OS Scores Explained NBA 2K12 Overview (Xbox 360)
The Greatest Mode, 64 total teams, superb gameplay
My Player, Everything associated with online, Lack of Association upgrades
Bottom Line
This game has plenty that can be fixed, but the ridiculously awesome gameplay and classic teams together make it well worth your money.
out of 10

NBA 2K12 Review (Xbox 360)

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Day One: Gameplay Impressions
Day Two: Game Modes Impressions

It's been one year since we were all blessed with the God of video game basketball in NBA 2K11, so of course our hype levels were at an all-time high with 2K12 releasing last week. The hype built up so much that we were expecting nothing less than a Jordan-esque legend. But in the end, the game didn't quite live up to all the buzz.

Don't get me wrong, this game is fantastic and a must buy for every basketball fan out there, but we were all expecting a classic. Instead we ended up with a great game, and we're disappointed by the fact. We may be greedy and selfish, but this is what happens when 2K consistently puts out a great product. The expectations become so ridiculously high that they will be near impossible to meet.

So I'm not being negative, the game is the best virtual NBA to date. And it all starts with this little thing, which everyone is falling in love with, called gameplay.


The biggest complaint you heard about 2K11 were problems in the gameplay. There were the cheesers who used lead passing and spin dunking to dominate the competition. There were animations that could end a game-tying trip down the court. And of course, the infamous backcourt violations that happened way too often. But all of those have been fixed and then some. Cheesers will still cheese, there will always be a way for them to do that. However, those animations are gone along with the unnecessary turnovers.

Aside from the minor issues that upset so many people last year, 2K really focused on improving every aspect of gameplay. Player movement is much more seamless this year; it looks like you're watching a game on TNT. Signature styles are pretty slick, too. Dirk looks just like he did when he dominated The Heatles last June. LeBron's shot looks amazing when he fades back to miss wide open treys. And Durant's shot makes me want to cry for days because it's so beautiful; he should be in Seattle. By the way, where are all of the alternate Sonics jerseys? Anyone know? I'm waiting.

The play calling system is another huge step for the 2K series. In my opinion, the one thing the NBA Live series did correctly was their play calling system. They always dominated 2K on that front. In 2K12, the play calling system is actually pretty good, though. The diagrams look better, the plays run quicker and smoother and your teammates actually move around.

The new collision engine, something I've been praising the past month, is spot on. Driving to the lane isn't simple anymore, and neither is posting up with Howard; nothing is automatic. The new total control takes affect here as well. Being able to change your shot in mid-air has really added more to everyone's play style. Depending on your team, your point guard might not be able to drive to the hole. Everything changes based on which team your playing you are using. You have 64 teams to play with, good luck mastering them all.


Honestly, the only thing that could make the presentation better is if 2K snagged licenses from TNT, ESPN, ABC and NBC. It looks and feels like a real game. The visuals, the overlays, the commentary, I could go on all night. 

The pre-game intros are awesome, especially for key games when it shows the quick 30 second clip. And when they show the starting five with those 3D player models, I begin to drool. Another sick overlay is when in the bottom corner they start advertising for a future game; 3D models of the team's top players just chilling there? Priceless. 2K has never disappointed when it comes to presentation, and they kept up the tradition this year.

The commentary is easily the best in the sports genre bar none. Especially coming from the awfulness in Madden, this was more than a breath of fresh air, it's like being reborn. Harlan, Kellogg and Kerr do a great job. They aren't reading a script, they're using their knowledge to talk about the NBA. I was extremely impressed when they were discussing Rose's development in the league, then they stopped talking about it because of a monster jam. The next thing I heard, word for word: "But to get back on the topic of Rose..." Wow. I never thought I hear that in a video game. 2K brought it this year in terms of presentation.

I'd also like to dabble a bit in The Greatest Mode here, because the presentation there is another thing of beauty. With the black and white, Technicolor and the classic NBA on NBC overlays ... I'm speechless. Mad props to 2K for pulling all of this off.

Game Modes

Now this is where 2K12 starts getting hit with the bad marks. My Player, the mode that was supposed to be amazing, falls short. There are glitches, problems with the AI and issues all around. It's improved over last year, but the problems are like your nagging grandma who won't leave you alone. The endorsements are awesome, even if they can be considered gimmicks. 

