Feature Article
NBA 2K16: Biggest Pet Peeve?
A pet peeve in a video game is just a little thing that drives you crazy. It’s not really a “game killer” or anything like that to me, it’s just that one thing you wish was better. It can be something small like a player's signature shot being slightly off, or it can even be a bit bigger like an inability to import a draft class. 
The point is this pet peeve gnaws at you even though you actively try to ignore it. It’s that big brother who pokes you in that spot between your chest and shoulder (come on, you know the spot). He just keeps doing it over and over trying to get a rise out of you. You try to pretend it doesn’t bother you, but inside your own head you’re screaming. Finally, you snap and check him through the wall. From there, you have a moment of jubilation, only to then realize you’ve sealed your own fate and the pummeling of a lifetime. So you immediately sprint out of the house and plan to hide in the small wooded area until your mom gets home from work. Only you realize your mom is going to be pissed about the brother-sized hole in the living room wall, so you do the math on how long you need to stay out before she’s just happy you’re home and totally forgets about the wall. However, somewhere along the line you realize you’re a 10-year-old kid who's totally not cool with being in the woods when it gets dark. This realization ends with a sad slink home as you accept your doomed fate. 
...Oh, uh yeah sorry, got a bit off track there I guess.  
The point is we all have these pet peeves in our video games. I’m going to highlight just a couple of my own in NBA 2K16, and then maybe you all will have some to share as well. Let’s do it. 

The Awkward Slide

The defensive stance in this game can be funny to watch at times. Perhaps how it works has everything to do with what you set your  “defensive assist strength” to in the options menu. Maybe how the slide looks comes down to the the lateral quickness attribute of each player. Maybe I’m really bad at deciding when to use the left trigger to initiate the slide. Maybe I’m not always switching between defensive slide and turbo the right way.
There’s a lot of questions there and I don’t have all the answers. Either way, the general point is going from a defensive stance, then trying to sprint when you feel out of position, and then going back to defensive stance again leads to lots of awkward steps taken all over the court. 
Looking at the above GIF, Rashad Vaughn is a rookie who has a penchant for mentally checking in and out of games at times. That being said, Vaughn still looks like he’s in the midst of trying to play defense after a long night out in Vegas. I mean even Doug McDermott can watch that GIF and be like, “yeah, even I don’t look that silly trying to play defense.” 
And look, I totally accept that maybe it’s all me. I accept that maybe I’m doing something wrong here. But if I’m not doing anything wrong, then what is with that footwork? And even if I am doing something wrong, the foot planting I see on defense at times boggles my mind.
Oh, and before I move on, Dougie McBuckets you totally look that silly trying to play defense sometimes.

Know Your Personnel

Right off the bat, I readily admit I could choose a better GIF for this example. The GIF above just shows a jumbled mess of bodies -- even with me trying to pull Noel back to the corner and ignore the drive. Nevertheless, I like this GIF because it highlights the general point I want to make about both the personnel and the situation at hand.
In short, Nerlens Noel is a really good defensive player who wants to protect the basket. Be that as it may, he's leaving a three-point shooter wide open in the corner to slide over on a drive by a non-shooting big. On top of that, multiple people are already in the paint to ward off the drive. 
I mean it when I say I think it’s great that you can pause the game and tweak a wide variety of defensive settings and micro-manage the crap out of the game if you so choose. There’s a lot you can do now in terms of deciding how to defend the pick and roll, how to guard shooters off the ball and all that good stuff.
At the same time, I don’t want a person’s ability to “coach” his team on defense mean we ignore some fundamental principles at a basic level. You don't just vacate the open shooter in the corner on a drive when there's already help in the paint. In this particular case, I think the match-ups just get all wonky in general due to the mass of bodies in the paint, but the overall point stands.
What I’m talking about here goes beyond just the drive and kick game as well. I won’t highlight it in GIF form, but the idea of pre-rotating also matters in future versions of the game. If one defender has to recover and worry about two players, knowing who the threat is will be important. If a non-shooting big catches a swing pass behind the 3-point line on the wing and there’s also a wide open shooter in the corner, that single defender has to know he shouldn’t close out hard on the big. Instead, he should be ready to either head to the corner or sit way back in the paint so he only protects against the drive. 
What I’m describing there is some next-level stuff to a degree in terms of AI, but as these games continue to progress down the realism path, this is the sort of stuff we’ll have to start talking about in our NBA games. I'm excited about that proposition on some level, but it does mean knowing your personnel (KYP!) will matter more and more as well. 
But okay, those are just two of my NBA 2K16 pet peeves. I would love to hear about some of your own peeves of the pet variety, so let me know about them in the comments below!

