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NBA 2K15: Fixing Broken Shot Forms Exposes Flaw in Shooting System

NBA 2K15's fourth patch isn't available yet on Xbox One, but PlayStation 4 and PC owners have now had a week and a half to experience its effects.

Developer Visual Concepts hasn't published an official change log (and doesn't plan to, until Xbox One users receive the update), but Gameplay Director Mike Wang has already confirmed a few changes to NBA 2K15's shooting system on the Operation Sports forums:

Originally Posted by Mike Wang
To give some insight on the actual tuning that I made, here's essentially what happened:

I tuned the baseline [shooting] values that are shared by both human and CPU-controlled players.

The shot heuristics are pretty complex at a basic level. Pre-patch, the numbers looked something like this for a decent shooter at mid-range:

Wide open = 45%
Fully Contested = 35%
Heavily Contested = 10%

That's why many people complained that "being open" didn't really matter much, and they were right. Post-patch, that same shooter is now:

Wide open = 60%
Fully Contested = 20%
Heavily Contested = 10%

So over the course of the game, assuming both teams shoot an even spread of open and contested jumpers, you should've seen zero change to your end-of-game shot percentages when comparing pre- and post-patch. But if you trend hard one way or the other (all your shots are open or all your shots are contested), you would've seen a very noticeable change.

If both teams play solid defense, I can believe that a player might go 80% from the field from time to time, but it definitely shouldn't be the norm. Also, in case you're wondering, I didn't touch three-point percentages at all, only layup, close and mid-range values.
Originally Posted by Mike Wang
I also fixed the "glitched" shots being unable to get perfect release, so that will factor in as well.

While both of these changes are welcome, finally being able to achieve a perfect "green" release with every shooting form in the game has caused field goal percentages to skyrocket, post-patch. The reason is that green release shots go in roughly 99% of the time in NBA 2K15, regardless of what difficulty the game is set to, or how poor the shooter's attributes are. In the estimated 200 to 300 games I've completed since October, twice is the amount of times I've seen one of my players miss a green release shot.

Both occasions occurred in MyTeam's Domination mode. The first was a wide-open corner three from "Sapphire" DeMar DeRozan (84 standing three-point rating). The other was a lightly contested post-up fadeaway from just outside the paint with Tyler Zeller (68 post fade rating).

Those are the only misses, out of the hundreds of green releases I've had this year. Many of the successful shots even managed to come from athletes whose shooting attributes are in the 70s and 60s. Rajon Rondo's free-throw rating, for instance, is a 63 in MyTeam, but I've had games on the hardest difficulty setting (Hall of Fame) where I was able to hit 10 of 10 from the line with Rondo, just because his shooting form is so easy to time.

The near-perfect success rate of green shots, unfortunately, cannot be changed by lowering shooting sliders. It's just something that's hard-coded into the game, and needs to be seriously reconsidered for NBA 2K16.

I've always preferred a shooting system that favors attribute ratings over release timing. And if I play NBA 2K15 offline, I can still have that experience by enabling "ratings only" shooting. But online, only one option exists: "timing-based" shooting. So if I want to play any mode in NBA 2K15 besides MyGM, MyLeague, or MyCareer, all I can do is cringe while average -- or even subpar -- shooters consistently drain buckets that extend well beyond their natural abilities, because a user has mastered the timing of players' shooting animations.

NBA 2K16 needs to move to a system where user timing has a much more subtle impact on shot success, so that a defensive, pass-first point guard like Rajon Rondo can't hit every single attempt he puts up. Instead of what's in-place now, I'd propose a system where:

  • Perfect release = The player's normal assigned shot rating.
  • Slightly early/Slightly late release = Three points deducted from the player's shooting attribute.
  • Late/Early release = Nine points deducted from the player's shooting attribute.

I'm not sure what the ideal deduction values would be, but that's definitely something Visual Concepts could certainly tweak to perfection, with a little testing.

What do you think of the shooting changes in NBA 2K15?

