Feature Article
Top Five Wishes for MLB 13: The Show

I think because it come out early in the year, MLB: The Show is often overlooked and/or underrated come “game of the year” voting time. The rapid fire releases of Madden, NHL, Fifa, and NBA games, not to mention this year’s late slate of racing titles, can overshadow a game that typically drops in the first quarter.

However, I think MLB: The Show is, and has been, the best virtual representation of a sport on the market today. Its quality and improvements aren’t necessarily flashy, but, like baseball itself, the game is full of nuances and details that make it a deep and strategic experience.

That said, it has never been perfect either. Gameplay issues, like too many comebackers to the pitcher, can mar the proceedings. The modes are deep, but not always accessible or exciting. Online has certainly been a mixed bag.

Assuming we all want these well-known quirks to be fixed, here are my top five wishes for MLB: The Show...either next year or next generation.

Just like the Red Sox and their pre-season dreams, so is MLB: The Show forgotten when GOTY voting time comes around.

Generated Counts

This is such as simple feature, but one that makes a huge deal for busy people trying to play out a multi-year franchise. All-Star Baseball 2005 did this well, and its about time for it to show up in MLB: The Show.

Instead of starting each at-bat with a fresh count, the game would logically generate a count based on the pitcher/batter ratings. This would not only speed up games, allowing us to play more in a shorter time, but could also help generate statistically realistic walks for those of us who too often swing away. This could also help regulate pitch counts.

While I love playing every game in a season, the truth is, I usually end up simming. Life has a way of getting in the way of virtual baseball season. Generated counts would offer a controllable compromise, and theoretically produce more accurate stats.

Most baseball fans watch the MLB Network throughout the season with great interest.

MLB Network Integration

This channel has become my go-to whenever nothing else is on, thoroughly replacing Sportscenter and ESPN. I would love to see presentation elements, broadcasters, and even entire shows incorporated into The Show.

For instance, a quick MLB Tonight segment would be a great way to recap the games simulated, even if it’s just narrated highlights, a la Berman in NFL 2K5. Perhaps a 30 Clubs in 30 Days presentation during Spring Training could recap the big off-season moves. A quick countdown of the week's top plays could be offered each “weekend” on the calendar. Enhanced post-season atmosphere would also be a natural evolution.

Extend the integration further, tying it into the broadcasting team and in-game elements, and you have a cohesive, realistic, and fan-favorite presentation package. NFL 2K5, College Hoops 2K8, and NBA 2K11 laid the groundwork; it’s time to see a game truly ramp up what presentation can be.

The Franchise Mode in The Show is good, but it's time to get better.

Full GM Options

MLB: The Show’s franchise mode has been solidly deep the past few years, but it’s time to shake things up. While the addition of realistic contract options (Rule 5, arbitration, etc), have added a layer of realism, they haven’t necessarily upped the excitement factor. The same is true for the marketing, banking, and budgeting aspects of the mode.

While I think a revamp is in order, I’d love to see the mode blown out with options that have been seen and enjoyed in other baseball games. Number one on that list for me is an expansion mode, as seen in All Star Baseball. Included here would be a uniform editor, stadium builder, and expansion draft.

Give GM’s the option to relocate if they want. Throw in some random events, like those available in Out of the Park (elimination of the DH?). But most importantly, redesign the interface so these things are easily accessible and manageable--the most recent NFL Head Coach game did this very elegantly.

Time to roll RTTS and GM mode into one.

Connected Careers

Ok, so don’t call it that. But I would love to see Road to the Show and Franchise modes rolled into one.

Ideally, this would include cut-aways (again, see the MLB Network) from your team’s game to your player’s key at-bats.

But even at a basic level, merging the two “universes” would allow us to dedicate time to one mode, instead of splitting time between two.

A big injury story might mean one thing for a team’s playoff chances, but might offer a different perspective for a created player trying to make it to the Show. We may want to trade the farm to get our created player on our favorite team.