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Member Comments
# 81 theflyesthoopa01 @ 02/14/16 11:15 AM
1. MYGM trade scenarios are wholly unrealistic and have nothing to do with basketball logic.

2. Guaranteed momentum shifts: if a guy can't score against me who cares if I beat him by 100 points. Don't go and let this guy have a stretch of three straight contested threes made by guys who shot 20% from deep while I miss consecutive wide open threes with Steph and Klay.

3. Stop lying about the CPU IQ. It's not universal. It only benefits the CPU. My teammate CPU's have no idea how to play basketball. I don't care if I quadruple team the man with the ball, you don't leave the man one pass away open to go guard someone on the other side of the floor. Nor should I play good defense for 23 seconds only for the game to warp my man wide open for a perfect release before the shot clock buzzer.

4. LOL at all perfect releases not being an automatic bucket but the CPU doesn't miss open shots. Ever. Hardly any shots for that matter. Doubled, tripled, hell I've even blocked several shots, got credit for the block and teammate grade but the shot doesn't even change trajectory and goes straight into the basket unimpeded. I think my favorite is playing good D, knowing you played good D and even getting the good defense teammate grade boost but the CPU has no problem scoring the ball. But the same moves don't have the same effect the other way lol guys who can't guard their shadow stay with you move after move. Six crossovers and two screens but JJ Redick stays with you, rips you clean and goes the other way. Said nobody ever.

5. NUMBER ONE PET PEEVE: 2K tweaking things for the worst 2K players ever. I knew this game was going to crap when people started complaining about players like KD/Steph "making everything or making incredible shots" and suddenly 2K patches the game to calm the trolls, meanwhile, players don't even play like themselves anymore. Stephen Curry is a below average jump shooter on 2K because they've patched his shot so much. I could've sworn the initial reason for the patch-ability was to continue to improve the realness of the game. Not to aid the guys who suck and want an even playing field with folks like myself who've been playing 2K since day one and played basketball most of their lives. Sorry Ronnie. Sometimes people are just that much better than you.

6. Honestly can't believe anyone at 2K sports has ever played basketball because players run away from the ball and the pass more than they meet it. If a defender decides to make a play it's almost as if they give them the lane and allow them the path to the ball. And my favorite is when you pass the ball to a guy and one of your other teammate's walks directly into the path of your path and brings his defender. Basketball has never worked like that lol

7. Foul and rebound logic are non-existent. I shouldn't have to have 15 attributes on rebounding for a player to catch the ball that comes directly to him. And the ticky tack foul called for CPU vs major contact fouls not called against the CPU ratio is like 6:1 at this point.

8. Can't forget the directional passing. I have no idea what the settings are but the game doesn't respond to the stick. It's impossible to enter the ball to the high posts or short corner because guys throw the ball across the court directly at the defender. And don't lecture me cuz I've changed all the settings several times over and tried everything from barely moving the stick in the direction to pushing it full force. It's just a wonky, crappy system.
# 82 derlaid @ 02/15/16 12:17 PM
Small defenders seem to be able to shut down big guys very easily these days with a higher steal rating.
# 83 KingTocco @ 02/15/16 12:27 PM
The community on Twitter and YouTube that just constantly have nothing good to say at all and always respond with "rep boost", "locker codes", 100000 All Star Pack Opening OMG I PULLED THE GOAT blah blah blah.

Not really much you can do about these types of people but it's so frustrating sometimes.
# 84 convince @ 02/15/16 02:48 PM
I have one major pet peeve. With better consoles and ch2k8 and nfl2k5 in your library, the lack of a weekly show in my league and a working halftime and post shows is starting become ridiculous. The other game's haltime shows kills this one. Again its only pet peeve but a major one in my eyes.
# 85 mcdowell31 @ 02/16/16 09:48 PM
What messes-up immersion for me? Immersion. I'll explain.

