MLB The Show 16 News Post

For those of you hoping for more variety and options for the Instant Replay Challenge System in MLB The Show 16, the team mentioned on Twitter, that the plays that can be challenged are the same as last year. Which means, certain close plays at first base can be challenged by the user, home runs will once again be challenged automatically.

With that said, we expect to hear plenty of news on MLB The Show 16 in about a week or two.

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Member Comments
# 41 ryan36 @ 01/22/16 05:09 PM
I agree... two new game modes, added to IK engine, and PBR don't sound like much of anything.
# 42 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/22/16 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by ryanmc564
or Carlos Beltrans mole not being big enough on the side of his face.

okay that one I made up.
Well now that you mention it. It isn't big enough. That's it I'm sticking with 15.
# 43 decga @ 01/23/16 10:21 AM
Well it slows down the game in real life and it would do the same in the video game. Many people like a fast game pace. I.E. quick count feature. Not for me! All out true sim, but its cool to leave like it is. Maybe they activated for all the bases....
# 44 Blzer @ 01/23/16 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by capa
True. SDS will tell you that their data indicates that people skip cut scenes, etc and the feedback is that people want the game to play faster. Simple solution really...keep the OPTION to play either way in the game. No brainer really. But I think we will continue to see changes, especially online, that make for faster more streamlined gameplay.
That sounds like the easy route (and the preferred one for many of us, as there are times I like to skip and other times I don't), but storage memory has to be considered here.

I wish more developers saw data like this though, then more FPS titles would have a Legacy stick option.

As long as us offline players can choose how we want to play, then great! Once the options disappear and the manufacturer thinks they know best on how people should play the game, then that's when the title "jumps the shark" in my opinion. I used the love the real-time feature that was in a few years ago...made the game seem so realistic.

It's all about options which SDS has been pretty good about up to now.

Speaking of real time, I miss what the 2K franchise started in 2K9. They went away from it, and I thought it could have been something really special. Apparently it was a no-go for them though, and they too decided to ditch it.
# 45 Godgers12 @ 01/23/16 12:09 PM
Well, not getting the game now. What a pity.
# 46 Blzer @ 01/23/16 12:15 PM
Personally, as far as the "no upfront fact sheet," that's fine by me. I prefer keeping things hidden. I always get to refer back to it, but the ESPN NFL Football viral marketing campaign strategy was the most fun I had for a game pre-release, besides that of ESPN NFL 2K5 when they threw out the $20 pitch. Getting everything upfront spoils what else there may be to look forward to. I think it's a great decision to go this route.

I'm guessing they also don't want to over-promise and under-deliver. There are times that bullet points on the fact sheet did not make the final version of the game for one reason or another. It's also good damage control. The second something isn't in the game based on that sheet, they are bombarded or questioned. Getting the info out weekly gets them to explain their development cycle on that part so we become more forgiving as a result, and that is perfectly okay with me.

Originally Posted by Godgers12
Well, not getting the game now. What a pity.
# 47 Woodweaver @ 01/23/16 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by capa
True. SDS will tell you that their data indicates that people skip cut scenes, etc and the feedback is that people want the game to play faster. Simple solution really...keep the OPTION to play either way in the game. No brainer really. But I think we will continue to see changes, especially online, that make for faster more streamlined gameplay.

As long as us offline players can choose how we want to play, then great! Once the options disappear and the manufacturer thinks they know best on how people should play the game, then that's when the title "jumps the shark" in my opinion. I used the love the real-time feature that was in a few years ago...made the game seem so realistic.

It's all about options which SDS has been pretty good about up to now.


It's not that simple. Many features are not something you can just drop in and forget. There is normally some amount of maintenance that must be done due to various reasons. So, we have to consider if it is preferable to allocate resources to carry out this maintenance for a feature that <1 percent actually utilize or use them instead to improve features that are used/add features that are being requested...
# 48 Bullit @ 01/23/16 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
It's not that simple many features are not something you can just drop in and forget about. There is normally some amount of maintenance that must be done due to various reasons. So we have to consider if it is preferable to allocate resources to carry out this maintenance for a feature that <1 percent actually utilize, or use them instead to improve features that are used/add features that are being requested...
While I do agree with you in theory, I don't think the data tells the whole story.

Take for example the hitting x to skip thru scenes. I am one who prefers the game to play out as close to real life as possible. I enjoy the cut scenes. I treasure my time to spend an 1 1/2 hours to play a game, even 2 hours is fine with me.

I do find myself hitting x sometimes but it honestly has nothing to do with skipping a scene. It is usually to skip the annoying( in my opinion) commentary. I get so tired of the commentary that barely a game goes by that I don't turn them off unless something big is in the works. But when I do turn them off I never hit the x button.

While your stats say that players hit the x button to play quicker games. That may not be the whole story. I love your game and will most likely always buy it. But I, personally, am not in favor of taking features out to make gameplay quicker. To me it takes away the very essence of my enjoyment of Baseball.
# 49 Woodweaver @ 01/23/16 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
While I do agree with you in theory, I don't think the data tells the whole story.

Take for example the hitting x to skip thru scenes. I am one who prefers the game to play out as close to real life as possible. I enjoy the cut scenes. I treasure my time to spend an 1 1/2 hours to play a game, even 2 hours is fine with me.

I do find myself hitting x sometimes but it honestly has nothing to do with skipping a scene. It is usually to skip the annoying( in my opinion) commentary. I get so tired of the commentary that barely a game goes by that I don't turn them off unless something big is in the works. But when I do turn them off I never hit the x button.

While your stats say that players hit the x button to play quicker games. That may not be the whole story. I love your game and will most likely always buy it. But I, personally, am not in favor of taking features out to make gameplay quicker. To me it takes away the very essence of my enjoyment of Baseball.