Either way, there are lots of possibilities when these two modes function as one.

Playing as the current guys is fun and all, but why not try to get the 1927 Yankees?

Great Moments/Historical Teams

I know that this one is hard, due to licensing etc. But NBA 2K13 shows how a game can serve as a living museum of sorts, teaching younger fans--through interactive gameplay--about the great and storied teams of the past. It’s one thing to watch footage of these teams; it’s another to actually play with them.

And, while classic teams are certainly attainable now through roster editing, a dedicated mode would be a baseball lover’s dream. Include footage of the team in action, period specific broadcast elements (see NBA 2K12 or MVP 2005), and authentic classic stadiums.

Going back to the MLB Network integration, an easy place to start is the recent “20 Greatest Games” series, allowing users to replay those games to attain a different or similar results.


If the producers of The Show can fix the small gameplay issues and add some of these elements, it won't matter what time of year it releases. MLB: The Show will be the greatest sports game or the year, if not all time.

What's on your wishlist for MLB: The Show?

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Member Comments
# 1 Feldman011teen @ 10/16/12 03:02 PM
I think everyone needs to admit that what Madden has done has helped revolutionize the career modes in games. Atleast it sets a bar for others that were lacking to use such things. If this game doesn't get a presentation overhaul, i'll probably skip it this year. The Move integration was a letdown.
# 2 OhDaesu19 @ 10/16/12 03:02 PM
Great write up! The only mode I play is online and I only play online league games, never lobby games. With that being said, my #1 wish would be a robust website. Something very similar to a fantasy baseball website where you can make changes to your line up, make trades, pick up free agents, etc and then have it reflected in the Show. That would bring online leagues to the next level!

Also, and I can't take credit for this idea (thank you @openroad_7), a nice little realistic thing that needs to be added would be foul tips caught by the catcher for a strike out.
# 3 sydrogerdavid @ 10/16/12 03:03 PM
I would love to see all these things. Especially the classic teams and moments part.
To add on, my number one wish is for the devs to finally get Busch Stadium to look more authentic.
# 4 seanjeezy @ 10/16/12 03:04 PM
Assuming this is going to become another wishlist thread, I'll post my only wish (maybe not my only wish, but the wish of utmost importance lol) here too: (spoiler tags due to length)


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks storylines and exp based training are good ideas. I want to feel connected to my organization, instead of "player A has an A potential, I better keep him around".
# 5 ps3veron @ 10/16/12 03:14 PM
Wow we're already talking MLB 13, where does the time go?!

I'll be basic here: I loved 12, pretty much the perfect sim.

Some new physics engine (player contacts, again taking this from this year's Madden) would be very much appreciated. A more comprehensive weather engine (ie sudden wind change that would affect the newly developed ball trajectories). Finally, the commentary needs to go, its getting seriously stale.

Apart from that we already have a phenomenal game!
# 6 statum71 @ 10/16/12 03:20 PM
LOVE the idea of MLB Network Intergration.


Dear Sony,

If you're listening to the Connected Careers idea.....PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't make the same mistake Madden did: limiting us to ONE user team.

Other than that, great ideas.
# 7 sportdan30 @ 10/16/12 03:21 PM
Love the suggestion of generated counts. That's a must!

COMMENTARY COMMENTARY COMMENTARY.......it needs an overhaul. It's dreadfully stale and boring to an otherwise fantastic game.
# 8 RandallB21 @ 10/16/12 03:28 PM
Great post. I agree with all those points.

World Baseball Classic would be a feature I would like to see dropped into one of the next MLB: The Show. Since they already list if the players are US born or not, why not have their country of origin. Every 3 years you have the option to participate in the WBC and, if your Franchise team is good enough, be picked as manager of a team. With that option you would be able to hand pick your team, and the players would either accept or deny your request to join the team.
# 9 addybojangles @ 10/16/12 03:40 PM
I spent a fair amount of time with the Vita version for 12 and all I can ask for is BROADCAST PRESENTATION, PLEASE.

