MLB The Show 16 News Post

For those of you hoping for more variety and options for the Instant Replay Challenge System in MLB The Show 16, the team mentioned on Twitter, that the plays that can be challenged are the same as last year. Which means, certain close plays at first base can be challenged by the user, home runs will once again be challenged automatically.

With that said, we expect to hear plenty of news on MLB The Show 16 in about a week or two.

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Member Comments
# 61 Factzzz @ 01/23/16 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis

I wouldn't say that's something to categorize as something I, or the OS community, would like or not like, more so something that should be done to accurately represent what is seen in real life.
# 62 Speedy @ 01/23/16 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
We've catered to OS community a lot over the years and continue to do so. Every secret CD is 75% filled with representatives from OS. There isn't another community with that much representation that we listen to.

However the OS community represents less than 1% of the people who play the game. So there will be decisions you like and some that you don't like. It's impossible to do everything and equally as impossible to please everyone. But we'll continue to try.
This shows the impact OS really does have.

Even though we don't represent but 1% of the total user base, SCEA values OS 3/1 when they desire feedback.
# 63 Blzer @ 01/23/16 07:07 PM
^ Yup. How fortunate we are indeed! It's very awesome.

The irony behind all of this is the more they cater toward the other 99%, the more ****** people that will buy the game, thus that less than 1% gets even smaller. Just really interesting when you think of it that way.

When they put in things like Move control or 3D, I don't know how much that was Sony telling them to make it happen or not, but you have to keep in mind that they want to attract this game to everyone from everywhere. This game means nothing business-wise if it is the most realistic and authentic simulation experience that you could have if the amount of people that buy it is 1% the number of people who buy it now.

This is why (and I'm not insinuating anything here) some features don't get touched as often. They know that a lot of people play online, DD and RttS. It would be very stubborn of them to ignore that crowd altogether just to appease people like me who play offline franchise. Granted, it may get an overhaul this year, and even if it doesn't I'll still play that mode (I still check out the other ones, but franchise in every sports game is always what I enjoy most).

But they want to sell the game, and we want them to sell the game too. Not just for selfish reasons, it's good to see companies be profitable. I wish that Acclaim, 2K, EA, and High Heat were still around to do just that.

Nevertheless, even if we dip to 0.001% or what have you, that 75% number for CD will probably still remain. That's just too cool.

Here's even more irony for you: OS's sales percentage might grow as well, because those "****** gamers" are registering for OS more and more every year. You can see it in some of the threads on here.
# 64 Turbojugend @ 01/23/16 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
It's not that simple nor is the decision making process a quick one. We track everything and I mean everything to create the clearest picture possible on how everyone plays the game. It's an overwhelming amount of info not just did X skip through y presentation.

We've catered to OS community a lot over the years and continue to do so. Every secret CD is 75% filled with representatives from OS. There isn't another community with that much representation that we listen to.

However the OS community represents less than 1% of the people who play the game. So there will be decisions you like and some that you don't like. It's impossible to do everything and equally as impossible to please everyone. But we'll continue to try.
Thanks for explaining this Ramone, I appreciate it. And I do realize you guys have always been great at giving us as many gameplay options as possible, the multiple control schemes are proof of that. If one of those options in 16 turns out to be full cutscenes, hey, all the better.
# 65 Factzzz @ 01/23/16 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by russilini
...have the catcher go out to the mound to stall...
There really should be catcher/pitcher interactions.
# 66 TheWarmWind @ 01/24/16 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by russilini
thats stupid , you should be able to challenge any play you want as long as you have a challenge...the show always gives us bits and pieces...you should be able to have the manager argue...have the catcher go out to the mound to stall...on a bigger scale...you should be able to relocate...have your league expand...they dont have any meaning full add on...so players have to recreate 1986 rosters...you should be able to buy rosters by the season...stadiums..old uniforms...i hate that san diego studios doesn't step up its game...really hate it...baseball need more completion....its like no viedo games have competition...its the show...its madden...its 2k basket ball... and fifa....and they all do as little as possible to sell the next version and then charge us to play on line WTF
I can't...

I can't stop staring at it.

You did it internet. You broke me.

I'm so sorry OS. I couldn't help myself. I tried. I really did.

That's stupid, you should be able to challenge any play you want as long as you have a challenge. The show always gives us bits and pieces. You should be able to have the manager argue and have the catcher go out to the mound to stall. On a bigger scale (?). You should be able to relocate and have your league expand. They don't have any meaningful add-on so players have to recreate 1986 rosters. You should be able to buy rosters by the season along with stadiums and old uniforms. I hate that San Diego Studios doesn't step up its game, I really hate it.

Baseball needs more compitition. It's like no video games have competition. It's The Show, Madden, 2k basket ball and Fifa: they all do as little as possible to sell the next version and then charge us to play on line WTF.

I feel so dirty.
# 67 Spokker @ 01/24/16 02:44 AM
Is the discussion over speeding up the game and removing some cutscenes based on anything real? I can't tell.

