Madden NFL 17 News Post

Madden NFL 17 will feature a renewed focus on Franchise mode, all-new ball carrier feedback cues, defender fake out mechanics and an innovative, authentic defensive AI system.

As seen on the Xbox site, Rob Gronkowski appears to be the cover athlete, however that might be a placeholder. The first screenshots revealed are with him, Antonio Brown and Von Miller. Could we see all 3 on the cover or multiple covers? We will know for sure today at 6:00 PM ET on SportsCenter.

Take your team all the way in Madden NFL 17 with a renewed focus on Franchise mode, putting you at the center of your team’s Championship run. Arm your team for gridiron glory on both sides of the ball with the most balanced gameplay to date, featuring all-new ball carrier feedback cues, defender fake out mechanics and an innovative, authentic defensive AI system. Madden NFL 17 is the most complete Madden … ever.

Below are some more details on the various Madden NFL 17 bundles:

Madden NFL 17 Standard Edition ($59.99)
Pre-order your copy today and receive a 1 month EA Access Trial as well as bonus content including nine Madden NFL Ranked tickets and up to seven Madden NFL Ultimate Team Pro Packs.*

Madden NFL 17 Deluxe Edition ($79.99)
Pre-order the Madden NFL 17 Deluxe Edition today and receive a one month EA Access trial as well as additional value including 30 Madden NFL Ranked tickets and up to 10 Madden NFL Ultimate Team All Pro Packs.*

Madden NFL 17 Super Deluxe Edition ($99.99)
Pre-order the Madden NFL 17 Super Deluxe Edition today and receive a one month EA Access trial as well as additional value including 30 Madden NFL Ranked tickets and up to 30 Madden NFL Ultimate Team All Pro Packs.*

Game: Madden NFL 17Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 17 - View All
Member Comments
# 121 4thQtrStre5S @ 05/12/16 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by SolidSquid
I care about both and it's perfectly fine. One doesn't have to be placed above the other when a team dedicated to each. The art team handles art and game dev team handles gameplay. Idk why the concept is so hard for some people to get
They could fire one person or so from the art department and hire more people for the Dev team, and thus get fundamentals down..

I care about the jerseys the most; the way they stretch and distort is the most annoying of the art/graphic parts of the uniforms. So I do have my art issues too..
# 122 bad_philanthropy @ 05/12/16 02:16 PM
Happy about the franchise mode focus. Hopefully whatever they've done works relatively well on day one. Sports games these days are a tale of new feature; messy execution. It's the price of innovation on an annual release cycle I suppose. In any case, really looking forward to it. Love what Rex and company did with 16. My favorite football game other than NCAA 14.

One nitpick is the shoulder pads. I don't remember which model they used as a reference, but you don't see too many players with that "X" pattern under the shoulders.
# 123 cthurt @ 05/12/16 02:21 PM
I cant lie I am an equipment guy all the way, BUT its a little upsetting that it is a big deal in Madden 17 due to the neglect of it over the years, when you think about it, sounds crazy that in the year 2016 we are excited about equipment being in a sports game.

I thought as a youngster that by this time in gaming the convo would be a lot more in depth, but it seems most of us just want things that were already in the game at one point to be put back into the game again.

Rant over cant wait to see this trailer!
# 124 SageInfinite @ 05/12/16 02:27 PM
Totally hear guys upset about the lack of equipment accuracy in the screens, but I still think it's too early to judge. It's not like it's July. These screens could be from any build of the game, as well as the trailer/teaser released tonight.

I'm all for going with the history, but to be fair, we don't know when these screens were captured, and from what build they were captured.

Hope the new ball carrier cues come with new ball carrier juke moves and animations. The defensive animations need the most work, so I hope those were finally addressed.
# 125 reverend_heat @ 05/12/16 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
I care about football fundamentals - not whether Antonio brown is wearing, Fruit of the Loom, or BVD underwear.
thanks for the stupid comment I was waiting for from someone, if people are on a message board discussing car tires do you think its a good idea to come on telling everybody they should only care about a cars engine because without an engine the tires dont matter? cuz thats what you are doing, I chose to talk about equipment, not gameplay, doesnt mean I dont care about gameplay or think that it isnt the most important thing. What exactly gameplay wise should I have been talking about from the screenshot released, how the players animated?
# 126 Lexicon @ 05/12/16 02:30 PM
Intrigued by Franchise Mode leading the description, but I'm also very reserved. "A new focus" could mean something really good, or something really bad. Hopefully the trailer gives us some good imagery to chew on. I don't expect much info, but some good hype can be achieved if the right things are shown. I really enjoyed M16's gameplay, but I didn't have anything I was interested in playing the game for, since Franchise Mode was such an uninspired "at least it's here" mode.
# 127 Rams_3 @ 05/12/16 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by clarkerots
The problem with Madden is that they've been catering too long towards the people who "want mouth guards and strips on the wristbands", and not enough towards the people who want realistic completion percentages and solid defensive AI.
Catering? You do realize madden hasn't touched equipment in YEEEEEEARS. So i don't understand your logic. If we do get new equipment it's been LONG OVERDUE.
# 128 Hooe @ 05/12/16 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by reverend_heat
thanks for the stupid comment I was waiting for from someone, if people are on a message board discussing car tires do you think its a good idea to come on telling everybody they should only care about a cars engine because without an engine the tires dont matter? cuz thats what you are doing, I chose to talk about equipment, not gameplay, doesnt mean I dont care about gameplay or think that it isnt the most important thing. What exactly gameplay wise should I have been talking about from the screenshot released, how the players animated?
We'll continue this discussion without insulting and belittling each other, please and thank you.
# 129 roadman @ 05/12/16 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Brightline
Ehh, I think you misunderstood me or I wasnt clear. My point is that a discussion on May 12th about whether or not to give the game the benefit of the doubt or judge based on history or twitter and whatnot is silly. Some may be optimistic or pessimistic about the game but it doesnt matter because the ultimate decision to buy or not isnt made for 3 months.

