MLB The Show 16 News Post

The MLB The Show 16 Twitch stream has begun, post your thoughts here!

For those that miss out, we will update this post with the archive, when it has completed.

UPDATE: Here is the archive.

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 421 Lovesports @ 03/06/16 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by Goose26
Lol, I actually did make it past year one, played all 162, no sim! That's why I ask, because that took a ton of time and effort, and then it was a let down to play the same schedule again in year two...
Now I play multiple seasons too with a 5 play 5 sim technique and I'll be honest, the schedule does not bother me one bit. I don't think it's that big of a let down.
# 422 kehlis @ 03/06/16 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
nope, yet again same interleague schdule into year 20 of your franchise....not that anyone makes it past year one so dont get all the complaints?
A good majority of those who play franchise make it past year one.
# 423 NewNapkin @ 03/06/16 08:49 AM
I doubt the percentage of people getting past year one in offline franchise is that far off from the percentage of those in online franchise. It's not like every single online franchise makes it past year one and every offline one doesn't...
# 424 JTommy67 @ 03/06/16 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
The only potential problem with this is....the game FIRST looks at ratings to
derive stats....so the chance to see a player that hits .330 then .280 then .330 is less likely(impossible with a heavy stat driven progression....but I don't see that and the Show uses a good dose of "chance" or "randomness" under the hood IMO)....
In your case....it would go.... .280.... .300 ....then .330.
Players hitting 20 HR's....then 45...then 30 would also be nearly impossible in the game with stat based progression.

Look at David Ortiz as an example....and tell me how you would justify stat based progression/regression in him from 2003 to 2012.
(without other factors such as random chance....etc)


I had a nice corollary to this but lost it cause I got logged out before I submitted.

In short, my concern is that the natural variance found within player performance will suffer in favor of the new system which will alter the players' arcs too much based on one year.

It's fairly common for a .260 hitter to have a great season and bat .300. It's less common for a .260 hitter to develop into a .300 for the remainder of his career. I fear we will see more of the second at the expense of the first.

You can see the variance in almost every major league player, and as you said, this variance was already built into the game, and its present even when you are in control. Now we seem to be moving in the direction where this natural variance will be used to boost or penalize ratings even more. At best this seems superfluous, at worst illogical.

Perhaps I'm in the minority, but in franchise mode I want my own effect over player progression to be more limited. This move seems like it will turn your franchise into a RTTS experience with your entire roster. I'd prefer more emphasis on the managerial aspect, which means less control over progression arcs. There seems to be a number of different ways one might affect player progression without resorting to statistical performance.

As you point out, and this seems to be getting lost, the ratings are prerequisite - they come first. I see many folks characterizing the ratings as a type of report card. To me this is backwards, but I think it derives from the RTTS approach in a way. And perhaps the fundamental disagreement lies in how we're viewing franchise mode altogether.

In any case, it would be nice if the devs could shed more light on all this. Perhaps some of our concerns can be put to rest.
# 425 Sip_16 @ 03/06/16 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
ok from what we know that DD and that other mode are the top two units in this game... they are the ones that make the game money due to cards and all that stuff that franchise doesn't really use.. and now to find out that the two NEW modes are DIRECTLY linked to DD is really not good news...

as someone said very early on in this tread... this is a huge franchise base site and we are still not getting the majority of the respect we deserve... deep dive into franchise my rear end... that was well anyway....

i really wish we could turn off morale in franchise mode...

also wish we coulld turn off card packs in franchise... or be able to put them in the market place... for those of us that are just wasting them when we play every day...
Really? No one here deserves anything in that regard. It is their game and they can do what's feasible and what will make their game grow. They come to these forms for suggestions all the time they don't add in everything because even the 1% here has so many ideas not everyone going to be happy.