Association mode is fun as usual, but it's basically the same as last year. There are more free agency options, which is a great addition, but it's not enough to make the mode stand out. Also, with the rookies being left out thanks to the lockout, the realism factor isn't really there. A lot of teams have gaping holes that the rookies should be filling.

However, even with the issues in My Player and Association, there is one mode that will is vastly underrated. The Greatest, which has as much hype as anything, isn't getting too much love. The classic rosters, presentations and commentary really put the mode in a league of its own. Even after I unlock all of the teams, I'm still going to be playing these over and over again.


Name one thing 2K says will improve every year, yet it seems to get worse. If you said "online servers," then you are correct.

The servers have been constantly going in and out since the game hit shelves, leaving thousands of frustrated fans crying for a solution. I know 2K is hard at work trying to solve this problem -- I've been in contact with them -- but these servers need to be ready when the game launches, not three weeks later. (Disclaimer: I don't know if it is actually three weeks, that was only a number I pulled out of thin air. I have no idea when the servers are expected to be running properly.) 

Other than the server issues, online feels very laggy when compared to 2K11. The passing and player movement -- two huge upgrades in offline gameplay -- seem like they're just broken. I know all online gaming has some sort of delay, but when it's getting complicated to pass the ball something is wrong. Sure after a few games I got used to the lag, and I'm sure most of you did too, but I don't want to have to readjust my passing every single time I ball online.

The big upgrade to online this year is The Online Association. I haven't been able to delve into this mode too much yet, but I have muddled around through the menus and have been a part of a couple bogus leagues. The menus are decent, but they seem a bit busy. A few nice things I noticed, though, include the ability to set a good time to meet with your opponent in the league, rather than sending a billion XBL or OS messages. The league is even set on a timer, where once it hits zero the league will advance past the current games.

Final Thoughts 

NBA 2K12 is a bag of mixed goods. In my opinion, the good outweighs the bad by a pretty decent margin. The gameplay alone is something that has set the bar for not just basketball gaming, but sports gaming in general. The NBA's Greatest is one of the most addictive game modes I've ever played in any video game to date. And the presentation is yet another piece of the 2K12 puzzle that puts every other sports game to shame. 

But as I said, there is bad to go with all of the good. My Player has a few too many tweaks that need to be made and Association is just stale with no upgrades or rookies. I know it's the NBA's fault that the rookies aren't in the game, but the fact of the matter is that it takes away the reality and fun of the popular mode. And I don't need to even get started about the online play; you all know the problems that are there.

So after a year, when we fully enjoyed 2K112K12 is finally here. Though the problems are annoying and the online is sloppy, the game is still a must buy for any basketball fan. 

NBA 2K is still the GOAT.

Learning Curve: If you don't know much about basketball and/or didn't play 2K11, you better hit Training Camp right away. Remember, we're talkin' 'bout practice this year.

Control Scheme: To pull off all of the moves, you need to be skilled. NBA 2K isn't a pick-up-and-play game anymore -- it's for the hardcore fans.

Visuals: Can I really rave about this anymore? The presentation and graphics are beautiful.

Audio: This falls under presentation too. The addition of Kerr to Harlan and Kellogg is awesome. Plus this is the best 2K soundtrack I've ever heard.

Online: Terrible. The servers need to be reliable for a change.

Value: The game has its flaws, but it's still the best NBA game ever made. You'll be playing this for a long time.

Score: 8.5

What does an 8.5 mean?? "8.0 - 8.5 (Great) -- These games are really quite good. There are a few notable flaws with the game holding it back from being a classic, but these games are worth the money, and for even casual fans of the sport they are definite purchases."

NBA 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 TracerBullet @ 10/10/11 07:28 PM
I guess we're just gonna keep ignoring the fact they use a new scale and have said throw out all of the old ratings when looking at these.
# 42 tril @ 10/10/11 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by elprez98
Madden 11: 9
and 2k12: 8.5?

Even if you compare apples to apples, you are saying Madden 11 was a better overall football game than NBA 2k12 is of a basketball game which is false.
no they are not.
for one, the reveiews are done ddifferently from last year.
Madden 11 most likely got a 9 based on past Madden's, and maybe taken into consideration other football games,. which last I checked there werent any. so Im sure they compared it to probably 2k5, apf2k8 and Backbreaker. those probably still hold some weight.