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Member Comments
# 81 Coach2K @ 03/26/15 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by ItsJustaGame
Despite what some users have said, it's ridiculously easy to get green releases more than 75% of the time online. I've been saying this for a while now too.. You don't even have to be a great shooter or have your timing down-pat. All that matters is that you have a little space, and shoot the "right" way.

And also, this is stretching a little, but 3-pointers and mid-range are almost identical when it comes to timing and green releases, at least in the Rec center and especially in the corners.

I can't say that it isn't fun to go out and score a ton of points all the time, but when anyone can do it anytime--that's a big problem, and that's why I'm not down with the online shooting mechanics. Since the last 2 patches, every other game there will be at least one team scoring over 100 easy in the rec, unless the teams don't know how to shoot or move the ball around.

If you play in the rec, do people use a my player and get to choose the release they want?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 82 8KB24 @ 03/26/15 04:08 PM
Is the patch worth downloading? I am strictly offline player (MyLeague and recently MyPlayer) and play on Superstar/SimWorld sliders. I put it on hold because of mass dissatisfaction..but realized most of those complaints are online players. How are offline players feeling about the patch?
# 83 zrohman @ 03/26/15 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by 8KB24
Is the patch worth downloading? I am strictly offline player (MyLeague and recently MyPlayer) and play on Superstar/SimWorld sliders. I put it on hold because of mass dissatisfaction..but realized most of those complaints are online players. How are offline players feeling about the patch?
Most complaints I read are from offline players
# 84 8KB24 @ 03/26/15 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by zrohman
Most complaints I read are from offline players
Which are easily fixable (changing sliders/lowering shooting ones). What other changes do people notice? I read they fixed the animation after turbo when driving, many MyCareer stuff and progression. If the only thing that's 'wrong' is shooting...I will download it.
# 85 JRxPHANTOM @ 03/26/15 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by 8KB24
Which are easily fixable (changing sliders/lowering shooting ones). What other changes do people notice? I read they fixed the animation after turbo when driving, many MyCareer stuff and progression. If the only thing that's 'wrong' is shooting...I will download it.
Go ahead, find out yourself. Sliders do not fix the issue 100% because of the perfect releases. The shooting is broken. I really love the other things that they added to this patch, and the only thing i've ever complained about in this game was regression. Now that that's fixed, there's yet another huge problem that isn't fixable 100% and ruins the realism in the games.
# 86 tril @ 03/26/15 05:49 PM
the more I play the more I realize that the stats are starting to fall in line. 3pt% for user and cpu have been declining. 3 pt% is still a tad bit high.
not an issue now. the defense is very responsive. seeing some nice animations on fouls. Fouling a player from behind when going up for a layup etc. nice defensive recovery animations. .
# 87 8KB24 @ 03/26/15 05:53 PM
Thanks to both of you. Download is small, thanks Steam <3

Will try it tomorrow because my dad is clogging the download speed with his work.
# 88 CaseIH @ 03/26/15 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
I know one thing... 2k regrets the day they put in the whole green visual system at the bottom of players. This thing has caused more problems and threads than I've ever seen.

I still use the visual of the wrist for timing all my shots. And I've been really happy with the results. I think the way it was before was better (before the post).

that's how I do it too shooting. We will probably see 2k change it next yr with all the complaints, then you will probably have some complain cause they changed shooting again,lol.
# 89 IgotSyphillis @ 03/26/15 08:29 PM
Lowering the sliders does not fix the problem for offline players. It masks the problem. Pre-patch I shot 32% from 3 point range. Post patch I shoot 50%. This has nothing to do with being open because they stated they did not change anything with 3 point shooting. This is all about green releases. Lowering the shooting sliders just makes you miss basically all of the shots you take where you don't hit a green release. Pre-patch I would hit maybe 1 or 2 green releases from 3 out of about 20 shots. So if I shot 7 of 20 from 3, and 2 of those were green releases, that meant I hit 5 of 18 non green release shots. Which might be a tad bit low, but I'm the Kings and they don't have the best 3 point shooters.

