Madden NFL 16 News Post

Amazon has just released some of the new features for Madden NFL 16. There are some details on Total Control Passing, receiver and defender controls, playmaker broadcast and more.

Check out the details below and let us know what you think.

Be the playmaker in Madden NFL 16 with all-new controls that allow you to dominate in the battle for air supremacy. New QB mechanics including body-relative throws and touch passes provide unprecedented depth and control while under center. Combined with a new risk/reward catch and pass-defend system, get ready for the biggest WOW moments in franchise history.


New to Madden

Battle for Air Supremacy

Total Control Passing - Place the ball where only your receiver can get it with body-relative throws including high-point, low-point, back-shoulder, and the ever-popular touch pass. Become the ultimate dual-threat and terrorize defenses with new pressure avoidance and QB scramble controls.

Receiver/Defender Controls - Dictate the outcome of each passing play while the ball is in the air for the first time ever in Madden. For receivers, go for the highlight reel with the ‘aggressive’ catch or move the chains with the ‘possession catch’. On defense, disrupt the outcome of each play using the new ‘play ball’ and ‘hit receiver’ mechanics. Receivers and defenders deliver the most authentic exchanges to date with new press and zone-chuck interactions, contextual hand-fighting, and a variety of 2-man interactions at the catch point including pass interference penalties, tip balls, knock outs and simultaneous possession catches.

Playmaker Broadcast

Integrated Broadcast Graphics – Your playmaker highlight reel has arrived with new player spotlights, dynamic goals and achievements, and innovative on-the-field cameras bringing you closer to the game than ever before. Making plays has never been this much fun and rewarding!


Connected Franchise – Whether playing solo or online with friends, your quest to build an NFL dynasty comes complete with a brand new scouting and draft system as well as all-new dynamic goals throughout each game. Develop players with Game Prep and build your teams’ confidence through performance and front office transactions. Balance keeping players’ confidence up, to increase abilities and build player XP.

Madden Ultimate Team – Build your ultimate team with your favorite NFL players from the past and present while dominating the opposition in head-to-head seasons, solo challenges, and more. Earn coins to buy packs through the online store, where you can trade and auction off items on the road to building the Ultimate Team. Engage with the NFL year round thanks to live content and service updates in the fastest growing mode in Madden.

Skills Trainer – With 60+ tutorials and drills, Skills Trainer focuses on teaching the strategy behind different passing and run concepts, as well as how to play Madden for new users to the series. Fan favorite Gauntlet mode returns with all-new Boss Battles, Extra Life challenges and opportunities to jump or fall levels in a single play.

UPDATE: Pre-order info added based on details posted on EA's site.

"Madden NFL 16 is now available for pre-order at all major retailers, and fans who place their orders now will receive $15 in Ultimate Team content including 10 Pro Packs and a Playmaker Pack for use in Madden Ultimate Team (MUT). The Playmaker Pack grants fans with an Elite player who they can use to give their Ultimate Team an extra boost right out of the gate and start making the huge plays right away.

Those looking for even more content can upgrade to the Deluxe Edition, which ups the ante with 36 Pro Packs and a Playmaker Pack, all for $69.99."

Game: Madden NFL 16Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 24 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 jmurphy31 @ 05/13/15 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
They havent done that? The presentation is pretty much what you see on CBS. Similar graphics and announcers. They added a halftime show that wasnt great but a step in the right direction. There are plenty of stats throughout the game. They have the QB intros that look just like on TV. Different camera angles and broadcast camera angles that match the actual angles you see on TV.

I have a TON of issues with Madden but presentation isnt one of them.

Last year was an improvement BECAUSE they copied CBS for the most part, it's when EA tries to add their innovative or personal touch on presentation things get awkward. Remember the "beyond broadcast" presentation that lasted a year.

As for Stat banners. They should not be tied to a button. I hate that when I make pre snap adjustments, it cancels out or takes the banner off the screen. They should also relate more to your CFM than they currently do.

I also am not a fan of their "real life tie in " commentary. I wish it was more tied into your CFM.
# 62 aholbert32 @ 05/13/15 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by luckym
New feautures?? Hilarious.

