OS Scores Explained NBA 2K12 Overview (Xbox 360)
The Greatest Mode, 64 total teams, superb gameplay
My Player, Everything associated with online, Lack of Association upgrades
Bottom Line
This game has plenty that can be fixed, but the ridiculously awesome gameplay and classic teams together make it well worth your money.
out of 10

NBA 2K12 Review (Xbox 360)

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Day One: Gameplay Impressions
Day Two: Game Modes Impressions

It's been one year since we were all blessed with the God of video game basketball in NBA 2K11, so of course our hype levels were at an all-time high with 2K12 releasing last week. The hype built up so much that we were expecting nothing less than a Jordan-esque legend. But in the end, the game didn't quite live up to all the buzz.

Don't get me wrong, this game is fantastic and a must buy for every basketball fan out there, but we were all expecting a classic. Instead we ended up with a great game, and we're disappointed by the fact. We may be greedy and selfish, but this is what happens when 2K consistently puts out a great product. The expectations become so ridiculously high that they will be near impossible to meet.

So I'm not being negative, the game is the best virtual NBA to date. And it all starts with this little thing, which everyone is falling in love with, called gameplay.


The biggest complaint you heard about 2K11 were problems in the gameplay. There were the cheesers who used lead passing and spin dunking to dominate the competition. There were animations that could end a game-tying trip down the court. And of course, the infamous backcourt violations that happened way too often. But all of those have been fixed and then some. Cheesers will still cheese, there will always be a way for them to do that. However, those animations are gone along with the unnecessary turnovers.

Aside from the minor issues that upset so many people last year, 2K really focused on improving every aspect of gameplay. Player movement is much more seamless this year; it looks like you're watching a game on TNT. Signature styles are pretty slick, too. Dirk looks just like he did when he dominated The Heatles last June. LeBron's shot looks amazing when he fades back to miss wide open treys. And Durant's shot makes me want to cry for days because it's so beautiful; he should be in Seattle. By the way, where are all of the alternate Sonics jerseys? Anyone know? I'm waiting.

The play calling system is another huge step for the 2K series. In my opinion, the one thing the NBA Live series did correctly was their play calling system. They always dominated 2K on that front. In 2K12, the play calling system is actually pretty good, though. The diagrams look better, the plays run quicker and smoother and your teammates actually move around.

The new collision engine, something I've been praising the past month, is spot on. Driving to the lane isn't simple anymore, and neither is posting up with Howard; nothing is automatic. The new total control takes affect here as well. Being able to change your shot in mid-air has really added more to everyone's play style. Depending on your team, your point guard might not be able to drive to the hole. Everything changes based on which team your playing you are using. You have 64 teams to play with, good luck mastering them all.


Honestly, the only thing that could make the presentation better is if 2K snagged licenses from TNT, ESPN, ABC and NBC. It looks and feels like a real game. The visuals, the overlays, the commentary, I could go on all night. 

The pre-game intros are awesome, especially for key games when it shows the quick 30 second clip. And when they show the starting five with those 3D player models, I begin to drool. Another sick overlay is when in the bottom corner they start advertising for a future game; 3D models of the team's top players just chilling there? Priceless. 2K has never disappointed when it comes to presentation, and they kept up the tradition this year.

The commentary is easily the best in the sports genre bar none. Especially coming from the awfulness in Madden, this was more than a breath of fresh air, it's like being reborn. Harlan, Kellogg and Kerr do a great job. They aren't reading a script, they're using their knowledge to talk about the NBA. I was extremely impressed when they were discussing Rose's development in the league, then they stopped talking about it because of a monster jam. The next thing I heard, word for word: "But to get back on the topic of Rose..." Wow. I never thought I hear that in a video game. 2K brought it this year in terms of presentation.

I'd also like to dabble a bit in The Greatest Mode here, because the presentation there is another thing of beauty. With the black and white, Technicolor and the classic NBA on NBC overlays ... I'm speechless. Mad props to 2K for pulling all of this off.

Game Modes

Now this is where 2K12 starts getting hit with the bad marks. My Player, the mode that was supposed to be amazing, falls short. There are glitches, problems with the AI and issues all around. It's improved over last year, but the problems are like your nagging grandma who won't leave you alone. The endorsements are awesome, even if they can be considered gimmicks. 

Association mode is fun as usual, but it's basically the same as last year. There are more free agency options, which is a great addition, but it's not enough to make the mode stand out. Also, with the rookies being left out thanks to the lockout, the realism factor isn't really there. A lot of teams have gaping holes that the rookies should be filling.