So now I lower the sliders like people said too. I take 20 3s. I hit 8 green releases. But because the sliders are low, out of the other 12 shots I take, only 1 of them goes in. So I end up shooting 9 for 20 from 3. And people look at the % and think the sliders fixed the issue. They didn't. They took away rating completely. Now it's just a game of can I hit a green release. Which in my opinion, is terrible. I hate the idea of all green releases going in. But it wasn't that bad when green releases were so hard to attain. The easily attainable green release ruins the game for me. There's a reason this patch hasn't been released for the Xbox. Cause the people at 2k know it ruined the game. That's the issue. Hope this made sense.
# 90 ItsJustaGame @ 03/26/15 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by www.Coach2K.com
If you play in the rec, do people use a my player and get to choose the release they want?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Uhh, yeah.

I can't tell if this is a serious question or not, but it really doesn't matter because most people use real-player shooting forms, not to mention the latest patch fixed all the releases that weren't able to achieve a perfect release. And really, all that is beside the point, it doesn't even matter what shot you're using, all that matters is what I've said before. If you don't buy that, then you'll be sorely mistaken time and time again after watching some nobody drop 60 points and not step inside the 3-point line.
# 91 Coach2K @ 03/26/15 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by ItsJustaGame
Uhh, yeah.

I can't tell if this is a serious question or not, but it really doesn't matter because most people use real-player shooting forms, not to mention the latest patch fixed all the releases that weren't able to achieve a perfect release. And really, all that is beside the point, it doesn't even matter what shot you're using, all that matters is what I've said before. If you don't buy that, then you'll be sorely mistaken time and time again after watching some nobody drop 60 points and not step inside the 3-point line.
It makes a difference because people will naturally choose the easiest shot releases when creating their guy. I think I've even seen threads here on OS that discuss which ones are easiest because why knock yourself out trying to perfect a difficult release when you don't have to.

Before the patch, there were shooters I could take into practice mode and notch a perfect release the first shot with no practice. Meanwhile, I could shoot with guys on my Pacers and shoot all year and never hit one.

Even Kyle Korver, one of the best shooters today, sucked just because of the release assigned to him.

That wasn't really fair either.

After the patch, you can get greens with everyone but there are still "easy shooters" and guys that are not as easy but you can still get green with them.

This has always been a problem in 2K. Easy shot releases make guys great shooters and ratings are secondary and the release overrides everything and I'm guessing these guys in the rec area are also rated up which is a double whammy.

When you play a regular roster game of two NBA 2K teams, you have to deal with what you are given and you don't have a choice. Guys aren't all rated up with easy releases in effect gaming the system. The stats I posted earlier in the thread give actual game data showing the percentages that we are experiencing and they aren't far off from real life which is what we are shooting for.

Not sure what the difficulty is in that rec league area and I haven't seen any stats but I'm assuming that it's lower than HOF sim and would also make things easier because it's not the hardest level.

If you fix your rec league problem though then it makes it worse for us who are basically playing with the guys dealt to us on the teams we are using with a wide array of releases. That also means we have to time 8 to 12 people and not just one.

Maybe if they are available you can post some post game stats here so we can see what is happening over there.

I'm not defending the rec area results. I haven't played in there. But you can't expect realistic results from an unrealistic setup if I am understanding how the area works correctly.

I can only share with you numbers we have in league play and why they are important to us.
# 92 jrose57 @ 03/26/15 11:31 PM
Ok, from what my understanding, I could be totally wrong but the problem seems like it is so much easier to get green light and shoot successfully now, but by decreasing the sliders, it will really solve the problem, at least to myself? I know myself is not very smart with numbers so whatever you guys are saying, I know you guys are all pointing out great stuff, I can get some but not all, but based on what I studied through conversations between you all here, I think that by lowering the sliders, it will make the success rate lower, so let’s say I use Kyle Korver, I mastered his shooting form, I can get green lights easily, but because I lower the shooting sliders , it will make it harder to score then? Or another way to look at it is, let’s say 2K makes it very difficult to reach green lights, we can increase the sliders so that it will be easier to score then? So at the end of the day, it is a combination of knowing the form of the player’s shooting, and then depends on the green lights, how easy to reach that perfect release, and then it depends on the sliders, and what I am saying here is all fair to all players whether that player is Korver, Shaq, Iverson, whatever, doesn’t matter, the rating of their shooting ability is still different by miles…am I making sense???