Don't troll. Really This is the last warning
# 63 vrtkolman @ 05/13/15 08:19 PM
I'm hoping there are multiple options for touch passes rather than just lobbing Phillip Rivers' type ducks. I really want to be able to throw a normal pass higher than 6 feet in the air. It's so frustrating having a WR beat a CB off the ball and the pass getting knocked down by the CB in stride.
# 64 TMJOHNS18 @ 05/13/15 08:22 PM
I feel pass interference is only brought up due to the new DB interactions (namely 'hit receiver' ...mechanic?). Would obviously be needed to combat users abusing the new features. For people who don't control WRs and DBs (like in no switch leagues) I just hope AI isn't randomly hitting WRs and causing PI flags just to shove the new feature in our faces.

New scouting and drafting could be nice, skeptical me feels like entire game mode section is a copy and paste of last year, since scouting and drafting were altered I believe (less points, random classes, etc.).
# 65 jbd345 @ 05/13/15 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by MajorSupreme
I've always been confused about this. The source material for presentation is right there (minus Fox). No need to completely re-invent the wheel.
Exactly don't know why madden has to be its own thing. Especially when other ea sports titles have real presentation

NBA live: ESPN
And it looks like Rory Mcilroy will have the Golf Channel
I'm not sure on Fifa or UFC
# 66 aholbert32 @ 05/13/15 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by jbd345
Exactly don't know why madden has to be its own thing. Especially when other ea sports titles have real presentation

NBA live: ESPN
And it looks like Rory Mcilroy will have the Golf Channel
I'm not sure on Fifa or UFC
Fifa depends on the league. They have ESPN for MLS and the Premier League presentation for England.

The UFC has the standard UFC PPV presentation.

Also Madden pretty much just stole CBS presentation already so I'm confused why people are acting like Madden is its own thing.
# 67 tyberious4now @ 05/13/15 08:56 PM
Honestly I really enjoyed Madden 15 and even play it as of today...I believe they will improve in some areas and in other areas maybe not as much..

My only pet peeves are fixing the easy sack issue and actual game penalties...I understand other people's gripes,but for me I'm not interested in sleeves,socks and what ever else just gameplay. Fine tune that dev's and I will be buying Madden 16..

I know I might be in the minority but for me at the end of the day I view and play it as a Video game no more no less...

##Can't Wait!!!!
# 68 MajorSupreme @ 05/13/15 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Fifa depends on the league. They have ESPN for MLS and the Premier League presentation for England.

The UFC has the standard UFC PPV presentation.

Also Madden pretty much just stole CBS presentation already so I'm confused why people are acting like Madden is its own thing.
I'm sure many of us don't want "ripped-off" or your term "stolen" presentation. Authenticity should be/is the goal.
# 69 brandon27 @ 05/13/15 09:10 PM
Sounds like a good list, buy it always seems to. The real proof will be in how they execute it.

When I read scrambling controls, it terrifies me. All I can think about is the Mike Vick Madden issues.

The new scouting/draft really intrigues me. Should be interesting.

As for the pre-order content.. MEH. Couldn't care less. Give me something worthwhile.

Lots of time to go still, look forward to more detailed information on how this all gets executed.
# 70 trey2k198003 @ 05/13/15 09:13 PM
It's a snipit from Amazon calm down people more info to come lol the info you just got didn't come straight from ea so you can't expect ALL. The info lol
# 71 oneamongthefence @ 05/13/15 09:43 PM
Hopefully we have true highlight breakdowns through commentary. Not just a generic what a play!!! But commentary that explains how it was set up defensively and offensively in at least some detail. Madden 09 had something similar where Collinsworth broke down plays.
# 72 DukesofHazzard @ 05/13/15 09:44 PM
Looks like another no buy year for me again unless they implement the ability to b import draft classes from ncaa football 14 like they were talking about doing a few years back or adding the ability to create a draft class like nba 2k. We need a different company to make football.
# 73 JKSportsGamer1984 @ 05/13/15 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by JetLife6
in terms of the graphics sure... but madden's presentation is lather rinse repeat. Same intro.. outro every game (in madden 15). No team specific, player specific quirks and features when you play. They don't build on their presentation enhancements. The great camera work from madden 12 was basically abolished the next year. The team specific intros from 10-11 are all gone.