2k12 gettinga 8.5 is cool. Iwould have gave it a 9 or 10, cause I dont play online and rarely play the My Player. I usualluy play the bulk of MY PLayer mode during the summer, so by then the game would have been patched a few times.
so I wouldnt have noticed all the discrepencies/issues.

with that being said, the gameplay, presentation, etc is awesome as usual. 2k never disappoints me. some years are better than others, but thats expected.
IMO, The evloution of the game is superb.
# 43 WizardJay @ 10/10/11 07:38 PM
8.5 is perfect!
# 44 ManiacMatt1782 @ 10/10/11 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by MissionMaximus
8.5 you gotta be kiddin me? NBA2k11 got a 9 (as did Madden11) and you give this masterpiece a 8.5. Given I don't play Online/My player I could care less about those modes. Judging the game on Gameplay/Presentation nothing compares to NBA2k12 and this is coming from an average NBA fan, it's that good.
NBA2K11 GOT A 9.0 AND NBA2K12 GOT A 8.5 I just don't know.
If online actually worked, it would be a 10.
# 45 JCEVO @ 10/10/11 07:51 PM
like I said earlier if 2k12 takes a hit because online then I better future sports game take a hit also since the past titles including 2k11 didn't take a hit and last year online didn't worked pre patch. online sports game is only a great mode when its feel like offline so Anthony other then that is a failure game mode.
# 46 truintellectplaya @ 10/10/11 08:11 PM
Yeah, the ratings are bogus. Gamespot and IGN have theres more correct this time. Madden has not made a football game that comes close to NBA 2K11 or 12 on these new gen consoles but OS would have someone just blindly clicking through ratings to think so. I just feel like the new system should have compensated for past grades. No way any Madden on this new gen is even close to NBA 2K12. I think OS is just crying out to 2K to fix online and as we all know they could keep those tears.
# 47 spankdatazz22 @ 10/10/11 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by wheelman990
I don't know OS. If NBA 2k12 isn't a classic(therefore a 9+ based on the above), then I haven't seen a classic sports game before. If 2k12 was the last 2k nba game, it would be the NFL 2k5 of basketball for years to come. I also think there is a bigger gap then 1 point from Madden and 2k12 on 1-10 scale.

Regardless, 2k12 is a amazing game. Like you said, THE BEST NBA GAME OF ALL TIME! I think the game offeres so much for $60, I could care less if my player and online isn't perfect. Honestly, I haven't even seen a single sports game that I think is great online. Anyway, I think I'm more suprised it's only 1 point above Madden in your view, then I am it's a 8.5,lol. Just hoping one day these reviews line up at the end of the year. Just my opinion. Thanks for all you guys do, I appreciate it! Sorry to sound negative about the review score.
My sentiments exactly. I think this title easily would stand for years to come on it's own - that's also the case with 2K11. That really can't be said for most sports titles on a yearly release schedule. Don't want to bring Madden into it but it does imply there isn't that much difference - as a developer taking the kitchen sink approach versus where lesser games are, that's ridiculous. What's the incentive for going the extra mile if it doesn't garner extra considerations? What's the incentive for doing all the work programming "the little things" into a game when means next to nothing next to games that don't have that same level of effort/execution? Either way, I almost want them to take it easy next year - it's time to establish a more realistic expectations level. They probably won't though
# 48 JCEVO @ 10/10/11 08:27 PM
i decide to look at the review for 2k11 and you should to


look how much details they described what 2k11 offers and even had a section describing online and stated online was lackluster but then u look at 2k12 and its not nearly as detailed like its a letdown but it the best nba game of all time
# 49 waytofailself @ 10/10/11 08:29 PM
I am encouraged by this review, but I'll add that the initial, inevitable my player bugs and online terribadness are the two exact reasons I am waiting for a price drop to purchase this game.

Unfortunately, it looks like my reasoning was justified.

And people complaining about the score? I'm just glad this site doesn't hand out 9s and 10s like candy.
# 50 JCEVO @ 10/10/11 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by waytofailself
I am encouraged by this review, but I'll add that the initial, inevitable my player bugs and online terribadness are the two exact reasons I am waiting for a price drop to purchase this game.

Unfortunately, it looks like my reasoning was justified.