However, even with the issues in My Player and Association, there is one mode that will is vastly underrated. The Greatest, which has as much hype as anything, isn't getting too much love. The classic rosters, presentations and commentary really put the mode in a league of its own. Even after I unlock all of the teams, I'm still going to be playing these over and over again.


Name one thing 2K says will improve every year, yet it seems to get worse. If you said "online servers," then you are correct.

The servers have been constantly going in and out since the game hit shelves, leaving thousands of frustrated fans crying for a solution. I know 2K is hard at work trying to solve this problem -- I've been in contact with them -- but these servers need to be ready when the game launches, not three weeks later. (Disclaimer: I don't know if it is actually three weeks, that was only a number I pulled out of thin air. I have no idea when the servers are expected to be running properly.) 

Other than the server issues, online feels very laggy when compared to 2K11. The passing and player movement -- two huge upgrades in offline gameplay -- seem like they're just broken. I know all online gaming has some sort of delay, but when it's getting complicated to pass the ball something is wrong. Sure after a few games I got used to the lag, and I'm sure most of you did too, but I don't want to have to readjust my passing every single time I ball online.

The big upgrade to online this year is The Online Association. I haven't been able to delve into this mode too much yet, but I have muddled around through the menus and have been a part of a couple bogus leagues. The menus are decent, but they seem a bit busy. A few nice things I noticed, though, include the ability to set a good time to meet with your opponent in the league, rather than sending a billion XBL or OS messages. The league is even set on a timer, where once it hits zero the league will advance past the current games.

Final Thoughts 

NBA 2K12 is a bag of mixed goods. In my opinion, the good outweighs the bad by a pretty decent margin. The gameplay alone is something that has set the bar for not just basketball gaming, but sports gaming in general. The NBA's Greatest is one of the most addictive game modes I've ever played in any video game to date. And the presentation is yet another piece of the 2K12 puzzle that puts every other sports game to shame. 

But as I said, there is bad to go with all of the good. My Player has a few too many tweaks that need to be made and Association is just stale with no upgrades or rookies. I know it's the NBA's fault that the rookies aren't in the game, but the fact of the matter is that it takes away the reality and fun of the popular mode. And I don't need to even get started about the online play; you all know the problems that are there.

So after a year, when we fully enjoyed 2K112K12 is finally here. Though the problems are annoying and the online is sloppy, the game is still a must buy for any basketball fan. 

NBA 2K is still the GOAT.

Learning Curve: If you don't know much about basketball and/or didn't play 2K11, you better hit Training Camp right away. Remember, we're talkin' 'bout practice this year.

Control Scheme: To pull off all of the moves, you need to be skilled. NBA 2K isn't a pick-up-and-play game anymore -- it's for the hardcore fans.

Visuals: Can I really rave about this anymore? The presentation and graphics are beautiful.

Audio: This falls under presentation too. The addition of Kerr to Harlan and Kellogg is awesome. Plus this is the best 2K soundtrack I've ever heard.

Online: Terrible. The servers need to be reliable for a change.

Value: The game has its flaws, but it's still the best NBA game ever made. You'll be playing this for a long time.

Score: 8.5

What does an 8.5 mean?? "8.0 - 8.5 (Great) -- These games are really quite good. There are a few notable flaws with the game holding it back from being a classic, but these games are worth the money, and for even casual fans of the sport they are definite purchases."

NBA 2K12 Videos
Member Comments
# 61 Dazraz @ 10/11/11 03:50 AM
Not being an online player I'm not exposed to those frustrations. One hell of a game. Once againg 2K have set an new benchmark in sports simulation.
# 62 Hjkflannel @ 10/11/11 05:21 AM
I havent yet played a game in this time period, the greatest mode is so good. Also please everybody remember the 10 point scale scheme this site is trying to use - if i see one more ignorant fool comparing to some madden's score....
# 63 Lyvean @ 10/11/11 08:32 AM
The problems you describe in My Player and online don't warranty this game an 8.5, more like a 7.

Also, in your review you claim that commentary is amazing. I agree. But for how long?

Can you tell us what happens in the second season? Do they use a generic commentary (so it can make sense) or are they repeating last year's commentary, which doesn't make any sense at all?

Because if the commentary is only good for one year, it's not really a good commentary, is it? I don't want the same amazing commentary the second year, that's impossible. But is there a generic one, which simply describes the action or will we have to hear comments from the first year again?
# 64 Lyvean @ 10/11/11 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by timotomtime
i think if they could finally fix the online with servers and patch the trade logic and other ai issues in my player.... it could very well be a 10/10 game..... just dont patch like they did last year
Last year they left My Player broken.
# 65 BlackRome @ 10/11/11 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by llatson2
so if nba 2k12 didnt have online play all together then the rating would be higher, right.
If you only play against the AI the game may be great to you.

