06:01 PM - February 4, 2016 by Steve_OS
Sony San Diego is Twitch streaming MLB The Show 16 right now, as the team goes over the Showtime and Road to the Show modes.
Watch the stream here. For those of you that miss it, we will update this post with the archive.
UPDATE: The stream has completed, watch the archive here (it starts at roughly the 16:35 mark).
Some notes:
- 20-80 scale confirmed in Franchise mode
- You CAN turn the Showtime feature on/off
- New running styles are normal, lumbering, speedster and athletic
- Over 600 new animations added, 100's more a dive specific
- While running bases, hold L1 for a zoomed in view, L2 for a medium view
- Oakley, EvoShield, and All Star are the new equipment brands
- New Balance not in this year, maybe next year
- No tattoos or face scanning in RTTS
- You can view team uniforms in player editor