Originally Posted by www.Coach2K.com
It makes a difference because people will naturally choose the easiest shot releases when creating their guy. I think I've even seen threads here on OS that discuss which ones are easiest because why knock yourself out trying to perfect a difficult release when you don't have to.

Before the patch, there were shooters I could take into practice mode and notch a perfect release the first shot with no practice. Meanwhile, I could shoot with guys on my Pacers and shoot all year and never hit one.

Even Kyle Korver, one of the best shooters today, sucked just because of the release assigned to him.

That wasn't really fair either.

After the patch, you can get greens with everyone but there are still "easy shooters" and guys that are not as easy but you can still get green with them.

This has always been a problem in 2K. Easy shot releases make guys great shooters and ratings are secondary and the release overrides everything and I'm guessing these guys in the rec area are also rated up which is a double whammy.

When you play a regular roster game of two NBA 2K teams, you have to deal with what you are given and you don't have a choice. Guys aren't all rated up with easy releases in effect gaming the system. The stats I posted earlier in the thread give actual game data showing the percentages that we are experiencing and they aren't far off from real life which is what we are shooting for.

Not sure what the difficulty is in that rec league area and I haven't seen any stats but I'm assuming that it's lower than HOF sim and would also make things easier because it's not the hardest level.

If you fix your rec league problem though then it makes it worse for us who are basically playing with the guys dealt to us on the teams we are using with a wide array of releases. That also means we have to time 8 to 12 people and not just one.

Maybe if they are available you can post some post game stats here so we can see what is happening over there.

I'm not defending the rec area results. I haven't played in there. But you can't expect realistic results from an unrealistic setup if I am understanding how the area works correctly.

I can only share with you numbers we have in league play and why they are important to us.
# 93 jyoung @ 03/26/15 11:37 PM
Ok, from what my understanding, I could be totally wrong but the problem seems like it is so much easier to get green light and shoot successfully now, but by decreasing the sliders, it will really solve the problem, at least to myself?
The shooting sliders have no affect on the success rate of perfectly timed "green" release shots. Those will still go in 99% of the time, regardless of what you set your shooting sliders to.
# 94 riichiieriich @ 03/27/15 12:10 AM
In the real world, when you shoot the ball with perfect balance and perfect release timing, the shot goes in every time. It's not uncommon for NBA players to hit 80% of their shots when they are completely open when they are shooting around. So to say that perfect releases should not go in all the time is utterly ridiculous. It doesn't work that way in reality.
# 95 jrose57 @ 03/27/15 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by jyoung
The shooting sliders have no affect on the success rate of perfectly timed "green" release shots. Those will still go in 99% of the time, regardless of what you set your shooting sliders to.
But lowering shooting sliders WILL make the it harder to reach the green light isn't it? I think I am way off the track...then may I ask, what could be done by US not 2K now, to make it harder for US to reach green light while shooting the ball???
# 96 JRxPHANTOM @ 03/27/15 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by IgotSyphillis
Lowering the sliders does not fix the problem for offline players. It masks the problem. Pre-patch I shot 32% from 3 point range. Post patch I shoot 50%. This has nothing to do with being open because they stated they did not change anything with 3 point shooting. This is all about green releases. Lowering the shooting sliders just makes you miss basically all of the shots you take where you don't hit a green release. Pre-patch I would hit maybe 1 or 2 green releases from 3 out of about 20 shots. So if I shot 7 of 20 from 3, and 2 of those were green releases, that meant I hit 5 of 18 non green release shots. Which might be a tad bit low, but I'm the Kings and they don't have the best 3 point shooters.

