MLB 15 The Show News Post

The MLB 15 The Show gameplay stream is starting in a few minutes. You can click the "Spoiler Show" button below to watch it here at OS, or open a new browser and watch it. For those of you that miss out, we'll update this post with the archive when it is available on Twitch.

Some bullet points (Thanks jyoung!)

  • Dynamic shadows in each stadium that will change over the course of the season
  • Colors will also change based on the amount of sun exposure
  • Grass and dirt colors are more accurate for each stadium
  • There are way more skin tones (they used to only have 13), which means you'll get much more realistic skin on dark-toned players
  • Directional hitting lets you influence where the ball will go, even in "timing only" mode
  • Dynamic pitch breaks make each pitch type easier to recognize and closer to how the ball acts in real life
  • Quick counts will start you in the middle of an at-bat more frequently. Pitchers will always start on a 1-1 count
  • Manual cutoffs are triggered by the L1 button and will help keep singles with a runner in scoring position from turning into cheap doubles
  • Outfielders have more curved, indirect routes, and will no longer just take straight paths to the ball. This should help reduce the number of undeserved doubles and triples
  • Infielders will follow the ball better and cover bases more realistically
  • There were no changes to umpires
  • The new MLB challenge system is in place for close plays at bases
  • Lots of new catching, tagging, and throwing animations were captured; they are unique to each base
  • Baserunners will slow up now and dynamically change their run speed based on where the ball is hit
  • There is more of a separation this year between fast and and slow runners
  • Expect less warping and no more sudden, unrealistic speed boosts in all fielding animations
  • You can use analog swings with timing hitting now
  • Meter pitching is more sensitive and has more risk/reward. Missing your mark has more of a penalty, hitting your mark has more of a benefit
  • Fielding and throwing sliders are now separated into different slider categories for infield/outfield
Next week: There will be a video blog for licensed equipment and the universal rewards system.
In the future: More twitch broadcasts are coming. A "presentation" stream will be next.

UPDATE: If you missed the stream, you can watch the archive here or click the "Spoiler Show" button below.

As gameplay is being shown, let us know what you think!

Game: MLB 15 The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS Vita / PS3 / PS4Votes for game: 31 - View All
MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 241 HustlinOwl @ 02/06/15 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I was wondering when someone was going to mention that. That is one change I am bummed about. Leaves you a little blind to what is going on.
I play this way already and forces you to look over at runners and less and screen is more
# 242 Pezell04x @ 02/06/15 03:08 PM
Love what I saw from the stream. Not sure if I want to start my franchise over or continue with my Sox 'chise (3 years in). Watching the stream makes me want to jump back in for sure.
# 243 nemesis04 @ 02/06/15 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
I play this way already and forces you to look over at runners and less and screen is more
This is the one in the center of the OSD for the base runner icons at the top of the screen. The other windows are still available.
# 244 Blzer @ 02/06/15 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
I play this way already and forces you to look over at runners and less and screen is more
I do this too, but I'm referring to what nemesis explained (when the ball is in play).
# 245 Russell_SCEA @ 02/06/15 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
so youre saying y2y saves may include roster transfer (OSFM) as well????
No that's a completely different feature that's not in the game this year.
# 246 mojo7877 @ 02/06/15 03:34 PM
Can anyone help me see the video? i open the page that lists the new features and click on the spoiler button and nothing shows. I also click on the archive link and it taks me to the twitch page but it won't let me see the video. i even downloaded the twitch app but that seems useless as nothing comes up. thanks.
# 247 seanjeezy @ 02/06/15 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
No that's a completely different feature that's not in the game this year.

Damn, looking forward to '16 then
# 248 Cowboy008 @ 02/06/15 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I was wondering when someone was going to mention that. That is one change I am bummed about. Leaves you a little blind to what is going on.
I feel the same way.
# 249 nomo17k @ 02/06/15 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by mojo7877
Can anyone help me see the video? i open the page that lists the new features and click on the spoiler button and nothing shows. I also click on the archive link and it taks me to the twitch page but it won't let me see the video. i even downloaded the twitch app but that seems useless as nothing comes up. thanks.
You might need to update your web browser to a version capable of handling Adobe Flash Player...
# 250 DJ @ 02/06/15 03:43 PM
To all the guys that work on this game, thank you very, very much for making the changes you've made to Analog hitting! I've used that mechanic in the past and while enjoyable, I feel these changes will take things to another level.

