NBA 2K15 News Post

NBA 2K15 patch #4 has been released for PlayStation 4 and PC users. It is not available yet for Xbox One users. The patch primarily addresses the shoe issues in the game, more specifically in MyCAREER mode. You can see the workaround here.

After you download it, let us know what you are seeing. Once 2K releases the patch notes, we will update this post.

UPDATE: (via @Ronnie2K) Another thing addressed last night was fix to deal w/ rare occurrences that led to NBA 2K15 MyPARK rep being stuck. Should no longer happen.

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Member Comments
# 121 xItzxWeezie @ 03/13/15 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by aussieicon91
Can't do the method to get deadeye badge anymore, you get bad shot selection every time.. ****!

That's a huge letdown 😔. This was one of the last badges I need. Ughh..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 122 SEGAfan @ 03/13/15 07:57 AM
No new player faces/haircuts?
# 123 ballstreet2k @ 03/13/15 08:16 AM
This patch basically feels like patch 2 with those two or three good fixes from patch 3
# 124 Taer @ 03/13/15 09:11 AM
After playing 5 games (3 MC and 2 normal SS/Sim 12min quarters) here are my gameplay impressions:

  1. Defense is back - prior to patch 4, defense had turned into bumper cars and traffic cones. Now I feel defense is as responsive as I've seen it this year.
  2. In 5 games I only had 1 blown dunk. Prior to the patch I'd have 1 or more a game. This is good.
  3. The ai players on the user controlled team are more responsive to loose balls and 50-50 situations.
  4. Passing is still the weak link in this year's version and needs the most work on. There are times directional passing ignored my sticks and passed it to an unexpected recipient. This resulted in turnovers 100% of the time such a pass occurred.
I am not seeing the issues with 3-point shots others are. Perhaps it is because the defense is better and I can contest shots more than I was before but the results in both MC and the standard games were expected. There were times Manu Ginoble got hot for the Spurs but Greene or the others on the team never got any unexpected shots to go in with consistency.

I had unusual comebacks by the ai in two of the games: one MC and one standard game - where huge runs were proceeded by 3 cheap fouls being awarded early in a quarter to spark the run. Both comebacks followed the same script which is why they stood out to me. These were fouls charged to ai controlled players and they were both shooting and non-shooting fouls.
# 125 13CB55 @ 03/13/15 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Andreas85
Just to be clear, after the patch is it simply easier to get exellent releases or are yellow shots going in at a higher precentage aswell?
Ive just played 10 park games and honestly...I dont see much difference.
I think I can move better on defense but maybe it was because its was totally lag free for me today.

On Offense I had one game where I missed 4 wide open 3s with the meter right on the line, the next game I went 7/7 with 5 3s, some semi contested. No more green then usual. But my shot felt slower. I use 54 on quick and the first couple of shots where all early, and that barely happend before but easy to adjust if thats the case now.

I cant say for sure if it was me or if the guy just was rated low/bad, but I only contest with the right stick and I got one guy airballing 3 times in one game. Even once from mid.
And I didnt see one BS shot go in over lock up defense.
# 126 Raindragon @ 03/13/15 09:21 AM
Ok not sure why some folks have really long download times. 22 Minutes from start to finish for PS4. Now I have no idea what was fixed I haven't noticed anything yet I only played 1 game last night. If they post the notes from the patch will it be on the 2K site? Just curious what they really fixed as this thread seems to have a lot of speculation but no answers.
# 127 Goffs @ 03/13/15 09:28 AM
My experience playing in the park with the patch.....

I feel that I can control my center a bit better without him going out of position when moving the sticks lightly

Blocking seems better (need more tests)

Guys seems to shoot with ease now....now I don't shoot much since I play a "defensive" center (lol) but I've noticed when I have my hands up on guys faces they just make the shot with ease.....might as well have invisible arms when trying to contest a shot.

Overall meh....only thing positive is that I can control myplayer better....for a maxxed out athletic "defensive" center he feels a bit better athletically....
# 128 23 @ 03/13/15 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by coached17
Yeah...that's the point I was trying to make...I'm a shooting "God". /sarcasm

Come on guys...GROW UP.

I didn't make the comment to stroke my ego and tell everyone at OS how AWESOME I am at the game. This isn't a pissing contest...so don't turn it into one.