So now I lower the sliders like people said too. I take 20 3s. I hit 8 green releases. But because the sliders are low, out of the other 12 shots I take, only 1 of them goes in. So I end up shooting 9 for 20 from 3. And people look at the % and think the sliders fixed the issue. They didn't. They took away rating completely. Now it's just a game of can I hit a green release. Which in my opinion, is terrible. I hate the idea of all green releases going in. But it wasn't that bad when green releases were so hard to attain. The easily attainable green release ruins the game for me. There's a reason this patch hasn't been released for the Xbox. Cause the people at 2k know it ruined the game. That's the issue. Hope this made sense.
This explains the whole issue with the patch. Whatever 2K did, they made the green releases much easier and very common with patch 4. It ruined the game, and now all we can do is wait and see if 2K fixes this issue with a patch 5 and revert back to a patch 3 or similar version of shooting.

Still, I'm shocked that 2K devs didn't see this coming. I noticed it the VERY first game I played and knew something wasn't right with the green releases.
# 97 bcruise @ 03/27/15 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by jrose57
But lowering shooting sliders WILL make the it harder to reach the green light isn't it? I think I am way off the track...then may I ask, what could be done by US not 2K now, to make it harder for US to reach green light while shooting the ball???
No, it doesn't. The only way to make the green shot easier or harder to get is with difficulty level. You can have every shooting slider on 0 and still get green release, BUT you'll miss the shot because it'll be an F quality shot regardless.

On Rookie the timing window for a green release is huge (even though the meter looks the same) - on HOF it's very small. If you've mastered the timing on HOF there probably isn't much you can do. Fortunately for me I haven't even gotten to that point on All-Star (yep, I'm pretty bad at this game )
# 98 jrose57 @ 03/27/15 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by bcruise
No, it doesn't. The only way to make the green shot easier or harder to get is with difficulty level. You can have every shooting slider on 0 and still get green release, BUT you'll miss the shot because it'll be an F quality shot regardless.

On Rookie the timing window for a green release is huge (even though the meter looks the same) - on HOF it's very small. If you've mastered the timing on HOF there probably isn't much you can do.
Ok thank you for your answer, so what if I have all shooting sliders at 0, and I get a perfect green release, I will still miss right? SO at the end of the day, I can fix it all myself, so may I ask, will a player’s shooting ability affect the green light area, it should right, like using Kyle Korver out at the 3pt line should have HUGE green light area while using Chuck Hayes in the same area won’t be the same?
# 99 jrose57 @ 03/27/15 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by JRxPHANTOM
This explains the whole issue with the patch. Whatever 2K did, they made the green releases much easier and very common with patch 4. It ruined the game, and now all we can do is wait and see if 2K fixes this issue with a patch 5 and revert back to a patch 3 or similar version of shooting.

Still, I'm shocked that 2K devs didn't see this coming. I noticed it the VERY first game I played and knew something wasn't right with the green releases.
Yes it is a game of hitting green releases BUT the area of green releases is based on the difficulty of the gameplay you chose (rookie vs. HOF) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY IS the players' shooting rating themselves right? I can be absolutely wrong and please correct me if I am! Thanks!
# 100 bcruise @ 03/27/15 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by jrose57
Ok thank you for your answer, so what if I have all shooting sliders at 0, and I get a perfect green release, I will still miss right? SO at the end of the day, I can fix it all myself, so may I ask, will a player’s shooting ability affect the green light area, it should right, like using Kyle Korver out at the 3pt line should have HUGE green light area while using Chuck Hayes in the same area won’t be the same?
I thought it would be like this, but it doesn't really seem to be the case. I posted in the patch thread about the 0 slider green release bricks, but unfortunately when I bumped the slider up even one point the A+'s and swishes started coming. So there's some pretty weird behavior with the meter and the sliders going on, and just playing with the shooting sliders really low is going to result in only green shots going in, and everything else missing.

If you're a meter god it's ultimately going to be like the other guy was saying - becomes a game of whether or not you can hit a perfect release, rather than ratings.

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