I understand what you are saying. We have these very same discussions and do not make these kind decisions lightly! There are other factors/input considered besides telemetrics.
# 50 Bullit @ 01/23/16 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Woodweaver
I understand what you are saying. We have these very same discussions and do not make these kind decisions lightly! There are other factors/input considered besides telemetriics.
Thank you. I am sure there are many factors invoived, I did not mean to imply there weren't.

I was just concerned because everyone always says "you hit x to get thru the scenes to make game-play quicker" which is just not always the case. I am guilty of it as well. I will start a game when I know I have nowhere near the time to finish it comfortably, but that is one of the things I always like about this game where the options that allowed us to play the way we each wanted to play.

It is when some of these options are taken away that I think people, myself included get worried or upset. Some folks on here get stuck in "well they took out the way I like to play so I am going to rant about it all year". I was very disappointed that you all took out the full analog swing this year. But I experimented and found another way to play that I enjoyed. But do I wish the option had been left in? Sure!

I played 3 full seasons this year in 15 and I really enjoyed the game. But I ended up back in 14 because I missed the things you took out more than I enjoyed the new. That is the first time I have ever gone back to an older version once the new one has come out. For me that speaks volumes and I hope it doesn't happen this year as well.

PS Im done this isn't the thread for this but since you responded it was easier than pm or posting elsewhere
# 51 Turbojugend @ 01/23/16 02:55 PM
I would like to echo what Bullit said. I'm also one of those that enjoys a fully uninterrupted game whenever time permits. However, that is not always the case, and it does irk me a bit to know that skipping through scenes when I'm pressed for time basically counts as a downvote toward the full game experience. There should be a better barometer.
# 52 Russell_SCEA @ 01/23/16 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Turbojugend
I would like to echo what Bullit said. I'm also one of those that enjoys a fully uninterrupted game whenever time permits. However, that is not always the case, and it does irk me a bit to know that skipping through scenes when I'm pressed for time basically counts as a downvote toward the full game experience. There should be a better barometer.
It's not that simple nor is the decision making process a quick one. We track everything and I mean everything to create the clearest picture possible on how everyone plays the game. It's an overwhelming amount of info not just did X skip through y presentation.

We've catered to OS community a lot over the years and continue to do so. Every secret CD is 75% filled with representatives from OS. There isn't another community with that much representation that we listen to.

However the OS community represents less than 1% of the people who play the game. So there will be decisions you like and some that you don't like. It's impossible to do everything and equally as impossible to please everyone. But we'll continue to try.
# 53 Bobhead @ 01/23/16 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I believe originally the goal was to complete the whole thing but it became a labor intensive project so it sounds like they had to cut bait. You can stop the replay from playing by changing the umpire option to always correct calls on the bases.
That's fair, I just wonder what their plan is now going forward. Are they going to leave the barely-finished 1st base replay system in the game? Or are they going to take it out?

Also disabling blown calls has a ton of other ramifications beyond just the replay system. There are incorrect calls all over the game, which I like (they just can't be challenged). I wouldn't want to remove that human element entirely.

I don't want to give off the impression that my heart is broken by this news. I'm more just surprised than anything. SCEA rarely changes their course in this manner.

I do still want a proper replay system. I think it would be an interesting and fun feature. But, if such a project would have taken resources away from improving ball physics, core mechanics, and key game modes like franchise mode, then SCEA undoubtedly made the right decision. A replay system is like a hot tub. We all want one, but it's not going to make or break your decision to buy or sell a home. There's far more important things, and I'd rather have a great home first.
# 54 Factzzz @ 01/23/16 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Numbers being too low on the back, and the stripe on the Twins pants come to mind.
Yeah these things come to mind as things that shouldn't be an issue on a next gen game in 2016.
# 55 agentlaw13 @ 01/23/16 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
However the OS community represents less than 1% of the people who play the game. So there will be decisions you like and some that you don't like. It's impossible to do everything and equally as impossible to please everyone. But we'll continue to try.
I believe this quote could be re-used a lot on this forum in the next few weeks.
# 56 kehlis @ 01/23/16 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by Factzzz
Yeah these things come to mind as things that shouldn't be an issue on a next gen game in 2016.
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
The OS community represents less than 1% of the people who play the game. So there will be decisions you like and some that you don't like. It's impossible to do everything and equally as impossible to please everyone. But we'll continue to try.

# 57 redsox4evur @ 01/23/16 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by agentlaw13
I believe this quote could be re-used a lot on this forum in the next few weeks.
Change forum to site and next few weeks to forever and I can 100% agree with you.
# 58 bronxbombers21325 @ 01/23/16 06:11 PM
Ok I'm confused. I haven't read the entire thread. But I do not skip any cut scenes at all. I actually enjoy long games. Are they removing cut scenes, or something else to make the game play faster?
# 59 Bullit @ 01/23/16 06:18 PM
Ok I'm confused. I haven't read the entire thread. But I do not skip any cut scenes at all. I actually enjoy long games. Are they removing cut scenes, or something else to make the game play faster?

Not that we are of aware of. Sorry I got off topic with WoodWeaver and it kind of snowballed.
# 60 agentlaw13 @ 01/23/16 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Ok I'm confused. I haven't read the entire thread. But I do not skip any cut scenes at all. I actually enjoy long games. Are they removing cut scenes, or something else to make the game play faster?

Don't believe they are removing cut scenes. The topic of improving the replay challenge system turned into how the majority of the games users (****** players) skip most cutscenes and the instant replay challenges. Instead of improving or expanding the challenge system for 16, the development team concentrated on other areas of the game. The replay challenge system is pretty much gonna be the same as 15, which I personally don't have a problem with.

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