I play offline MyLeague: I've always enjoyed basketball history and liked creating future history with previous 2K versions using Dynasty mode. I'm a basketball junkie and I'm still playing a College Hoops Legacy I started in 2007: In-game I'm in the 2045-46 season. Immersion in that game is one of the best.

2K16 immersion tries much too hard. My cut-scenes are set to "Never" but I am forced to watch:

1. Zoom-in of players walking to the time-out huddle. No matter how many times I press a controller button I cannot bypass this. It isn't useful to me during a game but it would be perfect for a end-of-quarter montage or a post-game montage along with any highlights. If it must be used, put strategy menus on top of immersion scenes the way Madden 2016 does; multitasking like this would speed-up game play.

2. Zoom-in of coaches looking bewildered/confused/unimpressed every other time a bad play happens. This is a wasted zoom: As a player competing I don't care how the coach feels during a game. Again, save it for a montage, or allow me to “discover” the emotion (or whatever he's doing) when I'm playing around with instant replay. Currently this does not add any information or help me win the game. And, it adds unneeded drama to regular season games that just really doesn't exist on most telecasts I've seen.

3. Zoom-in of players berating teammates when bad plays happen. Same as the coaches, but this might be tolerable if it happened in real-time on the court without a zoom. It would be better if emotional displays indicated a player was out of control and his ratings would be handicapped for 30-60 seconds until he regained composure. Or, he is creeping closer to getting a technical foul. With that information perhaps I could decide to sub him out temporarily. Right now, it is a flashy animation with no substance.

4. Not a zoom-in, but the "upset" highly demonstrative player who slams the ball after an opponent score whether it's the first score of a game or a 20-point blowout with 2-minutes to go. Context goes out of the window and the same animation plays over and over and over... all game. Insult to injury: He's already held-up any attempt at playing up-tempo basketball strategy, but then he holds the ball for 1-2 seconds as he “refocuses” or calms down or something before throwing the ball in. Can't tell what it is but it is irritating because the same animation happens too much, and fundamentally changes the game. Currently, half the players react like Rasheed Wallace; I don't think Rasheed was that demonstrative.

5. Greg and Clark running their own pre-half-post-game-weekly “wrap-up show” on every free-throw and dead-ball. I am forced to look at the graphic and listen to inane chatter about something that is not the game currently in progress. Again: As a user I'm competing... I don't really care about the mundane. This information would be much more tolerable in a wrap-up show separate from the game much like College Hoops and NFL 2K5 did.

I realize in the above I've posited the idea of a highlight show separate from game highlights (extra work for the developer). I've always thought part of the immersion strength of 2K sports games has been the use of algorithmic technology to identify and exhibit highlights during game and in the score summary. Saying the least: 2K is amazing at this. Highlight presentation is 2K's “A-game” or “go to” move: I really don't think anyone in the industry can match them.

To avoid extra work, why not simply plagiarize past creations and update them for use today? Rather than putting talking heads and faces on screen, use that wonderful technology to show an unending source of highlights from in-game. And, use that same technology to create a “highlight generator” that could randomly make highlights of non-user games for viewing by the user watching a wrap-up show. Use the talking heads recordings for highlight voice-over and you have a much more dynamic and interesting show with a minimal amount of work.

Often NBA 2K15 and 2K16 have felt more like reality TV than professional sports. I really miss the “basketball junkie” NBA 2K games from my Xbox 360 days.
# 86 Luke Skywalker @ 02/17/16 11:33 AM
Lack of ability to edit/create coaches. I wish we could create and edit coaches like we create players.
# 87 mjt844 @ 02/18/16 12:47 AM
Further to my post earlier in this thread. I can say with confidence having read peoples comments that 2K have butchered this game.

All the hype and chest beating by developers in the lead up to the release of 16 would have us believe it was revolutionary. But infact its a massive disappointment and a lot of "Digital Media " crap !!
Case in point the number of "patches" released to fix major problems .

