MLB The Show 16 News Post

Sony San Diego is Twitch streaming MLB The Show 16 right now, as the team goes over the Showtime and Road to the Show modes.

Watch the stream here. For those of you that miss it, we will update this post with the archive.

UPDATE: The stream has completed, watch the archive here (it starts at roughly the 16:35 mark).

Some notes:
  • 20-80 scale confirmed in Franchise mode
  • You CAN turn the Showtime feature on/off
  • New running styles are normal, lumbering, speedster and athletic
  • Over 600 new animations added, 100's more a dive specific
  • While running bases, hold L1 for a zoomed in view, L2 for a medium view
  • Oakley, EvoShield, and All Star are the new equipment brands
  • New Balance not in this year, maybe next year
  • No tattoos or face scanning in RTTS
  • You can view team uniforms in player editor

Game: MLB The Show 16Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 23 - View All
MLB The Show 16 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 Hayman19 @ 02/09/16 08:47 AM
Im thinking this is the year we get mid season extensions. With the player personality thing, I feel like that will be tied to extensions. The more you low ball or bother a player during the season with negotiations that they are not interested in, the worse their mood is, the less likely they are to sign in the offseason.

Players on poorly playing teams will be less happy than those on contenders and less likely to sign a long term extensions. Happy players on contending teams would be the opposite, more likely to sign a long term extension. Im hoping thats the case anyways. Something myself, and I know a lot others have wanted for a long while.
# 222 The Kid 24 @ 02/09/16 09:02 AM
I'm really looking forward to the stream today... Get to see some gameplay improvements and also hopefully get a look at some batting stances/pitching motions!
# 223 agentlaw13 @ 02/09/16 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Hayman19
Im thinking this is the year we get mid season extensions. With the player personality thing, I feel like that will be tied to extensions. The more you low ball or bother a player during the season with negotiations that they are not interested in, the worse their mood is, the less likely they are to sign in the offseason.

Players on poorly playing teams will be less happy than those on contenders and less likely to sign a long term extensions. Happy players on contending teams would be the opposite, more likely to sign a long term extension. Im hoping thats the case anyways. Something myself, and I know a lot others have wanted for a long while.

Hmm, that's an interesting take. I figured the new player personality referred to the players actions and emotions on the field.

Would be cool if it also tied it to what you are mentioning. I think the personality trait will benefit franchise mode greatly by adding a little more life to players and the team dynamic. Been hoping for a little more flash and personality from players in the game and I'm curious to hear more about this trait.
# 224 Hayman19 @ 02/09/16 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by agentlaw13
Hmm, that's an interesting take. I figured the new player personality referred to the players actions and emotions on the field.

Would be cool if it also tied it to what you are mentioning. I think the personality trait will benefit franchise mode greatly by adding a little more life to players and the team dynamic. Been hoping for a little more flash and personality from players in the game and I'm curious to hear more about this trait.
Yeah, I am hoping it is tied to what you and I both mentioned, and like you said it would make franchise feel like it has more life and would add a whole new dynamic to roster management. Would make you think twice about adding a guy like Papelbon or Puig if you already had a shaky clubhouse and make guys like David Price more coveted beyond just his abilities.
# 225 Houston @ 02/20/16 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by fairplayleagues
I am willing to bet that its career stats on player card.
Looks like I was right. Thank you SCEA team for finally adding this and with the other additions you brought back. I use to always be skeptical of the process you guys do, but I half to honestly half to say this is shaping up to be one of the best MLB games in a very long time. Hopefully we can eventually get player models to match up with everything else that you guys built upon this year and another great addition would be "collision detection" preventing players to run thru one another. I want you guys to know I think you guys done such an incredible job this year. Keep up the realism and these few couple things and the game would be very close to real life.

Dont want to beat a dead horse, but stadiums improve every year and are almost replica of the real ones, so if we can finally get better player models to go with that I will be very impressed.

: y220e::y 220e:
# 226 KingMansaMusa @ 02/20/16 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by fairplayleagues
Looks like I was right. Thank you SCEA team for finally adding this and with the other additions you brought back. I use to always be skeptical of the process you guys do, but I half to honestly half to say this is shaping up to be one of the best MLB games in a very long time. Hopefully we can eventually get player models to match up with everything else that you guys built upon this year and another great addition would be "collision detection" preventing players to run thru one another. I want you guys to know I think you guys done such an incredible job this year. Keep up the realism and these few couple things and the game would be very close to real life.

