Feature Article
Top Five Wishes for MLB 13: The Show

I think because it come out early in the year, MLB: The Show is often overlooked and/or underrated come “game of the year” voting time. The rapid fire releases of Madden, NHL, Fifa, and NBA games, not to mention this year’s late slate of racing titles, can overshadow a game that typically drops in the first quarter.

However, I think MLB: The Show is, and has been, the best virtual representation of a sport on the market today. Its quality and improvements aren’t necessarily flashy, but, like baseball itself, the game is full of nuances and details that make it a deep and strategic experience.

That said, it has never been perfect either. Gameplay issues, like too many comebackers to the pitcher, can mar the proceedings. The modes are deep, but not always accessible or exciting. Online has certainly been a mixed bag.

Assuming we all want these well-known quirks to be fixed, here are my top five wishes for MLB: The Show...either next year or next generation.

Just like the Red Sox and their pre-season dreams, so is MLB: The Show forgotten when GOTY voting time comes around.

Generated Counts

This is such as simple feature, but one that makes a huge deal for busy people trying to play out a multi-year franchise. All-Star Baseball 2005 did this well, and its about time for it to show up in MLB: The Show.

Instead of starting each at-bat with a fresh count, the game would logically generate a count based on the pitcher/batter ratings. This would not only speed up games, allowing us to play more in a shorter time, but could also help generate statistically realistic walks for those of us who too often swing away. This could also help regulate pitch counts.

While I love playing every game in a season, the truth is, I usually end up simming. Life has a way of getting in the way of virtual baseball season. Generated counts would offer a controllable compromise, and theoretically produce more accurate stats.

Most baseball fans watch the MLB Network throughout the season with great interest.

MLB Network Integration

This channel has become my go-to whenever nothing else is on, thoroughly replacing Sportscenter and ESPN. I would love to see presentation elements, broadcasters, and even entire shows incorporated into The Show.

For instance, a quick MLB Tonight segment would be a great way to recap the games simulated, even if it’s just narrated highlights, a la Berman in NFL 2K5. Perhaps a 30 Clubs in 30 Days presentation during Spring Training could recap the big off-season moves. A quick countdown of the week's top plays could be offered each “weekend” on the calendar. Enhanced post-season atmosphere would also be a natural evolution.

Extend the integration further, tying it into the broadcasting team and in-game elements, and you have a cohesive, realistic, and fan-favorite presentation package. NFL 2K5, College Hoops 2K8, and NBA 2K11 laid the groundwork; it’s time to see a game truly ramp up what presentation can be.

The Franchise Mode in The Show is good, but it's time to get better.

Full GM Options

MLB: The Show’s franchise mode has been solidly deep the past few years, but it’s time to shake things up. While the addition of realistic contract options (Rule 5, arbitration, etc), have added a layer of realism, they haven’t necessarily upped the excitement factor. The same is true for the marketing, banking, and budgeting aspects of the mode.

While I think a revamp is in order, I’d love to see the mode blown out with options that have been seen and enjoyed in other baseball games. Number one on that list for me is an expansion mode, as seen in All Star Baseball. Included here would be a uniform editor, stadium builder, and expansion draft.

Give GM’s the option to relocate if they want. Throw in some random events, like those available in Out of the Park (elimination of the DH?). But most importantly, redesign the interface so these things are easily accessible and manageable--the most recent NFL Head Coach game did this very elegantly.

Time to roll RTTS and GM mode into one.

Connected Careers

Ok, so don’t call it that. But I would love to see Road to the Show and Franchise modes rolled into one.

Ideally, this would include cut-aways (again, see the MLB Network) from your team’s game to your player’s key at-bats.

But even at a basic level, merging the two “universes” would allow us to dedicate time to one mode, instead of splitting time between two.

A big injury story might mean one thing for a team’s playoff chances, but might offer a different perspective for a created player trying to make it to the Show. We may want to trade the farm to get our created player on our favorite team.

Either way, there are lots of possibilities when these two modes function as one.

Playing as the current guys is fun and all, but why not try to get the 1927 Yankees?

Great Moments/Historical Teams

I know that this one is hard, due to licensing etc. But NBA 2K13 shows how a game can serve as a living museum of sorts, teaching younger fans--through interactive gameplay--about the great and storied teams of the past. It’s one thing to watch footage of these teams; it’s another to actually play with them.

And, while classic teams are certainly attainable now through roster editing, a dedicated mode would be a baseball lover’s dream. Include footage of the team in action, period specific broadcast elements (see NBA 2K12 or MVP 2005), and authentic classic stadiums.

Going back to the MLB Network integration, an easy place to start is the recent “20 Greatest Games” series, allowing users to replay those games to attain a different or similar results.


If the producers of The Show can fix the small gameplay issues and add some of these elements, it won't matter what time of year it releases. MLB: The Show will be the greatest sports game or the year, if not all time.