I apologize for the misunderstanding.
I agree, that is true for some people, but some people have their minds made up either one way or the other on May 12th too.
# 130 howboutdat @ 05/12/16 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by BadAssHskr
I think it's safe to say that i can't really contribute more than what's already been said in this thread. However, and i'm generally alone on this, but, pretty please, with sugar on top please full access to our franchise via the web,
You are not alone at all here man.There are tons of leagues that rely on this very aspect ( in its limited access to franchise but still better than nothing) already .It is vital for us.Most of us CFM heads are older , with real jobs , and families that already require alot of our time.Playing a cfm game on average takes about an hour. Most of us enjoy managing our CFM teams from the web.Either on our phones , or on computer with DaddyLeagues, and those who dont use it, still use the CFM site for stuff dealing with managing their team.Its a big thing that we need.

It for sure needs more features than it has now, but even the "simple" advance week button from the web is HUGE!Especially from any fast paced online league, as a commish of one i can speak from 5 years of experience, this was a great addition. Often times our last game gets played( on set time) and we need to advance so guys who have set up next weeks games can play, but me nor my admins on console are at home to advance. Not having just that button alone could slow things down alot of leagues like this.

We could use more, and ive begged for years now to add a "set to auto" function to it for owners and commish both. I get so many text in a years time asking me to set someone on auto so opponent can play and im not home.We live in a very busy world, and in that , we need this functionality of the website and could use even more features that it could do for us. I really hope , with the focus on CFM this year that it will include an upgrade to that CFM website for us.

I can deal with not being able to draft from website( as im sure that would be very complicated to make that happen right) as long as we had custom draft boards, those who cant be at home for draft in their league , would at least have a list and an order to force the cpu to pick from.That would solve the issue and request for ability to draft from web. However we could use other features on the website. Like adjust depth chart, change shcemes, position changes, setting people to auto, changing league settings and sliders for commish, scouting even would be nice addition there.Only time will tell though, excited , but also cautious to hear what " focus on franchise " really means ....
# 131 Dwaresacksqb @ 05/12/16 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Brightline
Ehh, I think you misunderstood me or I wasnt clear. My point is that a discussion on May 12th about whether or not to give the game the benefit of the doubt or judge based on history or twitter and whatnot is silly. Some may be optimistic or pessimistic about the game but it doesnt matter because the ultimate decision to buy or not isnt made for 3 months.

I apologize for the misunderstanding.
I think you are in the wrong place. Do you have an understanding of why this thread was created? If someone on this thread can share information that could help relieve someone else's possible trepidation based off the info or lack there of released here today, I welcome that. Not sure what's silly and not sure why you would even get yourself caught up in it if you view it as such.
# 132 4thQtrStre5S @ 05/12/16 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by reverend_heat
thanks for the stupid comment I was waiting for from someone, if people are on a message board discussing car tires do you think its a good idea to come on telling everybody they should only care about a cars engine because without an engine the tires dont matter? cuz thats what you are doing, I chose to talk about equipment, not gameplay, doesnt mean I dont care about gameplay or think that it isnt the most important thing. What exactly gameplay wise should I have been talking about from the screenshot released, how the players animated?
Car tires are a major part of how a car stays on the road, as well as providing better performance; whether Antonio Brown has on the proper equipment or not, doesn't dictate if he catches a pass or not...

From the screen shot I would say the biggest issue would be the same distorted jerseys that IMO is the most glaring art issue in the game...But this is in fact mostly about opinion..