They lack variety in the presentation... and they lack it big time. Nothing is truly real time and immersive.
integrated playmaker cameras and 'innovative on-the-field cameras bringing you closer to the game than ever before...' doesn't sound like they are truly trying to replicate real NFL broadcasts.

'Welcome to madden.. brought to you by ea sports.. here on the ea sports network.' (what kind of immersion is that? we already bought the game.. i don't need to hear ea sports or see ea sports on any graphics during a game.)
Not to mention there are still no in game highlights from games around the league like that other football game the came out 10+ years ago on the PS2 smh. Hopefully they will surprise us & step it up this year in the presentation department (including improved Living Worlds)
# 74 Hooe @ 05/13/15 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by JKSportsGamer1984
Not to mention there are still no in game highlights from games around the league like that other football game the came out 10+ years ago on the PS2 smh. Hopefully they will surprise us & step it up this year in the presentation department (including improved Living Worlds)
This is false. No title in the history of football video games - including the game you are referring to - has featured in-game out-of-town video highlights. (weekly review highlights is a different story and explicitly not what I'm referring to here)

I don't anticipate in-game out-of-town highlights in Madden anytime soon either on account of the premium games place on graphical fidelity these days. During a weekly review show? Not outside of the realm of possibility, but I'm not betting on that either to be honest.
# 75 thiel82 @ 05/13/15 10:16 PM
Give me something better to beta test...errr...pre-order the game. Old stadiums or something. Tired of UT stuff. I have no intentions of ever playing online v randoms. I need something better or that $40 price point in late-September is looking better.
# 76 Hooe @ 05/13/15 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by bringbacksimfootball
Mmmmmm, I seem to recall either John Madden Football or Madden '92 on Genesis showing highlights from other games at halftime.
If so - that's about a year or two before my time, I stand corrected, and I appreciate the correction.

Certainly no games in any console generation following the Genesis / SNES era have included such, however, and as such I continue to not really expect the feature to appear in Madden NFL anytime soon.
# 77 Clappington @ 05/13/15 10:58 PM
Really hope team up is in this madden
# 78 kehlis @ 05/13/15 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by CM Hooe
If so - that's about a year or two before my time, I stand corrected, and I appreciate the correction.

Certainly no games in any console generation following the Genesis / SNES era have included such, however, and as such I continue to not really expect the feature to appear in Madden NFL anytime soon.
I believe it was a Genesis version of the game but could be wrong. I started playing Madden on PC before it was even on a console (if recollections serves correctly).

That said, I do believe that putting the resources into doing something like that would be put extremely low on a priority list with today's gamers habits and I don't blame them at all for that.
# 79 bcruise @ 05/13/15 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by bringbacksimfootball
Mmmmmm, I seem to recall either John Madden Football or Madden '92 on Genesis showing highlights from other games at halftime.
Not halftime, it was post-game, if it's the one I'm thinking of. And if I remember correctly it was Madden 95 or 96. And it wasn't much to speak of - just the in-game engine showing a single play where a team either scored a TD or they didn't. It was more of a look-in than a highlight, and I don't know if the final score even had any bearing on what happened in that play.

That's the only one I can remember.
# 80 kehlis @ 05/13/15 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise
Not halftime, it was post-game, if it's the one I'm thinking of. And if I remember correctly it was Madden 95 or 96. And it wasn't much to speak of - just the in-game engine showing a single play where a team either scored a TD or they didn't. It was more of a look-in than a highlight, and I don't know if the final score even had any bearing on what happened in that play.

That's the only one I can remember.
I remember a half time show but to the same degree that you are describing.

It was boring plays like a final field goal or a one yard TD run.

I could very well be wrong (can't remember what I had for breakfast) but I'm almost certain there was a halftime show at some point.

But I don't think that means the current game owes that to us to be honest.

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