This is probably the biggest thing I'm afraid of. I tend to watch cutscenes during big moments or on weekends. During the week I tend to skip more to get a game in more quickly on a work night. Then I sometimes skip near the end of a cut scene. OK, trim some cutscenes if you must but I hope that isn't counted as a full skip in the analytics.
# 68 Turbojugend @ 01/24/16 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Spokker
Is the discussion over speeding up the game and removing some cutscenes based on anything real? I can't tell.
This occured between 14 and 15, I believe that's where the discussion started.
# 69 tessl @ 01/24/16 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
It's not that simple. Many features are not something you can just drop in and forget. There is normally some amount of maintenance that must be done due to various reasons. So, we have to consider if it is preferable to allocate resources to carry out this maintenance for a feature that <1 percent actually utilize or use them instead to improve features that are used/add features that are being requested...
Please keep manage mode in the game and I'll be a happy camper. There are things I'd like to see added, the main one being the ability to create a team in franchise mode similar to what is available in diamond dynasty but I'm far more worried about what might be removed than what will or won't be added.
# 70 countryboy @ 01/24/16 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by tessl
Please keep manage mode in the game and I'll be a happy camper. There are things I'd like to see added, the main one being the ability to create a team in franchise mode similar to what is available in diamond dynasty but I'm far more worried about what might be removed than what will or won't be added.
I don't think you have to worry about manage only mode disappearing
# 71 tessl @ 01/24/16 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I don't think you have to worry about manage only mode disappearing

I'm still paranoid from High Heat removing it in 2004 - and then going out of business.
# 72 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/24/16 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by russilini
thats stupid , you should be able to challenge any play you want as long as you have a challenge...the show always gives us bits and pieces...you should be able to have the manager argue...have the catcher go out to the mound to stall...on a bigger scale...you should be able to relocate...have your league expand...they dont have any meaning full add on...so players have to recreate 1986 rosters...you should be able to buy rosters by the season...stadiums..old uniforms...i hate that san diego studios doesn't step up its game...really hate it...baseball need more completion....its like no viedo games have competition...its the show...its madden...its 2k basket ball... and fifa....and they all do as little as possible to sell the next version and then charge us to play on line WTF
Do not understand the obsession with relocating teams, or making new teams. Relocation and expansion is a very, very rare thing in baseball.
# 73 Scott @ 01/24/16 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Do not understand the obsession with relocating teams, or making new teams. Relocation and expansion is a very, very rare thing in baseball.
I believe the people that want it, just want the option available.
# 74 Knight165 @ 01/24/16 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Do not understand the obsession with relocating teams, or making new teams. Relocation and expansion is a very, very rare thing in baseball.
This probably comes from a couple of things IMO....

1. Those who played All Star Baseball 2005. The expansion mode was just a HELL of a lot of fun. If it wasn't so cumbersome to hook up the XBox or PS2....I'd probably fire it up again.

2. Just an "alternate universe" .......I'm sure all of us love replicating the MLB....but to be able to or see another team relocate(and/or have two new teams enter into your league) at some point in your franchise is exciting. Same with a new stadium....I couldn't wait until (whatever year it was...I can't remember now) that the Mets and Yankees got their new stadiums in ASB2005!
Hearing the news that the Montreal Misfits and Louisiana Lumpfish are entering the league in 2021 and you have to figure out who to protect on your roster for the expansion draft(who remembers what big names were left unprotected in the real expansion draft? )....adds a great element.
It's just to spice things up!

# 75 countryboy @ 01/24/16 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
This probably comes from a couple of things IMO....

1. Those who played All Star Baseball 2005. The expansion mode was just a HELL of a lot of fun. If it wasn't so cumbersome to hook up the XBox or PS2....I'd probably fire it up again.

2. Just an "alternate universe" .......I'm sure all of us love replicating the MLB....but to be able to or see another team relocate(and/or have two new teams enter into your league) at some point in your franchise is exciting. Same with a new stadium....I couldn't wait until (whatever year it was...I can't remember now) that the Mets and Yankees got their new stadiums in ASB2005!
Hearing the news that the Montreal Misfits and Louisiana Lumpfish are entering the league in 2021 and you have to figure out who to protect on your roster for the expansion draft(who remembers what big names were left unprotected in the real expansion draft? )....adds a great element.
It's just to spice things up!

I still play from time to time my ASB 2005 expansion season with the Louisville Horseman. We play at Whitaker Grounds.

Love that game!
# 76 ShowTyme15 @ 01/24/16 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
This probably comes from a couple of things IMO....

1. Those who played All Star Baseball 2005. The expansion mode was just a HELL of a lot of fun. If it wasn't so cumbersome to hook up the XBox or PS2....I'd probably fire it up again.

2. Just an "alternate universe" .......I'm sure all of us love replicating the MLB....but to be able to or see another team relocate(and/or have two new teams enter into your league) at some point in your franchise is exciting. Same with a new stadium....I couldn't wait until (whatever year it was...I can't remember now) that the Mets and Yankees got their new stadiums in ASB2005!
Hearing the news that the Montreal Misfits and Louisiana Lumpfish are entering the league in 2021 and you have to figure out who to protect on your roster for the expansion draft(who remembers what big names were left unprotected in the real expansion draft? )....adds a great element.
It's just to spice things up!

Carlos Beltran always went unprotected. I always drafted him.
# 77 ozcore @ 01/24/16 05:04 PM
soif i understand correctly it'll be only 1st base calls??? like last year???
# 78 nemesis04 @ 01/24/16 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by ozcore
soif i understand correctly it'll be only 1st base calls??? like last year???
That is correct.
# 79 Scott @ 01/24/16 05:09 PM
I didn't get the game last year, so this will all be new to me

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# 80 ozcore @ 01/24/16 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
That is correct.
so exactly as someone said earlier why put it in at all. just remove the 1st base calls cause its not fun

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