If you only play for competition against a real person you will be highly disappointed.

Mr. Geez. Players should be able to turn on a dime because that's basketball.
# 66 BlackRome @ 10/11/11 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by shootah66
I love hearing everyone complain, yet I never hear I'm taking this game back. hmmm must be a good game. something to think about
I returned mine last year in January after they left the servers broken.

I won't be buying this year until they fix the servers.
# 67 Retropyro @ 10/11/11 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by Lyvean
Also, in your review you claim that commentary is amazing. I agree. But for how long?

Can you tell us what happens in the second season? Do they use a generic commentary (so it can make sense) or are they repeating last year's commentary, which doesn't make any sense at all?

Because if the commentary is only good for one year, it's not really a good commentary, is it? I don't want the same amazing commentary the second year, that's impossible. But is there a generic one, which simply describes the action or will we have to hear comments from the first year again?
I was blown away by the commentary at first but after 30 My Player games, I can't help but roll my eye's when I hear the same stories every game.

Doug Collins bringing defense to Philly last year.
Doug Collins dealing with a concussion last year while managing a group of young players.
Philly back in the playoffs last year.
Philly knocked out by the Heat but winning one game on Easter weekend.

They do alot really well like talking about what your players has done in recent games if you had an outstanding performance. While it's way ahead of the garbage in Madden, I don't think the commentary is any better than NHL. It's pretty repetitive.

Someone else said it already, 2K seems to get an easy pass with people over looking any problems the game has while at the same time ignoring what EA does well in their games.

Personally I don't care what name is on the box. What I expect is that what is advertised on the back of the box works. We know Madden has not achieved that and sorry to say, neither has NBA 2K. Like any other game these day's I'll give it 3 months to let them fix their issues. If they can get the servers working properly and somehow give online Association commishioners actual control and also correct the games trade logic, I'll be very happy.
# 68 Lyvean @ 10/11/11 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Retropyro
I was blown away by the commentary at first but after 30 My Player games, I can't help but roll my eye's when I hear the same stories every game.
My problem is this: If I can think of a solution (like the generic commentary) which is being used for other sports games, why don't they do it? Isn't it their job to think of it?

Would be it so difficult to offer us amazing commentary for the first season (even if it gets boring) and then offer us generic commentary for the next seasons, with less detail, just for atmosphere sake?

I mean, FIFA and PES offer ONLY generic commentary.

I really don't understand how companies can release games in such a state and get away with it (not talking about commentary but more serious problems).

I mean, they hype us up with all these amazing improvements and at the end most of them do not work. My Player for example is a total disgrace. But reviews og 8 and 9 and 10 are coming in al the same.

Are we really so dumb as consumers? Do we really expect so little, accepting the same problems and unfinished products just to get our fix?

I don't know what to say anymore. I want to play My Player and I know I can't do it unless I wait for patches... Which last year didn't come...
# 69 cornille @ 10/11/11 11:10 AM
well im a big fan of my player n when i first played this years 2k my player i was pissed ... because i couldnt do **** i did in 2k11 but i read a comment about 2k12 plays real so u cant do dump passes and get away with it on here so i went home sat and played smart .... thats when the **** got fun lol im killing it man im killing it now ima 6,4 pg avg 30 pts was 20 till i started playing smart 8 assis n 1.5 before 2 reboundss, 1 before... and as far as my team detroit piston but only thin i created my 2 bros and put them on there and made one of them have kobe tendenc and one dewight no their rating isnt high as their but they do have great potential .. so im finally have ing a fun season current record since palying smart 23-10 before 9-10 and oh yeah that legends thing sucks because i wanted to put young kobe on my squad giggty but if anybody knows how to please tell me inbox me idc just tell me n oh yea if u want to go in on a game rather it be 2k or cod look me up on ps3 These_Handz i get it in the name says it all
# 70 cornille @ 10/11/11 11:34 AM
n oh yea trade i put my created players no trade cluase tht works fine but im really pissed about that legends part i wanted to play with young kobe so bad .... damn u 2k
# 71 Lyvean @ 10/11/11 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by wheelman990
Problem is...name one basketball game thats even come close to 2k11, or 2k12. That is why they get a pass. I'm not expecting perfection, but I do expect to play real basketball. IMO thats what 2k12 gives. I don't care about online, but if I did, pretty much every sports games lags online on the PS3. I won't comment about the 360, cause I never play online with it. Regarding the passing, I like it just fine. If they didnt get in the way of some passes, or stop a few fast breaks, this game would be complete cheese, and sliders would be really hard to set to get realistic gameplay IMO. I like that the AI seams skilled.