However, there is a huge problem with threads like this and people who post...if you're ONLY playing OFFLINE and refuse to even TRY one game online to experience what I'm talking about...then why should we bother listening or debating?

I'm not being RUDE, but it's a legitimate question.

You're comparing games against the CPU for crying out loud. You only know how the shooting is for YOU. Go online and watch someone make 75% of their jump shots and tell me if you still have the same opinion.
First of all watch your tone. Just because some one has a difference of opinion doesn't mean they need to grow up and I didnt refer to you specifically with my comment but it does surely happen on this site and ive seen 2k chqnge the game because of it.

Secondly i could give a crap about online for many reasons..... and wasnt talking about online. I was speaking for offline players which are far greater in number than you may care to acknowledge.

I dont care how mad you are about it. If youre only talking about online then youre giving a one sided perspective.
# 129 lareka @ 03/13/15 10:18 AM
I was in the post -season with Denver playing against GSW before the patch and I got the 3-0 lead over them. But CPU really did his best ( cheeses , glitches ,everything ) and tied the series up 3-3 until I got the update yesterday and played 1st half of the game 7 and i'm leading by 25 points. I basically played the same way last 2 games especially but I wasn't able to stop opponent from scoring. It felt like they'd do whatever it takes to score : Off. rebound, shooting over people, getting cheap and 1s, playing like superman and etc and my shots which were good shots not going in. You know the feeling...

After the yesterday's update shots are falling much easier for me and I am able to stop the opponent for real. There are lots of small changes in terms of gameplay and since i was playing against the same team in the post-season before and after the patch I can clearly say that the gameplay has changed !

There was not a single moment in that series that I had 15 points lead against GSW but right now I have. Same team, same sliders, same opponent, same type of game, same points of emphasis, same line-up, i take the same shots and defend the same way but the result is very different = that's because of the patch number 4
# 130 DBMcGee3 @ 03/13/15 10:25 AM
Still no fix for those end of game highlights eh? I like this game a lot, but if that issue isn't resolved by next year I may just pass on the game. Are there any devs in the thread who can explain why this is so difficult to remedy? The game is beautiful, I want to watch my player highlights at the end. If it can't be done (which I find hard to believe since it's been done in years past), then just take it out of the game. It's crazy to have the game tell you about the highlights and then glitch right through them.
# 131 Steve_OS @ 03/13/15 10:27 AM
Updated OP.

UPDATE: (via @Ronnie2K) Another thing addressed last night was fix to deal w/ rare occurrences that led to NBA 2K15 MyPARK rep being stuck. Should no longer happen.
# 132 erickonasis @ 03/13/15 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by coached17
It's really odd...because I think the game post-patch plays really well...it's more of a realistic feel of what you see in an NBA game. You have to play defense or guys will make lots of shots...and against the CPU with patches to defensive movement and AI, it feels really good.

No more herky jerky, clunky feel to certain player movements...no more NBA players CONSTANTLY missing layups...the game just feels and responds a lot better.

But...you can throw that out the window as soon as you put this in an online (or offline) User Vs. User environment.

The shooting just makes it too easy to score, even with good defense.

I'll give 2K some credit...there are lots of positive changes. Defense is as responsive as ever. The CPU seems to play smarter. Players controlled by the CPU seem to play more like their real-life counterparts. Floor spacing is better. Foul calls are more realistic, but still called. Things feel less predictable than before.

All this makes for a better experience. But the shooting just needs to be Nerf'd a little bit. Not even all that much. Mostly just the contested shots. I think a small tweak could do the trick.
I didnt even bother to download the pathc but after reading this i am going to thank you. Hopefully this is offline
# 133 OneDrop @ 03/13/15 10:27 AM
The new shooting online is awful. MyPark games have turned into 3-point shooting contests. I could hit a good amount of jumpshots pre-patch, now everybody's a shooter. I remember scoring three consecutive three pointers pre-patch and I felt like my shooting game was on fleek that game because it wasn't something that occured a lot until now, people run up, zig zag around and hit every three pointer even if well contested. I hit two perfect releases yesterday with hands in my face, it's just ridiculous.
# 134 chickenboom @ 03/13/15 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by OneDrop
The new shooting online is awful. MyPark games have turned into 3-point shooting contests. I could hit a good amount of jumpshots pre-patch, now everybody's a shooter. I remember scoring three consecutive three pointers pre-patch and I felt like my shooting game was on fleek that game because it wasn't something that occured a lot until now, people run up, zig zag around and hit every three pointer even if well contested. I hit two perfect releases yesterday with hands in my face, it's just ridiculous.
Lol that's essentially the stage. If you're not getting greens your gonna be broke
# 135 dwayne12345 @ 03/13/15 10:42 AM
Not sure but after simulating through a season in a new MyLeague post patch I think they did tweak the regression. Here are ALL the overall rating drops of players under 30 years old after season 1:

JR Smith -1
Ilyasova -1
Shumpert -1
Horford -1
Deng -2
Kidd-Gilchrist -2 (played just 10 games due to injury)
Ty Lawson -1 (injury)
Embiid -2 (injury)
Aaron Gordon -1 (injury)
JJ Hickson -1
George Hill -1
Damjan Rudez -1
Roy Hibbert -1
Paul George -2 (injury)
Omer Asik -2
Jodie Meeks -2
Gerald Green -2
Wilson Chandley -1
Amir Johnson -1
Seraphin -1
Ariza -1
Josh Smith -3 (Torn Achilles)
Jeremy Lamb -2 (played 1 game)
Nikola Pekovic -2
Nicolas Batum -4 (Torn MCL)

That is EVERYBODY in MyLeague who regressed that was under 30 years old. Only a few guys above 30 y/o lossed more than 3 points (Tim Duncan, Pau Gasol, David Lee, Kevin Martin, Amare Stoudemire, Chris Anderson, Tony Allen, Turkoglu, Varejao, G. Wallace, Nene, Taj, and Zaza)

Regression seems to be fixed.
# 136 ItsJustaGame @ 03/13/15 10:43 AM
If you're referring to the park in MyPark, then I have no clue what game you've been playing the past 6 months because the park has and will always be like that.

I think the new patch is great, and I'll stand by that. The shoes are fixed, the rest of the badges are fixed, the game runs smoother than ever at the Rec, defensive movements feel better, and the shooting feels great.

The only thing I could mention negatively would be the man-to-man defensive icons, they seem to be a little haywire. But I will take the high road and just assume that we all need to be bumping off our man better and play help defense/switch.

Bottom line: the game just got a little better in my opinion, and I'm totally cool widdat.

If you have qualms with the park/rec based on the new patch, that's fine, but trust me, overall it's better, there's always going to be things/people that just cheese it out because it's an online sports game.
# 137 Mintsa @ 03/13/15 10:51 AM
Unfortunately my download took all night (it's done now). Any ranked match head to head impressions ?? Anything changed/tweaked ?

I know they tweaked the gameplay with after the all-star roster update (more blocks, missed dunks etc).
# 138 Caelumfang @ 03/13/15 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by madmax52277
Not trying to be a wise guy here..but wasn't the main complaint of bricking wide open jumpshot, not getting green realises..NOW NO MORE CRYING STEP YOUR GAME UP (PRACTICE) LEARN HOW TO PLAY DEFENSE. the movement on defense has been tweaked i'm loving it.

You get what you ask for.
This, basically. Sure, some BS shots are gonna fall, that's what happens in basketball. You can only play good defense and hope it was enough to cause a miss. But it was ridiculous having to go like 3-14 on all wide open shots in some games. If you are successful in getting to the open spots or breaking your man down in order to get open, you should be rewarded with a higher volumes of makes.
# 139 thedream2k13 @ 03/13/15 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Caelumfang
This, basically. Sure, some BS shots are gonna fall, that's what happens in basketball. You can only play good defense and hope it was enough to cause a miss. But it was ridiculous having to go like 3-14 on all wide open shots in some games. If you are successful in getting to the open spots or breaking your man down in order to get open, you should be rewarded with a higher volumes of makes.
No you are rewarded with a open shot attempt. Release, type of shot ,spot on floor and individual shot ratings still matter.
# 140 Magnus1959 @ 03/13/15 11:35 AM
Glad to be able to get Bruiser on both my PF and C.

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