Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR News Post

Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR is available today for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. We wanted to open a new discussion for those of you that didn't get a chance to try out the EA Access trial.

Get in a few rounds and post your impressions.

For those of you that have missed out on the recent news about the game, we've highlighted some of them below.For more news and media on the game, check out the Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR page.

Game: Rory McIlroy PGA TOURReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 12 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 Brian Gee @ 07/16/15 01:13 PM
The limitations of the create a golfer really kill career mode for me. I'm plying with such a doody looking guy no matter what and on top of that he's beyond obnoxious. He does the robot like three times a round after making a par and goes bezel on birdie putts that pull me into a tie for 7th.

I wouldn't root for that guy in real life!
# 222 VTKombat @ 07/16/15 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Well for Pros, the course is the difficulty level. Look at the scores and the John Deere. -15 to -20 for the week by a bunch of relative no names.

I understand your point, golf is a hard game and the slightest miscue can cause an errant shot, really errant round ruining shot at any time.

I am on the fence about buying this game. But I see your point, everything should have to be perfect to go below par on the harder courses because the miss window is much smaller because of the course. It should be a combination of the course and shot mechanics.
Spieth put a few in the rough at the John deere and still made some birdies. The pros nail 8 foot putts like they are nothing but I struggle with anything over 5 ft with a break in rmpga. Helps keep my scores in check. I checked the stats and my FIR is 79 percent which is good for first but my GIR is much less and is around 60th best in the league. By no means a cakewalk but I think the drives could be a little more punishing.
# 223 Stormyhog @ 07/16/15 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by pietasterp
I have to agree with this in principle. I guess I understand why 3-click seems 'last gen' or 'old school', because it was basically the first control scheme ever invented for golf games (going back to "Leaderboard Golf") and is essentially unchanged for the last 3 decades. But is moving an analog thumbstick down-then-up really that much more 'realistic' or 'next-gen'?

I think it's accurate to say that a golf swing is primarily about timing and precision. To me, the best way to "test" or "represent" timing and precision is 3-click - initiating your backswing, stopping at a certain specific point of your backswing, and hitting an impact point ('releasing your hands' if you want to think of it that way). These are more or less perfectly represented by a 3-click swing in my opinion, and that's probably why that scheme has been unchanged for decades. They got it right the first time.

Thumbstick swings might seem more representative of a golf swing because you are 'sweeping' a stick through a back-and-forth motion, but thumbsticks are very imprecise (tons of 'dead zone' movement inherent in thumbsticks, as anyone that's tried to play a FPS on console will attest) and the timing/rhythm involved - at least in most modern games - is not at all representative of a real golf swing IMO. There's no sense of an impact point, and given the imprecision inherent in thumbsticks, there's no real way to "feel" the difference between a 50% swing and 75% swing (although that distinction is very clear IRL).

For me, other than mouse-based swings or the Wii-advanced swing (or whatever that add-on dongle was called), 3-click remains the most realistic/best way to play golf games.

Now get off my lawn!....
I enjoy the 3 click method as well just because it's an older method doesn't mean it's no good. I also enjoy using the sticks to swing but I feel I have more control & understanding in what I'm trying to do with 3 click. We still have options to use buttons to throw a ball in madden, shoot a ball in soccer, basketball & hitting a ball in The Show so why not golf. My favorite game for using the analog sticks is for shooting in NHL. It just all comes down to preference really but for me the old ways are still just as rewarding as the new ones. As long as we have the options to play the way we want I think most will find comfort in the method of choice.
# 224 VTKombat @ 07/16/15 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by kerowack
The limitations of the create a golfer really kill career mode for me. I'm plying with such a doody looking guy no matter what and on top of that he's beyond obnoxious. He does the robot like three times a round after making a par and goes bezel on birdie putts that pull me into a tie for 7th.

I wouldn't root for that guy in real life!

I know. I'm a 35 year old white dude and my created guy looks like a balding 48 year old Greek man. The creator is very weak. I miss gameface!
# 225 PRO_TOO @ 07/16/15 01:56 PM
Its the combination of skin tone and head. Try multiple setups. My dude is looking fine, for what there to tinker with. It's not much but will be more for sure. You can even change it later on. So keep playing with you Freddy Krugers till there are more options.
# 226 Klocker @ 07/16/15 02:07 PM
Gotta say they way the menus are always available and that there is really no noticeable time wasting loading (except for the clever filling up ball washer notices etch lol). Is pretty cool. Whatever course you are on, it just loads the menu over top of it whereby you can edit players or change modes from there.

