MLB 15 The Show News Post

MLB 15 The Show patch 1.02 is available now for both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 consoles. Play a few games and let us know what you are seeing.

Check out the details below.
  • Online Gameplay – Game would occasionally hang following an Intentional Walk, a regular Base on Balls, a Hit by Pitch, or a Balk.
  • General – Batters would strikeout on the second strike when the performed certain check swings at pitches in the dirt.
  • Franchise mode – Edit Player screen was limiting users from editing generated players, and players on certain teams.
  • General – Specific home runs would result in a baserunner staying on 1st base, and not score correctly.
  • Online Franchise - Injuries were not occurring during Online Franchise games.
  • Online Gameplay – Guessing Pitches had a delay and users would occasionally fail to guess Location and Pitch Type when offering input quickly.
  • Online – Within Game Rooms, users were missing their rank logos that distinguished them as Rookie, Veteran, All-Star, Hall of Fame, or Legend rank.
  • Online – Play Now Rated and Diamond Dynasty – Home and Away team assignment was not random, resulting in some users always being the home team, or always the away team.
  • Online – Play Now Online rated – Controlling the KC Royals, user would be given control of the ace pitcher (Ventura) no matter who was chosen to be the starting pitcher in the Pitcher Select screen.
  • Card Collections – Redeem Legend button was missing after completing a collection.
  • General - CPU runners were not using correct lead off logic.
  • General – Specific edited rosters would cause the game to crash when loading into a Road To The Show Showcase game.
  • General – Andrew McCutchen’s hair has been adjusted – We gave him a haircut to match his current appearance.
  • General – Wrigley Field had some collision/Home Run detection issues. Certain foul balls were being counted as Home Runs down the 1st base line.
  • General – Sounds of the Show issues have been resolved. Custom music was not being saved correctly where users intended them to.
  • General – Public Announcer audio was frequently incorrect (announcing the wrong name) during the end of game wrap up and also when bringing relief pitchers into the game.
  • General – Highlight Reel was added back into post game menus, by popular demand!
  • General – Tweaking and refining of in game sound effects.
  • General – Front End User Interface tweaking. Team colors on User’s Player Card.
  • General – Tuning to trade logic, specifically how the CPU traded with other CPU teams in Franchise and Season modes.
  • General – Baserunning/Lead Runner windows were missing from Manager Mode.
  • General - Players will now wear sleeves when the game is played at lower temperatures.
  • General – Fixed many occurrences of consumer reported crashes, reported to us through the PS4 operating system crash reporting tool. Areas that encountered these rare crashes included: Exiting Amateur Draft in Franchise mode / Entering Diamond Dynasty / During initial boot-up / Using the Suggested Trade feature in Franchise mode / Specific in game scenarios.
  • Community Market – Changing pages in the marketplace completed order now works.
  • Gameplay – Animation clean up and tuning.
  • Gameplay – Adjustments to tagging sliding baserunners.
  • AI tuning – Bunt success rate was incorrect/too successful and accurate.
  • Year to Year Saves modifications – Properly handling a small batch of players who were not in the league in MLB 14, and how they transfer over to MLB 15.

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 authentic @ 04/23/15 01:52 PM
I'll probably stream some after the Cubs game. I'm interested to see what this patch adds from a gameplay aspect. I don't really have a lot of complaints besides the small bugs like striking out with 2 strikes, stuff like that.
# 122 thaSLAB @ 04/23/15 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by Go Yankees
Either was the Cutchs hair....
Grammatical bugs.

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# 123 tree3five @ 04/23/15 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
It was broken last year,now it's working properly.
Not a big deal, but I liked it better when it was broken. Cutch looks awesome btw!
# 124 PittPens1787 @ 04/23/15 02:01 PM
No fix for the Sportscast Manager sim mode UI/overlay getting all messed up in franchise mode after the first time you use it There are 4 bug reports for it so I was hoping this would be fixed.

Gets annoying having to restart the whole game after every single day in franchise
# 125 Factzzz @ 04/23/15 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by tree3five
Not a big deal, but I liked it better when it was broken. Cutch looks awesome btw!
Everyone, literally everyone, liked it better when it was "broken," and they should consider "breaking," it again for MLB 16 the Show.
# 126 jcar0725 @ 04/23/15 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Baseball Purist
This is what I was looking forward to most. Guess we'll have to deal it with this year, or edit the pitchers.
Or, you could get better at hitting.
# 127 brrmikey @ 04/23/15 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Because the vast and I mean very vast majority of people who play our game want to finish games faster.
thanks for chiming in Russell, much appreciated.
what i can't get past is that you and your team added AWESOME new additions / kept cool existing scenes in between pitches / innings that contradict achieving a goal of having the game finish faster:

1. split screen pitcher/batter
2. dirtcam view
3. broken bat, getting a new one
4. ball boy returning to seat
5. pitcher taking off hat to wipe sweat / gather himself
6. showing emotion of pitcher questioning ball that should have been a strike (i.e. lifting hands like "are you kidding me")
7. home run replay from previous inning(s); hr/xtra base hit in between innings
8. mascot hyping up the crowd
9. show motion replay
etc.. could go on forever mentioning cool things

I'm loving all the stuff above, adding to the authenticity of the game. Not showing foul balls going into the stands more often like it used to, interrupting the throw back to the pitcher from the catcher, etc...seems to take a bit of the essence of baseball away. my biggest fear is that eventually too much baseball will get removed from the game in favor of finishing the game faster...that's why you added fast play, in game saves, usage of x button...it's not like you're forcing everyone to watch everything like some FPS, other genres.

love the game, love the SCEA team's accomplishments.
just my 2 cents.
# 128 RogueHominid @ 04/23/15 02:27 PM
Still no direct confirmation on whether a restart is necessary to get the benefit of improved trade logic, etc.