As far as my player, it wasn't a priority IMO, and was never said to be that I read(maybe I'm wrong). Honestly, they could take it out, and I would never miss it. I think they would be better off making a college game again, and then let you import your player after his last year,etc. Thats a much better option then my player IMO. I'll take legends over my player anyday of the week.

Anyway, nobodys going to agree 100%. I don't see how anyone can slam this game though. For crying out loud, it's such a good series it put EA marketing kings NBA Live series to rest. Think about that. What do you really expect from 2k? Your not going to get a perfect game. This game is a easy classic offline IMO, and I have never seen a classic online sports game from anyone on PS3
I understand what you are saying and I agree, to a point. But monopoly isn't a good thing.

And how can you claim that NBA 2K12 offers "real" basketball, when My Player mode is broken? When the teammate A.I. is not good enough? When there are so many glitches?

I mean, we must draw the line somewhere and actually demand a more polished game, especially when these problems happen every year!

We know now that critics everywhere don't play their games enough. That says a lot about the state of sports games in general.
# 72 spankdatazz22 @ 10/11/11 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Lyvean
I understand what you are saying and I agree, to a point. But monopoly isn't a good thing.

And how can you claim that NBA 2K12 offers "real" basketball, when My Player mode is broken? When the teammate A.I. is not good enough? When there are so many glitches?
The situation isn't close to being 2K's fault that they put out a much more superior product than the competition. It's not a monopoly, as there will likely be another basketball game next year.

The My Player thing - you're talking about ONE MODE. And it's not "broken" as there are many people still playing it. Does the trade issue affect immersion? Of course. But acting like it's the primary mode in the game and it makes the rest of the game unplayable is a huge stretch. It doesn't even make the mode itself unplayable. Same with online; it's not like it's not functioning at all. There is no similar issue with Association, or versus cpu games.

Originally Posted by Lyvean
I mean, we must draw the line somewhere and actually demand a more polished game, especially when these problems happen every year!

We know now that critics everywhere don't play their games enough. That says a lot about the state of sports games in general.
Could the game be more polished? Of course, that will always be the case. But totally ignoring the vast amount they got right, especially given the amount of content in the game is a disservice to them. I like that they take the approach of trying to give gamers as much as possible in a game, especially when so many other devs don't take that approach. 2K11 and 2K12 can stand for years on their own if they needed to. Where most games that release on a yearly basis barely remain viable after the first year.
# 73 Lyvean @ 10/11/11 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
The situation isn't close to being 2K's fault that they put out a much more superior product than the competition. It's not a monopoly, as there will likely be another basketball game next year.

The My Player thing - you're talking about ONE MODE. And it's not "broken" as there are many people still playing it. Does the trade issue affect immersion? Of course. But acting like it's the primary mode in the game and it makes the rest of the game unplayable is a huge stretch. It doesn't even make the mode itself unplayable. Same with online; it's not like it's not functioning at all. There is no similar issue with Association, or versus cpu games.

Could the game be more polished? Of course, that will always be the case. But totally ignoring the vast amount they got right, especially given the amount of content in the game is a disservice to them. I like that they take the approach of trying to give gamers as much as possible in a game, especially when so many other devs don't take that approach. 2K11 and 2K12 can stand for years on their own if they needed to. Where most games that release on a yearly basis barely remain viable after the first year.
I would agree to everything you say if it was their first time.

Also, my player is broken because its problems are not only about immersion. I play this game so I can play a simulation. I'm not asking for everything to be right, I'm asking for the mode to work. It doesn't work, unless you don't mind any kind of realism or bad A.I.

Don't forget that last year's my player remained broken. So it's not like we can trust 2K to fix it with a patch, right?

I don't mind small glitches here and there but there are serious glitches - in other modes as well.

It's sad but it's in our collective conciousness as gamers to accept broken games, when we would immediately return any other product if we bought it in this state.

