MLB The Show 17 News Post

Game Informer has just posted their MLB The Show 17 video tour of Franchise Mode with Ramone Russell and host, Brian Shea. Make sure to check it out and post your thoughts!

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 JayD @ 03/07/17 05:08 PM
So franchise launch pad is just the load screen where you pick quick manage, play full game, etc. Bummer. There was a drastic focus on shortening games this year. Lets hope there were a lot of tweaks to franchise mode this year or a lot of us will be let down.
# 2 underdog13 @ 03/07/17 05:11 PM
Ooh they have designated Mlb Network Games on the schedule.
# 3 extremeskins04 @ 03/07/17 05:15 PM
So in quick manage games (as a batter) how do you take balls and get potential walks? Because the only options are Swing, Bunt, etc. How can you tell if a pitch isn't good to hit?
# 4 Dillow @ 03/07/17 05:16 PM
That double play made me excited. I was just as pumped as Ramone was.
# 5 TheBleedingRed21 @ 03/07/17 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
So in quick manage games (as a batter) how do you take balls and get potential walks? Because the only options are Swing, Bunt, etc. How can you tell if a pitch isn't good to hit?
You don't do anything. It's a sim. It'll still walk batters. You do have options but walks are just simulated.
# 6 bcruise @ 03/07/17 05:20 PM
Just gonna borrow this from Twitter for that double play:

LOL, Ramone didn't want to play Britton's save opps. Mill probably died a little inside.
# 7 IncognitoPhantom @ 03/07/17 05:21 PM
Adidas Fielding gloves are confirmed, on thing to note is how everybody wears the same nike cleats, which has me worried they took out the huaraches.
# 8 underdog13 @ 03/07/17 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
So franchise launch pad is just the load screen where you pick quick manage, play full game, etc.
Haha, called it in another thread
# 9 Finn @ 03/07/17 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by extremeskins04
So in quick manage games (as a batter) how do you take balls and get potential walks? Because the only options are Swing, Bunt, etc. How can you tell if a pitch isn't good to hit?
I guess because each press of x is an entire at-bat and not a per pitch then 'Swing' is taking your at-bat as the batter would regularly ie taking pitches as well as swinging.
# 10 underdog13 @ 03/07/17 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dillow
That double play made me excited. I was just as pumped as Ramone was.
I loved the throw from a knee by Machado.

Also the game looks sooo good at night.
# 11 Stroehms @ 03/07/17 05:29 PM
At work, any mention of Online Franchise?

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 12 bcruise @ 03/07/17 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by Stroehms
At work, any mention of Online Franchise?

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
No. Just offline.
# 13 JayD @ 03/07/17 05:39 PM
I will say that I didn't really care for critical situations at first but now seeing it in action I can see myself using it a lot. I tend to play a few games in franchise but realistically I sim more than I play. Looking forward to the deep dive on Thursday.
# 14 extremeskins04 @ 03/07/17 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by JayD
I will say that I didn't really care for critical situations at first but now seeing it in action I can see myself using it a lot. I tend to play a few games in franchise but realistically I sim more than I play. Looking forward to the deep dive on Thursday.
I play the same way. I'll play about 4-5 full games when the game first comes out, then I start doing a play one, sim 10, play one, sim 10 kinda deal.

I like to do like 20 seasons and rebuild teams completely.
# 15 Councilmann_Jamm @ 03/07/17 05:43 PM
Love idea of quick manage. Wonder if people who do 30 team control can quick manage for both teams or just one.

One thing that was bothersome was Sabthia only had 56 pitches in 6 innings. Maybe due to the quick button mashing to get through the stream to show off what can be done?
# 16 Turbojugend @ 03/07/17 05:44 PM
Honestly, focusing on making Franchise games faster is probably for the greater good. I wonder what the stats are on most players even finishing a single season in Franchise, not very high I'd wager.
# 17 BlacknBlue @ 03/07/17 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Dillow
That double play made me excited. I was just as pumped as Ramone was.
It has me concerned. That is about the third time that we have seen that same animation where the second basemen has to jump throw back across his body to turn the dp from a ridiculous angle.

Furthermore, the entire play was setup with the infield in. Meaning the play was designed to come home. The middle infielders were not set at DP depth and a throw like that should probably result in the second basemen barely reaching the bag in time for the force at second (resulting in no other chance to get any other runners).

The shear timing of getting to that bag and catching the ball and finding the footwork to touch the base for the out would probably be all that a real life player could handle.

Not to mention that conceding a run in that situation for 2 outs doesn't really make sense that late in the game. But that was user error.
# 18 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/07/17 06:09 PM
Nice video. I know a lot of people here on OS don't WANT ways to sim games and activities, but a lot of us DO want ways. Simming alone always resulted in so many decisions that I wouldn't have made. So I tried to play as many games as I could, often using quick counts to at least maintain some control. And I could barely finish an entire season. But now with Quick Manage I could really see myself getting 3-4 years into a Franchise, heck, multiple different franchises this year.
# 19 Armor and Sword @ 03/07/17 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
Nice video. I know a lot of people here on OS don't WANT ways to sim games and activities, but a lot of us DO want ways. Simming alone always resulted in so many decisions that I wouldn't have made. So I tried to play as many games as I could, often using quick counts to at least maintain some control. And I could barely finish an entire season. But now with Quick Manage I could really see myself getting 3-4 years into a Franchise, heck, multiple different franchises this year.
Exactly. I have a couple of franchises I play every pitch. Now I can run multiple franchises /season replays with a "play one sim 5 approach" with quick manage and critical moments.

It opens up a whole new pandora’s box of playing various flavors of franchise and classic roster seasons for me personally.

I am super stoked.
# 20 Sip_16 @ 03/07/17 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by dran1984
I think this is the video that leaked MLB Network presentation, so I'm pretty sure this is an older build. They must have taken the hats out since we didn't see them in the little things stream.
We saw the uniform sets not individual pieces maybe there are extra hat options

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