If you really feel they owe you something then I'm just going to keep shaking my head
# 426 nemesis04 @ 03/06/16 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
ok from what we know that DD and that other mode are the top two units in this game... they are the ones that make the game money due to cards and all that stuff that franchise doesn't really use.. and now to find out that the two NEW modes are DIRECTLY linked to DD is really not good news...

as someone said very early on in this tread... this is a huge franchise base site and we are still not getting the majority of the respect we deserve... deep dive into franchise my rear end... that was well anyway....

i really wish we could turn off morale in franchise mode...

also wish we coulld turn off card packs in franchise... or be able to put them in the market place... for those of us that are just wasting them when we play every day...
You are definitely a riddle wrapped up in a enigma!
# 427 tessl @ 03/06/16 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by BrianU
There are so many people coming up with strawman arguments against the idea I had it's redic. Of course you are never going to have ultra realistic scouting or player eval, but you can have more realistic then is in the game presently.

A simple change of hiding the ratings and showing statistics on those screens would work just fine for evaluating players in terms of who to pinch hit/pinch run/trade away or trade for/set your lineups and rotation. You can do all of that simply from statistics provided in the game.

Of course it wouldn't be forced on people, the developers are not stupid it would kill sales of the game if people were forced to not be able to see ratings. It's an option you must toggle on to use that only a very small but passionate branch of franchise players would use. These points make no sense.
There is a toggle to turn GM mode on or off - unless you carry over a save and then you are forced into GM mode even if you don't want it which ruined the idea of carry over saves for me. I'm not going to assume this idea wouldn't somehow creep into my franchise.

One thing I agree with - if you told people they couldn't know the attributes of players on their own team and unable to determine the attributes of players you are looking to acquire it would hurt sales.
# 428 Jr. @ 03/06/16 12:10 PM
I finally got a chance to actually watch the stream and thought it was funny that in the 4 innings that the guys played of the Marlins/Rockies games, there were 2 balls hit off the pitcher and the runner was thrown out both times.

I guess there's still some tuning that will need to be done regarding that.
# 429 Serloar @ 03/06/16 12:32 PM
Will young quick developed players still start regresing at 28? It was one of the worst things on past the shows. I like to play and sim 50-50%, I love draft, develope the farm and the offseasons, but when I get to.. 2021 for example, Mookie Betts or Bogaerts, just in their prime start losing, 5-6 overall points.

Aside that every pitcher 4 years into the franchise throws 100mph fb and is 85+ overall at least.
# 430 bronxbombers21325 @ 03/06/16 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jr.
I finally got a chance to actually watch the stream and thought it was funny that in the 4 innings that the guys played of the Marlins/Rockies games, there were 2 balls hit off the pitcher and the runner was thrown out both times.

I guess there's still some tuning that will need to be done regarding that.
Caught this too. Hope it's fixed by release as they said it had been tuned way down this year. Nothing worse than thinking you have a hit up the middle only to have that happen.
# 431 Maverick09 @ 03/06/16 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by BravesBoy
If you think about it, having the attributes hidden and just seeing stats, especially in franchise mode, would add a huge amount of realism imo. Example would be if you were to sign a free agent who had a good stat year but ultimately is a low rated player you may would take the risk because of the stats shown. If you see that same player is rated a 55 then you're in no way going to sign him. You could really add to the risk aspect and flow of signing and managing players. It's a cool idea, I'm not sure how or if it could work. But it definitely makes you speculate
I would absolutely love this as well. It would be nice to have the option at least, for those who want to implement this kind of system in their franchise. It's impossible to not have ratings for game modes such as diamond dynasty (people would riot), but it would be a nice option to have for those seeking player management depth in their franchises. It would also make drafting prospects significantly more difficult and uncertain, such is the case in reality.
# 432 Will I Am @ 03/06/16 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Jr.
I finally got a chance to actually watch the stream and thought it was funny that in the 4 innings that the guys played of the Marlins/Rockies games, there were 2 balls hit off the pitcher and the runner was thrown out both times.

