MLB The Show 16 News Post

For those of you hoping for more variety and options for the Instant Replay Challenge System in MLB The Show 16, the team mentioned on Twitter, that the plays that can be challenged are the same as last year. Which means, certain close plays at first base can be challenged by the user, home runs will once again be challenged automatically.

With that said, we expect to hear plenty of news on MLB The Show 16 in about a week or two.

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Member Comments
# 1 WaitTilNextYear @ 01/21/16 03:11 AM
He said the Rogers Centre dirt infield will make it in, so that should make the swarms of Jays fans on here happy.
# 2 TheWarmWind @ 01/21/16 08:41 AM
Too bad, but not the worst news ever.
# 3 chaz526 @ 01/21/16 10:18 AM
This is probably something very difficult to do from a physics engine/programming standpoint. Honestly, I'd rather see umpires always get the calls right (other than the variable ball/strike calls).
# 4 ShowTyme15 @ 01/21/16 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by TheWarmWind
Too bad, but not the worst news ever.
This will be a reason some people don't purchase 16. You'd be amazed.
# 5 Armor and Sword @ 01/21/16 12:19 PM
Slight letdown. I was hoping we would have more options and have a real MLB replay system.

But not awful news in the least bit.

Bring on the fact sheet Russell!!!!
# 6 nemesis04 @ 01/21/16 12:42 PM
I would think the return on properly programming all the scenarios is more trouble than it is worth.
# 7 vidgames @ 01/21/16 12:47 PM
Ok I am ready for some positive news now.
# 8 ryanmc564 @ 01/21/16 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by vidgames
Ok I am ready for some positive news now.
Dugouts will look better in 16, closed roofs are a thing now, those are some positives.
# 9 tnixen @ 01/21/16 02:19 PM
I think Sony maybe should have waited to even put Instant Replay Challenge System into MLB The Show until it could be done right. Because in it's current form it not really that great.
# 10 PsychoBulk @ 01/21/16 04:04 PM
Meh, its replay.

Aint really important in the grand scheme of things considering the variables programming it would probably take, resources wise.
# 11 Factzzz @ 01/21/16 04:08 PM
Lmfao, the lack of improvements announced so far coupled with the amount of "no" answers to things is becoming comical at this point.

Hopefully a storm of good news will follow soon, with the fact sheet and streams and all of that.
# 12 Scott @ 01/21/16 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Lmfao, the lack of improvements announced so far coupled with the amount of "no" answers to things is becoming comical at this point.

Hopefully a storm of good news will follow soon, with the fact sheet and streams and all of that.
If you were to ask some people about the improvements, all they would mention would be updated roster...Quite amusing.
# 13 tnixen @ 01/21/16 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Lmfao, the lack of improvements announced so far coupled with the amount of "no" answers to things is becoming comical at this point.

Hopefully a storm of good news will follow soon, with the fact sheet and streams and all of that.

Don't worry the Fact Sheet is when most of the new info is released

It's the same every year.
# 14 Factzzz @ 01/21/16 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by tnixen
Don't worry the Fact Sheet is when most of the new info is released

It's the same every year.
I'm not really worried, they already announced they have new brands in the game, as well as the fact that they have a whole stream dedicated to RTTS improvements is enough for me to be excited about this years game.

But some of the news coming out is a bit concerning still, like i still don't understand how they haven't added any uniform slots for the third year in a row now, extremely disappointing. Now this news too, just not a realistic representation of real life at all.
# 15 vidgames @ 01/21/16 05:06 PM
Hopefully when the fact sheet comes out we don't hear "improved logic" as much as we did last year. We need something like "complete overhaul" in the stats department...new hitting, piching, and fielding options. I have a feeling something huge will be on that fact sheet! Oh ya and put those new Sunday Mariners jerseys in. If the jersey slot is an issue you can easily take one of their other jersey options out that nobody uses.
# 16 Scott @ 01/21/16 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by vidgames
Hopefully when the fact sheet comes out we don't hear "improved logic" as much as we did last year. We need something like "complete overhaul" in the stats department...new hitting, piching, and fielding options. I have a feeling something huge will be on that fact sheet! Oh ya and put those new Sunday Mariners jerseys in. If the jersey slot is an issue you can easily take one of their other jersey options out that nobody uses.
They can't just take a jersey out, they have to follow the MLB Style Guide.
# 17 dran1984 @ 01/21/16 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
They can't just take a jersey out, they have to follow the MLB Style Guide.
Yes they can. Just because a jersey is in the style guide doesn't mean they have to include it in the game. Most,if not all, the alternates that are not in the game are in the style guide. I'm pretty sure he was referring to one of the throwback jersey slots..which makes sense.
# 18 vidgames @ 01/21/16 05:45 PM
Yes, take a classic jersey slot out.
# 19 Bobhead @ 01/21/16 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I would think the return on properly programming all the scenarios is more trouble than it is worth.
Then why put it in at all? I honestly rather they have left it out entirely instead of exclusively boring me to death with the same silly first base thing over and over, especially since it can't be skipped.

It's a feature that only makes sense in its entirety. Now I just challenge everything at first because I literally have no where else to use it.

If they have no intention of finishing it I'm not sure why they started it.
# 20 Pompeo89 @ 01/21/16 08:54 PM
Are they changing anything this year? Not like this matters but every post is just about things that won't be in the game

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