MLB 15 The Show News Post

If there has been a theme to the recent MLB 15: The Show live streams, it's that the development team is focused on the details. From skin tones to lighting, the new additions reinforce the idea that The Show is a series which gets a lot of the "little things" right.

There's a dual danger to this approach though, albeit one mitigated by Sony San Diego's commitment to a deep and transparent marketing strategy: ****** users may miss these minute improvements, while long time fans can find plenty of details that are still missing.

Read More - For Better or Worse, The Show is in the Details

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 1 BSUFAN @ 03/19/15 10:25 AM
I just enjoy baseball and the " Show " and what ever they have done to this years version I applaud and give kudos. For me licensed equipment is a awesome addition and the rest is gravy.Everything in life has flaws and I myself I don't dwell on the minor/small stuff the whole package inclusive is good enough for me. Thanks San Diego Studios on another great year to come.
# 2 Sip_16 @ 03/19/15 10:43 AM
The Show is the game I look forward to most every year. Baseball is my #1 sport so that makes sense, but I still feel so impressed year in year out, even if certain things haven't been updated or improved upon.

The lighting and real sunlight is a given with how amazing it looks.

What I am most excited about in regards to improvements is the ability to see more fielding animations which I have already seen many new ones from the streams.

Also, the new pitch breaks for every pitcher looks great. I think it will really make facing each pitcher more of a challenge or less depending on who it is. I think facing a Kershaw CB will be hard to lay off but maybe not Joe Nobodys CB.

I am bummed with the old pure analog being taken out but I'll adjust and go from there.

Nice work SCEA
# 3 aguero90 @ 03/19/15 10:55 AM
I love the little, but huge tweak of pbp now saying pitch counts on almost every pitch!!! It's amazing how such a small detail can make a big difference!
# 4 HypoLuxa13 @ 03/19/15 11:00 AM
Little (and some not-so-little) things I'm looking forward to:
- lighting updates
- more & contextually realistic fielding animations
- new pitch breaks
- adjusted fielder/base runner speed formulas
- improved off-the-bat fly ball velocities
- Franchise trade, budget and free agent logic improvements (we'll have to wait and see how much improvement has been made.)
- the addition of performance factors to progression/regression

The licensed equipment, tweaked and expanded commentary, updated Diamond Dynasty, new menus, etc are all very welcomed and appreciated, but they are lower on my list of things I'm looking forward to seeing/using.

11 more days.
# 5 Armor and Sword @ 03/19/15 11:01 AM
I am a baseball player and travel coach first and foremost. With that angle it is so easy for me to appreciate MLB The Show year in and year out. Because on the field they have consistently out done the previous version with so many little things.

1. Ball physics - The single most important and evolving feature IMO. The game has felt more and more real to me because of the way the ball behaves. It looks and feels very realistic. I play ball almost every day (yeah still do it oh my aching muscles!). This part of the game keeps me coming back for more. Hit variety has gotten better and better since MLB 11 and then on 12 with the introduction of ball physics 1.0

2. Batter/Pitcher showdown - the heart and soul of any console baseball game. MLB The Show nailed this and continues to nail this aspect. Baseball is the ultimate game of anticipation. Nothing is better than facing down a big stick and getting them to chase a pitch low and away for a huge strike out. Nothing get's me more pumped than than having my best hitter at the plate, down 0-2 in the count and working it back to 3-2 and then launching a HR into the bleachers. This part of the game is supreme. No game does it better than The Show.

3. Atmosphere - every year it's get's better and better and better.

4. Controls/interfaces/options - The ultimate game of options and finding a combo you love to play with. Is there any sports game that has built upon their foundation of control options like The Show?

This season we are getting a host of franchise improvements with the trade finder, contract handbook, radio show, better broadcast aspects, well over a 1000 new lines of play by play, GM goals...they keep making an already rich and deep franchise mode even better.

In a nutshell this team understands how to keep it's core intact and build out a game. Adding layers to already successful layers. Great communication and responsiveness to their hard core fans. What more could you want. Well OK...closing roofs and historical stats (important aspects of baseball big time)....and I know we will get it all this console cycle. I know they will keep enhancing and improving an already AAA title.

12 more days!!!!
# 6 BULLKID @ 03/19/15 11:02 AM
Inside the Show radio has my attention as well,can't wait to hear about my franchise from Mlb 14 carry over to Mlb 15 will sound
# 7 HustlinOwl @ 03/19/15 11:03 AM
Looking forward to the licensed equipment and revamped Diamond Dynasty
# 8 HenryClay1844 @ 03/19/15 11:14 AM
I'm only ******ly interested in baseball and have found the gameplay mechanics of the show frustrating (being able to actually get hits while playing on a challenging level), but as someone who's number one game is soccer and FIFA I so envy the depth and attention to detail in the show. The visual presentation (not the audio) and the attention to detail for rules and depth of experience for franchise blows FIFA out of the water. I also love the transparency of promotion for the Show to the managed snippets EA gives us for FIFA.
# 9 mosdef328 @ 03/19/15 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
I am a baseball player and travel coach first and foremost. With that angle it is so easy for me to appreciate MLB The Show year in and year out. Because on the field they have consistently out done the previous version with so many little things.

1. Ball physics - The single most important and evolving feature IMO. The game has felt more and more real to me because of the way the ball behaves. It looks and feels very realistic. I play ball almost every day (yeah still do it oh my aching muscles!). This part of the game keeps me coming back for more. Hit variety has gotten better and better since MLB 11 and then on 12 with the introduction of ball physics 1.0

2. Batter/Pitcher showdown - the heart and soul of any console baseball game. MLB The Show nailed this and continues to nail this aspect. Baseball is the ultimate game of anticipation. Nothing is better than facing down a big stick and getting them to chase a pitch low and away for a huge strike out. Nothing get's me more pumped than than having my best hitter at the plate, down 0-2 in the count and working it back to 3-2 and then launching a HR into the bleachers. This part of the game is supreme. No game does it better than The Show.