And people complaining about the score? I'm just glad this site doesn't hand out 9s and 10s like candy.
madden has got plenty of 9 from OS and was no where near a 9 and nowhere near what 2k12 8.5 offers. JUST SAYING
# 51 truintellectplaya @ 10/10/11 08:45 PM
IGN has never given Madden of these new gen consoles anything higher than 8.9 but they gave 2K11 and 12 9.5 which is a better rep of a true review than giving 2k12 a 8.5 and having any Madden of this gen higher, bottomline. Bottomline is there is not a Madden of this gen that is better than NBA 2K11 or 12 and it is not even close. The fact that Madden's gameplay is so not representative of sim football has always been worth more than a 1 full point deduction. You take 1.5 points away for online, my player, and no offline association upgrades, but just 1 point for Madden not having realistic gameplay that comes close to matching what you see on Sunday's but people run around here talking about SimCity and Sim basketball. Sorry, but rating is bogus and not representative of what the OS community was suppose to be. I came here because I thought Gamespot and IGN were covering too many games and just handing out ratings, but I must admit this rating has shown me that I should not have been so quick to judge IGN. They have it right, no Madden on this gen consoles is better than NBA 2K11 or 12 bottomline. OS is cool though, I just learned my lesson that people around here throw around words like Sim. You are not Sim if you rate any Madden ahead of 2K11 or 12.
# 52 spankdatazz22 @ 10/10/11 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by JCEVO
madden has got plenty of 9 from OS and was no where near a 9 and nowhere near what 2k12 8.5 offers. JUST SAYING
In OS's defense I will say the Madden 11 review was a complete joke and abomination. Think it precipitated the ratings scale change. And the review scores aren't cumulative, so we can't expect review scores to only go higher than the year previous.

But if the new ratings system implies there isn't that much difference between games like Madden 12 and NBA2K12 then seems like the new system is really no better. I'm willing to bet if I look at the Madden review there's positives about the new cameras and intros, things like that. Where 2K12 has new cameras, multiple dynamic intros, outside stadium shots, players interacting with the crowd, etc. etc. etc. Don't think the new ratings system is saying much.
# 53 JCEVO @ 10/10/11 09:20 PM
Totally agree with you spank.
# 54 JCEVO @ 10/10/11 09:26 PM
Truth be told mister. I bet you 2k did everything they did possible to get ready for 2k12 online, probably bought new servers updated the net code but it's mean nothing until October 4th when customers get and load up on the servers.
# 55 shootah66 @ 10/10/11 09:37 PM
I'm offended that this game got anything below a 9.
# 56 Skyboxer @ 10/10/11 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by waytofailself
And people complaining about the score? I'm just glad this site doesn't hand out 9s and 10s like candy.
Same here but in the end it 's just another score form an online gaming site.
I love OS and is my second "home", but in the end the reviews here are nothing more than another persons opinion.
Play the game...like it or don't. Simple as that. Someone elses opinion is a good read but nothing I personally get in a mood about.
# 57 ucas005 @ 10/10/11 10:33 PM
I retired from playing online sports games a long time ago. How good or bad online play is in no way factors into my decision to buy a game. EA can have online. I'll take 2Ks gameplay, presentation, and superior features any day. This game deserves at least a 9 even if online isn't the bees knees.
# 58 bumpyface @ 10/10/11 11:12 PM
What about slow response and sluggish controls? The gameplay is recieving too much praise. It takes atleast 2 seconds, sometimes more for a passing animation to begin. What about sliding past a defender when trying to get position in front of them? How about un-real 3 point%, or more offensive rebounds in a game than defensive? Please, can we get an experienced hooper, atleast someone who has been playing basketball games for atleast ten years to realy dig in and review this game? How about the online issues that persist year in and year out. It's not fair to the people who get up early, or work late and burn 65 bucks on a product that doesn't live up to it's end of the bargain. The game is not shot, but it definately doesn't deserve all this praise. I've still yet to hear anything from an official 2k spokesperson about online play, and I can only get into matches half of the time. Please, someone at 2k give us some kind of information.
# 59 shootah66 @ 10/10/11 11:34 PM
I love hearing everyone complain, yet I never hear I'm taking this game back. hmmm must be a good game. something to think about
# 60 T3Y FR3SH757 @ 10/10/11 11:45 PM
The online play is very bad. The lag when you icon pass or when your just playing and the servers go out. Everything else makes this the best basketball game

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