The MyPlayer and MyCareer option offered a lot of promise in 2016 but instead went backwards. The MyCourt , training , College , Connections and Sponsors was a great inclusion , but making the origin "Harlem " and "African American" was not only racist , but a huge mistake given the franchise has a Global market to cater to.
2K seem to start a few good concepts but then cut them out by the time of a new release. Like 2015 had an on court altercation scene , but then didnt take it any further. If anything they need to develop it. There should be more interaction on court. Off court.
14 had scenes with Managers and 15 with Coach and Agent These shouldve been retained and developed .
Also team mate interactions. Such as one player turning ball over , shooting badly , poor free throws. There should be influence in team mates getting better.

- Voice options non existent for MyPlayer. Wheres the Hispanic , European , Caucasian , Asian sample ??
- The audio samples on post game interviews with Freq are atrocious. Its a rehash of 2015 responses , but of a poor quality.
- Locker room 1/2 time is a rehash of 2015 cut scenes. 2k were too f****** lazy to redo these with new coaching staff
- Courtside huddle scenes are limited. I think theres 2 .
- The movement of opponents around the court is superhuman. Im sure if this were real, then most of the current band of NBA players would be in therapy with torn ACL , hamstring as well as broken ankles
- Wheres Charles Barkley ??
- On the offensive end . During gameplay. Constantly being stopped as I get to the 3pt line and the paint by a direct a opponent , is a wtf !!! moment and so not the NBA .
I think 2K have completely overdone the defense . And in return havent balanced the game out allowing MyPlayer and my team the same level . Being able to plant feet and intercept the ball. Also being constantly stripped of the ball . Not 1 single reach in foul called on opposition teams .
Auto generated Rookies coming into a Season with high skill level when I had to start with 50.
# 88 Viking2855 @ 02/18/16 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by Magnus1959
The 3 second call. Not a big thing but my pet peeve.
Still angry about those dudes who create 7'3 centers and just catch the ball in the paint and dunk over everybody no matter how good the defender is,,its BS plus I thought they said there would be a speed penalty to those who choose to be that tall, dont see how someone with the height of Porzingis is running like Lebron out there it doesnt make Pro-Am as fun because it seems like some players like that dont even need skill just stand in the paint catch the ball and dunk this isnt 1962 anymore that kind of stuff isnt seen as often as it displays in Pro-AM
# 89 beardedaussie @ 02/18/16 07:14 AM
Mine are purely online pet peeves.

1. Constantly facing Warriors, Cavs and Thunder in play now.

2. The people who just sprint full court from an inbounds pass after a basket with the likes of Westbrook and Wall for the easy dunk or lay in from the baseline. Defense is too slow to keep up with them.

3. Off ball defense. I don't hate it but it really annoys me when people just camp off the ball all game and only man up for double teams, it makes weak defenders and mismatches pointless.

4. Comebacks (more so in MyTeam for me) , whether it be my opponent or me usually whoever is up at half time and dominating comes out in the second half and go ice cold whilst they or i are scorching hot. I like close games but the way the game forces it to be close is annoying.
# 90 Hooperport @ 02/18/16 07:19 AM
Originally Posted by mcdowell31
4. Not a zoom-in, but the "upset" highly demonstrative player who slams the ball after an opponent score whether it's the first score of a game or a 20-point blowout with 2-minutes to go.
My player sometimes does that after WE score!
# 91 Hustle Westbrook @ 02/18/16 08:32 AM
I can't stand watching my players be put in random positions after a timeout/deadball. If your opponent is inbounding the ball in the backcourt the game will literally have 2-3 of your players standing in front of the inbound man for no reason at all. This literally just sets you up to get turboed on to the basket. Some of the dumbest **** I've seen programmed in a basketball game.

# 92 icysuspect @ 02/18/16 01:41 PM
I don't like that little hesitation/shuffle you do when you try to explode out of a dribble sequence without crossing over. It's slow, unrealistic and any veteran 2k player knows exactly what direction you are going when they see it.