Dont want to beat a dead horse, but stadiums improve every year and are almost replica of the real ones, so if we can finally get better player models to go with that I will be very impressed.

: y220e::y 220e:
Lol there is no very impressed it's either impressed or not impressed lol.
# 227 Ghost Of The Year @ 02/20/16 11:12 AM
What? Sure, there are definitely varying degrees of one being impressed lol
# 228 Bullit @ 02/21/16 01:16 PM
Ok here is a question I was just wondering about.

If I start a new RTTS player. Use all of the Stubs that I have to buy training points but don't actually start the game ie: I don't go to the very first Showcase game.

When I get '16 and transfer him in, will I get to take advantage of the new starting point?

It seems like this would not work, but I was just trying to come up with a way to use the Stubs I have earned this year into next year. I already know the gear we already have does not carry over, which is a little disappointing, but I was hoping everything that I did in RTTS would not be wasted in the transfer.

Guess I will just start another career besides the carry over to enjoy the new stuff. But it does kind of stink that we put all of this work into our guys and then the new game comes out and we loose all of our gear and stuff.
# 229 Skyboxer @ 02/22/16 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I'd also like to have the option of player locking without having to use the RTTS cam. Just lock my player but let me use regular cams I have set up.

Anyways great job devs!
Originally Posted by RunN1st
I agree... The player lock with a normal camera option would be awesome! I would actually use RTTS if it had that option since the outfielding camera in player lock is very hard to get used to.
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
That's on my design list for 16

I haven't been around much lately so just wandering if this has this been confirmed or not..?
# 230 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/22/16 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I haven't been around much lately so just wandering if this has this been confirmed or not..?
You know, I don't think this has come up that I've heard/seen with MLB 16 info so far. Maybe it will be asked/answered this week in the Q&A tomorrow or presentation stream on Thursday? Its a good idea to have other cams for player lock, though I don't really care myself.
# 231 Skyboxer @ 02/23/16 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
You know, I don't think this has come up that I've heard/seen with MLB 16 info so far. Maybe it will be asked/answered this week in the Q&A tomorrow or presentation stream on Thursday? Its a good idea to have other cams for player lock, though I don't really care myself.
Hopefully it made it in. Been excited for it since it was said to be a "possibility" for '16

If not It won't hamper my enjoyment. Just something I wanted. These guys do some great work and am very appreciative.
# 232 HypoLuxa13 @ 02/23/16 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Hopefully it made it in. Been excited for it since it was said to be a "possibility" for '16

If not It won't hamper my enjoyment. Just something I wanted. These guys do some great work and am very appreciative.
They said in today's stream that they worked on a couple new fielding cams, but they didn't work like they wanted so they did not make it in. Didn't say if they were for player lock/rtts or not. But no new fielding cams in this year's game.
# 233 Skyboxer @ 02/23/16 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by HypoLuxa13
They said in today's stream that they worked on a couple new fielding cams, but they didn't work like they wanted so they did not make it in. Didn't say if they were for player lock/rtts or not. But no new fielding cams in this year's game.
Well technically it wouldn't be a new cam but the ability to lock on any cam and not just RTTS cam.

Release day will come soon enough to find out I guess
# 234 MetsFan16 @ 03/16/16 04:11 PM
Showtime pitching looks very powerful. Every pitch thrown with it ends up being a strike either swinging or looking. Haven't seen anyone make contact with it.
# 235 Syce @ 03/16/16 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by MetsFan16
Showtime pitching looks very powerful. Every pitch thrown with it ends up being a strike either swinging or looking. Haven't seen anyone make contact with it.
powerful for 1 pitch, out of what 100? roughly
# 236 MetsFan16 @ 03/16/16 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by Sycecg
powerful for 1 pitch, out of what 100? roughly
Think it's more around 3-4 depending on if in RTTS how many Perks are equiped. But with Showtime Fielding or Hitting you can still throw the ball away or swing and miss so the Pitching Showtime being untouchable is like i said very powerful.
# 237 p00p1 @ 03/16/16 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by MetsFan16
Think it's more around 3-4 depending on if in RTTS how many Perks are equiped. But with Showtime Fielding or Hitting you can still throw the ball away or swing and miss so the Pitching Showtime being untouchable is like i said very powerful.


Around 11 minutes in he throws 3 pitches with it. 2 fouls and a popup.

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