EDIT: I just Googled Antonio Brown and I saw him with different shoes and different color arm bands, etc..Now he does consistently wear a black mouth guard, and with that I can support the immediate application of mouth guards as a logically more consistent application of art resources, as opposed to trying to match what each of the 2500+ players wear from game to game, that seems like a waste of money and time. How many players on on a Basketball team?
# 133 DeuceDouglas @ 05/12/16 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
Hopefully whatever they've done works relatively well on day one.
This is absolutely huge as well. It doesn't matter what they add if it doesn't work properly and that has been a huge problem they've had pretty much every single year with CFM. One year it was rain every single game, one year it was sliders not working, last year it was confidence and drive goals making things unplayable. I really hope things are stable enough that we can just play from day one without any of those huge issues.
# 134 jpdavis82 @ 05/12/16 02:42 PM
I wouldn't expect much of any franchise info in the trailer, but hopefully some new info will be on the website, I mean there's a countdown timer, so something is going to be posted there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 135 Dwaresacksqb @ 05/12/16 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Brightline
Ehh, I think you misunderstood me or I wasnt clear. My point is that a discussion on May 12th about whether or not to give the game the benefit of the doubt or judge based on history or twitter and whatnot is silly. Some may be optimistic or pessimistic about the game but it doesnt matter because the ultimate decision to buy or not isnt made for 3 months.

I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Also your main point of it being a silly argument is mute. A lot of resources go into building hype for the game. They release pre-orders with exclusive deals for a limited time as well. Most people decide whether or not to buy a product well before the release date, whether they know it or not. At least where videogames are concerned. I can search the Web for a great article I read a few years ago that could help you understand what I'm talking about.
# 136 brandon27 @ 05/12/16 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by Rams_3
Catering? You do realize madden hasn't touched equipment in YEEEEEEARS. So i don't understand your logic. If we do get new equipment it's been LONG OVERDUE.
I think what he means is... they're spending time focusing on things are not that important in the overall grand scheme of things. Important to some, sure. Not important though when it compares to other things such as animations and gameplay and AI. The problem is they've spent time over the years working on little things that we could call cosmetic things, as opposed to the under the hood workings of gameplay, and game modes. Sure, those "small" cosmetic things create a sense of immersion in the game, but that's pretty quickly interrupted by some of the things going on with AI and animations etc. etc.

In a perfect world, they would have slightly updated equipment over the years, I get it, we all get it. You would have thought the same for the crowd and sidelines too, but that hadn't been the case previously. I'd rather have a game that plays like real football with old shoes and gloves, rather than new shoes and gloves and sleeves with a game that still plays just... ok.
# 137 SageInfinite @ 05/12/16 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Totally hear guys upset about the lack of equipment accuracy in the screens, but I still think it's too early to judge. It's not like it's July. These screens could be from any build of the game, as well as the trailer/teaser released tonight.

I'm all for going with the history, but to be fair, we don't know when these screens were captured, and from what build they were captured.

Hope the new ball carrier cues come with new ball carrier juke moves and animations.The defensive animations need the most work, so I hope those were finally addressed.[/ quote]

Agreed, in 16 the juke moves were useless, which is why most people used the spin move as the primary juke move. Anytime you attempted a simple juke to the right or left near a defender you were sucked into a canned tackling animation most of the time. I hope these new mechanics eliminate that.
Not only that, they looked terrible and unrealistic. I feel like the precision jukes should've been the default moves, they looked better. Spin move needs to look more realistic as well.
# 138 Playmakers @ 05/12/16 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
I care about football fundamentals - not whether Antonio brown is wearing, Fruit of the Loom, or BVD underwear.
I think the reason why some of us get bored with Madden lately is because the gameplay gets stale....

I can understand the desire to have new equipment in the game but the bottom line for me is I usually don't play Madden much anymore after 2-3 months because the gameplay has become stale in Madden 15 and 16

EA needs to go all out one year on gameplay make these damn NFL players animate like real players and stop having all 32 teams play the same on the field......

There are a lot of long time posters on here who barely post anymore about Madden because it's usually just minimal upgrades to gameplay and a bunch of Fluff Fluff things added to tie you over til the next release....
# 139 SageInfinite @ 05/12/16 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by SportsGamer94
If they update player equipment I really hope they drastically improve player movement and animations to look way more realistic, gonna be such an immersion breaker to have player with accurate equipment but move like robots.
This is the Tiburon signature, they can't get rid of that, lol. Seriously though, there's something holding them back in the animation department. I don't see them solving this even this generation. Especially when they don't realize how bad some of the animations look.
# 140 adub88 @ 05/12/16 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Playmakers
I think the reason why some of us get bored with Madden lately is because the gameplay gets stale....

I can understand the desire to have new equipment in the game but the bottom line for me is I usually don't play Madden much anymore after 2-3 months because the gameplay has become stale in Madden 15 and 16

EA needs to go all out one year on gameplay make these damn NFL players animate like real players and stop having all 32 teams play the same on the field......

There are a lot of long time posters on here who barely post anymore about Madden because it's usually just minimal upgrades to gameplay and a bunch of Fluff Fluff things added to tie you over til the next release....

I think that's where the need for signature animations comes in. Gameplay is stale because everyone looks the same in terms of movement. They haven't got to a place where we've seen more fluid realistic looking animations, so who knows when we'll see that happen

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