Again, I don't mind errros or inconsistencies. But huge problems, again and again, are unforgivable. Perhaps if we gave a damn as consumers, 2K would care too.
# 74 Retropyro @ 10/11/11 04:43 PM
If they advertise a feature, shout it out on the back of the box then it should work, period. Sadly I'm the type of person who say's that I will give them 3 months to patch any issues, large or small. But really why should any of us have to wait?
2K has made a good game, one that I am really enjoying. But they have not lived up to their promises. I don't care if it's only one mode and online problems, they are apart of the game and hyped up ones at that. If this game had EA on the box, I really doubt anyone would be defending the games short comings.
I like the game, I'll give 2K the next 3 months to get the problems corrected but if they leave it hanging like they did last year then January 1 it gets traded.
# 75 TreyIM2 @ 10/11/11 04:57 PM
Like it's been said, and makes sense, this is the reviewer's opinion. I could see the hubub if the game got a 6 or sumthin becuz then u'd REALLY have to question the reviewer. Heh...

That being said, I am mostly about the gameplay/controls and aesthetics, and from those alone, I'd give the game about a 9, which is pretty good. If the controls were better, it'd be about a 9.5. I just REALLY wish 2K could improve on it. I still believe that isomotion is inferior to dual analog dribbling but my bone to pick is more how the players still are unwieldy, many a time, due to over-animation, some bad, exaggerated ones like when a u over play a player and try to get back in the action, and momentum, which could be the reason for those exaggerated ones.

Otherwise, I dig the fame. Love the new fast break steals and dribbles. Sizeup dribbles for cats like Deron Williams and D-Wade look wonderful, as well, to name a few things I am digging...
# 76 Ankido @ 10/11/11 10:13 PM
I don't understand your review. They fixed a few bugs and complicated the game play and you call it great? 2k11 was great, 2k12 is a port with a broken game play system. I'm betting you don't want TNT basketball. The players bounce all over the place. Using the LT button does nothing to defend smoothly. It was said that you can defend one on one a lot easier but I failed to see that. Honestly, there's no room for improvement but you need a product every year. 2k11 is by far the best basketball game to date. 2k12 is just an experiment gone wrong.
# 77 clipperfan811 @ 10/11/11 11:43 PM
Pretty spot on except that in my opinion passing is just as bad offline as it is online. This is mainly with the icon passing, it's pretty much unusable for me and it's driving me crazy. I think that the rating is pretty spot on and perhaps a bit generous considering the online disaster, complete lack of association upgrade and other glaring glitches.

I honestly do think that this game can be exceptional with a little bit of tweaking via a patch but let's not let 2k off the hook so easily.
# 78 Petey B @ 10/12/11 07:04 PM
I say Bravo 2K! Don't let the haters get you down! However, I have changes I want instituted, but when I get down to it I realize they may be considered nitpicks. Come on, family, as the Czar might say, 2K got a lot right this year! Everyone loves the gameplay, and the graphics are certainly better than the floaty men of 2K11. As for My Player, I'm like Justin Timberlake about Burger King, I'm lovin it! I'm a midget PG learning under Nash, and we traded Gortat and Hill for David Lee and role players-That don't seem like a broken AI logic trade, since we need scoring and already have a Lopez brother. Plus, I'm playing on All Star with the how-to-play arrows on, and realizing it's going to take 3 years before I put up big numbers. Hey, Rondo was a bust his first two years, so realism is really kicking in for me in this aspect. Don't like the commentary, well then I advise you never to buy an EA title for the rest of your life. Sure, I wish Key Games weren't the same rivals over and again, and I wish old Alvin Gentry would get a bit more creative with the plays he calls for us, but hey, that simulates what's it like to play in a system, and in a reality where the system has locked out the players, do you realize this game may be the only NBA we see for the next 2 years?
# 79 tril @ 10/12/11 08:57 PM
to the folks complaining they want the game to be more realistic...my suggestion would be to go buy a basketball and hit a real basketball court.
this game is about fundamentals... dont want to learn to play ball the right way, learn to defend the right way, just play in arcade mode. theres even an easier set up for controls. 2k thought about everything to please a broad spectrum of people.
This game does so many things right.
"repetiitive commentary" in the my player mode... for real!!!!! this game has the best commentary PERIOD!!!!!
anything more real youd have to listen to a real broadcast.

and another thing 2k corrected this year is the arenna ambience. I dont believe that was mentioned. but they did something to the arenas, and its a thing of beauty. the arenas finally have a cavernous feel to them (thats one thing EA did better up until this year). the differnces in areans, great, great great!!

broken ai trade logic... that will be patched.
IMO opinion 2k is good at patches, so most of those issues will be corrected, folks just need to be patient.

again 2k has done a good job!!!
# 80 life4eva @ 10/13/11 03:34 AM
The reason I had to get rid of this game was due to online play....... 2k sports were one of the first gaming companies to introduce console online play, YET they still can't figure it out. Horrible and I simply have to abandon the series

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