What's on your wishlist for MLB: The Show?

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Member Comments
# 21 Nexgenrulz @ 10/16/12 06:10 PM
One of the best sports games out there! New Commentary and officially licensed equipment.
# 22 radney @ 10/16/12 06:12 PM
I would like to see dynamic weather effects with wind and rain sometimes causing games to be postponed. Then you play a double header the next day. 1:00 games show bright daylight, 4:00 games with late day-early evening look and night games. Field degrading with chalk lines, real grass having effects on balls, wet grass, etc!
# 23 enice128 @ 10/16/12 06:48 PM
Can we please have a Postseason Mode so we can choose our own teams & choose if we want the comp Or user to play each series. Im aware u can achieve this but u have to sim a season & u cant control which teams will end up in the playoffs. Thank you!
# 24 Scooter3 @ 10/16/12 07:04 PM
Sometimes simple is good.

Attributes equal the ability of created players....

Why not set it up so we can just add a players stats of their best season
to equal their abilities?

This would be a dream come true for my 500 + created players!

also why not add a slider for length and height of stirrup socks and sleeves.

# 25 UK0wnag3 @ 10/16/12 07:14 PM
Like most people, I'd like to see a playoff mode and better commentary / presentation, but I personally would hand over another £40 if the only real difference is pitchers holding the ball behind their back in instead of in their glove when pitching out of the stretch.

That last one is a trivial thing, I get that. But it is the small things that make the show one of my favourite games ever (see the little things thread, I read that thread in it's entirety before buying the game, and loved every post).
# 26 Scooter3 @ 10/16/12 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by UK0wnag3

pitchers holding the ball behind their back in instead of in their glove when pitching out of the stretch.
I like that and would also like to see the pitcher holding the ball behind their back before their wind-up.( old school)

# 27 tvman @ 10/16/12 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Scooter3
Sometimes simple is good.

Attributes equal the ability of created players....

Why not set it up so we can just add a players stats of their best season
to equal their abilities?

This would be a dream come true for my 500 + created players!

also why not add a slider for length and height of stirrup socks and sleeves.

Yup just like using Dangerz's editor with Highheat.
# 28 teebee @ 10/16/12 08:03 PM
Why is there a pic of Latos on the Pads with a 1927 yanks line under it? Color me confused!
# 29 bigdoc85 @ 10/16/12 08:07 PM
Regarding game saves, I did mean exhibition games.

Oh yeah, and how about adding the MLB 2k commentary guys, especially John Kruk!
# 30 TLasorda @ 10/16/12 08:47 PM
Okay, here are my suggestions for the next edition of MLB The Show. My suggestions are from games I have played in the past, which spans from my days from playing Earl Weaver Baseball 1 on my friend's computer. I will list my requests and name the game where it had this mode.

1.) Create a stadium - from Earl Weaver. My friends and I would be very creative with this mode. In Earl Weaver, you could create the dimensions, heights of the walls, grass or turf, outdoor or dome stadium. Also, you could determine if the wind was blowing in or out, swirling or cross wind.
I think in this age of 3-D graphics, I am shocked the devs hadn't implemented a create a stadium mode in the show. If they can't get the rights to recreate the old ballparks, then let us (the gamers) create the dimensions and height of the fences, so we can create the dimensions of Ebbets Field or the Astrodome.

2.) Game saves and ability to save accumulated stats in exhibition. - Again, from Earl Weaver, you could save the stats in an exhibition mode. Implementing this mode will allow gamers to play as played season like 1988 or 1962. We could use retrosheet.com as a reference and play a team's schedule.

3.) One pitch mode (Earl Weaver, High Heat Baseball, Tony Larussa). The one pitch mode is a baseball fan's best friend who wants to play multiple seasons. I would suggest the devs to put in a toggle on and off switch in the one pitch mode for those managers who like to bunt and hit and pitch, etc.

4.) Custom leagues and schedules in offline mode (Earl, High Heat and Tony Larussa). You don't like to use 30 teams in a league? We should have the opportunity to customize our leagues and determine the number of teams in the league, realignment, divisions and how many games we can play in a season.

5.) Customize the uniforms (Earl Weaver 2, Baseball Pro 98) - I point out that Baseball Pro 98 from Sierra Sports is the only game I played where you could change the colors of a uniform. I think The Show devs could take it a step further by adding features like baggy pants (like the old time baseball players), pillbox baseball caps, whether or not hitters can wear their baseball cap instead of a helmet (MVP Baseball 05).

Judging by the posts here, I know there are other gamers who are thinking outside the box to make The Show an even better game. I hope the devs are reading our suggestions.
# 31 Armor and Sword @ 10/16/12 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by bigdoc22
Here are my Top 6:

1. Add the ability to create individual teams without creating an entire roster. This would increase classic team play as indicated above without requiring the securing of licenses.