Can we get something on this one way or another?
# 129 jcar0725 @ 04/23/15 02:33 PM
I played a franchise game last night, Indians vs. Royals, close game, had to go the bullpen in the 6th inning even though I had the lead because the starter labored through 95 pitches in just 5 innings......ended up clinging to a 2 run victory.

I wasn't in a rush, so I let MOST (not all) of the animations play out between pitches. How long did the game take to play? 1 full hour. That is PLENTY long for a game, regardless of some foul ball animations being taken out, or an occasional batter walk up being left out. Guess what, watch a real game on TV and not every batter walk up is shown, and not every foul ball is shown.

I go on this discussion board almost daily, for game tips or other interesting game related info, and I love this game and all that the developers do for its fans.....

I just cannot believe the amount of whiners and complainers.....it is 100% ridiculous.
# 130 ChiTownKid @ 04/23/15 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by rovert22044
That attitude is not welcome here. That self-entitled stance is what turns companies like SCEA away from the community. I'm willing to bet your request was not ignored. Maybe the issue will be fixed in the next patch; maybe the issue is being worked on right now. Regardless, you're not entitled and that route is unnecessary. Show some respect and appreciation.

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Sorry, Dad. Please don't hit me with the belt again.
# 131 Turbojugend @ 04/23/15 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mets7766
I really haven't seen any whining. Even those who express a desire to see certain cut-scenes back in the game, have taken time to say how generally great the game is, and how much they enjoy the overall experience.
This. No need to call people out for politely requesting features they'd like to se.
# 132 jripper09 @ 04/23/15 02:46 PM
taking out the pinch hitters stats is really annoying to me now i button mash to get to the AB no reason to watch that animation without onscreen stats for season. The way the game is going you stat guys(me included) will never get an improvement in onscreen stats during a game great for MOM players who need things to keep them more involved in there games when we mainly are just watching the action. i don't want to hit pause to have to go look for my pinch hitters stats. I hate this even more show a replay then the next batter is magically at the plate with no stats! this needs to be changed.
this being said glad they added the highlight show back as well as the runners windows as well as a lot of the other things in this patch....... impressive.
# 133 Elvis20870 @ 04/23/15 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Mets7766
I really haven't seen any whining. Even those who express a desire to see certain cut-scenes back in the game, have taken time to say how generally great the game is, and how much they enjoy the overall experience.
I am not complaining I am just stating my personal feelings and I have expressed that the game is better this year. Plus us consumers have a right to whine if we plunk down our hard earn money for a game and to get 15 patches afterwards to make the game work properly..lol
# 134 ChiTownKid @ 04/23/15 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Because the vast and I mean very vast majority of people who play our game want to finish games faster.
EA's MVP at one point removed the catcher throwing the ball back to the pitcher. That was a major factor (not the only one, but a major one) in me passing over that game in the years that followed. To some, that probably sounds stupid. But while there are impatient people who just want to burn through a game (lots of em in online play, apparently), there are plenty still, like myself, who enjoy seeing every nuance of the game represented. In fact, the more nuances there are, the more beloved the game becomes.

I never understood why a minority segment of the fanbase has to suffer for the will of the majority, especially over something that could so easily be rectified by an option with a check box. If you don't like watching the animation, uncheck the box. If you like it, leave it checked.

Same thing with True Analog hitting. Who would it have harmed to leave the old method in the game as an option? I understand why it was changed, but did the baby really need to go out with the bathwater? Makes no sense to me.
# 135 rovert22044 @ 04/23/15 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by ChiTownKid
Sorry, Dad. Please don't hit me with the belt again.

Suiting username. Self-entitled child. You'll grow up someday.

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# 136 ChiTownKid @ 04/23/15 02:50 PM
yeah you can start using PMs to berate me any time now, gramps.
# 137 My993C2 @ 04/23/15 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by PittPens1787
No fix for the Sportscast Manager sim mode UI/overlay getting all messed up in franchise mode after the first time you use it There are 4 bug reports for it so I was hoping this would be fixed.

Gets annoying having to restart the whole game after every single day in franchise
It is an annoying bug especially when it worked fine in previous years. But there is a workaround, you don't need to completely restart the game. If you can enter into the game prior to the Sportscast Manager game completing, then the bug won't surface. But if you forget to enter into the game, what I have done for my next game I need to sim (I use the Sportscast Manager to often sim games for the other teams in the league I do not control), anyway prior to simming the next game, I will enter it as a CPU vs CPU game, fast forward to the end of the game and then the next time you want to sim another game for the Sportscast Manager, the problem is solved.

It is however an unfortunate bug and puzzling how the panels could be shifted down on the screen. I could be wrong but as a software developer myself, it's probably a real simple fix too. I am sure the MLB The Show in-game code is rather complex with tons and tons of math embedded into the code base. But the panels for the screen layout of the Sportscast Manager? That's got to be pretty straight forward code.
# 138 jm2054 @ 04/23/15 02:58 PM
Good patch happy about Cutch hair and the online play improvements should make DD better also the page issue being fixed is nice
# 139 ChiTownKid @ 04/23/15 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mets7766
I remember playing an arcade baseball game (World Series: The Season, I think) in the mid/late 80's, and being so impressed by seeing the catcher throw the ball back. I'm not sure how old you are, but maybe it's a generational thing.
I'm in my early 40's.
# 140 Ebpmd @ 04/23/15 03:01 PM
I'm disappointed as you still cannot edit helmet types with historic roster ported over from 14. I though all fields were to be editable?

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