MLB The Show 16 News Post

Sony San Diego is Twitch streaming MLB The Show 16 right now, as the team goes over the Showtime and Road to the Show modes.

Watch the stream here. For those of you that miss it, we will update this post with the archive.

UPDATE: The stream has completed, watch the archive here (it starts at roughly the 16:35 mark).

Some notes:
  • 20-80 scale confirmed in Franchise mode
  • You CAN turn the Showtime feature on/off
  • New running styles are normal, lumbering, speedster and athletic
  • Over 600 new animations added, 100's more a dive specific
  • While running bases, hold L1 for a zoomed in view, L2 for a medium view
  • Oakley, EvoShield, and All Star are the new equipment brands
  • New Balance not in this year, maybe next year
  • No tattoos or face scanning in RTTS
  • You can view team uniforms in player editor

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 ShowTyme15 @ 02/04/16 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Can you explain please? Stream isn't working for me.
When editing a player am jersey will show up in the editor now rather than the generic MLB jersey.

EDIT: PF13 beat me to it.
# 42 Factzzz @ 02/04/16 06:14 PM
Guess there is no new hair or beard options, or anything new to show for creating a player.
# 43 bronxbombers21325 @ 02/04/16 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by PhilliesFan13
Uniforms in player editor!
Ok this basically makes up for anything I was disappointed about to this point.
# 44 RipCity71252 @ 02/04/16 06:16 PM
I hope the edit player screen isn't so dark come release. Russel did say that the lighting in it was a WIP so that's promising.

Like the actual jerseys this year. That will make roster editors very happy!
# 45 og236 @ 02/04/16 06:16 PM
I'm wondering if the international signing period (July 2nd) has been incorporated because they show the country players are from. When they looked at Edwin Encarnacion it showed him being from the Dominican Republic.

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# 46 bronxbombers21325 @ 02/04/16 06:18 PM
So there are no new batting glove, or cleats brands in the game?
# 47 einjzmolf @ 02/04/16 06:19 PM
Got swerved on when I asked about trade logic in RTTS..

But we can answer what it's like to be around MLB players! Because that's on topic..
# 48 Factzzz @ 02/04/16 06:23 PM
Hopefully with addition of team uniforms in the player edit screen, they can take it to the next step, and get individual uniforms in the all star game
# 49 Steve_OS @ 02/04/16 06:27 PM
Updated the OP w/ the archive link, for those that missed it.

Dab on em' Ramone.
# 50 HozAndMoose @ 02/04/16 06:29 PM
YouTube video is processing now. Says 20 minutes left. Here is the link.
# 51 ShowTyme15 @ 02/04/16 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by og236
I'm wondering if the international signing period (July 2nd) has been incorporated because they show the country players are from. When they looked at Edwin Encarnacion it showed him being from the Dominican Republic.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
While that is possible it looks like instead of yes or no for American born you can now select a state or country.
# 52 Speedy @ 02/04/16 06:37 PM
20-80 scale is awesome!

I wish we can one day edit hitting zones (Ramone - please?! ).

Like the speed rating when fielding and the speed/steal rating when batting.

The showtime dynamic is interesting...I think it makes fielding more challenging and allows the user to really hone in one a pitch they want to crush. I'm excited to check it out.

The showtime WHIFF made me burst out laughing.


I saw an option in the settings screen they were in named RTTS Yell...what is this? Just chatter or a potential to scream at an ump?

After finishing the scouting and getting drafted, he's immediately an 83 rated player? Seems a bit high, no?

I know I'm not crazy; I think I saw some new catcher animations (different stances).
# 53 Scott @ 02/04/16 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Speedy
20-80 scale is awesome!

I wish we can one day edit hitting zones (Ramone - please?! ).

Like the speed rating when fielding and the speed/steal rating when batting.

The showtime dynamic is interesting...I think it makes fielding more challenging and allows the user to really hone in one a pitch they want to crush. I'm excited to check it out.

The showtime WHIFF made me burst out laughing.


I saw an option in the settings screen they were in named RTTS Yell...what is this? Just chatter or a potential to scream at an ump?

After finishing the scouting and getting drafted, he's immediately an 83 rated player? Seems a bit high, no?

I know I'm not crazy; I think I saw some new catcher animations (different stances).
Well he did say he used a bunch of points to boost him...
# 54 Russell_SCEA @ 02/04/16 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by Speedy
20-80 scale is awesome!

I wish we can one day edit hitting zones (Ramone - please?! ).

Like the speed rating when fielding and the speed/steal rating when batting.

The showtime dynamic is interesting...I think it makes fielding more challenging and allows the user to really hone in one a pitch they want to crush. I'm excited to check it out.

The showtime WHIFF made me burst out laughing.


I saw an option in the settings screen they were in named RTTS Yell...what is this? Just chatter or a potential to scream at an ump?

After finishing the scouting and getting drafted, he's immediately an 83 rated player? Seems a bit high, no?

I know I'm not crazy; I think I saw some new catcher animations (different stances).

We gave him some training points to boost his overall. The RTTS yell is the speaker functionality from the controller.
# 55 decga @ 02/04/16 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
So there are no new batting glove, or cleats brands in the game?
I am not sure. I just heard Ramone, state No New Balance, but next year.
# 56 face2face @ 02/04/16 06:52 PM
Never played RTTS...
Is this batting view specific for RTTS or it's a brand new batting view for MLB16??
# 57 Speedy @ 02/04/16 06:52 PM

...and uh...

Originally Posted by Speedy
I'm calling it.

They'll actually have the team's uniform displayed in the edit player screen (like 2K).

# 58 Scott @ 02/04/16 06:54 PM
Originally Posted by Speedy
clearly photoshopped somehow haha
# 59 The Kid 24 @ 02/04/16 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by decga
I am not sure. I just heard Ramone, state No New Balance, but next year.
I can handle coming next year!

Sent from my LG G2 using Tapatalk
# 60 vidgames @ 02/04/16 06:59 PM
Ok. The yelping in the speaker function sounds awesome. Does this happen in franchise as well?

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