Well done. Also nice little ui touches like returning you to the last changed toggle in setting up your game play, easy to tweak
# 227 vmoney883 @ 07/16/15 02:47 PM
I must admit I find it mind blowing how many people have brought this game in the hope of DLC...... Just does not make sense to me. Surely you would wait for the DLC to be released or at least wait until they announce when & what it would be? It's obvious from all the reviews that without any the game is terrible.
That said I do feel sorry for my friends across the pond who got burnt by this game, thankfully being from the UK I have been able to cancel my pre order. Still disappointed though as I love golf games but thankful to these reviews that I have managed to save £45.00. I do hope they release DLC soon but to be honest with fifa/ madden on the horizon you will be waiting months. Focus is elsewhere now.
# 228 brandon27 @ 07/16/15 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by vmoney883
I must admit I find it mind blowing how many people have brought this game in the hope of DLC...... Just does not make sense to me. Surely you would wait for the DLC to be released or at least wait until they announce when & what it would be? It's obvious from all the reviews that without any the game is terrible.
That said I do feel sorry for my friends across the pond who got burnt by this game, thankfully being from the UK I have been able to cancel my pre order. Still disappointed though as I love golf games but thankful to these reviews that I have managed to save £45.00. I do hope they release DLC soon but to be honest with fifa/ madden on the horizon you will be waiting months. Focus is elsewhere now.
I'm not sure how this is an impression of the game...

Secondly, focus is elsewhere now? Huh? Madden and NHL are made in different divisions of EA with different developers and everything. Those titles have nothing to do with this one.

Maybe give the game a try yourself first. Borrow it, rent it, something. It's really nowhere near as bad as people make it out to believe. As someone who's played about 45 rounds of golf in the game already, I'm very comfortable in saying that. I'm sure many others are as well.

What kills me, is comments like this, and some of the videos of people playing the game saying it's too easy, when they're playing it in arcade mode. I hate that people are forming their own impressions on a game they haven't played based on some of these things. not saying you are, but many people are, and it's too bad really, because it's a misinformed view. I guess that's on EA though for making the Arcade settings the default, and on people for not changing them to suit their own play style. Personally, that's one of the things I enjoy most about this game, the ability to basically change all the settings and aids yourself to tailor the game to your own play style.

To each their own, I get that, but I'm just saying, maybe give it a try first. Yes it's lacking in content at this point, but it still plays a really good game of golf in my opinion.
# 229 pencerm @ 07/16/15 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by vmoney883
I must admit I find it mind blowing how many people have brought this game in the hope of DLC...... Just does not make sense to me. Surely you would wait for the DLC to be released or at least wait until they announce when & what it would be? It's obvious from all the reviews that without any the game is terrible.
That said I do feel sorry for my friends across the pond who got burnt by this game, thankfully being from the UK I have been able to cancel my pre order. Still disappointed though as I love golf games but thankful to these reviews that I have managed to save £45.00. I do hope they release DLC soon but to be honest with fifa/ madden on the horizon you will be waiting months. Focus is elsewhere now.
I bought it because it's fun right now and I am 100% sure more courses will be added. I don't care if I have to wait a few months. These 12 courses will last me. You don't own the game, you've never played the game, and it doesn't sound like you have any intention of buying it any time soon. I don't think this thread was meant for you. But thanks for your contribution.
# 230 Madd4400 @ 07/16/15 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by DivotMaker
Why are you looking at your Golfer's FEET? He does not swing the club with his feet. I hope they give the option to remove the green ball, but I don't see it anyway, so I am good either way....LOL...."too close to my golfer's feet"....
Originally Posted by brandon27
I'm not sure how this is an impression of the game...

Secondly, focus is elsewhere now? Huh? Madden and NHL are made in different divisions of EA with different developers and everything. Those titles have nothing to do with this one.

Maybe give the game a try yourself first. Borrow it, rent it, something. It's really nowhere near as bad as people make it out to believe. As someone who's played about 45 rounds of golf in the game already, I'm very comfortable in saying that. I'm sure many others are as well.

What kills me, is comments like this, and some of the videos of people playing the game saying it's too easy, when they're playing it in arcade mode. I hate that people are forming their own impressions on a game they haven't played based on some of these things. not saying you are, but many people are, and it's too bad really, because it's a misinformed view. I guess that's on EA though for making the Arcade settings the default, and on people for not changing them to suit their own play style. Personally, that's one of the things I enjoy most about this game, the ability to basically change all the settings and aids yourself to tailor the game to your own play style.