I don't think there is enough 'riding the hip' animations in the game. Happens a lot in real life.
# 93 de_jesus @ 02/18/16 05:50 PM
I only have a few and they are more annoyances. They aren't at all game breaking as I've learned to live with them.

1. Size-up crossover / crossover hesitation: It seems there are times where you can cross someone over, and my player with just stop as though they've hit some invisible wall. It's very frustrating to hit a size-up on a poor defender, have the defender out of position, and not be able to move pass them because of some imaginary barrier.

2. Bigs not guarding their assignment at the perimeter after an inbounds play. I have had a stretch 4/5 in-bounds the ball then walk up to the three point line while I defend the current ball handler and nail an uncontested 3 more times than I can count.

2a. Players in transition D not moving to their assignment after the offense has reset (assuming you stop their break to the basket). There are times my guard will sit under the basket with the ball handler runs a play at the perimeter. It leaves them open for an uncontested shot.

3. Bigs defending the stanchion / crowd. I have no idea what this is about.

4. Player dribbling in traffic vs CPU dribbling in traffic: The CPU can dribble among a sea of defenders without losing the ball. For some reason, I can not. The imbalance is just a tad annoying.

5. Missing wide open excellent releases: I want to preface this by saying I know players miss open shots. All. The. Time. In game it is infuriating but thems be the breaks. I have no issue with it. However, it seems green releases are now harder to achieve and are now harder to make. It's a bit much.

I don't mind green releases being harder to earn if I'm making them when the shot is wide open. Or missing them if they are contested by a great defender. But coupling harder to achieve green releases with a good likelihood of missing together just seems mean - especially since I've likely missed more green releases at the arc when I'm wide open than contested non-excellent release shots in the same spots.
# 94 LO6IX @ 02/19/16 02:40 AM
The friendly bounces on layups against good defense. Very annoying. Tighten those rims 2K!!
# 95 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 02/19/16 09:11 PM
Man this game has so much damn bumping

Not only that but what's up with me not getting proper steals ?
# 96 ZB9 @ 02/21/16 12:53 AM
"please try again..for some reason, NBA2k16 took too long to start"...

only game on X1 where it often refuses to load
# 97 mjt844 @ 02/22/16 05:23 PM
Im happy to sum up 2k16 in 1 word. "Bull****!!"

- Being overrun and stopped on a fast break by opponents . Infuriating! !

- Stopping to receive the ball on an open court fast break

- Opponents zipping left and right , up and back in and out . Whilst MyPlayer on defense is like trying to turn a bus around . MyPlayer motion , agility and reaction is a joke.

- Running on the spot !!!!!

- Standing in between 2 opponents and have them pass through you when just about every one of my passes is tipped

- Being double teamed within 10 seconds of the tip off !! Wtf !!

- An obvious lack of Coaching strategy despite 2Ks claims they interviewed NBA coaches and imported some of their philosophies. I play minutes up to mid 2nd quarter. Then I come off . Im back on 2 min before the 1/2 and we're 10 - 15 points down. Every single game !!!

- Opposition players camped in the paint with no 3 sec calls

- Opposition players / fake Rookies with below average 3Pt
Percentage getting multiple 3s while heavily contested
# 98 Trackball @ 02/23/16 04:19 AM
Player/position-lock rebounding.

I should NOT be averaging 20-30 boards a game with any player I'm locked onto.
Not in today's league.
# 99 BellSKA @ 02/23/16 06:39 AM
Originally Posted by ZB9
"please try again..for some reason, NBA2k16 took too long to start"...

only game on X1 where it often refuses to load
From the X1 main menu
Go to 'My Games & Apps'
Press Start to 'Manage Game' on NBA 2K16
Delete 'Reserved Space'

Do NOT power cycle the X1 yourself. It will do everything for you. Once your X1 reboots, load NBA 2K16 like normal. It will take 20-30 minutes to reload all the data it dumped. Once that's complete, problem solved.

I used to get that same error all the time. I haven't had it since.
# 100 Hooperport @ 02/23/16 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by WISports
Speaking of home crowds, how about when your shooting a 3, and the crowd yells "THREEEEE", then the shot goes in and it's dead silent.
And after shouting "MVP - MVP" and put them away - equally silent, like you airballed both.

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