3. Atmosphere - every year it's get's better and better and better.

4. Controls/interfaces/options - The ultimate game of options and finding a combo you love to play with. Is there any sports game that has built upon their foundation of control options like The Show?

This season we are getting a host of franchise improvements with the trade finder, contract handbook, radio show, better broadcast aspects, well over a 1000 new lines of play by play, GM goals...they keep making an already rich and deep franchise mode even better.

In a nutshell this team understands how to keep it's core intact and build out a game. Adding layers to already successful layers. Great communication and responsiveness to their hard core fans. What more could you want. Well OK...closing roofs and historical stats (important aspects of baseball big time)....and I know we will get it all this console cycle. I know they will keep enhancing and improving an already AAA title.

12 more days!!!!
Love your comments and appreciate your expert insight. I just started playing the Show last year on PS4. I love baseball and think the team does a great job capturing the atmosphere of the game.
# 10 dazzelle @ 03/19/15 11:41 AM
Few of the little things i have liked so far.

I really liked how the lighting changed in the final game with nick and kirby, never noticed it change like that in any of the other games so maybe it needs those specific settings(think it was partly cloudy),would love a random/dynamic weather setting.

I also liked the replay when kirby hit a 3 run dbl and how camera stayed showing the whole field instead of cutting to the ball quickly like normal.So excited that there maybe more improvements with replays/replay angles.

And agree HenryClay about the devs showing off the game,TBH i think i enjoyed listening to them talk about the game and stuff more than seeing the gameplay,still glad they showed it though.
# 11 xCULLO @ 03/19/15 12:12 PM
I would buy The Show every year if they just changed the cover of the box, I'm as die-hard as it gets.

As they said in one of the live streams, baseball is one of the few sports that rely on little things to determine the outcome of games, seasons, and careers. It is only fitting that they continue to improve on the "little things" that make this sport as great as it is.
# 12 rkf0901 @ 03/19/15 12:14 PM
I wish EA's NHL team would put this much into their product.
# 13 brrmikey @ 03/19/15 12:36 PM
The thread is right on point. The Show is a solid game year after year. The other day I asked myself what does this game do year after year to make me not EVER remotely even think about playing the previous version(s)...and this is coming from a player who only uses offline single season & playoff modes, nothing else. it dawned on me that it has to be all the little things adding up to a better game year after year.
# 14 Jr. @ 03/19/15 12:44 PM
I still feel the game is too scripted at times, but I do feel the game comes pretty close to replicating baseball well.

I would just like to see more misplayed balls in the OF, different error animations, and throws that are more random. I haven't noticed the new tag system in any of the videos I've watched so far, so I'm still interested to see how that plays out, too.

I'm pumped for the changes with contracts and the offseason, though. Should make it much more realistic when putting a team together.
# 15 DGuinta1 @ 03/19/15 12:58 PM
I hope they improve the Play by Play. Love how it's done with NBA2k15.
# 16 mrdannymartinez @ 03/19/15 01:01 PM
Great article! Job well done by the author.

The Show truly has been the most consistently above average sports gaming franchise. Year after year they deliver a solid product that accurately resembles the actual real-life sport. Some may complain that there isn't enough novel additions to the game but honestly, it is hard to drastically change something that is so good and true to the game.

I guess the one thing they need to refresh is the commentary, but even that is still above average.

Either way, great job all around!
# 17 KennyJ1976 @ 03/19/15 01:41 PM
They still haven't figured out how to open and close domed stadiums? Also, what happened to the four different umpire crews with each one of them having a name and their own specific strike zone? And why did they get rid of the rosin bag on the mound? With all the stadium upgrades, why don't they ever change the LED advertisement boards around the stadium? And why does the organ or hype music abruptly stops after the pitcher is ready? With all that said, I still love this game. Just commenting on some little things missing or taken out of the game.
# 18 mike1990 @ 03/19/15 02:07 PM
I'm excited about the licensed equipment even though I'm on PS3 and it'll just be for a ratings boost.
New Trade logic, it gets boring ripping other teams off.
The radio show seems really interesting.
The different handshakes they mentioned, individual or team orientated.
The new pitch breaks. Glad every pitcher has their own pitch breaks instead of being similar generic like previously.

This will be the first time I've bought the Show when it'szx released since 12, and the first one I've bought since 13. So hopefully It'll be something I'd like playing throughout the season
# 19 Braker1319 @ 03/19/15 02:10 PM
This game is going to be fantastic as always. I watched some of the streams, but I can't wait to see how everything looks on my tv when I start it up.

I'm very interested to see the new tag animation system in action. I don't remember really seeing it or hearing the devs talk about it. Along with that, the new ball physics and outfielder routes will be a nice update. Playing CF for over 10 years, it's weirdly uncomfortable to watch an outfielder run up and take a 100mph screamer on a short hop and never make an error on the bounce (cups IMHO cause more harm than good diving for a ball).

Can't wait for the 31st!
# 20 My993C2 @ 03/19/15 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Jr.
I would just like to see more misplayed balls in the OF, different error animations, and throws that are more random.
Last night in an MoM Spring Training game, my left and center fielders both misplayed separate line drives and because they both failed to catch the ball and instead allowed it to squirt to the fence on both plays, I gave up not 1 but 2 inside the park home runs in the same inning. I saw enough misplayed balls in one inning, I don't need to see anymore for a least a few games.

Oh and this was all in MLB 14. This year's game should even be better.

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