I guess there's still some tuning that will need to be done regarding that.
Says "work in progress" so maybe they still have time to fine tune this.
# 433 Godgers12 @ 03/06/16 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by tessl
There is a toggle to turn GM mode on or off - unless you carry over a save and then you are forced into GM mode even if you don't want it which ruined the idea of carry over saves for me. I'm not going to assume this idea wouldn't somehow creep into my franchise.

One thing I agree with - if you told people they couldn't know the attributes of players on their own team and unable to determine the attributes of players you are looking to acquire it would hurt sales.
Fifa does it, and their sales are doing just fine. All though once that player is on your team you see his ratings.But theirs is more of a hybrid system, where you have to scout to view a players ratings. Still the same principal though.
# 434 torpidbeaver @ 03/06/16 01:42 PM
I wasn't sure it was addressed, but does player morale take small sample size into consideration?

Like, if we've only played 2 games all season, is my team going to implode because everyone is freaking out that we're in last place? And if Robbie Cano also starts the year 0-10... God help me.

I hope different players react with more/less emotion than others. It'd probably have to just be a hidden number; I think Ramone said in a stream, long long ago, that MLBPA had a problem with assigning "emotional attributes" to players. For example, the union could/would object to one player being "volatile" or "vocal" while another is labeled "mellow" or "quiet."

I'd be interested to know how the NBA2K team got around that. Different unions, but still.
# 435 Kalkano @ 03/06/16 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
A good majority of those who play franchise make it past year one.
I like to play as GM only, meaning I only watch CPU vs CPU, and only the important games. I get into the DISTANT future.
# 436 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/06/16 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
A good majority of those who play franchise make it past year one.
Is there tracking data on this kind of thing? Because if I were to speculate, I'd assume it's the other way around simply because there are so many people who get the itch to restart before getting that far in.
# 437 WaitTilNextYear @ 03/06/16 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jr.
I finally got a chance to actually watch the stream and thought it was funny that in the 4 innings that the guys played of the Marlins/Rockies games, there were 2 balls hit off the pitcher and the runner was thrown out both times.

I guess there's still some tuning that will need to be done regarding that.
This, cat-like quick catchers, and outfielders getting suctioned into the OF wall are really the last bastions of 'WTF' in gameplay (assuming, like they said, they fixed overpowered bunting and the inability to turn 3-6-3 GIDPs because the 1B was never returning to the bag to cover). IMO, the list of fixes for gameplay is pretty short and it's a testament to the gameplay dev team that everyone's mad about everything else, lol.
# 438 Unlucky 13 @ 03/06/16 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by WaitTilNextYear
Is there tracking data on this kind of thing? Because if I were to speculate, I'd assume it's the other way around simply because there are so many people who get the itch to restart before getting that far in.
In years past, I would almost always do the Owner Mode and GM activities (which I love) while tearing down the existing team and rebuild it the way that I want for 2-4 years before I ever play a single game. I honestly love all of that as much, if not more, than I do playing the games themselves.

However, as a Cubs fan, I'm so excited about this year's squad and the updated Wrigley that I'm just going to start with opening day and play all 162. I may eventually start a secondary franchise when I get the itch to get into the GM stuff as well, but it won't be my primary.
# 439 bcruise @ 03/06/16 03:12 PM
Quick counts allowed me to get through several seasons this year. Let's not forget about that addition. Wasn't that poll posted in 2013, well before that was added?
# 440 SFNiners816 @ 03/06/16 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Quick counts allowed me to get through several seasons this year. Let's not forget about that addition. Wasn't that poll posted in 2013, well before that was added?
Aside from the year to year saves, quick counts has been the greatest addition to the series IMO. It has allowed me to play every game going into my 6th year with my cubbies. I started the franchise with a prospect roster on mlb 14 for the PS3. I'm currently in year 2019 on the PS4. There is something about drawing a walk after starting with an 0-2 count. I was way too swing happy with it off, the quick count allows me to knock out games faster and also take walks and walk the cpu at more realistic clips.

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