To each their own, I get that, but I'm just saying, maybe give it a try first. Yes it's lacking in content at this point, but it still plays a really good game of golf in my opinion.
Amen bro thx you. Well said
# 231 vmoney883 @ 07/16/15 03:14 PM
I guess we will wait and see on DLC, but my bet is it will be near nothing until November time.
Absolutely focus is elsewhere, when I say the word 'focus' it also equates to budget. It does not take a genius to work out that this game has been built off a budget extremely small in comparison to the two games I mentioned and probably in comparison to previous TW games. Just look at the official golfers they have? Pat Rodgers is one of 13? Compare that to Fifa rights and licencing.
Its because of this I just cannot see them spending significant money on DLC ie not getting the Augusta rights prior to release. That there shows there ambition for the game. Just my opinion but without any announcements as to what they will be releasing and when its to be released. I just do not see there being lots of significant DLC (courses) in the near future.
I do not want to ruin the fun for anybody enjoying this game, it's great that you do, and on top of that I hope I am proven very wrong but sadly I do not see that being the case.
# 232 Stormyhog @ 07/16/15 03:20 PM
I went into the game knowing that it was lacking in areas but I still really enjoy the on the course gameplay. The graphics are great & I like the control mechanics & the customization of settings to get the game to play the way you want it. I to wish it was more fully featured but it doesn't make it a terrible playing game in my opinion.
# 233 oldman @ 07/16/15 03:27 PM
Okay, since release the only game I have played on ps4 is Rory. I am probably sitting at around 20 rounds right now and here are my impressions.

1. The game is beautiful. It is the best looking golf game, they did a great job with it. The atmosphere is nice during tournaments. Commentary is good early on, but after you have played around 20 rounds it starts to wear thin which is not uncommon.

2. The game is fun. It is different than the other game but it is fun and I am glad that I bought it. If you try and compare it to The Golf Club you will get frustrated and #3 is why.

3. The swing mechanics are a little strange. The meter takes your eyes off the golfer. So instead of making sure that you have a proper takeway and backswing you end up watching the meter, if you watch the golfer instead you almost always over swing, there is not a good feel for that.

4. The follow through feels rushed. When your meter fills up you have to slam the stick forward to get a perfect follow through. I am playing about one step below the hardest possible settings and I still rarely get a perfect follow through. The follow through does not feel natural or smooth at all doing it like this makes it feel jerky. I think that if I tried to replicate this in real life I would mi**** on every swing.

5. You get punished for bad swings different than what people that have played the other game are used to. In the other game hooks and slices happen. On this game a hook and slice is not as pronounced or as common when you mis swing, instead you are punished by distance. Also, I think when you do hook and slice it is harder to recognize because of the camera angle (not saying that is a negative, just adding my 2 cents).

6. Putting is simple. Putting is fun in this game. Something that in real life and the other game it can be the most frustrating experience is turned into a simple, fun exercise here. Do I like it? Meh, it is okay, but sinking birdies and eagles from long distance makes you feel good at the end of a round.

7. The career mode is limited, but it is worth it. I am enjoying it so far, I just went head to head with Rory at Bay Hill up until 18, it was a great tournament experience with me winning with a birdie on 18! There are things missing that puzzle me but I am enjoying it nonetheless.

8. Wildcard, will the support and add to this game as they did with UFC? Or will what we have be what we are stuck with?

Final thoughts: To me, this is more of a pick up and play game that is easy to get into rather than a take time to grind out rounds until you master it and become really good at it. It is a fun game, I think it is worth a purchase if you have the itch for a second golf game.
# 234 PRO_TOO @ 07/16/15 03:43 PM
When you say you set it to nearly the hardest difficult, how do I do that?! I set it to tour controls and that's it. Any changes I can make?!

The daily tournament with mcilroy was easy. Trying now with my created character.

What's the difference in payout when using mcilroy or my character?!

So many questions. And nearly nothing gets answered here. cmon guys. Help me out. Plz.
# 235 oldman @ 07/16/15 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by PRO_TOO
When you say you set it to nearly the hardest difficult, how do I do that?! I set it to tour controls and that's it. Any changes I can make?!

The daily tournament with mcilroy was easy. Trying now with my created character.

What's the difference in payout when using mcilroy or my character?!

