotations are pretty awful at times (this affects point guard assist numbers because they rotate wrong), transition defense is just plain bad & players don't box out man (This, of course affects big man rebound numbers). The computer has to do better.
# 117 de_jesus @ 03/29/16 01:56 PM
MyLeague DPOY:

It always goes to the best rebounder, and that's infuriating. I had a guy with the following per game stats last season:

33pts, 6rbs, 9st, 2 stls, 2 blks and kept opponents to FG 37-38%.

Anthony davis:
22pts, 13rbs, 3ast, .5 stls, 1.9 blks and kept oppontes to FG 44% .

He has won it 3 years straight. It bugs the crap out of me.
# 118 de_jesus @ 03/29/16 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by TalenT
The A.I. in general. Sometimes it's just bad basketball. It affects the stats if you pay attention. No fundamentals. Wide open, knock-down shooters cut to the paint where the defense is waiting, rotations are pretty awful at times (this affects point guard assist numbers because they rotate wrong), transition defense is just plain bad & players don't box out man (This, of course affects big man rebound numbers). The computer has to do better.
I honestly don't have this problem. The game is really good at making me pay for leaving a shooter with a 55 rating in 3pt shot make a wide open jumper EVERY TIME he is left open. It's maddening because I play off that guy because he cannot shoot.

Also, having Drummond or Howard go 7/9 from the free throw line makes me take a deep breath and think: https://media.giphy.com/media/6uhrs4onWgbiU/giphy.gif
# 119 de_jesus @ 03/29/16 02:30 PM
One more:

Plays like Quick 1 Elevator that rely heavily on screens just don't pan out for me. My first screener never catches the defender on the first screen and never catches the defender on the 2nd screen. It's terrible. I've tried this play with the Thunder, Spurs, Warriors, and Cavs. I can never get it to work. Same with Quick 42 Quick (which is a beautiful play).

But the AI torches me with it.
# 120 TalenT @ 03/29/16 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by de_jesus
I honestly don't have this problem. The game is really good at making me pay for leaving a shooter with a 55 rating in 3pt shot make a wide open jumper EVERY TIME he is left open. It's maddening because I play off that guy because he cannot shoot.

Also, having Drummond or Howard go 7/9 from the free throw line makes me take a deep breath and think: https://media.giphy.com/media/6uhrs4onWgbiU/giphy.gif
Which problem exactly? I'm not understanding. The A.I. is good in your opinion???

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