2. MLB Today feature like MLB 2k12 -- showing current match-ups and option to play those match-ups.

3. Greater ability to adjust sliders to allow better playability for ****** players (e.g., easier hitting).

4. Implement MLB 2k12 right-stick pitching controls.

5. Include official update rosters separately in the vault.

6. Allow games to be saved and continued later.
They have in-game saves. Have had them for years.
# 32 DaveFerret @ 10/16/12 09:02 PM
there wasn't a single worth while idea in that whole post
# 33 TLasorda @ 10/16/12 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by DaveFerret
there wasn't a single worth while idea in that whole post
@Dave Ferret, before you criticize others, what exactly do you have in mind for the next edition of The Show?
# 34 pistolpete @ 10/16/12 09:42 PM
The only way I am getting 2013 is if they add in one-pitch at bats, and better stat tracking. Seriously, these should be the two easiest features to add.

Outside of that, I'm going to enjoy 2012 forever.
# 35 TerryP @ 10/16/12 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by DaveFerret
there wasn't a single worth while idea in that whole post
If you don't have anything worthy to contribute to the thread, please just move along!
# 36 sportdan30 @ 10/16/12 11:25 PM
Generated counts would make the game sublime and actually lessen the stale commentary by having to sit through a 45 minute game and hearing lines like "I don't know where he missed with that pitch".

Also, LOVE the idea of not having to watch every time where foul balls land. It really draws out the game a little too much.

Smoother animations. Played the game after a drought of a few months and for whatever reason, the pitching animations in particular seem to be a bit too robotic. Batting and fielding look smoother, but pitching could use some tweaking.
# 37 hitstreak13 @ 10/17/12 12:55 AM
IMO, generated counts would be the biggest addition to date. As it is, the game takes an 1-1.5 hours to play (even longer for those who watch cut scenes). I remember in All Star baseball 2005, I would get good pitch counts, many walks, etc. in a 20 minute game. This would be huge as now people will be able to fit 3 games in the same amount of time frame as it takes for 1 game. People will be able to finish 5 seasons without simming a game. All for it.
# 38 BenGerman @ 10/17/12 01:33 AM
Ah, I love The Show so much that sometimes its difficult to put together a wishlist. In a nutshell I want to see:

1) MLB Network Integration

2) Option to remove the overall bar

3) No player should be defined by a potential rating. Similar to NCAA '13, there should be gems and busts among those ratings.

4) Franchise mode enhancements. I love Franchise mode, but I'm afraid its taking the NCAA '13 route (which I also love for the most part, but is becoming increasingly stale). Trade logic, free agency, draft, trade deadline, and maybe even a weekly recap would all be solid improvements in my opinion.

5) Much more swing variance

6) Player physics
# 39 TN - BRAVES FAN @ 10/17/12 02:16 AM
1) Mic Icon shown beside PSN name in game lobbies for users with headsets turned on.

2) Expand sounds of show having songs for Single, Double, Triple, Away Mound Visit

3)Give us the option to have Innnings music cut off like in 12, or continue playing like in MLB 11. I get that they wanted to make it like a commercial break in '12, but sometimes I like to turn off the announcers, and pretend I am actually at the game in person.

4)Let Pre-Game song play thru starter warm-ups

5)Give option that when a Team sound song is played, let Team Sounds override batter walk-up songs, so that the Team sound song for hit, walk, error continues to play until next pitch. (This happens in 12, but only if you do not have any walk-up songs assigned.) If no team sound is played, then let the batters regular walk-up songs play.
# 40 rudyjuly2 @ 10/17/12 06:37 AM
Easily the #1 feature for me is batter's eye like 2K baseball. That feature would occasionally flash the pitch type and general location of a pitch. A lousy batter may never get tipped while a good batter may get 1-2 pitches tipped per AB. It was also based on a rating for eye which differentiates between simply good hitters and guys that do work pitchers. It was great and allowed me to work the pitcher for more walks. I walked 7 times in one game before while in the Show I rarely draw walks because I'm such a hacker. Something like this or MVP's system are far better than Guess Pitch imo. This is the one feature I would love.

They really, really need to add a Playoff option. It would be great for guys that want to get back into MLB the Show during the actual playoffs and set up a real equivalent. It would add a lot of fun for those that want to jump back into some MLB gaming.

Online website for our season. The game produces newspaper articles and stats for our guys. Why not let us export this to a website so we can share with others on how our season is going? If not then give us a stat export option where we can export a comma delimited file to assemble our own stats by team and league.

Better sliders. No excuse for a 10 point slider system when every other sports game has a wider scale. Also need to make sure every slider is a human vs cpu (not global). A cpu plate discipline slider would be greatly appreciated as well.

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