So many questions. And nearly nothing gets answered here. cmon guys. Help me out. Plz.
I am not looking at my system right now but if I remember correctly go to your settings and under gameplay style create a custom setting that you are comfortable with. I think the top one is called Tour mode, select it and then you can adjust almost anything. You can adjust how difficult it is to get a full swing, if you are punished with distance and so on.
# 236 PRO_TOO @ 07/16/15 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by oldman
I am not looking at my system right now but if I remember correctly go to your settings and under gameplay style create a custom setting that you are comfortable with. I think the top one is called Tour mode, select it and then you can adjust almost anything. You can adjust how difficult it is to get a full swing, if you are punished with distance and so on.
Ah. Alright. I get it. Thx.

I left the greens and stuff to normal. Maybe I'll try fast. Will have a look into it.
# 237 hawley088 @ 07/16/15 08:53 PM
How's the play from the rough and sand? Do you still have to do some math based on the lie and club length or is it just set it and swing? I haven't played in a couple years but I used to love being stuck inbetween clubs and having to nail a 70 percent swing, is that still part of the game?
# 238 OnlookerDelay @ 07/16/15 09:14 PM
(Originally Posted by DivotMaker)
Why are you looking at your Golfer's FEET? He does not swing the club with his feet. I hope they give the option to remove the green ball, but I don't see it anyway, so I am good either way....LOL...."too close to my golfer's feet"....
Originally Posted by Madd4400
Amen bro thx you. Well said
I was the idiot who made the original statement to which DivotMaker is responding. I think I might have played better if I'd have quit looking at my golfer's feet during the swing...

Seriously though, I did a very poor job of expressing what I was trying to communicate... I *meant* to say that I have a hard time ignoring the swing fill meter during the swing, even though it's beneath my golfer's feet. A person with an average or better level of concentration should be able to ignore the meter if they're trying, since it's that far away, but I'll confess that I'm less than average in the concentration department. Hopefully, that doesn't sound quite as idiotic, does it?
# 239 calbearlover @ 07/16/15 09:53 PM
3-Click Impression

Tee to green the gameplay is very good on 3-click. You actually do spray the ball sometimes left or right which is what I look for in a golf game and became very frustrated with in The Golf Club.

Now the short game and putting is easier on this game but that's much better than having tee to green being easy and boring and the putting and short game being much harder.

It is a very fun and exciting golf experience and having the crowds and presentation is a much needed change from The Golf Club and Perfect Golf which I'm currently playing.

Now with that said, the game is far from perfect. As many have stated the game needs many more courses, a more robust career, more difficulty options added, and overall more options for us to play how we want to play.

Lastly I'd like to let people know out there how to play this game at the hardest difficulty since it still seems to be discussed. Bear in mind I'm a 3-clicker so how this applies to swing stick im not sure. Go into settings and custom set up. Set everything off or to hardest difficulty (I play with green grid on).

When you set up your shot for some reason its already set up to dial a distance for you (Lame). All you have to do (PS4) is hit square and it maxes out the distance for the club you have. Now from there you can change type of shot to what you want or loft or deloft the club. Now you actually have to think about your shot and how hard to hit it on the meter. I use the same method for putting and pitching. Chipping since there's different roll outs depending upon the lie I will actually dial a distance and it's still hard to place it close.

Anyway A few house rules and its a very rewarding golf game so far. Here is to hoping EA does actually support this game with updates, patches, and much more DLC.
# 240 fistofrage @ 07/16/15 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by VTKombat
Spieth put a few in the rough at the John deere and still made some birdies. The pros nail 8 foot putts like they are nothing but I struggle with anything over 5 ft with a break in rmpga. Helps keep my scores in check. I checked the stats and my FIR is 79 percent which is good for first but my GIR is much less and is around 60th best in the league. By no means a cakewalk but I think the drives could be a little more punishing.
That's kind of my point. That course wasn't difficult so putting it in the rough still gave him shots at the pin, heck he even went up the other fairway in round 3 and dunked one in. For pros, the course is what makes golf hard for the pros. They hit some errant shots, but rarely multiple consecutive bad shots, if the course doesn't really penalize them for a bad shot, they are going to get right back to shooting darts on the next shot. On Sundays, the leaders are dunking 15+ footers like its a walk in the park. Infact, I'd almost say on the pro tour, the caddie is just as or maybe more important than the golfer in a lot of cases. They are the machine operator and the golfer is the machine. They tell the golfer exactly where to put it and the golfers for the most part can do that with regularity.

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