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NBA 2K11 at E3: The Death of Isomotion

In a closed-door session, we got our first look at NBA2K11 earlier today at E3. Walking Chase Becotte and myself through the very brief demo was NBA2K11 producer, Eric Boenisch. The major announcement is the removal of Isomotion controls. Although a becoming staple in the series and a well-received feature, the NBA2K11 team felt Isomotion was too limited. However, there’s no word just yet on what new dribbling scheme will take its place in NBA2K11.

We also got a look at the game in action with a matchup of the NBA finalists. The first thing that stood out was the revamped presentation as you now see players getting off their team buses pre-game all decked out in suits. We didn’t get to see the Heat so no word on whether Dwyane Wade will be sporting his bow-tie look. As Eric described, a main goal of this year’s game will be to polish the overall look and feel for NBA2K11. Although still in production, player models look more unique, legs don’t seem as large as before and arm length is more appropriate to the player’s body size. I do think heads looked slightly bigger though. As for gameplay, the little of it we saw showed off new animations. One I particularly liked was Kevin Garnett almost going out-of-bounds while trying to receive a tough Rondo pass.

Like the control-scheme, we were also told online play will see a big overhaul in NBA2K11. Eric couldn’t get into further details, but he assured us there’s a lot of good things in store for online players in NBA2K11.

That’s it for now, do you think it was time for to lay Isomotion to rest? And what sort of dribbling mechanism will be introduced to the series to NBA2K11?

Follow me @mrsimcity and @operationsports for more day-by-day E3 updates.

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Member Comments
# 1 BroMontana82 @ 06/15/10 11:20 PM
Possibly right stick dribbling?
# 2 ChubbyBanana @ 06/15/10 11:21 PM
Glad to see Isomotion go.
# 3 Goffs @ 06/15/10 11:22 PM
proportioned players? YES! so we finally get to see Tim Duncans wingspan in game
# 4 mountaindew77 @ 06/15/10 11:23 PM
Please, please bring Association online.
# 5 Jrocc23 @ 06/15/10 11:28 PM
Thats good to here.
# 6 GaryT531 @ 06/15/10 11:28 PM
I'm not sure how I feel about the removal of isomotion. Whatever the new dribbling system is, I hope it is easier to operate than isomotion was. Not that isomotion was all that difficult, I'm just saying I hope that this change is for the better.

I hope that they have removed the sequence where your player automatically goes into a post up position. I felt like that happened way too often. I'm all for it if maybe there is a mismatch or something like that.

Now that Jordan is in the game, I hope that other legends are added...and many of them. Best case scenario is we can get some classic teams. There are people really into old school NBA, so if more throwback jersey's could be added, and the ability to customize the court with a court editing system would be great...like in CH 2k8.

and please.....give us more CAP space! more than just 150! nba 2k8 had 200!
# 7 blingballa333 @ 06/15/10 11:31 PM
Good, quick read.
I wish MrSimCity would come in here and answer some questions though
# 8 J_Posse @ 06/15/10 11:33 PM
It sucks that y'all weren't allowed to get video or screenshots of the game. I'm hoping this graphical overhaul is strongly influenced by the community's suggestions and critiques. Oh, and the new dribbling system needs to be more responsive than IsoMotion was. I'm hoping that they keep a lot of the dribbling animations from 2K9 while adding more.
# 9 akiracy @ 06/15/10 11:44 PM
The first thing that stood out was the revamped presentation as you now see players getting off their team buses pre-game all decked out in suits. We didn’t get to see the Heat so no word on whether Dwyane Wade will be sporting his bow-tie look. As Eric described, a main goal of this year’s game will be to polish the overall look and feel for NBA2K11. Although still in production, player models look more unique, legs don’t seem as large as before and arm length is more appropriate to the player’s body size.
# 10 blingballa333 @ 06/15/10 11:48 PM
From the article:
I do think heads looked slightly bigger though
Does this mean he thought they were too big???
# 11 CaliDude916 @ 06/15/10 11:50 PM
Isomotion is where you hold LT and use the LS to perform dribble moves correct?
# 12 TheBrothers24 @ 06/15/10 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by CaliDude916
Isomotion is where you hold LT and use the LS to perform dribble moves correct?
Yes and I for one am glad to see it go. Hopefully with the removal of it, we get more control over the players.
# 13 crusaderhoops10 @ 06/15/10 11:54 PM
There's no reason not to go back to the College Hoops 2K8 dribbling controls. But I have a feeling it will be just the left stick along with L2 and L1 as modifiers.
# 14 CaliDude916 @ 06/15/10 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by TheBrothers24
Yes and I for one am glad to see it go. Hopefully with the removal of it, we get more control over the players.
Thank god, I can't stand it. Hopefully we get Live's dribbling system.
# 15 Facts @ 06/16/10 12:02 AM
Good to hear. I hated the shot stick because the button felt more accurate with the release. I hope the dibble controls are done with the right stick like in 2K7
# 16 Big_Mig_11 @ 06/16/10 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by ChubbyBanana
Glad to see Isomotion go.

Probably the number one reason why I havent purchased 2k yearly. I never felt like I had complete control of my players.
# 17 TreyIM2 @ 06/16/10 12:09 AM
YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! I was just saying that they need to kill iso-garbage to DaCzar in a PM he sent to me. I also said they need to do away with the shot stick. Hopefully, that will be killed, too. DRIBBLE CONTROL NEEDS TO BE ON THE RIGHT JOYSTICK, 2K! I think Mike Wang understands this VERY well. As a person who hits the real b-ball courts as much as I do, there is more of connect for me with the moves being on the right stick.
Whatever the case, 2K may get back a customer IF they can get a control scheme together, preferably similar or just like Live 10 or, gulp, Elite 11. Still gotta see how this shooting is going to work in combination with the moves on the same stick.
# 18 BlueNGold @ 06/16/10 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!!! I was just saying that they need to kill iso-garbage to DaCzar in a PM he sent to me. I also said they need to do away with the shot stick. Hopefully, that will be killed, too. DRIBBLE CONTROL NEEDS TO BE ON THE RIGHT JOYSTICK, 2K! I think Mike Wang understands this VERY well. As a person who hits the real b-ball courts as much as I do, there is more of connect for me with the moves being on the right stick.
Whatever the case, 2K may get back a customer IF they can get a control scheme together, preferably similar or just like Live 10 or, gulp, Elite 11. Still gotta see how this shooting is going to work in combination with the moves on the same stick.
Dribbling is on the L stick this year.

I disagree with you on the shot stick needing to go. That's one of 2K's best features. It gives you so much control over any other previous basketball game (pre-2K6 when comparing to older 2K games).
# 19 TreyIM2 @ 06/16/10 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by BlueNGold
Dribbling is on the L stick this year.

I disagree with you on the shot stick needing to go. That's one of 2K's best features. It gives you so much control over any other previous basketball game (pre-2K6 when comparing to older 2K games).
Guess you don't ball IRL, then. Ha. Just messin'. We just have to agree to disagree on that, my dude, especially on that much more control part.
# 20 BlueNGold @ 06/16/10 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by TreyIM2
Guess you don't ball IRL, then. Ha. Just messin'. We just have to agree to disagree on that, my dude, especially on that much more control part.
I know you said you're joking but what does this have to do with anything?

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