Has Analog pitching and throwing been modified at all? I can't remember if that was mentioned on the stream or not.

Pre-ordered the 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition today. Can't wait until release day!
# 251 TotesMaGotes @ 02/06/15 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by TheFlamingWeazel
Ugh again.... How do you expect and yearly baseball game that already plays ad close to real as can be expected to look much different? Did you expect a shooter to break out?
Maybe improvement on animations that are stiff? Maybe new animations or fix the old animations? Maybe actually put something new into the game? I don't think any of the "new" stuff they talked about in the stream was actually new. In older games of this franchise and others we have seen players take bad routes to balls, miss read balls in the air, we've seen players not hustle down the line on every hit, we've seen ball physics and wind and clouds that move....

10 years ago we had games that had dynamic weather, stadiums with retractable roofs that would actually open or close. Why should we settle? I know they're busting their butts working on this game but getting excited over a nike swoosh on shoes is what turned Madden into...Madden... This is a solid game year in and year out but why can't it get exponentially better with so much more power behind it? Last year was understandable why it was basically a port from PS3 to PS4 just with added beard length, we as the consumers who pay an outrageous amount for a video game and the consoles shouldn't have to settle, but really they know they don't have to please us.

It's the only MLB baseball game on the only console that offers a MLB baseball game. With the power of the PS4 we shouldn't see players skate around. Actually make the ballplayers look like athletes, not stiff, belly flopping robots. A lot of the same animations have been used since the PS2, I guess I'm not the kind of guy that really likes stagnation...
# 252 sharebear420 @ 02/06/15 04:01 PM
So this archive video....? Where is it? I missed out on the stream but the "stored" video isn't showing up on the forums or twitch
# 253 bcruise @ 02/06/15 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by sharebear420
So this archive video....? Where is it? I missed out on the stream but the "stored" video isn't showing up on the forums or twitch

Or click on the spoiler tab in the first post of this thread.
# 254 sharebear420 @ 02/06/15 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by bcruise

Or click on the spoiler tab in the first post of this thread.
I'm on the twitch app and it's not working. The spoiler tab isn't working either
# 255 Madden's Jowels @ 02/06/15 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
FYI for Year-2-year saves all of the MLB players will have their new unique skin tones. They won't bring over the old ones.

For RTTS, will our players bring over the old skin tone? And if so, can we edit them to get one of the new, better skin tones?
# 256 Motown @ 02/06/15 04:19 PM
Ok, JUST viewing this & it being WIP MLB 15 & the new color palettes, w/ new lighting looks INCREDIBLY lifelike. & with the chain animations goin' I'm just blown away. I can't wait till this drops. Are there more options in the CAP mode? thanks. SCEA....
# 257 DJ @ 02/06/15 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bullit
I cant believe nobody is talking about the new Dynamic Difficulty. Now we can set the speed at how fast or slow we want it to change and adapt. Then when we feel it is perfect we can set it to 0 and it wont change anymore.

For me this is a huge thing and a serious game changer. No chasing sliders, no having a bad day and having everything change. Now I can get it right where I want it Veteran ++ for pitching and All Star +++ for hitting or whatever and then set it so it will just stay there forever!!!!!

Dream come true, for me anyway.
Yes, that was a welcomed addition. Being able to "lock-in" my difficulty levels for pitching and hitting is great. In 14 if your team started to slump at the plate, you knew in 3-4 games you'd be putting up a ton of runs because your difficulty would lower. Now you can stay at the same level and really have to fight your way out of those slumps.
# 258 DJ @ 02/06/15 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by sharebear420
I'm on the twitch app and it's not working. The spoiler tab isn't working either
Go to Page 18 of this thread and there's a 2-part YouTube clip where you can watch yesterday's entire Twitch.
# 259 tabarnes19_SDS @ 02/06/15 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I was wondering when someone was going to mention that. That is one change I am bummed about. Leaves you a little blind to what is going on.
Yeah one thing I didn't like either.
# 260 Russell_SCEA @ 02/06/15 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Madden's Jowels
For RTTS, will our players bring over the old skin tone? And if so, can we edit them to get one of the new, better skin tones?
Patrick is working on that today actually so I can't say either way right now. I'm pretty sure they won't be bringing over their old skin tones, but nothing is concrete right now. Ask me again in a week or so.

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