It played quite well, it just needed that broadcast presentation to make it as engaging as its big brother.
# 10 inkcil @ 10/16/12 03:45 PM
Agree with ev'thing EXCEPT connected careers...SONY should NOT include this. Replace Rivalry Mode with a Playoff Mode with a special Playoff Presentation Package.
# 11 TerryP @ 10/16/12 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by inkcil
Agree with ev'thing EXCEPT connected careers...SONY should NOT include this. Replace Rivalry Mode with a Playoff Mode with a special Playoff Presentation Package.
I agree 100%!. It's been a wishlist item for years now. Not even sure what Rivalry Mode is about, never been curious enough to even take a look at it.
# 12 Mister Magnus @ 10/16/12 04:08 PM
I'd love to see them bolster the Rivalries mode! I think every sports game needs to have something where you can pit two teams against each other for an extended series. I LOVE that The Show realizes this but it needs to add a calendar and more in-depth setup options. Also, across the series stat-tracking, more transparent fatigue, and some added presentation elements in-game and between-games and it would be the sweetest summer distraction of all. It's just a few tweaks away.
# 13 TheLetterZ @ 10/16/12 04:20 PM
Great ideas, Caley.

I'd love to see classic teams in a baseball game. It's something I've been hoping for for years.
# 14 bigdoc85 @ 10/16/12 04:32 PM
Here are my Top 6:

1. Add the ability to create individual teams without creating an entire roster. This would increase classic team play as indicated above without requiring the securing of licenses.

2. MLB Today feature like MLB 2k12 -- showing current match-ups and option to play those match-ups.

3. Greater ability to adjust sliders to allow better playability for ****** players (e.g., easier hitting).

4. Implement MLB 2k12 right-stick pitching controls.

5. Include official update rosters separately in the vault.

6. Allow games to be saved and continued later.
# 15 nemesis04 @ 10/16/12 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by OhDaesu19
Also, and I can't take credit for this idea (thank you @openroad_7), a nice little realistic thing that needs to be added would be foul tips caught by the catcher for a strike out.
If you only knew how long this has been on a list!
# 16 ggazoo @ 10/16/12 04:52 PM
I'd love to see MLB Today from the 2K Series. But working.
# 17 bxphenom7 @ 10/16/12 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by Feldman011teen
I think everyone needs to admit that what Madden has done has helped revolutionize the career modes in games. Atleast it sets a bar for others that were lacking to use such things. If this game doesn't get a presentation overhaul, i'll probably skip it this year. The Move integration was a letdown.
eh, I think NBA 2K revolutionized what a career mode should be like instead of madden. MLB The Show definitely hasn't improved the mode drastically after introducing it (which was innovative at the time) so I definitely agree they could learn a few things. I think it handles XP, or training points in this case, the best though.
# 18 JG1986 @ 10/16/12 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by bigdoc22
Here are my Top 6:

1. Add the ability to create individual teams without creating an entire roster. This would increase classic team play as indicated above without requiring the securing of licenses.

2. MLB Today feature like MLB 2k12 -- showing current match-ups and option to play those match-ups.

3. Greater ability to adjust sliders to allow better playability for ****** players (e.g., easier hitting).

4. Implement MLB 2k12 right-stick pitching controls.

5. Include official update rosters separately in the vault.

6. Allow games to be saved and continued later.
6. Allow games to be saved and continued later.

We can do this already.
# 19 JG1986 @ 10/16/12 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by JG1986
6. Allow games to be saved and continued later.

We can do this already.
Love the idea of a MLB Network style presentation. Presentation is my biggest gripe with the game. The cut scenes and views are great, but the commentary and TV style presentation are lacking.
# 20 TerryP @ 10/16/12 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by JG1986
6. Allow games to be saved and continued later.

We can do this already.
He probably meant for exb. games. I've had quite a number of great exb. games going that I've had to turn off due to time constraints. I would love to see in game saves for exb games as well!

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